Great Country Academician

Chapter 336 Virtual Reality Technology

Listening to her brother's description, Xu Xiao's eyes shone brightly.

She was really interested in these things.

But what she wondered was, does this have anything to do with biology?

Xu Chuan smiled, and then explained: "Of course it has something to do with biology, because those who study brain waves are biological science majors,"

"You may not have access to this knowledge now, but you will know it later."

"Whether it is a person or an animal, the brain waves emitted by each emotion are different."

"In reality, some people are good at hiding their emotions and showing fake emotions."

"But brain waves don't "lie". This is because changes in emotion are always accompanied by changes in brain waves and changes in the way information is transmitted in brain information units. Different emotions correspond to different brain wave characteristics."

"If you can count and decipher these brain waves in the future, and build a phenomenological model to generate corresponding data, then you can use the virtual helmet to complete the interaction in the real virtual world."

"Of course, it's hard."

Xu Chuan briefly told his younger sister about the future research on brain waves and virtual helmets.

In the past, he thought that his younger sister would follow him on the path of mathematics or physics research.

Unexpectedly, during the three years of high school, she embarked on the route of biochemistry by mistake. And it's quite easy to walk on this road.

But it’s okay, if you study mathematics and physics with him, you will be shrouded in his halo forever in the eyes of the outside world.

It would be great if we could find a path in biochemistry.

As for the reason why I told her about virtual reality, it is mainly because it is better to take this route than to study gene editing.

His views on the technology of gene editing are mixed.

At least, he didn't want Xu Xiao to go down this road.

After staying in the capital for a few days and seeing Xu Xiao, Xu Chuan also took the high-speed train back to Jinling.

At the gate of the South Gate, Xu Chuan looked at the little snowflakes falling from the sky, reached out to catch one piece, and sighed softly: "It's almost Chinese New Year again."

Calculated by the Gregorian calendar, 19 years have passed, and now it is 20 years.

Although there is still some time difference in the lunar calendar, there is only a gap of about one month, not far away.

Shaking his head, he walked towards the office building.

In the school, Xu Chuan's eyes fell on the news bulletin board not far away. Several students were discussing something standing in front of the bulletin board. On the bulletin board, at the most conspicuous position, were two big red banners hanging.

[Congratulations to Professor Xu Chuan of our school for overcoming the seven millennium problems NS equation! 】

[Warm congratulations to Professor Xu Chuan from our school for being elected as an academician of the 2019 Huaguo Academy of Sciences and Huaguo Academy of Engineering! 】

Neither banner is long or short, but the amount of information is very important.

Seeing this familiar banner again, Xu Chuan smiled dumbly.

That's why he didn't pay attention to these things.

However, for Nantah University, this is a good opportunity to enhance its reputation and school cohesion.

Whether it is the seven millennium problems or academicians of the two academies, they are honors that no other colleges in China have.

As for Nantah University, it can be said that it has developed in recent years. Now that the number one person in the domestic academic circle is with them, even if they don't do any teaching tasks, it will greatly improve Nantah University.

Not only fame, but also scientific research funds and national appropriations, which can be said to have been on the rise over the years.

For example, when Xu Chuan used NTU’s supercomputing center to test the plasma turbulence mathematical model of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, Professor Zhou Qinglin, the director of the supercomputing center, reported the lack of performance of the NTU supercomputing center.

Immediately, the school quickly held a meeting.

After deliberation, Nantah University decided to expand the supercomputing center and submitted an application to the above. Within a month, the formal approval application came down.

In the past, such a large-scale supercomputing construction application would not be able to go through within half a year.

In addition, there are extensions of several courtyards and courtyards, all of which come from Xu Chuan.

In addition to the school, for the students of Nantah University, especially those who hope to further their academic career, the existence of Xu Chuan can be said to be a pillar of support.

Not only can it bring them more knowledge, but it can also go further with the help of this big tree.

"Professor Xu is still awesome. He won the title of academician of the two academies at the same time in one year."

In front of the bulletin board, a student looked at the two banners hanging on it and said with emotion.

On the side, another student said with a smile: "What Professor Xu, I will be called Academician Xu from now on."

Hearing this, the student standing in the middle with glasses nodded in agreement, and said, "Nobel Prize + Philippine Prize, two millennium problems, with Academician Xu's achievements, this is a matter of course."

After a pause, the student suddenly remembered something, and said with a disdainful face: "But yesterday I also came across a piece of rubbish news on the Internet, questioning whether the selection of academicians is fair, questioning whether the country sent academicians of the two academies to Professor Xu Is it reasonable?"

On the side, another student carrying a shoulder schoolbag smiled and said, "This one, I got it too."

"But don't worry, our Chuan Shen is a spam marketing account that can be questioned? I called the hotline to report it that day. I read the news in the morning and it was gone. I guess the trash that made up that news has already been invited. Going to drink tea."

"6! If this kind of unscrupulous marketing account media does not fix it, the online environment will almost become unreadable."

Xu Chuan naturally didn't hear the chats of these students.

Even if he heard it, he wouldn't care.

The title of academician is actually not that important to him.

He is different from other scholars and professors who have finally won the title of academician after more than ten years of hard work. Even if he does not have the title of academician, he can still receive strong support from the state.

After solving the problem of nuclear waste, he is in charge of the super project of controllable nuclear fusion, and his opinions from all aspects have already reached the top. And the resources he can mobilize are far beyond what ordinary academicians can compare.

Pushing open the door of the office, Xu Chuan walked in. The three students who were studying by themselves in the office turned their heads and looked at it, then stood up quickly in surprise.

"Professor, you are back!"

"Professor, congratulations on being elected as an academician of the two academies!"

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile. Just as he was about to go back to his seat to tidy up his things, he saw a pile of various gift boxes piled up in the corner.

He asked curiously, "Where did these things come from?"

Gu Bing quickly replied: "These were sent by other teachers of the school, saying that they congratulate you on being elected as an academician. We dare not touch these things since you haven't come back, so we put them in the corner first."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered that there is actually an unspoken rule of giving gifts in China.

The main reason is that he stayed in Princeton for too long in his previous life, and he was obsessed with academics in this life. He rarely touched these things, and rarely gave gifts to others. He didn't remember it for a while, and forgot to explain to the three students .

Looking at the hill-like pile of gifts in the corner, Xu Chuan shook his head. Most of the professors and teachers in the school probably gave him gifts to congratulate him.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Gu Bing, please help me sort out these gifts and make a statistics and record."

It is normal in China for him to be elected as an academician to give gifts.

However, he still wanted to count who sent these things, and then see if there were any valuable things inside.

After all, if it is too expensive, it still needs to be returned.

As for some ordinary blessings, he accepted them.

It is estimated that Nantah University will hold a celebration banquet for him at that time, and it would be nice to thank him again at that time.

Asking the students to help with the gift, Xu Chuan turned on the computer by himself.

Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of emails in the mailbox.

Xu Chuan scanned and filtered out those useless emails, and his eyes fell on the email sent by Peng Hongxi.

The analysis of the plasma turbulence mathematical model and test data he sent before was just finished two days ago when he was elected as an academician.

Seeing the good news, Xu Chuan snapped his fingers and quickly replied to the email with a smile on his face: "Got it, I'll be there tomorrow!"

The optimization of the plasma turbulence control model is completed, and the next step is to find a national supercomputing center to check the calculation.

If there is no problem, then you can go to the reactor for a preliminary test.

This is not a small step forward for the controllable nuclear fusion project.

Compared with those gifts in the corner, this is the best congratulatory gift for his election as an academician!

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