Great Country Academician

Chapter 267 Discovery that changes the physics building!

In the auditorium, regarding the question raised by Xu Chuan, the audience in the audience had different opinions and expressed their own opinions.

In the front row, Frank Wilczek reached out and poked Witten sitting beside him.

Wei Teng cast a puzzled look.

"For the question just now, what do you think is the answer in his heart?" Wilczek asked.

Wei Teng thought for a while, and said: "If you say, change the question to a word-" When facing the vast universe, what is the biggest 'difficult' problem that the human science community has encountered so far? "

"Then there may be many answers to that question."

"For example, the iron wall of the speed of light restricts human observation of the universe, such as how the mass originated, or what is the reason for the expansion of space-time."

"But 'What is the greatest puzzle that human science has ever encountered in the face of the vastness of the universe?'."

"I'm afraid there is only one answer."

Frank Wilczek: "Dark Matter?"

Edward Witten nodded.

Dark matter is by far the biggest mystery faced by all scientists in the process of studying the universe.

One of the essential issues of scientific research is "material science".

As for the "dark matter and dark energy" that occupy 96% of the total mass of the universe, there is still nothing about it since humans began to observe the universe.

Even a mysterious black hole that can devour light is dazzling enough under the observation of modern science. Even today's science has enough ability to take pictures of it and make it appear in the eyes of the public.

However, more than a hundred years have passed, and no one has been able to observe dark matter so far. It is a "mysterious existence" that is far more difficult to capture than black holes.

It is as mysterious as ever, and humans cannot see it, nor know what it is made of, let alone its nature.

Except for the movement of celestial bodies, the phenomenon of Newton's universal gravitation, the gravitational lens effect, the formation of the large-scale structure of the universe, etc., it can be confirmed that there is indeed a substance unknown to human beings in the universe, and there is no trace of it at all.

After more than a century of long research, modern scientists have discovered that human cognition of dark matter has reached its "peak" since the moment it was discovered.

"In the data of the ALICE detector, the 120um (rφ direction) beam z observation data of the antihelium-3 nucleus in the inner tracking system"

On the podium, after Xu Chuan asked the question, he didn't linger too much on it, nor did he give his own answer, but started the core of the whole press conference.

Announce the results of the analysis of the ALICE detector data.

Following his report, when the discovery of sterile neutrinos appeared on the projection screen accompanied by Daritz diagrams, and when the relationship between sterile neutrinos and dark matter was described, the commotion in the auditorium became more and more obvious.

Not only the media reporters who were busy taking pictures with cameras under the podium opened their mouths, even the physicists who were invited to attend the report meeting could not suppress their surprise.

Although many of these people have already learned about the content of this report through the invitation letter in advance.

But when Xu Chuan stood on the podium and announced the news, it was still shocking.

"We have completed the analysis of the 120um (rφ direction) beam z observation data of the anti-helium-3 nucleus in the internal tracking system. Theoretically, the confidence level of a new particle that has not been discovered by the physics community has reached the 3sigma."

"In the second half of this year, CERN will launch more particle collision experiments around this discovery to collect more data and confirm whether it is an inert neutrino or another particle that we have never found."

"The content of this press conference has been reported, and it will be time for questions."

After the words fell, the media reporters in the front row raised their palms in unison.

If it wasn't for the stage being separated, they would have rushed up and stuffed the microphone into Xu Chuan's mouth.

On the podium, Xu Chuan stretched out his hand to signal the first media reporter to ask a question.

As a Chinese, the first media reporter he pointed to was naturally the boss of Huaguo Media, a reporter arranged by Yang Ma, but this time it was not the acquaintance who came here, but another woman who was usually in charge of interviews in the field of physics. reporter.

After all, this kind of press conference must involve some professional knowledge and questions. If the reporter who goes to interview does not understand anything, it will definitely not work.

After receiving Xu Chuan's signal, Yangma's reporter stood up excitedly and took the microphone from the staff.

"Professor Xu, you just mentioned inert neutrinos and dark matter at the press conference, could you please explain in detail?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Of course."

