Great Country Academician

Chapter 166 Perfect Fusion of Mathematics and Physics

In the building of the CERN Nuclear Research Center, David Gross checks emails on a daily basis and processes emails that need to be answered.

As the chairman of the CERN Council, he receives hundreds of emails every day, and it is normal for him to reach two to three hundred emails every day.

However, most of the emails are useless or related to work arrangements, which are easy for him to deal with.

After processing an experiment application report, Gross clicked on the next email.

"Xu, Chuan?"

His eyes fell on the sender's name, which made him stunned involuntarily.

This name, if he remembered correctly, seemed to be that genius boy from Huaguo.

A few days ago, I also communicated with him how to use mathematics to narrow down the optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark.

"Are there any doubts about this aspect?"

Gross thought, and clicked on the email.

He has a good impression of Xu Chuan. He is a real genius. If things go well, he may be able to further promote the development of a certain field of physics in the future.

In addition, the two have some relationship.

After all, he is Edward Witten's mentor, and Edward Witten is Xu Chuan's mentor. Calculated in this way, in the words of Hua Guo, he is the ancestor, and with this relationship, Gross is not stingy with his own advice.

Clicking on the email, the title came into his eyes.

[The most ideal search decay channel for Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quark]

The title of the email made his brown and black pupils shrink slightly.

"This is, calculated?"

A doubt rose in Gross's heart, and he couldn't believe it.

It takes a lot of time to find a breakthrough in a problem, determine the idea, verify the idea, speculate on the process, and calculate the results.

But it's only been a few days?

If he remembered correctly, it seemed that it had been less than a week since he communicated with the other party last time.

In one week, the calculation of the most ideal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark can be completed.

This is too incredible.

Or, the email sent to him was just a theory, and there was no final data calculation?

At least, Gross does not believe that someone can start from finding a breakthrough to complete the final data calculation in such a short period of time.

Can't wait, he continued to look down.

As lines of text and data calculations came into view, Gross couldn't help but start to marvel.

Even if you haven't seen the results yet, these exquisite calculations are enough to open your eyes.

"Starting from the soft gluon resummation effect of the transverse momentum distribution, we go back to quantum chromodynamics, and then give an energy level upper limit to the coupled decay of the Higgs particle through quark confinement."

"It's unbelievable, it's really an ingenious method, using the string breaking function to complete the distribution of n particles□, mathematical methods can be applied to physics in this way."

Staring at the calculation process on the computer, David Gross muttered to himself.

As one of the founders of quantum chromodynamics, his mathematics is not bad. Although he cannot compare with those top mathematicians who specialize in mathematics, he is at least much better than ordinary physicists. Otherwise, how could Edward Witten learn mathematics under his hands.

But right now, he was still amazed by Xu Chuan's calculation.

Not only those mathematical formulas and ideas, but more ingeniously, in this calculation process, mathematics and physics are almost perfectly combined.

Those unexpected mathematical methods have been integrated into the physical theory weirdly and cleverly, building a new bridge for communicating mathematical physics.

This is what surprised him the most.

[.The corresponding energy eigenvalue is Ea=(n+1/2)a, H→bb-bar decay energy level is 128Gev~131Gev, H→bb(μvBF=3.0^+1.7~-1.6)】

It took more than an hour for David Gross to read the email.

The final answer was deeply imprinted in his mind at this moment, and even made him a little impulsive, wanting to start the LHC immediately for a collision experiment to verify whether the calculated data is correct.

Because the whole calculation process is too delicate.

At the desk, Gross took off his eyes and rubbed his astringent eyes, then stood up and stretched his muscles.

For an old man in his seventies, sitting for more than an hour is not a pleasant thing.

But this time he gained enough spiritual pleasure from an email, and these physical tortures were nothing.

After briefly moving his body, Gross sat back at the desk again. Instead of continuing to work this time, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a call to Edward Witten in Princeton.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Hey, Witten, have you checked your mailbox?"

"It's been two days, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, Professor Edward Witten's doubtful voice came over. Gross smiled and said, "I suggest you take a look, the things inside may surprise you."

After hanging up the phone, Gross sat back in front of the computer and manipulated the mouse and keyboard to reply an email to Xu Chuan.

He needs Xu Chuan to submit an application form for the report meeting to CERN, and an application for the LHC particle collision experiment.

Although he is the chairman of the CERN council, he does not have much power over the use of the LHC.

This is something that needs to be discussed by the members of the council.

Of course, in this process, his words still carry a certain amount of weight.

As for arranging a report meeting, that's all right, it can be done easily.

After replying to Xu Chuan's email, Professor Gross waited for nearly an hour before receiving a call from Witten.

"I read the email, and it's really surprising." Witten said with a sigh.

"Using mathematical methods to calculate the most ideal search decay channel for the Yuchuan coupling of Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark is really surprising. What's even more surprising is that he actually did it."

In the office, David Gross smiled and said, "It seems that you have a successor."

In the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, Wei Teng said noncommittally: "Maybe, but now it seems that I should go to CERN."

"Come on, the next collision experiment may be the time to witness a miracle."

"If we can successfully find the Yuchuan coupling phenomenon between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark, maybe we can use it to find more things."

David Gross smiled happily. If the boy's calculations were correct, CERN might usher in a revolution.

In addition to previous research, CERN may focus, at least partly, on mathematical physics.

Using mathematics to determine the search pass of a new particle can not only save a lot of money for CERN, but also a perfect fusion of mathematics and physics, which can bring a new path to high-energy physics and particle physics.

CERN, Huaguo office area.

The leaders of the scientific research teams of Nanjing University, China University of Science and Technology, and Jiaotong University gathered together to communicate the most ideal search decay channel for the coupling between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark Yu Chuan calculated by Xu Chuan.

