Great Country Academician

Chapter 402: Good News from Daya Bay!

Through a special logistics unit, Xu Chuan sent the samples to Daya Bay.

All that's left is to wait.

Although the slow neutron irradiation experiment is not particularly time-consuming, it always takes some time to prepare for work and process related data.

And this time, for the researchers in the Computational Materials Research Laboratory, which is full of expectations, it seems extremely long.

Especially Zhao Guanggui, after resting all night, went to Xu Chuan's office the next day to consult the situation.

Although Xu Chuan could understand the anticipation and eagerness to know the result, it had to be said that with the frequency that Professor Zhao came to disturb him, it almost interfered with his normal work.

After all, he is the general manager of Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Project, besides the materials for the first wall, there are other problems waiting for him to solve or distribute.

Fortunately, the wait did not last long.

In the case of marking the highest priority, at the beginning of March in the Gregorian calendar, the Daya Bay Neutron Radiation Laboratory Center conducted the first batch of slow neutron irradiation experiments on zirconia carbon composite materials.

After another three days of waiting, the relevant analysis data and samples after slow neutron irradiation were transported back to the Qixia Controlled Fusion Project through logistics.

"The test results from Daya Bay have come out."

After the report on the results of the slow neutron irradiation experiment was sent to Xu Chuan's office, Xu Chuan called Zhao Guanggui and told him the long-awaited news.

In less than five minutes, Zhao Guanggui hurried over.

"Academician Xu, how's the test result?!" Zhao Guanggui asked excitedly and urgently as soon as he entered the door.

Xu Chuan smiled, pushed the test report on the desk forward, and said with a smile, "You can read it yourself."

Hearing this, Zhao Guanggui couldn't wait to reach out and take the test report from the desk, and started to scan it.

He is very clear about sending materials to Daya Bay for testing.

Due to time constraints, as many as twelve sets of materials were sent.

These twelve groups of identical materials are undergoing different slow neutron irradiation tests in different irradiation scenarios at the same time, in order to obtain data at the same time and save time.

Of course, along with these materials, there are other control materials entering the test site together, such as Austrian steel, tungsten-molybdenum alloy, ceramics and so on.

These control materials are commonly used as structural materials or first wall materials in fusion devices, and can better reflect the anti-neutron radiation performance of the test materials.

[A set of irradiation conditions: PWR pressurized water-cooled reactor, irradiation temperature of 702K, fast neutron injection rate of 5.1×10/cm]

[A group of irradiated materials: experimental group (zirconia carbon composite material) control group (austen steel + tungsten gold)],

[One group of DPA production rate: experimental group (0.17%), control group (2.4%)]

[One group of neutron penetration: experimental group (99.98%), control group (67.44%)]

[Self-repairability of a set of Frenkel defect pairs:]

The experimental data one by one quickly flashed across the eyes, accompanied by the almost uncontrollable joy and excitement.

In the first wall material, whether it is the generation rate of Dpa, the neutron penetration, or the self-healing property of the Frenkel defect pair, they are very important indicators.

Especially for the first wall structure designed for the breaking dawn fusion experimental device, it is even more important.

The first is the DPA production rate. In radioactivity detection, the dpa index is usually used to represent the number of dislocations of each atom, so there is no need to explain too much about this.

The penetration of neutrons represents the indicator that high-energy neutron beams can stably pass through materials, and it is the key for them to bombard lithium targets with high-energy neutron beams, obtain tritium, and complete tritium self-sustainability.

As for the self-healing property of the Frenkel defect pair, it represents the parameter of the self-healing degree of the damaged lattice after being bombarded by high-energy neutrons.

Judging from the test data sent back from Daya Bay.

no doubt!

They did it!

The material suitable for the first wall of controllable nuclear fusion has been successfully produced!

Although this is only a slow neutron irradiation test, it is a historic record.

Because, in the past, no matter which country, or which research institute or laboratory, has never produced neutron radiation-resistant materials comparable to the data in the test report in hand.

Clenching his fists tightly, Zhao Guanggui looked extremely excited, and looked at Xu Chuan with excitement on his face.

"Academician Xu, we." Zhang Zhang, he stopped talking excitedly.

Xu Chuan smiled, compared to Zhao Guanggui's excitement in front of him, he was much calmer.

"Judging from the experimental data of the slow neutron irradiation in Daya Bay, we have indeed succeeded."

"However." After a pause, he continued: "Compared to the real deuterium-tritium fusion in the chamber of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, the neutron irradiation experiment at Daya Bay, regardless of the conditions such as energy level or temperature, Not enough."

"The highest neutron energy level in Daya Bay is only 1.2 Mev, and the energy level of each neutron beam released in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber is as high as 14.1 MeV. And in terms of temperature, the highest test temperature is also It’s just 720K, which is nearly 2,000 degrees worse than the real experiment.”

"So, don't rush to be so happy, our goal is to apply to the first wall structural material of the Xiaoxiao fusion reactor, and this can only be regarded as a phased result."

"After it has passed the complete test of the Dawn fusion device, it will be too late to celebrate."

Of course, although this material is indeed a phased research result at present, its value is quite amazing.

Not to mention other things, in the field of nuclear fission, with the excellent performance of this material, it can largely replace the cladding structure material.

After all, although the production of carbon nanotubes is difficult, it is not a very expensive thing.

However, traditional cladding materials, such as cladding materials made of beryllium gold mixed with graphite and uranium 238, are highly toxic both in themselves and in the smelting process because of the relationship between beryllium gold. If one is not careful, it is a serious casualty accident.

