"Sengoku General, as far as I know, the scholars of O'Hara study ancient writing. "

"It's just to study the words left over from history. "

"And Nicole Olvia, the only surviving expedition from O'Hara that I captured. "

"They go to sea in search of historical texts scattered all over the world, and they just want to unravel the truth of history. "

"The purpose of their study of these histories is not to awaken ancient weapons. "

Sauro clenched his fists and said excitedly.

Nicole Olvia, who came out of O'Hara to follow the expedition in search of the history of the text, was naturally noticed by the world government for a long time.

So they ordered the navy, under the pretext of awakening the ancient weapons, to send troops to capture Olvia's expedition.

And the navy responsible for capturing Olvia was none other than he Saulo.

However, when the warships led by Saulo found the traces of the O'Hara expedition.

Only Olvia survived the expedition.

But it was precisely because of this incident that through contact with Olvia.

Saulo learns that O'Hara's scholars are simply trying to unravel the truth of history.

It's definitely not what the World Government says, and the scholars of O'Hara are trying to awaken some ancient weapon.

"Sauro, as a vice admiral, don't you know that it is a crime to interpret historical texts!!"

"This is a !! that the world government prohibits"

Sengoku's face turned extremely ugly, and he scolded loudly.

"The island of O'Hara is just a bunch of historians. "

"Isn't it wrong to study history just for the sake of it?"

"Since the study of the truth of history makes the world government feel so dangerous. "

"Wouldn't it be better for the world government to send someone to study it?"

Saulo pondered for a moment, and then said.

When Sengoku heard what Saulo said, his face became even heavier.

"At the scene of the launch of the Demon Slaying Order, we are taking people's lives. "

"Why would we do this to a group of innocent academics? "

"Moreover, the scholars of O'Hara are now only studying ancient texts. "

"There was no search for historical texts, as Olvia's expedition did. "

"Warring States General, you give me a scholar on O'Hara, they are all evidence of evil!!"

Saulo continued to question.

"Saulo, are you questioning the decisions made by the world government?!!"

Sengoku clenched his fists at this time and roared loudly: "Obediently obey orders." "

After saying that, Sengoku no longer paid attention to Sauro and left quickly.

Saulo lowered his head, and an extremely complicated look appeared in his eyes.

Half-ringing, a resolute look flashed in his eyes.

He made up his mind and turned to walk in the other direction from the conference room.

Sengoku walked into the conference room.

At this time, in the conference room, Kuzan, Sakasky, Flying Squirrel, and Huoshan were present.

All four of them now have the rank of Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Even Kuzan and Sakaski, both of whom are substitute generals.

But the military rank is still lieutenant general.

Kuzan rested his hands crossed on the table, still wearing a pair of sunglasses on his face.

It is impossible to see his eyes clearly.


Looking at the Warring States who walked in alone, Kuzan not only asked with some doubts.

"Leave that guy alone, let's have a meeting first. "

Hearing Kuzan's words, Sengoku pondered for a moment before he said solemnly.

"The goal of this Demon Slayer Order is to erase O'Hara from history. "

"I've talked to you one by one before, and I think you know why. "

Sengoku paused when he said this.

His gaze scanned the room.

Kuzan and the others looked at each other and nodded.

O'Hara's scholars studied ancient writing when a reporter stumbled upon it.

It was published in the newspaper by the newspaper where he worked.

In an instant, the entire sea knew that the scholars of O'Hara were secretly studying ancient writing.

As for the so-called reasons.

It was O'Hara's scholars who cleared the customs to study ancient texts, so as to decipher the historical text, in an attempt to awaken the sleeping ancient weapons.

"Again, I emphasize, except for the ordinary people on O'Hara. "

"As long as it is O'Hara's scholars, none of them can be spared, and they must all be erased. "

Sengoku's face was extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice.


All those present answered.

But at this moment, a naval soldier rushed in.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Sengoku had a bad premonition, and he looked at the Ming naval soldier.

"Warring States General... It's a big deal..."

This Ming Navy soldier was running too fast, and his breathing was completely disordered.

Hearing the words of this Ming naval soldier, Sengoku's brows furrowed.

"Lieutenant Admiral Saulo stormed the naval prison, released Olvia, and wounded the soldiers guarding Olvia. "

The Navy soldier continued.

"What did you say??"

Sengoku lost his voice.


Similarly, when Kuzan heard what the Navy soldier said, he was stunned.

The ability involuntarily activated, and the teacup in his hand froze.

"Lieutenant General Saulo, who has fled from Marinfando with Olvia..."

The Ming Navy soldier continued to report.


Sengoku's fist slammed into the table.


In an instant, the side of the desk turned into a pile of powder.

"Saulo, why are you doing this..."

Kuzan's eyes under his sunglasses were full of doubt.

He and Saulo have been friends for many years.

But he also couldn't understand why Saulo wanted to be a criminal who tried to awaken the ancient weapons of Olvia.

To the point of betraying the Navy.

"A traitor to the Navy will not end well!!"

At this moment, Sakasky suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Kuzan's fists clenched involuntarily.

"Flying Squirrel and Burning Mountain, the two of you will go out first to hunt down the traitor Saulo and the criminal Olvia. "

"If you don't catch it, just stand by in the waters near O'Hara. "

Sengoku ordered in a deep voice.

Although the world government has made a clear order to destroy O'Hara.

And the Demon Slaying Order has been launched.

However, the ten naval warships of the Demon Slayer Order will be on standby in the waters near O'Hara, and will not launch a devastating attack immediately.

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