Great Country Academician

Chapter 328: A second slap in the face delivered to your door!

When Edward Witten and Roger Penrose pierced each other's hearts, the report meeting also came to an end.

When the last PPT picture was shown in the eyes of everyone, the atmosphere of the whole auditorium was pushed to the peak.

Even people who don't understand the thesis and the proof process can understand what happened at this moment.

【.When the viscosity coefficient ν tends to zero, the solution of the initial boundary value problem of the Navier-Stokes equation tends to the corresponding ideal fluid state in the interior of the fluid motion region. That is, there is an initial boundary value solution to the Euler equation! 】

[To sum up all the inferences above, we can easily know that in the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, the solution exists! And smooth! 】

On the podium, Xu Chuan completed the final report with a steady voice.

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

Just like the beginning of the report.

This is the answer to the NS equation and the knowledge of civilization and scientific progress!

The moment the voice fell.

The applause sounded like thunder in an instant, and lasted like a tide in this wide and crowded auditorium.

Thunderous applause echoed in his ears, and Xu Chuan looked at the audience of thousands of people with a smile.

To be honest, he enjoyed the moment.

Not just because of the honor, but because it was his own breakthrough.

The satisfaction that the former can bring is only temporary, while the latter can permeate his mind for a long time.

It took nearly half a minute before the tide of applause gradually stopped.

Xu Chuan bowed slightly to express his gratitude and respect to the audience, then got up and said again: "The report on the NS equation has been completed, and the following will be the questioning session."

"If you have any questions about my thesis or report, you can raise them now."

As before, after completing the report on the NS equation proof, he opened the questioning session.

For a report meeting, although the reports and explanations of related papers are very important, the questioning part is the key.

For a speaker, no matter how excellent his report is, no matter how detailed his thesis is, no matter how many audiences he convinces in the report meeting, there will still inevitably be such and such doubts.

Especially for the century-old problem of the millennium.

The questioning session started, and in the auditorium, one arm after another was raised.

Xu Chuan began to answer questions from front to back.

This can be regarded as the unspoken rule of the academic report meeting.

After all, if this kind of top-level report meeting is basically arranged in advance, the top experts in related fields will be arranged at the front.

For a problem of the century, the reporter is not required to be able to satisfy everyone's questions.

Because not everyone can understand the relevant problems and papers, for the mathematics community, as long as these top experts can unanimously agree that the papers are correct, it is enough.

Of course, this does not mean that a false thesis can appear openly in front of everyone.

For the mathematics community, everyone can point out that this paper is wrong. As long as it is reasonable, the publisher of the paper must explain it.

Otherwise this paper will be cast aside by the mathematics community.

Walking along the front row, Xu Chuan began to ask questions.

To his surprise, the first questioner turned out to be his mentor Edward Witten.

He raised a question related to the tool of "differential construction method", mainly in terms of topological construction and connection of partial differential equations.

Then, Qiu Chengtong, Tao Zhexuan, Alessio Figalli and other big cows and young cows in the field of partial differential equations all raised their hands to express their doubts.

Of course, Xu Chuan also answered these questions one by one.

Compared with the phased results of the NS equation last time, there were more people asking questions this time, so that Xu Chuan and Nantah University had to temporarily suspend the questioning session according to the previous process, and first invited the scholars who came to the report meeting to have dinner. continue.

As for Xu Chuan, the two-hour break at noon is also good for him to recover some energy to answer questions in the afternoon.

At two o'clock sharp, the question session in the afternoon continued.

Xu Chuan calmly responded to questions from mathematicians, physicists and even some fluid mechanics application engineers.

He can basically give satisfactory answers to most of the questions.

A small part of it is either that the questioner is too whimsical, or it is something about the NS equation or the application of fluid mechanics.

For the former, he couldn't give an accurate answer, but could only give some thoughts and ideas of his own.

The latter is to maintain a long-standing habit, saying that he is only a theoretical mathematician and does not know about applications.

For the latter questioners, this is indeed a pity.

