Great Country Academician

Chapter 220 Returning to China

Looking at the four students who were struggling in front of him, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "You don't need to give me the answer now, you can think about it more."

"Whether you follow me to Huaguo or stay in Princeton, I have no objection and am willing to accept it."

"Go, go back and think about it."

He did not let the four of them make a choice now. It is indeed a big event for students to resign their supervisor during their Ph.D. studies, especially for a supervisor like him who needs to change countries. Not everyone can accept to go with the supervisor.

After sending away a few students, Xu Chuan thought about who would go back with him.

Among the four students, the most likely one should be Gu Bing.

Of course, Gu Bing may not necessarily return to China with him, but the possibility is greater than the other three.

He didn't care much about this either.

If you can follow him, he is very happy; if you don't follow him, he can make arrangements.

The last two days of the report meeting passed quickly.

On August 9th, under the arrangement of the organizer Brazil, the nine-day International Conference of Mathematicians finally came to an end with a cultural performance full of characteristics.

It is worth mentioning that nine days after the report meeting, the police in Brazil still failed to retrieve the mobile phone and medal for Professor Kochel.

In the end, at the closing ceremony, the International Mathematical Union held a special awards ceremony and re-awarded a medal to Professor Kaucher Birkar, which did not leave any regrets.

"The law and order in Rio de Janeiro is really bad. Thieves sneaked in at the International Congress of Mathematics and stole the Fields Medal. This has never happened in previous exchange conferences."

Sitting next to Xu Chuan at the closing award ceremony, Fefferman said with a sigh.

In terms of dynamical system mathematics, South America is very strong, and it can even be said to be at the forefront of the world. There are also many famous mathematicians who have gone out from here.

For example, top mathematicians such as Jacob Parris, Arthur Avila, and Da Costa are all.

This is one of the reasons why this mathematics conference was chosen to be held in Rio de Janeiro.

Although the International Union of Mathematicians also had concerns about the security situation in Rio de Janeiro, it was unexpected that it would be so serious.

Not to mention that the Gold Medal of the Fields Medal winner was stolen on the first day.

The attitude of the Brazilian police is that even a dog would shake his head when he saw it.

After the staff of the International Mathematical Union called the police, the Brazilian police only arranged for a police officer to come over to understand the situation and made a simple registration. They didn't even call the surveillance, and they didn't even want to handle the case.

Such a bad attitude made many scholars who participated in the conference completely disappointed in Brazil.

It is estimated that for a long time in the future, mathematicians and even scholars in other fields will not vote for the venue of the conference here.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Public security is really bad, but for Professor Kocher, this may be memorable. After all, he is the first person in history to win the Fields Medal twice."

"Of course, this will also remind him to remember to take good care of his belongings when he goes out in the future."

Fefferman froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "You're right, winning the Fields Medal twice is definitely worth commemorating, maybe Professor Kocher should treat us to a big meal?"

After a pause, he continued, "How are you thinking about immigration?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "I need to go back first, let's talk about it then."

Fefferman: "I still hope to continue to cooperate with you. The NS equation is a very good research direction. Even if we can't prove it, we can get a lot from it."

Xu Chuan shrugged, and said, "Cooperation is nothing to do with other things. Now that the network and transportation are so developed, even in the ends of the world, it's still possible."

"That's right." Fefferman nodded, and continued: "It's just that there is a difference between face-to-face communication and the Internet."

"In addition, I feel that you actually already have the answer in your heart."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "When I make up my mind, I will definitely call you."

Fefferman: "I'll wait."

After the International Mathematics Conference adjourned, Xu Chuan also prepared to pack his things and return home.

After staying abroad for three years, it is a lie to say that you don't want to go home.

"Professor, are you still in the hotel?"

In the room, Xu Chuan was packing his things when the phone on the table rang, and the call was connected. It was his student Gu Bing who called. It seemed that he had already made a choice.

"Well, it's still in the hotel." Xu Chuan replied.

"Okay, I'll come right over, please wait for me a moment, Professor." Gu Bing said, and then hung up the phone.

Xu Chuan didn't care, and continued to pack his luggage.

After a while, the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, Gu Bing walked in from inside.

"Professor, will you work at the university after you go back, or go to other places?"

