Great Country Academician

Chapter 454 Manned Spaceflight and Lunar Exploration Project Exchange Meeting

After finishing a normal math class, Xu Chuan tidied up the podium and textbooks, and left the classroom.

Although there were still no seats in the lecture theater, as he attended classes steadily during this period of time, there was no such thing as being frantically chased and blocked by students like before.

Mystery, after all, has a time limit.

Or across the screen, you will be very interested in your favorite stars and idols, and fall in love with them like crazy. But after you eat and live together for a period of time, you will also find that the so-called stars and idols are actually nothing more than that.

Celebrities are people too, and they have their own daily lives.

With the textbooks, Xu Chuan did not go back to his office, but found the principal Tan Shaoyuan.

"Hey, why did Academician Xu have time to come to my place today?"

In the administrative building, Tan Shaoyuan, who was dealing with official business, saw Xu Chuan walking in, and stood up with a smile to greet him.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I came here today because I have something to trouble the principal with."

"Academician Xu, please tell me."

Although what the colleague said was a bit exaggerated, considering the current environment, the man who wanted to go up to say hello finally retreated.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan quickly found a seat, helped the old man in front of him to sit down.

Some people from the business and industrial circles became emotional and prepared to come up to them and say hello.

As he said that, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the colleague beside him eagerly stepping forward, and quickly grabbed him with his hand: "What are you going to do?"

Of course, his assistant, not only Nantah University, but also the team in charge of his security will also find out.

In the past, Nantah students and foreigners could enter and leave the Nantah campus almost at will.

In one more day, that is, on December 25th, an exchange meeting on manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects will be held in Shuimu University.

Seeing someone coming, he put a smile on his face, walked over quickly, and greeted with a smile: "Long time no see, Old Pan."

Regardless of the fact that the level of the principal of the university is the deputy level, it is already very high, but in front of this person, it is really not enough.

After all, everyone who was able to participate in this meeting was a respectable figure, how could they be pushed to the ground when they came to say hello.

At that time, the old academician still had the energy to go abroad by plane to Sweden to find him to mediate the conflict between him and Peking University School of Mathematics, but now, he probably doesn't even have the energy to go to Star City.

Nodding his head, Xu Chuan said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble the principal, but when it comes to selecting assistants, the foundation must be clean, and confidentiality is also more important."

"I'm going, this boss actually came to the exchange meeting! Could it be that this manned spaceflight and lunar exploration project is real? The country is really planning to do this?"

Hearing the sound, Xu Chuan stopped and looked back, only to see an old man, accompanied by another middle-aged man, leaning towards him.

"Professor Xu, long time no see."

In fact, there are various aspects such as administration, finance, teaching, foreign affairs, industry-university research, team building and so on.

Who is this boss? Actually drove the car here?

From 2018 to now, more than three years, he can clearly feel that this person is much older than when he first met at the Swedish Crafford Awards in the past.

On the contrary, compared to Astronautics University, which he had never been to, he was familiar with Shuimu University.

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to these things, he smiled and nodded to the people looking at him, and then walked towards the auditorium.

"Academician Xu, please rest assured that the assistant I found for you will definitely be clean." Tan Shaoyuan replied with a serious face.

Of course, in addition, the salary paid by students as assistants is relatively cheap.

The days passed day by day like this, and five days passed quickly.

However, for some reasons, and the position of assistant is often replaced by people arranged by the country, for example, during the period of the controlled nuclear fusion project, Gao Hongming was equivalent to his assistant.

But now with the frequency of teaching time, it is still necessary to hire one.

After all, domestic colleges and universities can be regarded as tourist attractions. Except for a few special colleges and universities, most colleges and universities can be visited even by ordinary people from Shuimu Peking University.

And for professors, there are benefits to having students as assistants. It is easier to do confidential work if the relationship is close, and they also understand each other better.

This kind of driving the car directly to the entrance of the auditorium is undoubtedly a light in the dark night, which is too eye-catching.

You can not only get a part of extra income, but also participate in the experiments of professors and tutors.

On the contrary, the old man looked at him with a smile, not paying attention to these things at all, and said, "When we first met in 18, I knew that you would make a great career and great achievements in the future. I didn't expect that just over three years had passed. Not only have you won the Nobel Prize, but you have even solved the problem of controlled nuclear fusion technology that has plagued the world for decades."

"Red flag car? Could it be the leader of the science and technology department?"

But now, Nantah University has implemented a credit card entry and exit system. Strangers are basically not allowed to enter and exit except when parents can register to enter and exit during the first two days of school, or there are legitimate reasons at other times.

But generally speaking, there are generally two types, one is administration and life, dealing with daily work. Such as course scheduling, administrative event handling, etc.

Although usually he would pay more attention not to bring these things to school, but sometimes these things are unavoidable.

"It feels a little familiar, but I won't think about it for a while. Wait, who is this?"

"It's been more than three years since 2018." Old Mr. Pan looked Xu Chuan up and down with a smile, and then said, "I haven't seen you for more than three years. You still look so energetic, but I am already old. I don’t even have the energy to go to Star City.”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his colleague: "Hey, I advise you to let go of this idea. Didn't you see that the other big bosses didn't move?"

Of course, Xu Chuan didn't know about this. Anyway, he couldn't walk over now. Before the exchange meeting started, he was directly driven by Zheng Hai to the entrance of the auditorium, and he didn't pay attention to the strict security outside.

After careful selection by Nantah University and the investigation by the security team, two assistants were finally finalized.

After all, there is only such a national scholar in the whole country. Whoever tries will know his security and protection.

