Great Country Academician

Chapter 458 The First Meeting with Mr. Yang

Regardless of how other countries are struggling to restart the manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects for Huaguo, Xu Chuan is immersed in his own world.

From the perspective of quantum chemistry, the mechanism of strong diamagnetism in KL-66 material is explained.

It has to be said that when the traditional condensed matter theory lost its effect, quantum theory played an unexpected role at this time.

But for now, this is just a new road, and Xu Chuan is not sure if it will work.

Late at night, in the Beihai Hotel, Xu Chuan sorted out the manuscript paper on the table, then got up to wash up.

If it is normal, he will probably continue to stay for a while and study it.

But today, I have promised Mr. Pan that I will go to Peking University to chat with him tomorrow, so I will simply rest early.

After all, the old man's sleep time is short, and the morning should be the time when his energy is relatively high.

The next day, early morning.

Xu Chuan got up early in the morning, exercised his body and ate breakfast before heading to Peking University.

Successfully found the professor's residential area through the security, and the old academician Pan Deming is exercising in the community.

"Mr. Pan, good morning." After watching the meeting, Xu Chuan stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

Hearing the sound, the old academician Pan Deming, who was doing Tai Chi, turned his head and looked over, with a smile on his face, he said, "Good morning, have you had breakfast?"

"Old Pan, how is your recovery?" Xu Chuan asked with concern as he gave some tea leaves from his hand to the old academician in front of him with a smile.


Pan Deming took the box curiously, looked at it, smelled it, and then said with a smile: "The quality of this tea is pretty good, where did you get it?"

Xu Chuan smiled, and said: "The Great Elder gave it to me, and I don't know what species it is. He asked Qin Shichang to bring it to me during the meeting yesterday. Thinking that you always have food and drink, I borrowed flowers to present Buddha and brought a box."

Hearing this, the old academician Pan Deming was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That feeling is a good thing, so I will accept it."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Old Pan just likes it."

Pan Deming laughed, and said: "Speaking of tea, in the first two years I was able to get two boxes of good tea from Qin Shizhang, but the latter may be because I beat the autumn wind a lot before, and he hid it from me. gone."

"Come, come, sit in the first room. If you have time today, have lunch before leaving? Have a drink with me at noon?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "You have to pay attention to your health, drink as little as possible."

Pan Deming led Xu Chuan into the room, and said with a smile, "Hey, it's rare to be happy, so don't say such things."

After a slight pause, he continued: "I heard that we are going to build a large and strong particle collider?"

Xu Chuan nodded, and said: "Well, it is indeed a request. The relevant instructions have been issued, and there will be a related discussion meeting at the Science and Technology Center next Thursday."

Pan Deming smiled, looked at Xu Chuan and said, "It's a good thing, this kind of scientific facilities still need to be built."

"It's just that you're so busy? It's the manned spaceflight project, the collider, and the Xinghai Research Institute. Do you have enough energy?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "That depends on how to use it."

After a pause, he continued: "For me, management work has never been the focus. I prefer to lead the team to solve technical problems."

"Just like when studying controllable nuclear fusion, the daily management work is basically handled by Mr. Peng Hongxi and Gao Hongming. I just concentrate on solving technical problems."

Pan Deming smiled and said, "You really don't care about these things at all. The position of chief designer and chief director of controllable nuclear fusion will be resigned as soon as it is said."

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Chuan and nodded, smiling and shaking his head.

To be honest, the position of chief designer and general manager of controllable nuclear fusion may not be so determined to give up directly if it is given to someone else, even if it is given to him.

After all, there will be development in the direction of second-generation controllable nuclear fusion and fusion energy companies. As long as he sits in that position, his right to speak is unshakable.

But the young man in front of him, after the demonstration pile was successfully ignited, turned around and left directly as if he had completed his mission.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "What I did was actually just what a scholar or a scientific researcher should do."

Pan Deming smiled and asked curiously, "Speaking of which, do you still have the time and energy to study mathematics?"

"Now that you have developed various developments in other fields, you are almost turning into an applied scholar. Are you still doing theoretical research?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan said with a smile: "Of course, application and theory are parallel tracks. No matter which one is off, the train of scientific research will be derailed."

"In the first two years, I did not study much because of the controllable nuclear fusion project, but I still have to pick it up after all."

After a pause, he continued: "Actually, I have been researching some theoretical things recently, but there is not much progress so far."

Hearing this, Pan Deming looked over curiously and asked, "Which aspect? Mathematics or physics?"

"There are two aspects, mainly in the aspect of strongly correlated electronic systems."

Xu Chuan replied with a smile: "When I was studying the KL-66 material from South Korea, I found something by accident. I am trying to see if I can explain it through mathematics."

"If it succeeds, there should be some breakthroughs in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems, but it is still in the process of groping, and it is not easy to break through."

For the old academician in front of him, he doesn't mind revealing his research direction and scope.

After all, if even he is unreliable, there will be no trustworthy person in this world.

Hearing this, Deming Pan was a little moved. He said, "This should be a worldwide problem, and the condensed matter physics community has been studying it for many years."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Well, you can put it this way."

"This research is actually mainly for superconducting materials. Subsequent aerospace engineering and research in the direction of controllable nuclear fusion will require the use of superconducting materials with high critical magnetic fields."

"If there is a breakthrough in this theory, it may be possible to increase the critical magnetic field of superconducting materials by an order of magnitude."

Pan Deming thought for a while and said, "I don't know much about strong correlation systems, but maybe you can talk to Yang Zhenxi? His research on condensed matter physics is still very unique."

Xu Chuan smiled, and said, "Mr. Yang will be 100 years old next year, and he will be 99 years old this year. It's not appropriate to nag him."

