Great Country Academician

Chapter 171 Restarting the Collision Experiment

On October 10, when the migrant workers who had passed the National Day returned to work, Xuchuan, thousands of miles away, also ushered in the restart of the LHC Large Intense Particle Collider.

The ten-day inspection and maintenance was finally completed, and the final preparation stage was entered.

Countless physicists gathered at CERN, waiting for this experiment.

On the one hand, everyone is waiting to see if the latest collision data can correctly verify Xu Chuan's calculation of "the most ideal search decay channel for the coupling between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark Yu Chuan".

If successful, it will be a major change for CERN, or for the entire high-energy physics community.

Mathematics is perfectly integrated into physics, and it is simply cool to control the information of mathematical calculation of particle collisions.

For the high-energy physics community, if this approach can be successful, then it has the value of promotion.

Spend some brain power to save colliders millions, if not tens of millions, of collider research dollars, as any lab would do.

Just like the first person to eat crabs, although it may be difficult, as long as someone does it first, it is always much easier for the latecomers.

On the other hand, it is a high-energy particle collision experiment about exploring a certain particle or object phenomenon, and not all the data generated are about the target particle or target phenomenon.

In the random collision of particle beams, there is always something strange or never-before-discovered.

Although most of the new discoveries are useless, this cannot stop physicists from being curious about the new world.

Especially now that the last plank of the standard model has been completed, the physics community is more eager to discover things beyond the standard model.

Whether the data generated by the collision experiment is useful and whether it is something beyond the standard model needs to be discussed by physicists before it can be determined.

It can even be said that for CERN researchers and physicists from various countries, the second aspect is more attractive.

If a new discovery is confirmed to be of great value, it may even change CERN's established research plan and become the next research target of the Large Intense Particle Collider.

Just like the Higgs particle, it has always been one of the main research goals of CERN in the 21st century.

Not only to complete the standard model, but also to explore and discover the origin of mass, the Higgs field, dark matter and dark energy.

The large strong particle collider LHC has entered the final stage of preparation, and the Swiss and French troops stationed at CERN are extremely skilled in dissuading tourists or environmental protection organizations who come to 'tour'.

Then the 'talents' who did not know where to get into CERN, or even sneaked into the orbit of the underground collider, were picked out.

No way, who made the previous head of CERN a 'cute'?

In 2007, when the LHC had not been upgraded, the head of the European Atomic Energy Laboratory was not the current Professor David Gross, but another cute kid who liked to joke a little bit.

He once proudly showed off a miniature black hole created by the LHC at a public press conference.

Although he also explained later that this kind of miniature black hole can only exist in the collision pipeline for less than 0.000001 seconds after it appears, and it will not cause any harm to the earth, but it still made a big news at that time.

There were quite a few media reporters present at the time. These words, which were supposed to show off the powerful performance of the LHC equipment, were finally twisted into various versions of news by these unscrupulous media.

What "CERN is creating black holes, the earth is about to be swallowed, and human beings are about to be destroyed" and "the Large Hadron Collider is creating black holes, these black holes may grow and swallow the earth." Such news spread all over the Internet and various newspapers at that time.

This immediately caused panic among ordinary people in Europe who "haven't read much".

In addition to some idle and boring things, I collected some earthquakes, floods and other disasters that occurred around the world when the LHC was started.

As time goes by, people in the West believe more and more that the LHC will destroy the earth and cause the destruction of human beings.

Then began the demonstrations and protests all over the street.

Some people who are not afraid of death will even try every means to sneak into the ground of CERN to destroy the large and powerful particle collider.

This phenomenon, let alone now, will still exist at CERN even in another ten years.

Therefore, Switzerland and France arranged for troops to be stationed here, and cleared the field before each experiment started.

Lest some idiot sneak into an underground collider.

Not to mention destroying a large strong particle collider, even being bombarded by a running accelerator is a big deal.

Not everyone is Anatoly Bugorsky, who survived to the end of his life after being hit by a beam of high-energy particles in a particle accelerator.

Normally, once the high-energy particle beam flying at almost high speed in the large strong particle collider penetrates, the grave will be covered with grass in the next month.

Once such an accident occurs at the LHC, I am afraid that it will be shut down by demonstrations and protests, at least for a period of time.

Even if this is not CERN's responsibility, warning signs are written all over the vicinity of the Large Strong Particle Collider.

Of course, this unexpected black hole accident did not bring all bad news to CERN.

A collider can knock out a black hole, and ordinary people may panic, but it is different for countries.

The subsequent upgrade of the LHC is partly due to this.

After all, at the national level, black holes are extremely attractive.

At 9:30 in the morning, the collision experiment about the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark started on time.

Huge currents poured from the wires into a large, powerful particle collider. Superconducting magnets that are cryogenically frozen by liquid nitrogen and helium generate a ring-shaped strong magnetic field, and then use an electric field to accelerate charged particles.

The accelerated charged particles will be subjected to the Lorentz force when moving in the magnetic field, and the Lorentz force will make the charged particles move in a circle, so as to achieve repeated acceleration to approach the speed of light.

This is how colliders work.

However, microscopic particles are also limited by relativistic effects, and their speed can only approach the speed of light continuously, but cannot reach the speed of light.

Moreover, with the increase of speed, the relativistic mass of particles increases, and the mass-to-charge ratio becomes larger, making acceleration more and more difficult.

In addition, this principle determines that only charged particles can be accelerated in a collider, such as electrons, positrons, protons and antiprotons, etc.

Only things that can be affected by a strong circular magnetic field can be used in collision experiments.