Xu Chuan: "I should be a professor at Nantah University."

Hearing this, Gu Bing nodded and said, "In that case, can I go back with you?"

Xu Chuan stopped his hands and asked, "Have you considered it? In fact, it is also a very good choice to continue studying with Professor Deligne at Princeton, and with a diploma from Princeton, it will be easier to find a job when you return to China. "

Gu Bing smiled and said: "It's not bad, and if I didn't teach you, I would not have been able to get into Princeton. I have applied to Princeton three times, but no one chose me."

After a pause, he continued: "What's more, Professor, you are the winner of the Fields Medal. With you, I can eat very well and drink spicy food in China."

Before Gu Bing finished speaking, the doorbell in the room rang again.

Xu Chuan walked over to open the door, he was a little surprised by the people standing outside the door.

"Amelia, why are you here?" Seeing the students standing at the door, Xu Chuan asked curiously.

At the door, Amelia bent her crescent moon and said with a smile, "Of course I'm looking for your mentor. Could it be that there are other people here?"

"Uh..." Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Come in first."

"Brother Gu, you are here too."

Walking into the room, looking at Gu Bing, Amelia said hello and asked curiously: "Brother Gu, do you want to go back to China with your mentor?"

"I also?"

Gu Bing glanced at the youngest junior sister in surprise, paused, and then said, "Do you also want to go to Huaguo with your mentor?"

Amelia nodded and said with a smile: "I'm very interested in Huaguo. I heard that there are a lot of delicacies and giant pandas there. Let's consider it as studying abroad in the past."

Gu Bing looked at Amelia silently, not knowing what to say.

He went back with Xu Chuan, but it made sense, after all, Huaguo was his home.

Amelia followed, which was a bit puzzling.

Not to mention that her father was a professor at Princeton, Xu Chuan also arranged for him Edward Witten as a follow-up tutor. In addition, Princeton is obviously better than Nantah University. I don’t understand why she chose to go to Nantah University, but Not staying in Princeton.

"You want to go to Huaguo with me?" On the side, Xu Chuan just closed the door and walked over. After hearing Amelia's words, he almost lost his footing, stumbled on his left foot and fell to the ground with his right foot.

"Of course!" Amelia nodded.

The corner of Xu Chuan's mouth twitched, and he said, "Don't make trouble, your father is in Princeton, I also agreed with Wei Teng, why are you going to Huaguo with me?"

"I didn't make trouble." Amelia replied seriously: "I've already thought about it, and my father also agreed."

The corner of Xu Chuan's mouth twitched again, and he said helplessly, "No, why are you going to Huaguo with me? Princeton is very good, it suits you better than Huaguo."

Amelia waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter whether you are suitable or not, what matters is that you can learn more. I think following you is more promising than following Professor Witten."

After a pause, she continued, "And, I can speak Chinese."

As she said that, she said in Chinese: "I heard that Huaguo has a lot of delicacies. I want to eat all over Huaguo in the next few years!"

When Amelia spoke, both Xu Chuan and Gu Bing were stunned.

Good guy, this is still really Mandarin. Although it is not so standard, intermittent and out of order, it is no longer a problem for domestic communication.

"When did you learn Chinese?" Xu Chuan asked in surprise. He had taken this student for several months and had never heard of her being able to speak Chinese.

When I was in IPHO before, I never saw Amelia speak Chinese.

"I started learning it more than three or four months ago. I watched some teaching videos." Amelia smiled and said, "By the way, there is a website called bilibili in Huaguo. I watched a lot of videos on it. It’s really interesting how one word can express so many meanings.”

"For example, when I watch a video of a quarrel, there are many meanings in it that are not meanings, but also meanings, and a lot of boring things, so is it interesting or boring?"

Amelia opened her blue eyes and looked at Xu Chuan with great interest: "I still haven't figured out what the meaning in that video is. Chinese is so interesting, maybe I should go to Only by studying Huaguo can we understand."

For a moment, Xu Chuan didn't know what to say.

If you can figure out what the meaning inside is, that would be too heaven-defying.

It takes three to four months to master a foreign language, which is extremely difficult like Chinese. With Amelia's talent, she might be able to master dozens of languages ​​given her time.

I'm afraid there is a quantum computer core brain, right?

