Great Country Academician

Chapter 590 Academician Xu’s Wishing Stone

Chapter 593: Academician Xu = Wishing Stone

In the field of aerospace, the United States is indeed powerful.

Whether it is the Saturn V of the last century or the BFR super rocket launched by NASA this time, its carrying capacity can be said to be the pinnacle.

Especially the latter, judging from the paper data, it has a low-Earth orbit carrying capacity of 550 tons, a lunar orbit load of 150 tons, and even the ability to send more than 30 tons of items to Mars, which fully demonstrates the style of a major space country.

But for Xu Chuan, this is not invincible.

After all, in aerospace technology, the thrust of large payloads is only one of the core elements.

In addition to thrust, thrust-to-weight ratio and endurance are also important indicators for measuring aerospace technology.

It is undeniable that fossil fuel launch vehicles have their own unique advantages in the field of aerospace, such as large thrust, simple structure and convenient manufacturing.

But in terms of thrust-to-weight ratio and endurance, fossil fuel rockets are unbearable.

For example, the once most famous Saturn V had a thrust of 3,408 tons, but its maximum payload was only 140 tons.

The remaining three thousand tons are all the weight of the rocket itself + fuel. It can be said that almost all of its thrust is used for its own load. Its thrust-to-weight ratio is as scary as the load.

Of course, the background of the emergence of Saturn V was the Cold War between the red and blue parties, which was naturalized by political needs.

In comparison, the thrust-to-weight ratio of other fuel rockets, such as Delta, Titan, Atlas and even the space shuttle, is much higher.

But no matter how high it is, the efficiency of fossil fuels means that it is impossible to catch up with electric propulsion in terms of thrust-to-weight ratio and endurance.

With the breakthrough in miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology, Xu Chuan is confident enough to achieve further breakthroughs in the aerospace field.

But then again, NASA's press conference disrupted some of his original plans a lot.

Originally, Xu Chuan was planning to leave the subsequent development of aerospace engines and aerospace engines to others, so that a group of talents in related fields could be cultivated, which would be more conducive to the development of the country.

But now it seems that time waits for no one.

NASA and the United States plan to use the Artemis Project to return to the moon to completely draw them into the competition in the space field and restore their international influence.

This is not something to be happy about.

At least for China, yes.

After all, using the influence of controllable nuclear fusion technology, they have been pulling this powerful opponent off the altar step by step, destroying a lot of the opponent's reputation and influence.

If this opponent really does it before them, its international influence that has been reduced by controllable nuclear fusion technology can be restored not only to a large extent, but also to a large extent.

It seems that we need to speed up some progress.

In the office, Xu Chuan thought for a while and then decided to change his research arrangements.

If possible, it would be a very good choice to achieve manned moon landing before NASA. Not only can it greatly frustrate the opponent's plan, but it can also further strengthen China's international influence.

After all, the field of aerospace and the field of controllable nuclear fusion are completely different.

Although the United States is ahead in the latter, other countries including China are also not weak in research on it.

As for the former, the United States is recognized as number one in the world.

If they can surpass this opponent in the aerospace field, the blow to them will definitely be greater than that of controllable nuclear fusion.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan raised a smile on his lips.

He is still willing to do anything that can hit the country on the other side of the Atlantic.

But all this requires the support of the motherland standing behind him.

In this case, just write another letter!

The press conference held by NASA was undoubtedly a depth bomb for the international situation that has gradually calmed down.

Although Bill Nelson emphasized at the press conference that this is only the United States' plan to return to the moon, anyone with a discerning eye can see that after the failure in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, the United States is somewhat unable to sit still.

Failures in the energy field and gaps in the dollar-petroleum system have caused the United States, which once stood at the top of the world, to be pulled from its throne.

With no hope of a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology in the short term, the United States urgently needs to regain its confidence in other fields.

It is precisely because of this that NASA's Artemis program encountered little resistance in Congress this time, and related work was carried out as soon as possible.

