Great Country Academician

Chapter 242 The Nobel Prize Ceremony

Winter nights in Stockholm come quickly.

This is a city close to the Arctic Circle. Before three o'clock in the afternoon, the sky had already dimmed rapidly.

However, for people living in this city, they have long been accustomed to it. The dark night and the arctic wind did not dispel the enthusiasm of residents and tourists, and there are still many activities on the streets.

Especially now, the whole city of Stockholm is filled with a 'festival' atmosphere, the lights dispel the darkness, and people coming and going wander the streets, enjoying this special atmosphere.

For a city, or even a country, it is an absolute honor and pride to be able to host the award ceremony with the highest honor award in the world.

In the room of the Stockholm Grand Hotel, Xu Chuan took a nap for a while, regained his energy, went out and took his parents and younger sister downstairs to the restaurant of the hotel for dinner.

"Wow, bro, there's chili fried pork here!"

"If I had known this in the hotel we stayed in, I wouldn't have to run out to find something to eat."

In the restaurant, Xu Xiao stared blankly at the dishes on the buffet tray, and then shouted in surprise.

Xu Chuan smiled and touched the girl's head. The Stockholm Grand Hotel does not serve Huaguo dishes, but as a Nobel Prize winner, it is not a big deal for him to ask the hotel to temporarily prepare some Hunan dishes.

Maybe the taste is not very authentic, but in a foreign country, it is enough to be able to eat local dishes.

On the side, after seeing the familiar dishes, Xu's father looked at his son in front of him a little touched. His casual complaint yesterday, the child remembered it in his heart.

But he didn't say anything, just holding the plate and ordering the food.

After all, they are family.

"Long time no see, Professor Xu." In the restaurant, Xu Chuan was picking dishes with a plate, when a familiar voice came from his ear.

Turning his head to look, it was his mentor in Princeton, Deligne and Witten, followed by another familiar figure.

"Mentor, senior sister, when did you arrive?" Xu Chuan asked in surprise, "Doesn't it mean that you will arrive in a day?"

Wei Teng smiled, and said: "I originally planned to come tomorrow, but when I booked the ticket, I found that the ticket was gone, so I made it a day earlier."

On the side, Deligne looked at his student up and down, and said, "It seems that you have a good life after returning to China, and you seem to have gained weight?"

Xu Chuan scratched his head and said with a smile, "No? But it's also possible. After all, I haven't exercised much during this time."

Hearing this, Wei Teng asked curiously, "What have you been doing since you went back?"

He still knows a little about Xu Chuan. When he was in Princeton, even when he was studying Hodge’s conjecture, he would run a few laps on the football field every day, rain or shine. After returning to China, he didn’t even have time to exercise?

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I can't say this for now, but you should know it after a while."

Deligne was also a little curious about this, but he didn't ask, and said with a smile: "This is a supreme honor, I'm glad you can get it, but I hope that this Nobel Prize will bring you inspiration , rather than contentment."

Xu Chuan's winning the Nobel Prize is also an honor and honor for Deligne.

After all, it is commendable to bring out a Nobel Prize winner and a double Fields Medal winner.

But he was even more worried that Xu Chuan would stop after winning the Nobel Prize, wasting his talent and time.

In his opinion, this student is capable enough to go further and create greater brilliance.

It is his honor to win the Nobel Prize at the age of 21, but it may also become his limitation.

He won the world's highest honor award at a young age, which may cause some changes in his mentality and stop him from moving forward.

The Nobel Prize has always been chosen to be awarded to older scholars, and it is not without concerns in this regard.

As the highest award in the world, this kind of lifelong honor can easily make a person fall into various states of satisfaction, self-satisfaction, etc., and then lose the motivation to climb the peak forever.

Many of the past winners of the Nobel Prize have not made any great achievements in their later careers. Although this has something to do with their age, the impact of the Nobel Prize is definitely there.

Deligne really didn't want Xu Chuan to go down this path, especially since he was still so young.

