Great Country Academician

Chapter 425 Fusion Light!

When the report of the No. 1 combined generator set is passed back.

When the clear but trembling report sounded, there was a moment of silence in the main control room.

But after less than a second, cheers emerged like a tidal wave.

Everyone embraced, cheered, celebrated with open arms and shouted.


"We made it!"

The peak load of generator set No. 1 is enough to prove that they control this energy that is as dazzling as a star!

When the outer loop is greater than one, when the energy of the No. 1 generating set is fed back to the ICFR heating antenna, when a complete fusion inner loop is formed and can output energy outward!

They have already succeeded!

In the main control room, deafening cheers erupted.

They have won! He won this difficult battle and witnessed the greatest miracle in history!

Standing beside Xu Chuan, looking at the crazy people in the main control room, Peng Hongxi sniffed, trying to control the tears that were about to burst into his eyes, his old wrinkled face was already flushed.

Decades of time, the goal of the second half of life, got the most satisfactory answer at this moment. All the hard work, grievances, and emotions in the past have been relieved at this moment.

Standing beside Xu Chuan, the old man had a hearty smile on his face.

Although his literacy prevented him from being as crazy as others, the excitement, excitement, and joy in his heart also reached their peak at this moment.

Looking at the Lixiao fusion reactor with stable output on the screen in front of the main console, looking at the joyful faces in the main control room, Xu Chuan had a smile on his face, and also a drop of joy flowing across his face at some point. .

The dream of being human for two lifetimes has been realized at this moment.

All the regrets and ambitions of the previous life were released at this moment.

He has not failed himself, nor has he failed the hopes placed on him by the motherland.

From this moment on, the spark of controllable fusion ignited on the eastern continent where he was born and raised!

From this moment on, the energy shackles on the motherland were melted away by the brilliant starlight in the dawn demonstration pile!

From this moment on, no one or any country can stop her from taking off, and the five-star red flag will always float on this land!

Cheap electricity and clean energy will bring subversive changes to the motherland and the whole world.

Carbon neutrality, desertification, and environmental pollution will no longer be problems.

Under the light comparable to that of a star, they will never stop!

The future is full of infinite hope!

On October 1st, a day of family reunion in this country.

After spending a day of leisurely vacation, most people choose to lie on the bed, sofa or somewhere and watch novels or TV movies while swiping their mobile phones.

No one knows what they will usher in on this special day.

Beijing, Fuxing Road.

Six fifty in the afternoon.

In the No. 1 studio hall of CTV, two hosts, a man and a woman, were looking at the press release in their hands, nervously making final preparations.

If the news hadn't been sent back a few hours ago, giving him enough buffer time, Pan Qiang doubted whether he would be able to successfully complete the hosting today.

Even with a buffer of several hours, his heart is still throbbing.

After all, the news that came back from Jinling was so amazing that it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was earth-shattering.

Under the leadership of academician Xu Chuan, an internationally renowned scholar, Nobel Prize winner and Fields Medal winner, academician of Huaguo Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering, Huaguo Jinling Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Demonstration Reactor Project has successfully ignited!

The spark of controllable nuclear fusion lit up for the first time on this land of China, and also on this blue planet here.

Under the instructions of the Central Committee, in order to ensure that the news of the successful ignition of controlled fusion can be broadcast to the whole country and even to the whole world at the first time, the Ministry of Information has made the most adequate preparations.

Whether it is the speech draft or the broadcast plan, several sets of preparations have been made to ensure that the news can be broadcast stably at the first time.

Sitting in front of the camera and behind the broadcast desk, Pan Qiang took a deep breath to relax his nervousness.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he turned his head and glanced at his partner next to him. They looked at each other, nodded to each other, and signaled that they were ready.

"Xiao Pan, Xiao Xia, it's about to start in the last minute, are you ready?"

In the studio, the director stood behind the camera and asked the two hosts sitting in front of the studio.

For today's news, he is sitting here personally, and needs to make sure nothing goes wrong!

The two hosts Pan Qiang and Dai Caixia nodded at the same time, looked at the camera skillfully, and started today's broadcast with a familiar standard smile.

"Good evening, audience friends. Today is October 1st. Welcome to the show. First, let me introduce the main content of this show."

Just like the countless broadcasts before, after the male host started, the female host on the other side took over the content smoothly.

"Today, in this special festival celebrated by the whole country, the Jinling Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Demonstration Reactor Project led by Professor Xu Chuan, an internationally renowned scholar, Nobel Prize winner and Fields Medal winner, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Engineering, The ignition was successfully achieved!"

Following Dai Caixia's broadcast, the screen of the news broadcast also jumped a bit.

A short video was inserted, and the shot happened to be the moment Xu Chuan stood in the main control room and pressed the ignition button.

Like a silent animation, the short video may have been silenced for the sake of secrecy. Apart from the sound of standing in front of the main console announcing the ignition, there is no other sound.

But whether it is the audience sitting in front of the TV watching the news broadcast at the moment, or other people in the studio, they can feel the excitement, tension, excitement, and seriousness of these people in the main control room.

This is a silent battle!

In the studio of the news broadcast, the male host Pan Qiang, who was sitting in front of the camera, took over the topic smoothly, and continued to read in a clear, friendly and trustworthy voice:

"Qixia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Project is a nuclear fusion project led by Academician Xu Chuan himself. It was officially launched in July 2019 and has gone through a long period of struggle"


"At present, the Poxiao fusion demonstration reactor is running stably, and the fusion power conversion has been completed, which is a perfect success. According to the scheduled plan, the Poxiao demonstration reactor will be gradually connected to the national grid in one month to complete the grid connection work."

"According to the introduction, the Lixiao demonstration reactor is equipped with four sets of 20 million kwh generator sets, and the peak power generation can reach 80 million kwh."

With the broadcast of the news broadcast, the intervening pictures were also updated.

When the researchers in the main control room hugged excitedly and cheered, the voices of the two hosts sitting in the studio also became excited.

"The wheel of history is rolling forward, and the footsteps of the times will never stop."

"Today will be a day recorded in history books, and history will forever remember this hard-won great moment. It will also always remember those great scholars who dedicated their youth to controllable nuclear fusion."

"This time, we are at the forefront of the world, witnessed the miracle of history, opened the chapter of a new era, and ushered in a new era and a new journey."

"This time, the spark of controlled nuclear fusion illuminates the whole world and the future of mankind!"

PS: (The monthly ticket transaction at the end of last month has been updated, as promised) Ask for a monthly ticket! Two more today!

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