Hearing this, the old Academician Pan Deming sighed, and said: "There are many scholars in China, and there are also many who are engaged in mathematics and condensed matter physics, but few can reach the top of the world, otherwise there will be no one to talk to. Questions to talk about."

"Since you, the gap between top scholars has been too serious. No, it should be said that you have brought the domestic mathematics and physics to a new level, and this problem has appeared."

The two seven millennium problems can be said to be an unattainable mountain for the mathematics community in Huaguo.

The mathematician of this young man's level in front of him, looking at the entire country of Hua, if he is alive today, then Mr. Qiu, who has returned from the country of America, can enter this field.

Perhaps Mr. Yang, who is engaged in physics, can be counted as half, but he is not a person in the field of mathematics after all.

Others, such as Zhang Yitang, the golden generation of Peking University, Li Jun of Fudan University, etc., are still a long way behind this person and the old Mr. Qiu.

Xu Chuan smiled, and just about to open his mouth to speak, in the living room, two elderly people came in accompanied by a middle-aged woman.

Seeing the person coming, Xu Chuan froze for a moment, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The old man walking in front was Mr. Yang whom he and Academician Pan were talking about just now, and the middle-aged woman beside him was undoubtedly his successor, Ms. Weng, with a fruit basket in her hand .

And standing a little behind was old Mr. Qiu.

The two came hand in hand, which really surprised Xu Chuan.

After all, this is Peking University, and both Qiu and Yang are in Shuimu.

Of course, it's not too far away, just one street away, and you can just take a stroll.

In the living room, Mr. Qiu, who was walking a little behind, had rather sharp eyes. He saw Xu Chuan sitting on the sofa at a glance, and greeted him with a smile, "Oh, academician Xu, what a coincidence, I didn't expect you to Also here?"

Hearing this voice, Mr. Yang, who was walking a little ahead, squinted his eyes and recognized Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan stood up with a smile, and greeted the two old people: "Old Qiu, Old Yang, I didn't expect to meet you two here."

Qiu Chengtong smiled and said: "It's not the old guy Pan Deming. He was lying in the hospital for more than a month a while ago, causing people to worry. After he is discharged from the hospital, I will come over with Lao Yang to have a look, don't leave this old guy ahead of us."

"But seeing him like this today, he should be recovering pretty well."

For Qiu, even though he had an incomprehensible relationship with the Department of Mathematics of Peking University, that was another matter and did not affect his friendship with Academician Pan.

After all, the two are almost of the same age, so it can be said that they have been friends for many years.

Hearing this, Pan Deming immediately blew his beard and stared, and looked over: "You old man, what are you talking about? I won't leave even if you leave!"

Qiu Chengtong ignored him, looked at Xu Chuan with a smile, and asked, "Speaking of which, why are you here?"

Hearing the sharp 'quarrel' between Qiu Chengtong and Pan Deming, Xu Chuan twitched a few times, and replied: "Didn't Mizuki hold a meeting on the manned spaceflight project yesterday? I came here to attend the meeting. Then Come and sit down."

Qiu Chengtong raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "It seems that you and this old guy have known each other for a long time."

Xu Chuan coughed lightly, and said, "It is true that we have known each other for a while."

On the side, Mr. Yang sat down with the support of Ms. Weng, and looked Xu Chuan up and down.

This is the first time the two have met, and they have not seen each other before.

After all, when Xu Chuan came back in 2018, he was already 96 years old, and he had retired long ago.

But if you know two people, you must know each other, at least you know each other.

After staring at Xu Chuan for a while, Mr. Yang sighed, "The first time I heard your name, it was from astronomy."

"If I remember correctly, it seems to be 15 years. At that time, your observation and calculation results of Betelgeuse shocked the entire astronomy and astrophysics community."

"I didn't expect that just three years later, you won the Nobel Prize in Physics and solved the technology of controllable nuclear fusion. You are awesome."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I've always wanted to visit you, but I'm too busy with work to spare the time."

Mr. Yang waved his hand and said, "I originally planned to chat with you at the collider seminar a week later, but I didn't expect to meet you in advance today, so it's a fate."

After a slight pause, he glanced at Xu Chuan and asked curiously, "How is your research on inert neutrinos and dark matter going?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while, and said: "Research in this area can only be said to have a direction and ideas. The specific situation needs to be tested and calculated through the collider to collect data for analysis."

"Are you sure?" Old Mr. Yang asked.

Xu Chuan smiled, and said, "When it comes to doing research, no one dares to say that they are 100% sure that they will do it before the truth and the dust settle."

After a pause, he looked at Old Academician Yang and said with a smile, "However, there must be a little bit of certainty, but I don't know how many difficulties we will encounter in the middle."

Hearing this, Mr. Yang stared at him for a long time, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth and said: "In the past few decades, whenever the country discusses the construction of a large-scale strong particle collider, I have publicly stood up and written articles. Those who oppose it directly delay the process of building the collider."

"I don't think it's worth spending 200 billion yuan to build a collider. After all, we are still developing and there are more places that need money."

"And we lack high-level physics talents, and the number is not even 1% of the global physics researchers. Even if the collider is built, how many of us can make full use of it?"

"Including 2016, even if the country was able to build it at that time, I still think it is a waste of money and people."

"Because of this, I almost fell out with the entire domestic physics field."

"I know that my colleagues are very dissatisfied with me, saying that I want to close their business. But this collider will cost 200 billion, and it will cost even more in the future. I don't think I can accept this matter. "

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled and asked, "So Mr. Yang wants to persuade me to slow down today?"

He knew that this man had always held objections to the construction of the collider, but he didn't expect that the old man seemed to want to persuade him when they met for the first time today?

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