This is actually somewhat similar to controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Controlled nuclear fusion is actually controlled by ultra-strong magnetic fields or similar technologies to control the ultra-high temperature plasma in the reactor, and then realize power generation.

Of course, this is only from a basic point of view. In terms of actual details, the gap between the two is still quite large.

Two beams of high-energy light with a speed of more than one trillion electron volts are constantly advancing, accelerating, and colliding at the intersection in the 27-kilometer-long acceleration pipeline, producing a violent and shining light.

These rays of light are captured by the detectors deployed at the intersection, and then evolved into data and energy spectrum images one by one.

With the operation of the LHC, a large number of collision experiment data appear every minute and every second.

Xu Chuan is still very interested in the first collision experiment that can be regarded as the leading one after rebirth.

He followed the CERN staff and stood in the first-line laboratory, and beside him were three leading academicians from Nanjing University, China University of Science and Technology, and Jiaotong University.

This is the first line of received particle collider collision data, and any data captured by the detector will be presented on the display here.

If you are familiar with high-energy fields and mathematical analysis, these initial data are enough for you to perceive something.

In this regard, Xu Chuan will not be modest.

Not to mention being number one or number two in the world, but at least among the top five.

After all, in his previous life, he discovered so many things through the collider under his feet.

Axion particles, dark matter, dark energy, inert neutrinos, etc., in the next ten years, with these discoveries and corresponding theories, he is known as the first person in contemporary physics.

And even if you look at the entire modern history, the three big men who can rank ahead of him are Newton, Einstein and Maxwell.

Newton created a new era of physics with classical mechanics, the era of classical physics.

Einstein took the theory of relativity as a pillar of modern physics and created a new era of modern science and technology.

Maxwell ushered in the information age with classical electromagnetism.

As for him, based on the theory of dark matter and dark energy combined with gravitons, he subverted the traditional rules of physics and rewritten people's cognition and definition of matter.

Even though he didn't have time to continue to study something after that, and he was sent back to his hometown before he even had time to study how to capture and use dark matter and dark energy.

But the pioneering achievements still dazzle the whole world.

On the display screen of the first-line laboratory, the data generated by the particle collider under the feet depicts signal points one by one.

Xu Chuan stared at the screen with interest, staring at the familiar data on it.

If it was his previous life, he might still be a bit confused amidst the large amount of signal data.

After all, these data are only initial data, only after preliminary processing, dense, cumbersome and repetitive.

But after rebirth, I don't know if it has something to do with majoring in mathematics in this life, his sensitivity to mathematics has improved a lot.

This was indeed a pleasant surprise.

Because no matter it is mathematical research, physical research, or material research, a high level of mathematical ability is required as the foundation.

Of course, it is almost impossible to rely on this sensitivity to find data on the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark from front-line laboratories.

After all, these data have not been processed by supercomputers, and they contain various impurities and useless data.

Xu Chuan also understood this, so after reading it for a while, he stopped paying attention.

The collision experiment was restarted in October, and the experiment on the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark lasted for two full days.

In the past two days, the collider has generated trillions of calculations of data, and most of these data will be screened and discarded by supercomputers.

The rest will be reorganized and sent to the database for application by physics experts.

For this experiment, the first batch of applications for collision data were naturally the three universities in Huaguo.

It's something that's already scheduled.

After all, Xu Chuan calculated the ideal search decay channel for Higgs to couple with the third-generation heavy quark Yu Chuan, and he has a certain right to make suggestions and handle it.

However, in addition to the three universities in Huaguo, other universities and laboratories also applied for collision data and were approved.

This may make people feel a little biased, but it is a normal thing at CERN.

If the research shows that the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark Yu Chuan are coupled, the most ideal search decay channel is American scholars or European scholars.

When they obtained the right to use the first batch of data, Huaguo could also apply for the first batch of experimental data to be processed.

Of course, it is not certain whether you can grab it or not.

After all, there are so many physicists at CERN, and everyone will apply for the projects they are interested in. After you apply, CERN will allocate you according to your contribution and previous research.

In addition, the data calculated by two or three different research institutions can be used to verify each other to ensure the correctness of the data.

Although only the first group that submits the acceptance report and passes it will always get the right to sign, but it is so realistic and cruel at CERN.

At the end of the experiment, the collision data processed by the supercomputer was sent to the team that applied for the experimental data.

In addition to the three universities of Nanjing University, China University of Science and Technology, and Jiaotong University, personnel from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and the Electron Synchrotron Institute in Germany also applied for the collision data this time.

After all, with Xu Chuan's theoretical calculation data, the probability of finding the coupling between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark Yu Chuan this time is very high, so it makes no sense not to come in and get a share.

The three groups, if calculated in terms of strength, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States ranks first, the Electron Synchrotron Institute in Germany ranks second, and the three universities in Huaguo rank third.

However, relatively speaking, NTU has previous experience in analyzing data from the Yukawa coupling collision between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark. In addition, Xu Chuan is also the author of the theoretical calculation data, so it can be said that the other two laboratories and research institutes are destined to accompany him.

After the data was distributed, a scientific research team formed by three universities in China started work immediately.

Three academicians + one Fields Medal candidate + several CERNs are the ultra-luxury lineup of researchers, plus doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and even university professors as backup energy at any time, this experiment is doomed Data analysis data can fly fast.

After working overtime, the complete Daritz map was drawn in less than a week.

After the Daritz diagram was drawn and checked to confirm that it was correct, Xu Chuan and the three academicians did not even have time to celebrate, and immediately submitted the application for the acceptance report meeting to CERN.

Although I know that the other two laboratories cannot produce the results so quickly, I am still worried.

After all, it would be a scam if other laboratories snatched the results this time.

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