Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 38 Mathiu returns and the medicinal ingredients are in place!

Houston thought about his frail body that had not yet developed the seeds of life, and then thought about Annie's ability to crush Black Rock's fist with her bare hands. If Annie punched him in the face, he would have to lie in bed for ten days and a half. .

What's more, he was wrong first, so Houston quickly lowered his head and begged for mercy.

"Humph!" Annie snorted coldly, but did not dwell on this matter.

She also knew that her scaly body was too scary in the eyes of ordinary people like Houston.

Entering the changing room, Annie took off her wizard robe and wrapped herself tightly in a black robe, before following Lu Feng and Houston out of the underground laboratory.

Houston led the way, and soon the three of them arrived at the courtyard where Wizard Mathiu rested.

In the courtyard, the gray-haired wizard Mathiu was in front of two camel-like beasts of burden, instructing the young nobleman who had followed him last time to load bags of things on the beasts, carry them down, and place them in the yard.

From the smell, they are all ingredients for making potions. Looking at the quantity, Wizard Mathiyu had a hard time running down this trip.

"Wizard Mattiyo, we are here!" Lu Feng greeted with a smile as he entered the courtyard.

Hearing Lu Feng's voice, Mathieu returned happily.

"Your Excellency Lester, you came just in time. These are fresh materials that I collected from several nearby principalities. I personally checked them. You are guaranteed to be satisfied!"

As he spoke, he opened the bag and showed Lu Feng the fruits of his labor, as if asking Lu Feng for credit.

Lu Feng nodded, opened the bag, and inspected it carefully. Indeed, as the old man Mathiu said, they are all good quality materials. It's not as good as the good stuff cultivated in the [Botanical Garden], but it's still pretty good on the sub-continent.

Mathiu, who is not young, is quite agile in doing things.

"Annie, take Houston to count the quantities of these materials!" After looking through several bags of materials and making sure there were no problems, Lu Feng handed over the task of counting the materials to Annie.

Annie has also been learning basic botany recently, and there is no problem in distinguishing and counting these materials.

"Okay, Master!"

Annie nodded, took the bag from Lu Feng, and took Houston as a helper to count carefully. The noble young man brought by Mathiu also silently helped.

"Is this the wizard apprentice you brought? He looks pretty good!"

Seeing Anne's serious look at work, and the divine coldness with a hint of heat, Mathieu was a little surprised.

This apprentice seems to be about to officially become a first-class wizard apprentice. The last time he came here, he was not so strong.

How much time has it been, more than half a month, so much change? Do famous teachers produce great disciples?

Thinking of his difficult and painful apprenticeship as a wizard in the Bone Cemetery, Mathieu looked at Annie with envy in his eyes. If I can make a living by Lester's side, maybe I can have a good old age in the last few years of my life.

If my son could become Lester's apprentice, I would have no regrets in this life.

Mathieu's eyes fell on the noble young man and he had some thoughts in his mind.

By praising Annie's excellence, Mathieu and Lu Feng struck up a conversation and chatted.

Talking about the current Grand Duke of the Tulip Principality, Mathieu has brought Lu Feng's attitude back to the Lawrence family.

There was little conflict of interest between Lu Feng and the Lawrence family, and with the support of the third-class wizard apprentices, the Lawrence family did not show any hostility.

There was also the intention of cooperation. When Mathiu helped Lu Feng collect materials, the Lawrence family also helped out.

Lu Feng was quite satisfied with the attitude of the Lawrence family. He has no intention of teasing Baron Hongye for the time being. It would be better if everyone could cooperate and get along.

When talking about the Tulip Principality, Mathieu naturally compared the differences between Hongye Town and the Principality.

The development of Hongye Town gave him a refreshing feeling.

The principality is not small, and no place is better developed than Hongye Town.

Not even in the capital.

Walking out of Hongye Town is like walking from a luxurious noble castle into a dirty and smelly slum.

From the infrastructure to the cultural atmosphere, they are completely different.

It gave Madiyu the urge to move his family from the capital to Hongye Town.

When talking about this, Lu Feng just smiled and did not elaborate. The development of Hongye Town was slowly transformed by two generations of Baron Hongye who listened to his ideas and went through many difficulties and dangers.

It's okay to make these changes silently, but if you want to say them out loud, forget it!

Hongye Town is protected by a wizard like him. In other places, if you want to change, you should ask the nobles with vested interests, right?

They also talked about the busy construction site in the manor. When they learned that Lu Feng was planning to build a wizard tower here, Mathieu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Mathiu had been in the Bone Cemetery, so he naturally knew the significance of the Wizard Tower.

Although Lu Feng repeatedly emphasized that what he was planning to build was just an "apprentice version of the wizard tower," he still couldn't extinguish the burning flame in Mathiu's heart.

Time passed as the two chatted, and Anne and the other three also counted the materials that Mattiu had brought.

"Master, there are 49 ingredients in total for making vitality potions!" Annie Hui reported.

"The numbers are correct!" Matthieu also nodded and confirmed.

"The market price of the ingredients for the vitality potion is 160 gold coins per portion, 49 copies, a total of 7840 gold coins. If you pay with magic stones, seven standard magic stones will be enough!"

"No problem, I don't have any gold coins in my hand, so I'll just pay with magic stones!"

Lu Feng did a mental calculation and found that the price was similar to the price he had asked for at Dylans Port when he came back, so he took out seven standard magic stones and paid.

On the sub-continent, all major kingdoms uniformly priced 1 magic stone equal to 1,000 gold coins, 1 gold coin equal to 100 silver coins, and 1 silver coin equal to 100 copper coins.

The exchange between magic stones and gold coins is generally one-way. 1 magic stone can be exchanged for 1,000 gold coins, but 1,000 gold coins cannot be exchanged for 1 magic stone.

After all, magic stones are aggregation of energy and have a wide range of functions in the hands of wizards. Various metals are experimental materials with limited uses and naturally limited value.

Not to mention that some official wizards, when traveling in the void of the plane, often encounter a special plane where the materials are gold and silver.

If it weren't for the artificial control of the wizards who control each kingdom, the metal currency of the sub-continent would have collapsed long ago.

After all the money and goods were cleared, Lu Feng prepared a dinner and politely helped Mathieu and his son to cleanse themselves from the dust.

Eat, drink and chat, the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

The next day, Mathiu took his son with him. Instead of leaving in a hurry, he rested in the manor.

After a long journey, the elderly Madiyu couldn't stand it anymore and planned to stay in Lufeng for a few days to rest before setting off on the road again.

That being said, Lu Feng saw it in his eyes and had no intention of revealing whether Mattiyu had any other thoughts.

First update, continue coding!

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