And this kind of zirconia carbon composite material is no problem in holding it in your hand.

In addition, some nuclear energy, rockets, military industry, aerospace, and other high-tech fields can also be applied.

This is the case with top-level materials, even if the requirements for use are limited, they can be applied in many fields.

Hearing what Xu Chuan said, Zhao Guanggui, who was too excited, gradually calmed down.

He smiled and said, "Academician Xu, you have really set too high demands on yourself. To be honest, if I had independently developed this material before, I would have celebrated it with a feast for three days and three nights."

"This kind of material is enough to publish two or three top SCI journals."

Speaking of this, Xu Chuan shook his head with a smile, then remembered something, and continued: "Oh, by the way, you mentioned this, there is one more thing."

"Academician Xu, tell me." Zhao Guanggui replied quickly.

Xu Chuan tapped his finger on the table lightly, and said: "About this material, from the neutron irradiation test data at Daya Bay, you also know that it has a Huge application potential."

"So at present, until our controllable nuclear fusion is completed, or it is fully confirmed that this material cannot be used for the first wall material, related papers cannot be made public for the time being."

When Xu Chuan opened his mouth, Zhao Guanggui probably guessed what the big guy in front of him meant.

In fact, this is nothing, whether it is in a university, or a national laboratory, or a private research institute, as long as the research results completed by these contracted units, such as patents, basically belong to the research institute and the laboratory. room.

Whether in the material industry or in other fields, these are industry practices and will be stipulated in the contract, and there is nothing to dispute.

As for the researchers who made this achievement, they usually get project bonuses and one or several papers written during the research process.

Of course, if it is those top talents, such as the academician Xu in front of him, if he is invited to participate in a certain project in a private research institute or university, he will have the opportunity to get a share of the results.

That is, he can share a part of how much the results are sold for.

Generally speaking, it ranges from one percent to ten percent, depending on the researcher's contribution, reputation, status and the like.

But many times, especially researchers like him who are involved in national key projects. After making the results, considering the confidentiality of the project, patents, other related projects, etc., the thesis may appear in your own hands, and the release will be postponed for a period of time.

Or sometimes there may even be a situation where it cannot be disclosed or even patented.

However, for the vast majority of scholars and scientific researchers, especially in China, papers are their hope, the materials and tools for them to build bridges to climb up, and their qualifications!

Whether it is a promotion, or a job title, such as upgrading from an associate researcher (deputy senior) to a researcher (higher), what is needed is a top-level SCI paper.

But there is no way. Many times, especially when working in confidential projects, in order to avoid providing help to competitors, papers on experiments or projects that are of great help are generally postponed or suspended or only published in a confidential form in China , until after the end of the project, there is no opportunity to fully disclose it.

Although the paper is not a complete experimental data and report, it only records part of the data and related information, but these things are enough to provide a feasible idea for competitors.

Of course, when such a situation occurs, research institutions or laboratories usually compensate the relevant researchers.

It is more common to issue more bonuses after the completion of the project, and grant more scientific research funds for the next project.

In addition, there is also a more awesome reward. He had a colleague before who was also engaged in material research and development with an academician. After the same, he found that the material was classified as confidential, and the written paper could not be made public.

Then the academician directly threw the two material papers he had made to him.

The result is a top SCI paper in exchange for two top SCI papers.

For a scientific researcher, this kind of thing is probably a blessing in heaven.

After all, many times when evaluating titles or promotions, it depends on the number of papers you have published and the grades of journals.

Under the same grade, one article is exchanged for two articles. Isn't this a pie in the sky?

To be honest, if possible, he, Zhao Guanggui, would also like this!

Of course, it is acceptable to pay more bonuses and postpone the publication of papers if it is not possible.

After all, it is a paper on the achievements of super engineering such as controllable nuclear fusion, and it is still in the field of first-wall materials, so its influence is naturally leveraged.

Of course, these compensations are actually based on a good trend, or on the basis of meeting a good boss.

Sometimes, the idea is memorized, and if you meet a bad leader or boss, it will be a scam.

What young people, don't be so utilitarian, isn't it just a thesis. Anyway, you still have so much time for scientific research later. As a human being, you must have the spirit of collective dedication and know how to be grateful. The research institute has paid you wages and bonuses for you to wear and live in for so many years. So much research funding is given to you, but it is just a paper. Wronged you?

What a young man, go back to work hard, the lab behind will not be wronged, don't waste your time on Vanity Fair.

To be honest, these are actually pretty good.

To be more serious, just take your first work and the thesis you wrote, and give you a second work, and then the bonus and performance will be fine. If you talk back and expose something, you may be fired directly.

These phenomena are also real in the academic circle.

Of course, Zhao Guanggui is not worried that this kind of thing will happen to the person in front of him.

In the eyes of this boss, what is an SCI?

Computing is the top SCI papers such as "Nature" and "Science", which is nothing in the eyes of this big guy.

After all, don't you look at how many top world problems he has solved.

He solved two of the seven millennium problems in mathematics alone.

What he was more concerned about was how to compensate him with the pride of this boss.

On the opposite side, Xu Chuan saw the expectation on his face, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, the relevant compensation results will not disappoint you."

"Whether it is material bonuses or related honors, you will not be treated badly."

"Including papers, at present, my personal opinion is to postpone the publication, but follow-up needs to be discussed again. If it is later confirmed that this paper cannot be published, the institute will compensate you for at least two top-level SCI papers in the material direction , both the first author and the corresponding author can write your name, which counts as your independent research.”

Hearing this, Zhao Guanggui's eyes lit up, and he blurted out, "I am willing to obey the arrangement!"

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