"You want to go to Huaguo with me just to eat and learn Chinese?" Suddenly, Xu Chuan asked curiously.

Amelia nodded, her eyes were bright, and she replied with a smile: "Of course, but eating and Chinese are just one of the goals. In the past few months, I have learned a lot from you. Whether it is mathematics or physics, you have learned a lot. It answered my questions perfectly."

After a pause, she looked at Xu Chuan, and then said: "And I always feel that you are more powerful than Professor Wei Teng."

Xu Chuan sighed: "I think you should think about it carefully, this is not a trivial matter."

In the end, Xu Chuan still didn't hold back Amelia, just like she was pestering to be his student back then.

Four students, Amelia and Gu Bing chose to go to Huaguo to continue their studies with him, while Shashi Perez and Roger Dean chose to stay in Princeton.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and Xu Chuan has no opinion.

Before leaving, the four students were sent to the airport to say goodbye to him.

"Roger, Shaxi, even if I leave, remember to study hard." At the Rio de Janeiro International Airport, Xu Chuan patted the shoulders of the two students and said goodbye with a smile.

"I will work hard, mentor." Roger Dean nodded vigorously. Although Xu Chuan only taught them for a few months, he was a teacher for a day and a teacher for life.

What's more, with their original conditions, there is a high probability that they will not be able to apply for Princeton. It is Xu Chuan who gave them this opportunity. It not only allowed them to enter Princeton, a sacred place of mathematics, but also had two Fields Medal winners as their tutors.

"Roger and I will remember to visit you, Professor." On the side, Shashi Perez, who was usually sloppy, calmed down.

"I hope to see you standing on the stage in St. Petersburg and giving a report in four years' time."

Xu Chuan waved his hand with a smile, bid farewell to the four of them, turned around and led them into the waiting hall.

Not long after, a silver-white passenger plane slowly slid towards the runway and finally disappeared into the sky.

After going through a turning point, from Brazil to Europe, and then to the capital, after more than ten hours of travel, Xu Chuan looked at the bustling city under his feet, and his heart was full of waves.

From the previous life to the present, to the present day, those memories are still deeply imprinted in my mind, and will not be erased by time.

The plane descended slowly and stopped at the end of the runway.

Xu Chuan dragged his luggage and followed the other passengers towards the exit.

In the reception hall, there stood a group of people in suits and leather shoes, looking at him with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this group of people, Xu Chuan was slightly taken aback.

Before returning to China, he knew that he would pick him up at the airport, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

With a cursory glance, there are probably thirty or forty people in the reception hall. And among the crowd, there were quite a few people he was quite familiar with.

Looking at Xu Chuan in the hall, Academician Pan Deming, who was standing in front of the lineup of pick-ups, walked over quickly with a smile on his face, leading the others to move forward together.

"Professor Xu, welcome back." Academician Pan Deming warmly extended his right hand with a bright smile on his face.

"Academician Pan." Xu Chuan let go of the suitcase, smiled and shook hands with the old man in front of him.

On the side, among the airport pick-up crowd, another old man with a high status walked over with a smile on his face.

"Professor Xu, welcome home." The old man walked up to Xu Chuan and extended his hands enthusiastically.

Although Xu Chuan had never met him before, he also guessed that this person's status was not low, because Mu Liangcai, who had flown to Brazil before, was standing beside him, and Mu Liangcai was the deputy leader of the organization department. Stand by and accompany.

"Professor Xu, this is Director Qin Anguo of the Science and Technology Department." On the side, Pan Deming introduced with a smile.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan suddenly understood that the position of the top leader of the Science and Technology Department is needless to say. He smiled and stretched out his hand, shook it and said, "Hi, Chief Qin."

The reason why he landed in the capital today instead of Jinling or Modu was because of this Tuo Muliang who brought the request.

Qin Anguo waved his hand, with an approachable smile on his face: "Don't be so polite, we are all family members, if you don't mind, just call me Uncle Qin."

Xu Chuan smiled, and glanced at Mu Liangcai next to him, the two routines are the same.

Mu Liangcai didn't care about Xu Chuan's eyes, and said with a smile: "Professor Xu, you must be tired after sitting on the plane for so long. Let's get in the car and go to the hotel first, and then catch up on the past and welcome you."

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