As well as subsequent experimental data analysis and other things and work arrangements.

For the three universities of Nanjing University, China University of Science and Technology, and Jiaotong University, the number of times they participated in the experimental work of CERN is still quite large.

But it is the first time that they have gathered together for the same project like now.

"H→bb-bar decay energy level is 128Gev~131Gev, H→bb (μvBF=3.0^+1.7~-1.6), it is incredible, who would have thought that the data of Yuchuan coupling energy level of the third generation heavy quark is actually close to Greek The energy level of the Guss particle?"

"According to the previous standard model and experience, we can almost agree that the Yuchuan coupling energy level of the third-generation heavy quark is above 150Gev. The last search target was between 160Gev and 180Gev."

In the office, Academician Cao Hongyuan, the team leader of the University of Science and Technology of China, looked at the paper in his hand with a surprised expression.

If there is no problem with the data calculated by Xu Chuan this time, it will almost break the previous predictions of physicists on the Yuchuan coupling energy level between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark.

Although this is also in the prediction of the Standard Model, the physics community has almost agreed that the Yukawa coupling energy level of the third-generation heavy quark should be higher.

So all along, CERN's search for this experiment has always focused on high-energy regions.

It is no wonder that after more than a year, they still have not discovered the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark.

According to Xu Chuan's calculations, based on CERN's work efficiency, I am afraid that it will take 18 or 19 years to discover the phenomenon of Yuchuan coupling between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark.

"It is indeed surprising, but what I am more concerned about is the calculation method in this paper."

On the side, academician Zhang Jie, the team leader of Jiaotong University, pushed the mirror frame, and continued: "Starting from quantum chromodynamics, use the string breaking function to complete the distribution of n particles, and calculate the coupled decay of the Higgs particle to give an energy level upper limit. "

"This method can be said to perfectly combine mathematics and physics. Your ability in mathematics is really amazing and beyond imagination."

He said the last sentence while looking at Xu Chuan at the side.

I have to say that what is shown in this paper is really surprising.

The most ideal search decay channel that has not been verified can not be mentioned for the time being, but the combination of mathematical methods and physical theories in it is impressive.

He has been engaged in physics research for so many years, and he has done some research in the fields of high-energy physics and laser fusion physics, and he has dealt with many professors and researchers. But no one has ever seen such a subtle application of mathematical methods to the field of physics.

Maybe a top physicist like Edward Witten can do it too, but if the age is placed at Xu Chuan's level, it can only be said that this is the only one.

Hearing Academician Zhang Jie's praise, Xu Chuan smiled shyly, and said, "I still have a lot to learn, but the analysis of the experimental data this time will trouble a few teachers."

According to the instructions of Professor David Gross, he has submitted the application for the lecture meeting and the LHC for the Large Strong Particle Collider.

These two applications have already held a council meeting at CERN this morning, studied the papers and data he submitted, and confirmed that they passed, so this experiment has been confirmed.

All that remains is to wait for the LHC to conduct experiments according to its calculated data.

However, the experiment was scheduled for ten days later.

For the LHC collision experiment, ten days is not a long time, and the start-up of the large-scale strong particle collider also requires maintenance and preparation.

It's just that he jumped the queue this time, and I don't know which unlucky guy was squeezed out.

After all, the collision experiments at the LHC had already been arranged. If he jumped in the queue temporarily, someone would definitely be squeezed out.

But Xu Chuan didn't care, this kind of thing is normal at CERN.

Academician Zhang Jie of Jiaotong University said with a smile: "This is no trouble, we have to thank you for providing this opportunity."

After a pause, he continued: "Are you interested in becoming a professor at Jiaotong University after graduation? Salary and so on are all negotiable."

Before Xu Chuan could reply, Chen Zhengping couldn't help it anymore. He glared at Zhang Jie and said, "Don't even think about it."

On the side, Zhang Jie looked sideways at Chen Zhengping, and said, "Old Chen, you are overbearing. It is his freedom for Xu Chuan to go after graduation."

"Although Nanjing University is his alma mater, there is no rule that students from any school must return to their alma mater."

"And your mathematics department at Nantah University is just like that."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Zhengping snapped back: "What do you mean, you old bastard? What is the mathematics department of Nanjing University like that? No matter how bad the mathematics department of Nanjing University is, it is better than your Jiaotong University!"

The two quarreled, and Cao Hongyuan from the University of Science and Technology of China on the side watched the fun with a smile, and mixed in a few words from time to time. They were old friends anyway, so quarreled.

As for Xu Chuan, he shrank back. It's better for him to stay away from this kind of big fight.

After returning to the hotel from the office area, Xu Chuan turned on the computer, and Professor Artur Avila's email had already been returned.

"Dear Xu, I'm glad to receive your letter, but the content shocked me. I didn't expect that there would be such a person among the team members of the cooperation project. He didn't communicate with me, and he never got my If you agree, you will use your ideas, theories and calculation data without authorization."

"I regret having him in our discussions in the first place that this happened."

"I'm sorry that this incident has caused you trouble. I will file a complaint with Peking University."

After reading Professor Avila's reply, Xu Chuan sighed softly.

As he expected, that Professor Mo did not contact Arthur Avila, nor did he use his theory and calculation data without authorization and consent.

This already constitutes plagiarism.

However, what Xu Chuan didn't want to understand was why there would be such a stupid person.

Stupid and bad.

Needless to say bad.

Stupid purely because the other party has no brains at all.

At that time, he was not the only one present, there were four people present, even if he and Hu Xingjian were not underestimated, there was Artur Avila, the winner of the Fields Medal.

Under such circumstances, he dared to directly use other people's ideas and theories, even the calculation process and data, without asking.

Is this when others don't exist?

Anyone who raises doubts will fall into the vortex of public opinion.

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