After NASA held a press conference, the aerospace companies participating in this return to the moon program also disclosed some of their results to media reporters and the outside world as soon as possible.

For example, Space-X’s BFR super rocket, Blue Origin’s New Glenn launch vehicle, Lockheed Martin’s Orion multi-purpose manned spacecraft, etc.

Even some companies and units in the non-aerospace field came over to join in the fun.

For example, the University of Florida has disclosed one of its results to the public, using the lunar soil collected during NASA's Apollo moon landing mission to grow a plant called 'Arabidopsis'!

This is the first time that plants have sprouted and grown in lunar soil, breaking the previous limitation that lunar soil could not grow crops.

It can be said that the importance of this achievement is no less than a breakthrough in aerospace technology.

After all, as the closest exoplanet to the earth, the moon is undoubtedly the first choice for humans to colonize extraterrestrial planets.

However, the harsh environment on the moon and the helium-rich soil on the surface have always been one of the problems for immigration.

After all, after immigrating to an alien planet, if all supplies rely on transportation from the earth, the cost will be too high.

This new breakthrough is undoubtedly exciting.

Crops can be grown on lunar soil, and food and vegetables required for large-scale development or immigration will not be a problem in the future.

Moreover, crops can be grown in closed bases, consuming carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, forming a virtuous cycle of animal and plant ecology, and the food and oxygen problems can also be well solved.

It has to be said that this news stimulated domestic netizens more than any breakthrough in aerospace technology.

【WTF? Can vegetables be grown in moon soil? DNA moves! 】

【its not right? My memory is confused? When our country was studying lunar soil, didn’t we say that we couldn’t grow vegetables? 】

[The original soil cannot grow vegetables, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to make the soil look like it can grow vegetables (squinting smile), alien soil improvement research technology has started! 】

[Will vegetables grown in a microgravity environment have finer fibers and taste more tender? [Thinking.JPG]]

【Can grow vegetables! Rabbit: I'm sorry, the one above is our ancient boundary [insidious]. It used to be called Guanghan Palace, and the local official above was called Chang'e! 】

[Let’s go up first and then talk about it. You can’t say whether you can go up or not. The United States is going to manned the moon again, but we can’t even go up. The gap is huge, so let’s just go to sleep. Maybe by the time we get up there, people will have already planted crops on the moon. 】

[Didn’t I say that Kaishen is researching aerospace technology? Why is there no movement at all? 】

【Sichuan God? Haha, you really think he is a god. Aerospace and controllable nuclear fusion are two completely different fields. Stop bragging. If you brag again, you will be ruined. 】


I have to say that this wave of publicity by NASA is very good.

With aerospace technology and biotechnology showing breakthroughs at the same time, colonizing the moon seems to be just around the corner.

In the stock market, the aerospace sector has been soaring, and the overwhelming publicity has plunged the entire United States into a climax. Even if it is just a plan now, but has not been implemented, it has already given a shot in the arm to its declining reputation.

After all, as the only country that has successfully sent astronauts to the moon, the strength of the United States in aerospace is an honor engraved in the bones of the American people.

No one thinks they will fail. On the contrary, they are looking forward to permanent settlements on the moon and whether they can one day travel to the moon.

Being able to walk down-to-earth on another planet is fatally attractive to everyone.

For Xu Chuan, these online comments have nothing to do with him.

However, NASA's press conference still had a certain impact on his research and planning, or at least aroused his desire to win.

A long letter of three thousand words was completed in his hands and quickly sent to the capital.

At this time, a targeted meeting was also being held in a conference room on Chang'an Road in the capital.

Sitting in the conference room, the old man presiding over the meeting cleared his throat and said seriously: "I'm sorry for asking you to take time out of your busy schedule to sit here. Regarding the NASA space agency's press conference, I think we have A serious discussion is necessary.”

"If you have any opinions, you can bring them up at the meeting."