Hearing Deligne's words, Xu Chuan replied solemnly: "Please rest assured, mentor, I have never given up on scientific research and academics in the past. For me, the Nobel Prize is just the beginning."

Deligne nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "That's good, Wei Teng and I will go to eat first."

Deligne and Witten left, leaving behind the senior sister Liu Jiaxin who had been following behind.

"Long time no see, senior." Xu Chuan greeted senior with a smile.

Liu Jiaxin raised her head and said, "Well, congratulations, you have won the Nobel Prize."

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "You have already said it once on the phone. How do you get used to living in Princeton? How do you feel about Professor Mark Braverman?"

Nodding her head, the senior sister said seriously: "Professor is very kind to others and takes good care of me."

"Professor Braverman has deep research on algorithms, complexity theory and artificial intelligence learning. You should be able to learn a lot from him."

At the beginning, when the senior sister wanted to learn from him, he refused.

Unlike Amelia, the field of study of this senior sister can be said to be basically not in his research category. Algorithms and artificial intelligence, he has not had much contact with them in his previous life.

However, in Princeton, there are top professors in these two fields, and Professor Mark Braverman in his mouth is the representative.

The professor will receive the highest honor a computer scientist can receive - the 'IMU Abacus Award' at the International Mathematical Congress in 2022.

Of course, this award is still called the 'Nivalliner Award', and it will be renamed the 'IMU Abacus Award' until next year.

Being able to win this award can be said to be the top professor of computer science. In the field of mathematics, it is equivalent to winning the Fields Medal.

Although Princeton's computer science is not as good as some top universities specializing in this field, it can compete with those top computer universities in some subtle branches of computer science, such as artificial intelligence and data analysis.

After all, Princeton is a sacred place for mathematics, and the relationship between mathematics and computers goes without saying.

The senior sister pursed her lips and nodded. She has no regrets about going to Princeton, but the person in front of her has returned home.

The two were reminiscing about the past, and suddenly, a crisp voice sounded in their ears.

"Brother! Who is she?"

Holding the prepared dinner plate, Xu Xiao jumped over, stood next to Xu Chuan and looked curiously at the senior sister opposite, with excitement and the light of eating melons shining in his eyes.

In fact, she noticed the movement here very early, but she just lingered and didn't come over. It wasn't until Xu Chuan communicated with a girl alone that she couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart and ran over.

Xu Chuan introduced with a smile: "This is the senior sister I met when I was studying at Nantah University. Her name is Liu Jiaxin. She is currently studying for a Ph.D. at Princeton."

"This is my younger sister, Xu Xiao, a ghostly girl who is currently studying at Shuimu University and is just a freshman this year."

On the opposite side, upon hearing Xu Chuan's introduction, the senior sister suddenly became nervous and stuttered to greet Xu Xiao.

As for Xu Xiao, she moved over with the dinner plate in her hand: "That's great, sister Jiaxin, Princeton is very difficult to pass. Are you majoring in mathematics?"

"By the way, sister Jiaxin, how did you meet my brother?"

A series of questions popped out of Xu Xiao's mouth. She is now interested in this sister, and this seems to be the first time she has seen a female friend appearing beside him.

The night time passed quickly.

Swedish time, at two o'clock in the afternoon on December 10, the gate of the Stockholm Grand Hotel was crowded with reporters from all over the world.

These reporters either carried cameras on their shoulders or held microphones, and looked towards the hotel gate. They were waiting, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the Nobel Prize winner to come out of the hotel.

Among them, the CTV media reporter from Huaguo has already occupied the front row, and is explaining to the camera with a passionate tone. Behind the camera, tens of millions of people are watching.

"Hi everyone, I'm a reporter from CTV. This is the Stockholm Grand Hotel, where previous Nobel Prize winners live temporarily before accepting their awards. Every year, the winners attending the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony depart from here .”

"I will broadcast the whole process live and show you the award ceremony of this year's Nobel Prize."

