Great Country Academician

Chapter 122 Calculating Betelgeuse

In the box, although several doctoral students and seniors felt that the scientific research project of the great god of the School of Mathematical Sciences was a bit unreliable, they had no more choices.

The Department of Astronomy is not the Department of Mathematics. Doctoral students in the Department of Mathematics can also take advantage of the particularity of mathematics as a tool to participate in scientific research projects in other disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and materials.

However, the things studied by the Department of Astronomy are useless for other projects, and it is impossible to participate in other projects and mix qualifications.

Nowadays, there is finally a project that needs people from the astronomy department. They give up, and some people come on top.

No matter how unreliable the project is, it is also a scientific research project. As long as you participate in it, you can add a colorful stroke to your resume in the future.

And, just in case, just in case, in case this project really succeeds, then the Department of Astronomy of Nantah University will directly rank first among universities in the country, even in Asia.

To accurately measure the mass information of a red supergiant star 640 light-years away, not to mention NTU, the entire astronomical community is currently unable to do so.

If they, no, if the little junior in front of them can do it, and they participate in it again, they can also have the qualifications of a pioneer.

Not to mention doing second or third work, I never expected them. Just mentioning them in the paper and bringing in the information they collected and sorted out will allow them to show their faces all over the world.

When I go out in the future, I can brag like this at chat parties.

Hi, do you know Betelgeuse which is about to go supernova 640 light-years away? Its exact size and shape was determined by me! That's right, I am a pioneer in the astronomy world!

With this mentality, several doctoral students from the Department of Astronomy formally participated in Xu Chuan's scientific research project.

Regarding these, Xu Chuan didn't bother to explain. The computer mechanism behind the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, let alone astronomy students who know almost nothing about mathematics, even a professor of mathematics from Nantah University, may not be able to understand it in a short time.

Anyway, the task of these senior brothers is also very simple, just collect data according to his requirements, the final calculation is done by him himself.

NTU, Xianlin Campus, Zuodijiang Observatory.

Xu Chuan followed several doctoral students to visit the Institute of Astronomy.

It was built with donations from the Hong Kong Zuo Dijiang Foundation and is one of the most advanced observatories in universities across the country.

"God Chuan, I have to say that your luck is really good."

"If you were to do this project one or two years in advance, you might have to go to Qinghai or southern Yunnan for the basic part."

"But now, we have Zuodijiang Observatory and Zijinshan Observatory. These two astronomical research stations were officially completed and opened in 14 years. The reflecting telescope, Schmidt telescope and radio telescope inside are enough to collect some basic data. , can save you a lot of research funds.”

Walking on the Ding Mountain in the school, Liu Xuan introduced Xu Chuan with a smile.

"Can only collect part of it?" Xu Chuan froze for a moment and asked with a frown.

He really doesn't know much about the astronomical world. He only knows that the Department of Astronomy of Nantah University ranks among the top universities in the country, and that Jinling has a nationally famous Purple Mountain Observatory.

He thought that the collection of information on Betelgeuse would be completed in these two places, but according to Senior Brother Liu, it seemed that these two places could only collect part of it.

Liu Xuan nodded, and continued: "It's pretty good to be able to collect some of them. If it was 14 years ago, I wouldn't be able to collect some of them."

"The Zuodijiang Observatory was built behind our school. Although it is not top-notch for undergraduate teaching content, it is equipped with a batch of astronomical equipment, which can be used."

"And most of the astronomical equipment at the Purple Mountain Observatory are not located on the Purple Mountain, and are actually distributed in Qinghai, Xuyi, Ganyu, Antarctica and other places."

"Something on Zijin Mountain is actually just a scientific research park."

"Didn't you give me a copy of the data I needed last night? After I went back, I studied it. If the above standards are followed, this scientific research experiment must at least go to southern Yunnan and Qinghai."

"A real astronomical observation experiment requires not only top-level astronomical equipment, but also an excellent astronomical observation environment."

"Don't even think about putting astronomical equipment on Zijin Mountain or in schools. It's impossible. The light pollution produced by a large city at night has too much impact on astronomical observations."

"So we can at most collect some basic data here, and those top-level data have to go to southern Yunnan and Qinghai, and use the large-scale astronomical equipment there to collect."

