Golden Summoner

Chapter 531 An unexpected discovery

After the screams of the demon rats under the cave entrance stopped, a few elite slave soldiers entered first, and then Xia Pingan followed and took a look.

There is also a layer of underground facilities below the entrance of this shelter. The entrance is the entrance and exit of the underground facilities.

Xia Pingan went down the underground hole and saw that underneath the shelter was a huge abandoned underground warehouse. Next to the stairs next to the entrance was a line of peeling paint written in French: "French National Materials No. 76" Reserve".

But at this moment, there are no materials in the material storage warehouse. There are only some discarded garbage and packaging boxes, and a few damaged forklifts and other engineering vehicles that fell on the ground. One end of the warehouse is connected to an underground road. There are railway tracks, and there are several huge ventilation shafts on the top of the warehouse. Although it is deep underground, the air is not dirty.

This material storage warehouse is too big, bigger than several football fields combined. There are some holes left by sandworms in the warehouse. Go down the stairs at the hole. This warehouse is almost as high as seven or eight floors. In the warehouse There are several dark passages around, and there are some rooms and other buildings next to the passages.

This is a huge underground project.

The assassin summoned by Xia Pingan soon discovered something here.

Suddenly, a stranger's screaming voice came from a passage in the warehouse, shouting loudly in French, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't know anything, I was kidnapped." , those people forced me..."

There is actually someone else?

Xia Pingan quickly ran towards the place where the sound came from.

At the end of this passage, Xia Pingan saw a thick alloy security door that had been scratched and destroyed by the assassin he summoned.

Behind the security door is a passage. There is a room next to the passage. There are welded iron bars and locks outside the room. It looks like a modified prison cell. The iron bars have been cut with a huge gap. The cell There was a green fluorescent light hanging inside. A white man in his fifties, wearing a dirty old suit and glasses, was sitting on the ground with a frightened expression, explaining in horror to the assassin standing in front of him. .

The assassin summoned by Xia Pingan looked like a human-shaped rolling black smoke under the fluorescent lights. He had no face and could only see the cold eyes flashing red. He looked strange and powerful. The sword was placed on the man's neck, which frightened the man to the point of peeing.

Xia Pingan's order to the assassin was to kill only monsters and not people, so the man was alive until now.

The white man's face was bearded and haggard, his eyes were frightened, and his lips were chapped. He looked like a down-and-out beggar. He had no idea who was intruding here at this moment, and was just desperately trying to explain.

"What's your name, who are you, and why are you here?" Xia Pingan asked directly.

"My name is Ricardo Samuel, I am... a professor at the Technical University of Munich... a biochemist... I was kidnapped and brought here..." The man saw that Xia Pingan seemed to have been in contact with him before Those who are different, quickly replied.

Xia Pingan waved his hand gently, and the assassin disappeared.

The man named Samuel breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to see that Xia Pingan was not a bad person, at least different from those he had interacted with before.

"Do you know where this is?" Xia Pingan asked.

"I...I don't know...I have been blindfolded...I woke up here...I feel like this should be France...because those people all speak French..."

"You are safe now, come forward and speak!"

The man stood up tremblingly, looking at the dark passage outside the room with horrified eyes. He swallowed nervously, "Here... what is this place?"

"This is the underground of Paris..."

"Ah..." The man looked shocked...

"How long have you been kidnapped here?"

"I don't know. I don't have a timing tool with me, but judging from the number of times I eat, I think it may be more than a year... Can you... can you take me out of here?"

"Okay, but wait a moment. Apart from you, are there any other people kidnapped here? Have you ever come into contact with anything special, such as nuclear materials?"

"I...I don't know...I have been kept here by them...Every few days, they will send some food here...By the way, there is a passage behind this room. I often heard the sound in the room before. There were some strange noises coming from the passage outside, and I saw people being sent in one after another..." Samuel pointed gingerly at the other end of the passage outside the room, which had iron bars and a safety door.

"Don't move here..."

Xia Pingan said something to the man, then left the room and walked toward the passage outside the iron bars of the room.

In fact, the man couldn't move, because several elite slave soldiers summoned by Xia Ping'an had already entered here and guarded the passage and room outside. Two elite slave soldiers directly watched the man.

After walking more than ten meters in the passage, another iron fence and a safety door appeared in front of Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan raised his hand, and a high-temperature fireball flew out. The iron bars and safety door were burned and melted, making a big hole. An elite slave soldier walked in front, kicked open the safety door with one kick, and walked straight in.

Unlike outside, as soon as the security door in this passage was broken open, a foul smell came from inside, and something vaguely roared from inside.

The flying fireflies lit up the dark passage again. Xia Pingan walked in with a frown. After a while, Xia Pingan saw what was in the room in the passage.

In several rooms that were transformed into cells, there were a group of zombies with red eyes and disgusting mucus on the corners of their mouths. The walking zombies were locked in the cells, feeling muddleheaded and making weird roars from time to time.

It seemed that it had been a long time since they had smelled the scent of a stranger. As soon as they felt Xia Pingan coming in, the zombies in the room became violent collectively. They stretched out their hands from the room and put their ugly faces that were close to rotting there. On top of the iron fence, he was biting at the iron fence, trying to break out.

Damn it!

There are more than ten rooms containing zombies, and a total of two to three hundred zombies are locked up here.

At the end of this passage, there is an iron door. After breaking the iron door, Xia Ping'an found that there was a laboratory behind the iron door. There were many things in the laboratory. On some boxes in the laboratory, there were Military biological weapons symbol.

The sound of swift footsteps and Fang Lingyu's low exclamation came from behind, "Zombies..."

Xia Pingan turned around and saw Fang Lingqian and Su Xiao from the Dragon Team rushing in from the back passage at the same time...

"Be careful, the things in this room may be more dangerous than nuclear materials..." Xia Pingan warned when he saw the two people entering the room.

When Fang Lingshan and Su Xiao entered the room, they gasped when they saw the signs of military biological weapons on the boxes in the room, with extremely serious expressions on their faces.

"Military neurotoxin..." Fang Lingqian looked at the logo and text on a box and said with a trembling voice.

"There is also military anthrax..." Su Xiao looked at the other boxes and her expression changed.

Everyone came here today originally to find nuclear materials, but unexpectedly, they discovered some biological and chemical weapons hidden here. Needless to say, the things here must have been created by the Devil's Eye. The previous intelligence from the Order Committee and the Dragon Group did not show that there is such a dangerous thing in Paris, but this is normal. The so-called intelligence can never master all the information. If it can really master all the information, then it is not intelligence. Is the Creator.

"Where are the monsters outside?" Xia Ping'an asked.

"It's almost done. You only have one person here, let's come and help you!" Fang Lingqian said, taking out a portable camera and starting to take pictures of the things in the room.

The monsters pouring out from behind were really not enough to see when faced with the well-equipped Order Committee and the Summoners of the Dragon Group.

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