"It can be seen that there are too many people here. In addition to reporters from other media, there are also many overseas Chinese compatriots in Sweden and local citizens of Stockholm. Everyone participated in this grand event together."

In front of the camera, a beautiful reporter wearing a thick down jacket was explaining passionately, and the camera on the shoulder of the cameraman also rotated. The atmosphere was hot and crowded.

Compared with the liveliness of the scene, there are more people squatting in front of their mobile phones or TVs.

Although Xu Chuan is not the first scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, there are Yang Zhenxi and Li Zhengxuan before that.

However, as the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history and the first double winner of the Nobel Prize and Fields Medal in history, it still attracts more people's attention.

Everyone is waiting for that person to appear in front of the screen.

At the same time, the figure that everyone was looking forward to was standing by the window, overlooking the crowd downstairs.

The Nobel Prize award ceremony officially starts at 4:00 pm at the Stockholm Concert Hall.

Of course, these Nobel Prize winners and invited guests must leave some time in advance. Fortunately, the Stockholm Grand Hotel is not far from the Stockholm Concert Hall.

Standing beside Xu Chuan was Xu Chuan's family.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were wearing suits and national costumes for the first time, looking at the crowd below nervously and apprehensively. For them, this was the first time they had faced so many people.

Of course, besides being nervous, there was also pride and flushing on his face.

This is the glory brought by their children, and most people in the world have never had the opportunity to experience such a scene.

As for Xu Xiao on the side, wearing a tuxedo, although his immature face was also a little nervous and apprehensive, it was more excited and anticipating.

Although she is younger, she has experienced a lot of exercise.

After all, there is an older brother like Xu Chuan. Since high school, whether it is Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School or Shuimu University, whenever there are any major events on campus, she will basically be arranged to speak on stage as a representative.

After three or four years, she already had enough courage to face such a scene.

"Brother, you don't look nervous or excited at all? Is this the Nobel Prize?" Standing beside Xu Chuan, Xu Xiao curiously looked at Xu Chuan, who was as calm as ever, and asked curiously.

Xu Chuan turned his head to look at his younger sister, and instead of answering the question, he said with a smile: "It seems that you have gained a lot of training in school these years."

Hearing this, Xu Xiao raised his head proudly, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "That is, I will go up to give a report every year for the opening speech. This number of people is really good."

Xu Chuan smiled, and didn't say anything else, this girl was probably just as arrogant as this.

After all, the exercise in school is different from that in society, and she will know it when she goes out.

After waiting in the hotel room for a while, it was time for departure.

With his parents and younger sister, Xu Chuan followed the staff of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to the downstairs of the hotel.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, he met another scholar who won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year, Professor Arthur Ashkin.

This scholar who has made great contributions in the field of lasers is accompanied by his family just like him, with a bright smile on his face.

Although the two met each other, they still recognized each other. In the hall, Professor Arthur Ashkin nodded friendly and greeted the young Nobel laureate.

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded in response, and then led his family towards the outside of the hotel. Seeing the hotel gate getting closer and closer, his heart that had always been calm gradually became emotional.

He originally thought that having won the Nobel Prize twice in his previous life would allow him to face this moment calmly enough, but when this moment actually came, he realized that the waves in his heart would still surge.

Because, this is his loudest voice to the whole world!

And Xu Xiao, who was following Xu Chuan, was about to step out of the gate, looking at the countless cameras and crowds outside the gate, and suddenly pinched the hem of his clothes nervously.

The previous bragging will completely disappear here.

On the other hand, Xu's father and Xu's mother had already adjusted their mentality enough before going downstairs, and in turn comforted their daughter softly.

At the entrance of the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, bright lights disperse the night. The weather in the cold winter is very cold, but the atmosphere is extremely hot.

Seeing Xu Chuan walking out with his family, there was a commotion at the scene. Countless reporters scrambled to adjust the cameras in their hands, pressed the shutter, and the flash lights were all white.

And the CTV media reporter, who had already occupied the best position in the front row, was wearing a thick down jacket and holding a black microphone in his hand. figure.

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