After all, the professor Xu in front of me is the one who has traveled the farthest on this road. If he gives direction, even if it is just a sentence, the development of fluid mechanics will be greatly improved.

But it is a pity that he has always declined to answer application questions at the report meeting.

As for Xu Chuan, there was no need for him to answer these questions.

Even if he knows.

On the one hand, if you do not answer application questions, it will not affect the correctness of the report and thesis.

On the other hand, although science has no national boundaries, scientists do.

In the afternoon, the question and answer passed quickly.

When it was around 4:30, Xu Chuan also had a smile on his face.

If not as expected, this report will come to a perfect end.

But at this moment, someone in the auditorium raised his hand again.

Xu Chuan didn't care either, and nodded and stretched out his hand to signal the other party to ask questions.

Immediately, the staff who had already prepared handed over the microphone to the other party.

The one who stood up was a white man in his thirties who didn't look like a scholar.

The man took the microphone and said, "Hello, Professor Xu, I am a media reporter from The Washington Times. Do you know about Professor Jiang Kangcai's paper at Rice University?"

"If I remember correctly, Professor Jiang's paper has proved that the smooth solution of the NS equation does not exist, and it has passed the peer review and published in the paper journal. Does this mean that your report today is completely wrong? of?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan couldn't help frowning.

At the same time, rustling commotion came from the auditorium.

When most scholars heard this question, their eyes were full of disdain, and a small number of people showed interest in their eyes.

They wanted to hear how this Professor Xu would answer this question.

On the other side, the leaders of Nantah University in the background and the teachers of the administration office quickly stood up after hearing the question.

Reporters from the "Washington Times" actually sneaked in?

They naturally knew about the news report written by this notorious media. They thought that the matter had passed without Xu Chuan's reply and after being scolded by Professor Tao Zhexuan.

But I didn't expect the media to arrange people to come to the scene to make trouble today.

After all, this media has no reporters stationed in the country, and no one would think about it.

In the auditorium, just as the staff wanted to step forward to take the reporter away.

Xu Chuan waved his hand and said, "Leave him for now."

Hearing this, the staff who had already walked past slowed down.

And "Washington Times" media reporter Andrew Whit proudly looked up at the podium.

For the "Washington Times", if it can seize the opportunity to disgust the neighboring countries behind the donors, it will definitely win the support and appreciation of the donors.

Originally thought that after they put forward relevant news in the newspapers, this Professor Xu would eagerly jump out to prove himself, and then they could continue to entangle according to the routine.

Unexpectedly, this Professor Xu ignored them, but another Professor Tao Zhexuan Tao who was involved by them blatantly yelled at them on his blog, making them a joke.

The accidental provoking of Terence Tao caused the "Washington Times" to be scolded, and he was naturally scolded by the editor-in-chief. This incident made Andrew Whitt very resentful, so he came up with another crooked trick.

Since this Professor Xu doesn't respond to their media, then take the initiative to find him, isn't he going to hold a proof report meeting for the NS equation? Then go to the report meeting and ask this question.

Under the watchful eyes of scholars all over the world, it is impossible for him to evade this question, right?

And no matter how he answers, it is basically profitable for the "Washington Times", and the traffic can take off.

As for fame, do they still care about fame?

On the podium, Xu Chuan looked at the "Washington Times" media reporter and sneered, and said:

"To be honest, I don't know who arranged for you to come here. But the person who can make this suggestion must have no brains."

"On the Internet, it's not enough for you to be slapped in the face by Professor Tao Zhexuan once, and you have to take the initiative to come to me and get slapped a second time."

"In this case, I will fulfill you!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the entire auditorium, and many people laughed outright.

After all, most of the scholars who came to participate in the report meeting today have read Terence Tao's article on the blog that angered the "Washington Times".

And Andrew Whit, who was standing there, turned livid in an instant.

Because it was he who suggested it and came here himself.

He didn't expect that this Professor Xu changed his previous style and directly attacked him as sharply as Tao Zhexuan.

