Great Country Academician

Chapter 113 Professor Deligne's Invitation and Princeton's Exception

In addition to congratulations and congratulations, Academician Zhang Weiping also persuaded Xu Chuan in the hotel room for a long time, trying to make him temporarily give up physics and concentrate on studying mathematics.

However, Xu Chuan pushed left and right, but did not give a clear answer or reply.

Is it possible for him to give up physics? It's impossible.

The purpose of his study of mathematics is to go further in physics. This idea has not changed even if he proves a world-class problem.

However, as the study of mathematics deepened, Xu Chuan felt that mathematics was really broad and profound.

Even if he proved the Weyl-Berry conjecture, he only felt that he had picked an apple in a huge orchard.

And apples that are bigger, brighter, and sweeter than Weyl-Berry conjecture are not known how many are in the orchard of mathematics.

The road to climb is still quite long.

With his current achievements and achievements, he has only just begun.

At most, it is to walk to the foot of Mount Everest and look up to see the backs of those great predecessors climbing upwards.

Some even couldn't even see their backs.

For example, Pope Grothendieck, who has already stood on the peak.

The greatest achievement of Emperor G is that he created the branch of modern algebraic geometry, thus providing a possibility to unify all branches of mathematics.

This radiates to the whole field of mathematics. There are few contemporary mathematics that are not affected by algebraic geometry. This achievement has an unparalleled impact on the entire contemporary mathematics!

Since the development of algebraic geometry, it can be said that algebraic geometry is the pinnacle of abstraction in the history of mathematics and the future of mathematics.

In addition, G Huang has also developed a large number of new mathematical structures, such as general types, MOTIV (moving form), ultimate cohomology, category theory, and topos, etc. A series of new mathematical structures.

These things have reached the extreme and pinnacle of abstraction in the history of mathematics under the hands of Emperor G, and no one has been able to fully understand it so far.

But obviously, these are the centers of the future of mathematics, and a little breakthrough can be recorded in the history of mathematics.

Looking at the number of contemporary Fields Medals won by algebraic geometry, we can see the profound influence of G Huang on contemporary mathematics from one aspect. In the second half of the 20th century, Emperor G's status was unmatched by anyone.

Now he, let alone chasing the Pope's footsteps, can't even see his back.

The proof of the Weyl-Berry conjecture is just the starting point leading to the highest peak.

As for graduation, Xu Chuan felt that it was almost the same.

His grades in mathematics are definitely enough for him to graduate, but he also needs to work on something in physics.

You can't just graduate with an achievement that proves a world-class mathematical conjecture, but accomplishes nothing in physics.

Xu Chuan thought about it, and he felt that he might be a little obsessive-compulsive.

Because he felt that since he was a double major, it didn't make sense that his grades in physics were worse than those in mathematics when he graduated.

So after this mathematics exchange meeting, Xu Chuan is also planning to do something in physics to put an end to his university.

As for the scope of things that come out, there are roughly two aspects.

One is the particle physics he studied at university.

On the other hand, it should be about Betelgeuse.

This has something to do with the use of the Weyl-Berry conjecture after it is proven. As a prover, and also a student of both physical and numerical studies, it makes no sense not to take the lead in using it to develop and use it.

And he himself is quite interested in the current state of Betelgeuse.

This red supergiant star, which is only more than 600 light-years away from the solar system, has now reached the twilight years of its life.

Perhaps, one day in the future, people will be able to see it become a supernova as bright as the moon in the sky, and then slowly turn into a dazzling and beautiful nebula in the universe as time goes by. Then give birth to one or several stars again.

This will be a carnival for the astronomy community, and it may also bring new discoveries to the physics community.

At the end of a massive star, a supernova explodes at a close distance, which is enough for human beings on the earth to observe a lot of things.

So Xu Chuan is still very interested in Betelgeuse, and wants to see if he can observe it with the help of NTU's astronomical telescope.

Then use the Weyl-Berry conjecture to make an accurate judgment on it, determine its size, and then judge which step it has reached in its later years, and how long it is before the supernova explosion.