"Dark matter is a theoretically proposed invisible substance that may exist in the universe in physics. It may be the main component of cosmic matter, but it does not constitute any of the things we can see and observe at present. celestial bodies."

"Combining the observation of the anisotropy of the microwave background radiation in the universe and the standard cosmological model (ΛCDM model), we can determine that dark matter in the current observable universe accounts for 85% of the total mass of all matter and 26.8% of the total mass-energy of the universe."

"It is the main building block of the universe, which has not yet been discovered by us."

"The inert neutrino is also a fundamental particle of the universe proposed in physics theory, and it may be a fundamental particle that constitutes dark matter."

"From the data analysis results of the 13Tev energy level collision experiment of the ALICE detector, it is very likely that this area hides a particle that is currently unknown to humans, and from the various data, this unknown particle may be The theoretically sterile neutrino."

After the words fell, countless media reporters in the audience raised their hands again.

This time Xu Chuan picked it randomly, and the media reporters who were picked were very excited.

"Professor Xu, you just mentioned a professional term in the report, the confidence level of 3sigma, can you explain what it means?"

Xu Chuan: "Sigma is a standard used by statistics to express the standard deviation, that is, the degree of dispersion of data, also known as the "standard deviation triple method", which is a statistical criterion used to measure the performance of a specific sample combination of a specific test item normal range."

"You can understand that 3sigma means that the probability of this happening is above 99.73%."

Hearing this, the crowd in the audience became commotion again.

Especially for those media reporters who don't know much about high-energy physics, the probability of 99.73% can be said to be very high, and this probability is almost the same as what happened.

"Professor Xu, does such a high probability mean that you have found dark matter?" A reporter from the audience quickly followed up and asked.

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "I have never said such a thing. In the physics world, if you want to confirm the occurrence of something, or confirm the existence of a new particle, you need to reach a confidence level of at least 5 sigma. .”

"The 5-sigma confidence level can be understood as 99.99994% of the observed results are real results. Only when this confidence level is reached can the real existence be confirmed."

"So the next work of CERN is to conduct more experiments around this unknown new particle and collect more data to increase confidence."

After the words fell, another media reporter stood up: "Professor Xu, if I remember correctly, this collision experiment was carried out on September 28, 2018."

"And on the day when the collision experiment was launched, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit Sulawesi, Indonesia, killing more than 2,000 people and injuring more than 1,000. Is there any connection between the two? Is it the operation of the LHC? Earthquake in Sulawesi? Is this a warning from God?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan looked at the media reporter who asked the question. Sure enough, the person who caused the trouble was a foreign reporter, who was looking at him with hatred.

"This is a matter without any basis. In fact, the operation of the LHC will not cause any damage to the ecological environment of the earth, let alone cause natural disasters such as earthquakes."

At the CERN press conference, journalists from this type of media asked all kinds of weird questions every time.

There is also a group of people who believe that the operation of the LHC will bring disasters to the earth from the beginning to the end, so a large number of people will gather every year to protest and stop the LHC experiment.

In this regard, Xu Chuan can only say that the nine-year compulsory education in foreign countries is really popular, and this kind of people should treat their brains.

But he can't say this at the press conference, and he has to be careful with the words used to answer this question. Once these media reporters catch any answer that can be taken out of context, it will really fall into the cesspit.

In the auditorium, the atmosphere was quite hot.

Except for some strange questions raised by a small number of media, more media reporters are focusing on such things as inert neutrinos, dark matter, and the universe.

No way, this discovery is really amazing.

Inert neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy

If such a particle really exists in the 13Tev ultra-high energy level collision experiment data, in a sense, this will be a subversive discovery.

Many people present thought of the "neutrino superluminal event" nearly ten years ago. At that time, the neutrino oscillating latex track (OPERA) cooperation group from Italy announced that it had discovered in a neutrino experiment that "Neutrino faster than the speed of light".

This result will almost directly break the special theory of relativity created by Einstein in the last century, and almost overturn the entire physics field.