"But don't worry, I checked the astronomical observation array of the Southern Yunnan Observatory and there are currently no large-scale observation and scientific research projects, which can be applied for use."

After a pause, Liu Xuan continued: "This is actually pretty good, at least we don't need to go abroad."

"If you are observing the aurora and some planets that are only visible in the southern hemisphere, you have to go to the Antarctic, and sometimes you have to go during the polar night, otherwise you won't be able to observe it."

"I went to that ghostly place with my mentor last year. I stayed there for a month. The temperature of minus 30 to 40 degrees can give you cold dicks. If you go there once, you don't want to go there again."

"Although the scenery is beautiful, it's just like that after staying for a long time."

Xu Chuan nodded. He has never been to Antarctica, but the temperature is 30 to 40 degrees below zero, which makes him feel cold.

The coldest place he has been to for researching physics projects in his previous life was the permafrost in Iceland. He went there once when the temperature was around minus 20 degrees, and he was so frozen that he doubted his life.

It's scary to think about the temperature of minus 30 to 40 degrees, and to carry out scientific research activities.

What's more, if something happened in Antarctica, it would be called "every day should not be done", and the earth would not work properly, and there would be no time for rescue.

After visiting the school's astronomical observatory and learning about the equipment for astronomical experiments, Xu Chuan returned to the dormitory.

He will continue to perfect the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, and the data collection about Betelgeuse will be handed over to several doctoral students in the Department of Astronomy.

Big brother Fan Pengyue is helping to keep an eye on it, so there is no need to worry about any problems.

As for the time, according to his request, it will take about ten days to a month to complete the data collection on Betelgeuse.

There is such a large error, which is mainly determined by when the astronomical observation array of the Southern Yunnan Observatory can be applied for, and the nature of the astronomical observation activities.

Not to mention the former, even if the astronomical observation array of the Southern Yunnan Observatory cooperates with Nantah University, even if it does not currently have large-scale observation projects, it is not so easy to apply for queue jumping.

The time required for astronomical observation activities is not fixed, because different technical parameters and different telescopes must be continuously used for measurement, and finally a relative value is obtained.

During this period, all Xu Chuan could do was wait.

However, after completing the conversion and deformation of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, he went to southern Yunnan with these doctoral students from the Department of Astronomy.

The so-called astronomical observation array of the observatory is actually located in a ravine where no bird shits, dozens of kilometers around are deserted, and light pollution is eliminated to the greatest extent.

But correspondingly, the life of the staff is extremely inconvenient, there are almost no entertainment activities, and the chefs in the cafeteria have to travel tens of kilometers to buy a dish or have it delivered by a special person.

Under the guidance of his fellow doctoral students, Xu Chuan used a large optical astronomical telescope to observe Betelgeuse, which is 614 light-years away.

The stars seen by the naked eye in the night sky are actually only a little bigger than an egg in the mirror of a large astronomical telescope, which is much worse than the huge stars imagined.

The shape is like an egg yolk with a little force applied in a certain direction, except for one side protruding a little, it can be said to be unremarkable.

It was the bright Milky Way, and Xu Chuan saw its true vastness and beauty for the first time.

In this wasteland area with no light pollution and excellent air, the vast Milky Way is like a transparent, bright and colorful satin, and like a squinted eye in the sky, it is very strange and beautiful.

And a bright half moon hangs in the dark night, exuding a cool light, and countless stars are shining like gems, embedded in the clear sky.

Xu Chuan even saw the moon sea and the super-large crater above it with his naked eyes.


A voice came from the roof of the research institute, and at the same time a figure sat down beside Xu Chuan. It was Liu Xuan, a doctoral student in the Department of Astronomy.

"Well, it's a worthwhile trip."

Xu Chuan responded softly, staring intently at the Milky Way above his head.

This galaxy is different from the galaxy in his memory.

In his memory, the Milky Way is horizontal in the sky.

What you see here is a vertical band of light.

Just like the bridge between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on the Qixi Festival, it rises from the distant horizon and extends to the sky, like a sky bridge, connecting the ground and the sea of ​​stars, which is so beautiful.

It can only be said that such beautiful scenery cannot be seen in the city.

Liu Xuan smiled and said, "This is also the reason why I study astronomy, because it is so beautiful."