After finishing speaking, another old man sitting at the conference table raised his hand and said:

"NASA's press conference is obviously purposeful. The Artemis program has been restarted. They are trying to draw us into the competition in the space field."

“My personal opinion is that we don’t need to follow them immediately when they land on the moon. Not to mention that this moon landing will not bring us much benefit value. In terms of aerospace technology, there is indeed a big gap between us and the other party. This needs to be faced squarely, as rushing to keep up may very well drag down our own development.”

The old man who spoke was obviously not very optimistic about moon landing and aerospace, and he had opposing opinions from the beginning.

But as soon as he finished speaking, someone objected: "I think it is necessary to go to the moon. We cannot not develop or invest just because there is a gap. There was a gap in controllable nuclear fusion at the beginning, but didn't we still achieve overtaking!" "

Hearing this, the old man who just spoke raised his eyebrows: "The gap in controllable nuclear fusion is not as big as the gap in aerospace, and investment in controllable nuclear fusion can really bring benefits."

"What about the moon landing? What's the point? Apart from digging out a few kilograms of mud and bringing it back, is there any other value?"

"What do you mean by digging a few kilograms of mud and bringing it back has no value? The scientific research significance of the moon landing and the development of aerospace technology are all values!"

The conference room suddenly became noisy, with some standing to keep up and some opposing.

Everyone expresses their opinions, has their own angles and opinions, and can all hold their own.

Sitting on the front seat, the old man presiding over the meeting shook his head gently.

The people who can sit here for the meeting today are the core and important figures of each clan. Even he has to listen to the opinions of these people.

But it is obvious that when it comes to manned spaceflight and moon landing, it is difficult for everyone to unify their opinions like the previous controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Although the competition in the aerospace field was started by themselves from the beginning, after the controllable nuclear fusion technology was completed, they announced that they would invest heavily in aerospace. But that is just a delay in investment and research in controllable nuclear fusion technology by the United States and other countries.

Now that a year has passed, controllable nuclear fusion technology has brought them enough benefits. Now the United States has suddenly launched a new round of space race, and they are somewhat unsure whether to follow up vigorously.

After all, China started very late in the field of aerospace. In recent years, although small and medium-sized launch vehicles have been quite impressive, they have even sent unmanned probes to the moon.

But to be honest, judging from the current situation, the gap in the aerospace field is still very large.

Especially for launch vehicles with large payloads, let alone Space-X’s BFR super rocket that can send 30 tons of items to Mars, even if they can send 30 tons of items to the moon, they are still unable to do so.

"I wonder how the aerospace engine research at Xinghai Research Institute is going?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed through the old man's mind.

At this moment, he inexplicably missed the letter from that person asking for money.

After all, every time that person asked him for money, he would achieve certain results.

It would be great if scientific research and development were like this.

As long as you prepare the money and don't worry about anything else, you can bring huge returns. There is no simpler investment than this.

Suddenly, the old man came back to his senses, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled dumbly.

The way he thinks about it, he uses it as a wishing stone. He just invests money to make a wish and waits for the reward.


The thoughts in his mind paused, and he thought of something.

Wishing stone. Academician Xu?

The corner of the old man's mouth moved. Good guy, does this really correspond?

At this moment, the door of the conference room was knocked twice.

The old man turned back and nodded slightly towards the guard standing at the door.

Although today's meeting discussed the development of the aerospace field and there were many high-level officials, it was not confidential and was quite relaxed. If anyone had urgent matters, they were allowed to come in and report.

After getting permission, the guard behind the door opened the door forcefully. A secretary who was waiting at the door came in with a letter in his hand, leaned over and whispered a few words in the ear of the old man presiding over the meeting, and then The letter was handed over.

After listening to the secretary's words, the old man's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

After opening the letter in his hand, he read it carefully.

As he browsed the letters, the old man's eyes showed a sense of familiarity.

Nothing else, but at the end of the letter is a budget sheet!

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