Great Country Academician

Chapter 379 Fuck! Why don't they have a mathematician like that!

Following news reports from Renren Daily and Nuclear Industry Times, the 45-minute high-density plasma magnetic confinement running time of the Dawn fusion device quickly exploded the academia and the Internet.

When scholars and researchers in the field of controlled nuclear fusion learned about the miracle that took place at the Dawn fusion device, it can be said that the entire plasma physics community was seething.

There are many discussions in major research institutes, and almost everyone's daily topics cannot do without this matter.

Including the Planck Institute of Plasma, which sold the old ASDEX device to Xu Chuan, is holding a meeting at the moment to discuss the relevant situation.

"Forty-five minutes? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

At the conference table, Professor Tillman Lunt looked at the management who passed the message to him with a question mark on his face.

In the recent period, because of the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite metamaterial obtained from Xu Chuan, he has been in charge of the transformation of Helix 7X, and has no time to understand what is happening outside.

So much so that upon hearing the news, Tillman Lent couldn't react for a while.

On the opposite side, the middle-aged supervisor snorted coldly, threw a newspaper over, and said coldly, "Look for yourself!"

Tillman Lunt dubiously picked up the newspaper. The news was reported by the well-known German media "Bild", which is one of the daily newspapers with the largest circulation in the German country.

After finishing the thesis in his hand, Tillman Lent read it again from beginning to end in disbelief, with a serious look on his face.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, he gasped and was shocked by the facts behind this paper.

Forty-five minutes of high-density plasma magnetic confinement runtime!

"Unbelievable. How the hell did he do it?"

After swallowing, Professor Tillman Lunt still couldn't help vomiting a question.

On the opposite side, the middle-aged supervisor said with an ugly expression: "I still want to ask you this question! Didn't you buy that so-called dawn device from us?"

"Why can he achieve forty-five minutes of running time after taking the ASDEX device, but in your hands, it is only a few tens of seconds?"

Hearing this, Tillman Lent smiled wryly.

As the head of the Planck Institute of Plasma, although he is in charge of the Helicon 7X laboratory instead of the ASDEX laboratory.

But it was he who evaluated the ASDEX device and convinced the senior executives of the research institute to make a deal with Xu Chuan.

Although he knew very well that it was impossible for the ASDEX device to run the experiment for 45 minutes in their hands, because the performance could not be supported at all.

But now that the facts were in front of him, it was useless for him to say anything.

Even if they talk about various parameter data, these high-level executives will not believe it.

In academia, whoever controls the funds is the father of the funder, and it is impossible for him to refute these, at least not now.

After all, he took the ASDEX device he sold, and it really ran for forty-five minutes.

On the side, Professor Tillman Lunt's assistant, Milton Barlow, whispered, "Could it be data falsification or something?"

Although Milton really doesn't want to get involved in this kind of topic, as an assistant to Professor Tillman Lunt, he has a relationship with Professor Tillman Lunt that is both prosperous and injurious. In any case, he has to think A way to help out.

But what he didn't expect was that the first person to refute him was actually Professor Tillman Lunt.

Tillman shook his head and said, "Judging from the reported data, there shouldn't be any problems, and the possibility of falsification is not high."

Beside him, the corners of Milton Barlow's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

Professor, I am helping you!

Tillman ignored the assistant, and he continued: "Compared with data falsification, I am more willing to believe that he did it."

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of the high-level executives and financial backers on the opposite side became even darker, and they stared at Tillman Lunt, waiting for him to give a reasonable explanation.

Tillman didn't pay attention to these gazes. He continued: "First of all, it is certain that the original ASDEX device cannot achieve this data anyway."

"And it is very important to find out what changes that Professor Xu made to ASDEX after he bought it back."

"My personal opinion is that he must have replaced the original outer wire of ASDEX, and replaced it with a high-temperature superconducting material with stronger superconducting properties in his hands."

Across the conference table, the middle-aged executive stared at Tillman suspiciously and asked, "You mean it's all the changes brought about by the high-temperature superconducting material?"

Tillman shrugged and said: "I didn't say that, maybe he also modified some other things, such as the control scheme or something."

"Honestly speaking, the 45-minute running time, I think the key is not in the old ASDEX device we sold them, but in superconducting materials, control schemes and other secrets that only Professor Xu knows. "

"Don't forget that he is the winner of the Fields Medal for solving the Hodge conjecture and the NS equation. No one is more familiar with the motion of fluid and turbulence than him. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in the field of mathematics today."

"For him, it is not very difficult to establish a mathematical control model for plasma turbulence in the chamber of a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, or to optimize the original control scheme."

"It's hard for me to imagine any other changes that would make such a huge difference."

It has to be said that as the one who facilitated the ASDEX device transaction, he is undoubtedly under a lot of pressure in the current situation.

In order to keep his position, he must at least find some more reasonable reasons.

The high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material and the strong mathematical ability of that Professor Xu are very good.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the middle-aged supervisor opposite also showed a trace of doubt and speculation. Could it be true?

After all, judging from superconducting data, high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials do have this potential.

On the other hand, the high-level executive didn't think so much, knocked on the conference table, and asked: "Since you said so, I will give you another chance. When will the transformation of Spiral Stone 7X be completed?"

"It will take another two weeks or so," Tillman replied.

"Okay, after two weeks, if the spiral stone 7X modified with high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials can't achieve a score of 45 minutes, you can pack up and get out!"

The meeting ended, and Professor Tillman Lunt heaved a long sigh.

In half a month, to achieve at least forty-five minutes of running time, to be honest, he really didn't know what to do.

Forty-five minutes of magnetic confinement experiment, if it is the original spiral stone 7X, those violent plasma turbulence may have to smash the first wall material.

However, there may still be a chance for Helixite 7X after being transformed with high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials.

What Tillman can be sure of is that in addition to the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material, that Professor Xu must have a complete set of control schemes.

Maybe he has even solved the control of plasma turbulence, after all, he has solved the NS equation.

On the basis of NS equations, the movement and prediction of turbulent flow is no longer so difficult. If there is a perfect mathematical model, coupled with a powerful supercomputing center, it is not impossible to use the modified ASDEX device to achieve 45 minutes.

Now he hopes that the Helix 7X can do the same.

Although he does not have a perfect enough control scheme and mathematical model, compared with tokamak-like devices, the stellarator itself has inherent advantages in the control of high-temperature plasma flow.

I only hope that the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite material is really as powerful as it is in theory.

Otherwise, he is really screwed.

As for the mathematical control model of plasma turbulence.

Thinking of this, Professor Tillman Lent smiled wryly again.

Fuck! Why didn't Germania have such a mathematician!

If there is, maybe the current Helix 7X can run for more than an hour!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass in the second shift

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