Xu Chuan was noncommittal, staring at the Milky Way above his head and suddenly asked: "Do you think there are aliens in this vast Milky Way?"

Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect Xu Chuan to ask this question, after thinking for a while, he said: "I don't know, unless I see it with my own eyes."

"However, from the perspective of the birth of life, the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life should not be low."

Xu Chuan didn't reply, just stared at Yinhe silently.

The secret of his rebirth has always been a stone deeply pressed in his heart, and no one knows.

But occasionally, he would also think about whether this was a coincidence or an arrangement, but he had never disclosed it to anyone.

The two were silent for a while, and Xu Chuan said, "Senior brother Liu, how is the data collection of Betelgeuse going?"

"The current progress is about 67%. It will take four to five days for the southern Yunnan side. After the completion of this side, we need to transfer to the Qinghai side, and use the radio telescope there to collect some mathematics. The time is about About a week."

"That is to say, it will take another twelve or three days?"

Liu Xuan nodded, and said: "Well, almost, this speed is actually very fast, mainly because the applications for astronomical equipment are almost all passed in seconds, and there is no long delay in this regard."

"You are so lucky. When my supervisor was doing experiments before, it took more than three months to apply for the observation array in southern Yunnan. Your application was almost approved within a week after submitting it. .”

Xu Chuan smiled, this is not luck.

If you want to say, it should be strength + policy.

He solved the Weyl-Berry conjecture, and the above needs this conjecture to win a top mathematics award, so it is necessary to maximize the influence of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

The research project on Betelgeuse was passed quickly based on this influence.

Xu Chuan didn't stay in southern Yunnan for a long time. He returned to Jinling after three or four days to get the first batch of data.

Although the data collected so far is not comprehensive, the basic data and most of the data he needs have been collected, and it is almost ready for calculation.

Before Qinghai's observation array collects the data, he is not going to let himself go, and he can use this time to make a preliminary calculation.

After sorting out the collected data, Xu Chuan listed it on the manuscript paper.

Observation object: Betelgeuse.

Classification: Red supergiant.

On March 27, 2016, at 3:40 in the morning, the observed and calculated diameter: about 891.986D⊙~901.213D⊙ (D⊙ refers to the diameter of a sun)

On March 27, 2016, observed magnitude at 3:18 am: +0.827m.

On March 27, 2016, at 3:27 in the morning, the distance to the earth was observed: 659.76 light years.

March 27, 2016.

All kinds of data are neatly listed on a piece of manuscript paper. The amount of data is not large, but it is the result of nearly 20 days of hard work by several doctoral students.

Astronomy is sometimes really hard work, because sometimes you have to get up at night to control the equipment.

Just like this time, in order to help him collect data, several doctoral students have dark circles under their eyes one by one.

After listing the data, Xu Chuan stared at the data on the manuscript paper for a while and fell into deep thought.

After a while, the black signature pen in his hand once again drew lines of mathematical formulas on the manuscript paper.

".N(λ)=(2π)891.986D⊙ω||nλn/2 Cn|Ω|n1λ(n1)/2 + o(λ(n1)/2"

"Bring in the speed of light, then N(λ)=(2π)891.986D⊙ω299792.4580.12*λn/2"

Converted to Sobolev space fluctuations as

Bring in the interval time, the amplitude function is 0.37 and 0.24

In the dormitory, Xu Chuan stared intently at the manuscript paper in his hand, on which numbers were outlined one after another with a black signature pen.

After completing the deformation and transformation of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, it is not difficult for him to apply it to the calculation of stellar data in the three-dimensional world, but the calculation is a bit troublesome.

But that won't stop him.

One observation after another was brought into the formula, and after a long time, he finally got a complete calculation.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Chuan brought the final rough boundary value into the formula for the final calculation.

Soon, the complete data and calculated answers were presented on the manuscript paper, but the result made his eyes widen.

"How can this be"

"How is it possible to calculate two answers?"

Thanks to the leader of the boss 1 Gaoshan Liushui 1 for the reward. According to the rules, we will start adding updates for the boss tomorrow.

ps: I thought about it today, but the condition is not very good, Changsha is so fucking cold, it is almost below zero indoors, my hands are frozen stiff, and my brain is frozen.

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