But fortunately, it was later confirmed that tachyon neutrinos did not exist, and it was just a problem caused by a faulty fiber optic cable that caused this embarrassing oolong incident.

And this time, if the inert neutrino, a particle related to dark matter, is confirmed, although it will not directly overturn the entire physics world, it will bring a broader future to mankind.

In this Internet age, there is no doubt that the speed of message delivery is quite fast.

In the afternoon after the press conference was held, various media quickly passed on the contents of the conference.

And the titles that were taken out were also more shocking and brighter than the last.

"Shock! The youngest Nobel laureate in history confirmed the existence of dark matter! "

"Dark matter, which accounts for more than 85% of the total mass of the universe, was discovered by CERN, and it looks like this!" "

"Inert Neutrinos! A particle that exceeds the building of the Standard Model is also a bomb thrown at high-energy physics, and the building of the physics world is about to collapse! "


The headlines that were more bombarding than one soon detonated the entire Internet, attracting countless people who eat melons.

[Fuck! Dark matter discovered? 】

[I didn’t say anything, I just said that a new particle may have been discovered, it may be an inert neutrino, it may be a part of dark matter, pay attention! There are three possibilities here, so it's basically uncertain. 】

[Dark matter cannot be discovered, and what can be observed is not dark matter! 】

[It's all conjecture. It can neither be confirmed nor falsified, and I can only listen to it while eating and entertaining myself. But the compulsion is obviously higher, because no one can refute you, and the reason is still neither proven nor falsified. 】

[When did Chuan Shen become such an uncertain party, woo woo, my Chuan Shen. 】

[High-energy physics is like this. Before any new phenomenon or new particle is finally confirmed, it can only be said that it may exist, but the confidence level of 3sigma is indeed a bit low. 】

[As expected of Chuan Shen! A shot is such a sensational news in the world. 】

[The probability of 99.73% or more is still low. The probability that I threw the dice for the multiple-choice questions in the college entrance examination was 1/2, which is already very high! 】

[Laughing and crying, how can this be compared, your college entrance examination is irrelevant to human science, and this top science must be completely certain, if it is wrong, it will affect your college entrance examination. 】

[So what exactly is dark matter? 】

【have no idea! You ask me who I ask, I guess Chuan Shen doesn't know what dark matter is. 】

On the Internet, the related heat rises rapidly.

Of course, this is also related to Xu Chuan. Since he won the Nobel Prize, many people have been paying attention to him and want to know what he is researching.

In the case of its own heat, coupled with the fact that the term dark matter carries all kinds of things that can be discussed, the discussions on the Internet are quite heated.

But this has no effect on Xu Chuan or CERN.

After the press conference, there will be a report or lecture held by NTU invited various Nobel Laureates in Physics.

At this report meeting, Xu Chuan gave a more detailed introduction than the press conference on the discovery of inertial neutrinos, which will attract more physicists to devote their energy to this field.

He is not worried that others will discover or analyze the existence of inert neutrinos in advance, and he has enough confidence in this.

But at the same time, there are countless secrets hidden in the field of high-energy physics. Inert neutrinos are only a part of dark matter, and the research on dark matter requires more physicists to work together.

It is far from enough to rely on his own strength.

However, what Xu Chuan did not expect was that his press conference not only attracted the attention of the majority of netizens, but also attracted the attention of the higher authorities.

After the report meeting, a red phone call that caught him by surprise came directly to his mobile phone.

Book title "Dragon"

Gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions—the four fundamental forces are my powers, my eternal crown, my immortal throne.

The ignorant call me a tyrant, but the wise call me king.

Some people are afraid of me, some people worship me, and they all surrender to me.

The gods tremble under my wings, and the worlds fear at my roar.

The world respects me as the ultimate dragon Dilong, Dilong Saga——Saga Gatanjae Aatrox Diablo Nexus Targaryen Arceus!


This book is also known as "Controlling the Dragon of Power" and "The Chronicle of the Dragon Clan of Power"

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