This is indeed a very interesting and meaningful thing.

After resting in the hotel room for a while, and sorting out the inspirations and ideas that came out of his presentation today, Xu Chuan went downstairs again.

Today is the fourth day of the exchange meeting, and it can also be said to be the last day.

Because from the fifth day to the seventh day, there were no lectures or evening parties, and only those mathematics professors from all over the world moved freely in Princeton to exchange academic ideas.

So on the evening of the fourth day, there will be one of the greatest evening parties, and dances.

Although Xu Chuan is not interested in the dance party, the party cannot be missed.

However, he still underestimated the sensation he caused by proving a world-class mathematical conjecture on stage.

When he stepped into the auditorium, many people around seemed to recognize him, and then many younger scholars surrounded him.

"Are you Chuan Xu? Killed the genius boy that Weyl-Berry guessed on stage this afternoon?"

"Can you take a picture with me? I want to post it on Facebook."

"Hi, handsome guy from Huaguo, can you give me your contact information? Your email address is also fine. If it doesn't work, let me follow your twitter, or you can follow my twitter. My follow There are many beauties in there."

Difficult to get rid of these enthusiastic and even fanatical scholars, Xu Chuan found Academician Zhang Weiping, who was talking with a mathematician with a glass of cocktail at the moment.

Seeing Xu Chuan approaching, he immediately pulled him to introduce him enthusiastically.

"Xu Chuan, you came at a good time. This is Professor Artur Avila, a Brazilian mathematics professor. He has won top awards such as the European Mathematical Society Award and the Fields Medal. It's been well researched."

"Hello, Professor Avila." Xu Chuan greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Xu Chuan, I didn't expect you to be so young." Professor Arthur Avila smiled at him holding a glass of wine, and continued.

"It's a pity that I missed your report meeting this afternoon due to something unscheduled, but I finished watching the report video in the evening. It can be said that this is the most exciting report meeting this year."

"Your understanding of spectral theory and the spectrum of fractal dimensions and fractal measures is beyond imagination. It has given me a lot of inspiration, some of which can be quoted in one of my research projects. It will save me months. Thank you so much for your time.”

"I don't know if you have time tomorrow. I want to take up a morning and talk with you about mathematics in spectral theory."

"Tomorrow morning? Of course."

Xu Chuan agreed with a smile, and chatted with a Fields Medal winner about mathematics. This is an opportunity that others can't wait for.

Sometimes, mutual inspiration can bring great help and inspiration to each other.

What's more, he also wanted to chat with this Professor Avila, but it was not spectrum theory, but chaos theory.

The Brazilian-French mathematician was awarded the Fields Medal in 2004 for his outstanding contributions to dynamical systems and analysis.

But his most famous research direction is in the field of chaos theory and dynamical systems.

These fields study chaotic but somewhat connected systems that change over time, but where small differences in initial states can lead to wildly different outcomes.

Such as the "butterfly effect" in weather patterns.

It’s the metaphor used to describe this kind of system—because the weather is a chaotic system, the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane hundreds of kilometers away.

One of Avila's major contributions in this field was his identification of a large class of dynamical systems that must eventually fall into one of two outcomes.

These systems will either evolve into a stable state or a chaotic random state—although it cannot be predicted precisely, it can be described in the language of probability.

Well, it is somewhat close to the chaotic system and turbulent flow system he studied in his previous life.

This is what Xu Chuan most hopes to get from the professor in front of him.

Because it may be helpful to establish a mathematical model for the turbulent system.

At 8:00 p.m., the party officially begins. All kinds of food and red wine are placed on the white dining table for everyone to eat, including high-quality caviar, deep-sea fish, Australian lobster and other high-quality seafood, as well as various top-notch meats. with vegetables.

To be honest, in the world of mathematics, Princeton is probably the only one with such strength.

Even the mathematics conference held by the International Mathematical Union will not have such a rich party.

The richest school in the world has over tens of billions of dollars of funds flowing in the stock market and Wall Street every year.