According to the expected calculation, shouldn't it be him who raised the question, and the other party explained it from an academic perspective on the podium?

After all, this is facing thousands of international scholars. After all, shouldn't we maintain the demeanor that a scholar should have?

Why did things turn out like this?

Xu Chuan ignored the reporter. He waved to the staff standing aside and said, "Please help me carry a blackboard."

Hearing this, the staff who had been waiting on the side quickly lifted the blackboard.

Xu Chuan picked up a piece of chalk and began to write on it.

【.2u(x, y, z)=Fx(x, y, z, t)μ(μ/y)+(μ/y)=0】

After writing down some formulas, Xu Chuan turned to look at the reporter, and said again: "I think you should be very familiar with the formulas I listed on the blackboard."

"Of course, you may not be able to understand it. But that's okay, as long as other people present can understand it."

"These formulas are the core formulas of the thesis of Professor Jiang Kangcai from Rice University, which you jointly use to analyze transitional flow and turbulent flow by using energy gradient theory and Poisson equation analysis methods."

"There is actually nothing wrong with the formula, but there is something wrong with the use of this professor Jiang Kangcai."

"He's a professor of applied physics in fluid mechanics, probably not very familiar with mathematics."

"The biggest problem with his theory is that the concepts of physics and mathematics are equivalent, but there is no mathematical smoothness in physics.

"In his paper, according to the paper's derivation, the speed U can be defined as a singularity. But the speed U is zero, which cannot be defined as a singularity in mathematics, and it is not the same as the smoothness in the mathematical sense. It doesn't matter either."

"So there is no need to go too far to prove whether his thesis is correct. From the most basic mathematics, it can be judged that the core of his thesis is wrong."

After a pause, Xu Chuan continued: "In addition, even from the perspective of physics, there are major flaws in his thesis."

"Because when conducting experiments on fluids, it is very common for supersonic fluids to have discontinuities, because all kinds of shock waves are velocity discontinuities, and according to the statement of Professor Jiang Kangcai, they can all be counted as singularities gone."

"But in physics, the real breakpoint is not defined that way."

"So whether it is from a mathematical point of view or a physical point of view, there are major flaws in the thesis that Professor Jiang Kangcai used to prove the NS equation."

"In addition, if I remember correctly, the professor Jiang you interviewed had submitted this paper to top journals such as "Annals of Mathematics", but all of them were rejected without exception and pointed out the flaws."

"However, he is not ashamed. Not only did he not revise his thesis, but he also made a big fuss against the International Mathematical Union and the Clay Institute of Mathematics, asking the mathematical community to accept his erroneous thesis."

"In my opinion, it's not academically virtuous."

"Finally, there is one more point. Leaving aside the academic level, do you have no idea what the Washington Times is like?"

"In the past ten years, you have fabricated a lot of rumors and fabricated a lot of unscrupulous news for the pleasure of discrediting others. There is no news media that should be honest, not concealing evil, respecting facts, emphasizing truth, and being true to reality. A media spirit that is responsible and responsible for history!"

"Are you satisfied with my answer?"

After the words fell, there was warm applause in the auditorium.

Except for Andrew Whitt who was still standing there, all the scholars who came to the report were applauding.

At this moment, Andrew Whitt felt like a clown, being laughed at by everyone.

But for Xu Chuan, the matter was not over.

After a brief pause, he then said, "Also, here, I will announce one thing."

"Because of the "Washington Times" viciously and mindlessly smearing others and slandering me and other countries, I will temporarily cancel the secondary authorization of the "artificial SEI thin film" patent of my "Chuanhai Materials Research Institute" to South Korea. "

"If South Korea and The Washington Times cannot give me a satisfactory and fair apology, I will permanently cancel the authorization of the artificial SEI thin film patent."

"Including if I have any research results in the future, I will refuse to cooperate with South Korean countries!"

"This is the end of today's NS Equation report. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule."


After speaking, Xu Chuan left the stage, leaving an uproar and chaos in the venue.

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