Research assistants are generally held by students led by professors in colleges and universities. Many postgraduate and advanced doctoral students will basically serve as research assistants.

Apart from other things, anyway, the scope and level of security at Nantah University have been upgraded several levels following him.

A bright red banner was hung at the gate of Shuimu University to celebrate the convening of the symposium on manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects.

At the old man's age, to be honest, a common cold could take him away.

For Xu Chuan, since he returned to Nantah University, he didn't have much time to attend classes at Nantah University in the first two years, and he didn't do research at Nantah University, so he didn't do it either as an administrative assistant or a scientific research assistant.

Although he didn't know why this kind of thing was put in Shuimu University instead of Aerospace University, Xu Chuan didn't care too much.

Finding an assistant is a trivial matter for others, and it may be done in a day or two. But when it comes to Xu Chuan, it doesn't take a few days, and it is estimated that the candidate cannot be picked.

Accompanied by the entry of the red flag car, the invited participants who were communicating on the roadside near the entrance of the auditorium cast surprised and curious eyes.

"If you really want to get to know this guy, see if he will attend the party tonight. If he does, you can go and say hello. If you go up now, you might be pushed to the ground by the security guards around him."

In the auditorium, when Xu Chuan was looking for his seat and was about to sit down, someone suddenly called his name from behind.

Xu Chuan is not in a hurry, anyway, he doesn't have a great demand for assistants at the moment.

It's just that time flies and never stays for others, and Xu Chuan has nothing to do.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Old Pan, don't say that. I am your past and you are my future. How can you say old?"

However, when they saw the figures coming down from the car, they all stopped again.

The takeaways can no longer be delivered, so they can only be piled up in the security room and the students can take them by themselves.

These are all brought by the person in front of me.

And sometimes his driver and bodyguard, Zheng Hai, could also act as an assistant to pass on some work, so Xu Chuan never thought about it.

The person who came was Mr. Pan Deming, a fellow of the Academy of Mathematics of Peking University whom he had met before.

"That's it, no problem. I'll take a look here for you." Hearing this, Tan Shaoyuan agreed with a smile.

In addition, there are surveillance cameras from all over the campus, especially the teaching buildings and other places that this frequent visitor can cover with 360-degree coverage.

After all, you can't just go there yourself if you have something to do.

He said in advance that he was mainly worried that Nanjing University accidentally found a problematic assistant, and it would be troublesome for the security team to find out later, so he said it in advance.

Xu Chuan smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Hey, Mr. Pan wants to see me, just call and say hello. I'll go to Peking University. How can I trouble you to come over in person?"

Hearing this, Pan Deming laughed, and said: "Time is not forgiving. Last year, I got sick and almost didn't get over it. Fortunately, it's all over now."

But now Xu Chuan has already gone to the capital.

For Shuimu University, this exchange meeting was personally named by the president to take the lead in attaching importance to security work.

The colleague beside him glanced at him and said, "You don't know this person?"

This security level is very high.

"Well, besides him, who else is qualified to drive the car directly here? Didn't you see that the deputy chief of the science and technology department came here with us?" The colleague beside him nodded and replied. .

Smiling and comforting, he also looked at the old man in front of him.

"Who is this? So young?" Someone in the crowd asked curiously after seeing the figure getting out of the car.

If he found a dirty assistant for this person today, he might be invited to cooperate with the investigation tomorrow.

Many of his jobs are linked to national key projects.

"Of course I'm going to say hello and get familiar!" The colleague said excitedly, "If I can add a contact information to this person, then..."

In addition, before class today, it was the class reminded by his students, which reminded him that this kind of thing should be done by the assistant, so he went to the principal after class.

The twenty-fifth, which is Christmas morning.

"Who knows? But this person is here, this exchange meeting may be able to gain something."

Pan Deming said with a smile: "I heard that you are going to participate in the exchange meeting this time, so I have the cheek to ask for an invitation letter from the science and technology department, and come to meet and talk with you."

However, with the manned spaceflight lunar exploration project, the construction of the large strong particle collider, and teaching at Nantah University, it was time for him to arrange one or two assistants for himself.

The other is a research assistant.

There are actually many types of assistant professors in colleges and universities.

You must know that the people who come to the exchange meeting, whether they are visitors from academia or industry, or even people from the government, basically walk over after going through the security check.

And these respectable old people, veterans, getting old with the passage of time is undoubtedly the most painful and regrettable thing.

In addition to research work, there is nothing that requires him to run errands.

"Cough, it's actually not a big deal, I just want to trouble the school to find an administrative assistant." Xu Chuan coughed lightly and said.

"All of this is inseparable from the support and help of the state." Xu Chuan smiled, changed the subject and continued, "Why did Mr. Pan come here today?"

Generally, for things related to him, even if it was giving him benefits or something, others would come to him on their own initiative.

In order to ensure that everything is safe, the school also specially applied for a security team from the police, and did a complete security work on the auditorium where the exchange meeting was held and the campus road leading to the meeting.

Normally, for a scholar or scientific researcher of his level, assistants would have been equipped long ago.

Pan Deming smiled, glanced at the auditorium that was gradually filled with people, and said with a smile: "Okay, that's what you said, go to Peking University after today's meeting?"

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, "No problem. I'll visit you at Peking University tomorrow and chat with you."

After the exchange meeting on the manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects, he will have a discussion meeting on a large-scale strong particle collider in the capital a week later. The time in between is enough for him to go to Peking University to have a look.

Academician Pan patted his hand with a smile and said, "Then it's settled, I won't disturb your meeting today."

PS: There should be another chapter later, but it will definitely not be published before twelve o'clock, everyone can read it in the morning.

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