Just as no fund institution on Wall Street would reject students from the Princeton Department of Mathematics and Economics, with the capabilities of the Department of Mathematics and Economics of Princeton, it is not difficult to control these funds and earn remuneration, and it can even be said to be a very difficult task. simple things.

Sometimes, with a bit of luck, these tens of billions of dollars can bring Princeton more than 10 percent return on investment.

After removing all kinds of expenses, there are still more than one billion meters of pure profit left, which can be said to be quite terrifying.

After all, this is not 10,000 to 20,000, but 30 to 40 billion meters of funds. In quantitative investment, the larger the funds, the lower the rate of return. This is an almost insurmountable truth.

This is like treating the principal as a fish and the stock market as a pond.

When it was 10,000 yuan, the fish was very small, maybe a crucian carp was thrown into a pond, and at most it only splashed a small splash. Even if there was a strong wind and waves that day, even the splash would not be seen, and it could be in it. All kinds of swimming, life is very good.

And the principal of tens of billions is a great white shark in the sea. If you throw it into the pond, the water splash can blow out part of the water in the pond.

At this time, it is very difficult for it to turn a corner inside.

The ability to manipulate billions of dollars to wander in the stock market and guarantee to make money is the envy of all fund companies around the world.

In the face of such a large amount of funds, perhaps the stock god Buffett and the financial tycoon George Soros can use them to earn more money and get more returns in a certain period of time, but they cannot year after year like Princeton of stability.

Just like Harvard University also has its own school fund, and the amount is huge, close to 50 billion yuan, and it can also achieve a return of about 10%.

But after all the bills were paid, Harvard was left with only $300 million in annual profits.

In contrast, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

Well, the reason why I mentioned this is because he also borrowed this fund return system in his previous life, earning a full billions of nearly tens of billions of rice gold, and then used the money as a foundation for his academic career. After walking a farther distance, he finally stood at the pinnacle of the physical world.

Holding the dinner plate, Xu Chuan was picking food at the table, and bumped into an old man in a dress with thinning hair that was all gray.

"You are, Professor Deligne?"

Xu Chuan recognized the old man in front of him, the Pope's closed disciple, winner of the Fields Medal, grand slam scholar in mathematics, Viscount Pierre René Deligne.

"It's me." Professor Deligne smiled, and continued: "Your performance in the afternoon report was outstanding."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Xu Chuan showed a bright smile, which is very rare given his understanding of the old man.

"No need to be modest, I came to you today to ask if you have considered further studies in mathematics?" Deligne raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip before asking.

"Of course." Xu Chuan replied without hesitation.

"Then I am here to invite you to come to Princeton to study for a Ph.D. If you want, I can mail you an invitation letter."

"Of course, with your achievements, it is enough to be a professor at Princeton, but I think it is time for you to learn, and you still have deeper potential to explore."

For the gifted boy in front of him, Professor Deligne expressed his hope and invitation without hesitation.

"I remember you didn't need three letters of recommendation for a Ph.D. at Princeton?"

Xu Chuan asked curiously. Generally speaking, to study for a PhD in Princeton, one needs three letters of recommendation approved by Princeton, as well as excellent paper grades and proof of academic activities.

In his previous life, he was his mentor Chen Zhengping, a professor of high energy physics at CERN, and a letter of recommendation written for him by Edward Witten.

"For others, for outstanding young people like you, Princeton can make exceptions, and if you need a letter of recommendation, I believe every professor in this auditorium will write it." Professor Deligne said with a smile.

For a teenager who solved a math conjecture at eighteen, there are some rules that can be broken.

Such students are perfect for Princeton.

"Then I will trouble you, but I may have to wait until September of this year, or a little later, to come to study for a doctorate."

"You know, I am currently studying at Jinling University, but I am a double major in mathematics and physics, so if I want to come to Princeton to study, I need to graduate from both courses, and it will take a little time."

Xu Chuan did not refuse the invitation, but just put forward his own ideas.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the door of Princeton is always open to you."

Professor Deligne smiled and said, "Enjoy tonight's party and dance, at least half of it belongs to you."

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