Great Country Academician

Chapter 598 A more distant plan

"Hello passengers, the train you are taking is arriving at Xingcheng South Station. Passengers who get off at Xingcheng South Station, please prepare to get off in advance. The train stops at platform 06 and stops for ten minutes."

As the radio sounded in the carriage, Xu Chuan closed the laptop on the small table and stretched.

Sure enough, he would rather take the high-speed rail than flying.

The spacious and quiet environment allows him to rest better or read books and newspapers, and the high-speed rail is not much slower than the flight within five or six hours.

On the other side, in the reception hall of Star City South Station, a dozen middle-aged men in suits and ties stood in the empty hall and waited in the cold wind.

On the side, the big red banner pulled out by the staff and the media reporters standing on the side carrying long guns and short cannons caused some passers-by in the South Station hall to turn around frequently.

Everyone was waiting quietly until they saw that familiar figure walking out of the business corridor. Secretary Cheng Shaoqi of the southern Hunan province quickly walked forward with the team behind him and greeted him warmly from a distance. Said: "Academician Xu, you have worked hard along the way. Welcome home!"

Although I know that the person in front of me doesn't like this kind of formulaic greeting, but for Xiangnan and Xingcheng, relevant greetings must be done.

Especially this time, the Large Strong Particle Collider project was settled in Star City. It can be said that it is almost entirely due to this person.

A 100-billion-level super project, an international large-scale scientific research project, can drive the scientific research and economic development of the entire city, and even the entire province, wherever it is placed.

Even to some extent, it can affect the development of the entire field and even the field of high-energy physics around the world.

Looking at the crowd in the reception hall, Xu Chuan showed a standard smile: "What's the matter? Mr. Cheng, you are too enthusiastic and grand."

Cheng Shaoqi reached out his hands enthusiastically, held them tightly and shook his face with a smile: "Academician Xu, you have made great contributions to the scientific research of the motherland. You are the pride of the motherland and the pride of our southern Hunan! I We are just trying to express our gratitude to our fellow villagers and elders in southern Hunan."

Xu Chuan responded with a modest smile. For him, he had heard too many such polite words and no longer felt much.

However, the other party came to greet him in person, so he still had to accept his feelings.

Of course, he also knew that this was related to the Large Hadron Collider project that was settled in Star City two months ago.

After chatting in the reception hall for a while, he declined Secretary Cheng's invitation to dinner, and agreed to talk again when they had time. He finally got rid of the enthusiastic leaders, followed Zheng Hai and boarded the Hongqi car, and set off. Collider engineering base.

At present, in addition to the launch meeting of the project for the Large Strong Particle Collider, there are also issues such as the selection of the headquarters and the research route of the detector that need to be resolved.

The initial planning work for this meeting was carried out by borrowing an office building on the campus of the National University of Defense Technology, so this time Xu Chuan also came directly to this special school.

Speaking of this special institution, everyone must be familiar with it. It is the only two universities in China directly under the military.

Its predecessor is the famous "Harbin Military Industry", and the time of its establishment is also quite subtle.

The two atomic bombs dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 shocked the world and accelerated the end of World War II. Everyone must also know about the subsequent Peninsula Aid War.

In the face of this shocking nuclear threat, in order to develop an atomic bomb as soon as possible, it was under the flames of war that Kazakhstan Military Industry was established with the mission of strengthening the country and ensuring peace from the beginning.

It is closely connected with my country's "Two Missile and One Satellite" project and provides a large number of talents for the "Malan Experimental Base". It can be said to be the talent reserve for the Two Missile and One Satellite project.

The students who come out of this school, no matter how top-notch their abilities are, there is no doubt that they will be the backbone of the motherland.

Speaking of this university, there is another interesting fact, that is, on the domestic map app, you cannot find the address of this university, nor can you search for its name, even if you know where it is.

If you can find it, you're welcome to report it and you'll get a bonus.

In a corner of the campus, in a certain experimental building, Xu Chuan found Academician Tai Xuewen, who was taking his place in charge of the preliminary work of the Large Strong Particle Collider.

The director with white hair on his temples was arguing with someone about something.

For China, although the collider built this time is not the first in the country, as the equipment with the largest design scale and the highest collision energy level at present, it will fully promote the development of future science.

Including matters such as the location of the headquarters, promoting Chinese culture and red spirit is also one of the goals of location selection.

After all, in the future, this large-scale scientific research equipment will lead the development of international high-energy physics and related technologies, and will also attract scholars from all over the world.

How to provide a quiet academic environment while properly displaying Chinese culture is undoubtedly one of the key points.

What Academician Tai Xuewen is currently arguing with others is the choice of the collider headquarters.

Xu Chuan quietly leaned over and listened. The two people were arguing about whether the location of the headquarters should be located in Star City.

As a former CERN board representative, Tai Xuewen believes that location selection outside Star City should be considered. Placing the headquarters outside the city can not only provide a quiet scientific research environment, but also drive economic development in the headquarters area and surrounding areas.

The person he was arguing with was an older man, Academician Xie Tianhua, one of the founders of the domestic accelerator field.

The world's first medical accelerator that uses high-energy electron beams to treat tumors, China's first high-energy electron linear accelerator, China's first collider, the Electron Positron Collider, and new electron linear accelerators. Projects at the forefront of the world are all related to this old man.

His opinion is that when facing scholars from all over the world, more consideration should be given to financial expenses and other aspects. Choosing a location in a city or suburban area can save a lot of money.

Both of them had their own reasons, and both of them were defensible, but this also led to a very heated argument. Neither one was convinced by the other, and the spit almost splashed into the other's face.


With a slight cough, Xu Chuan interrupted the argument between the two.

Tai Xuewen raised his head and was stunned for a moment when he saw Xu Chuan. Then he said with a smile on his face: "Academician Xu, you are here at the right time. You are here to comment. If this old guy Xie Tianhua insists on choosing the site in Star City, I will not I suspect he has received benefits from the Star City government!"

Opposite me, an old academician named Xie Tianhua raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "What do you mean I received a benefit? Tai Xuewen, you old guy, please speak clearly!"

"I chose the location of the headquarters in an urban area to save money! Do you know how much it costs to build a headquarters in the wilderness? Related supporting equipment and buildings cost money, and you think the country's money is not money?"

"Our country is still a developing country, and we need money everywhere. The collider project is very important, but why not save where we can?"

Seeing that the two of them were starting to fight again, Xu Chuan quickly persuaded: "Academician Tai, Academician Xie, do we have a preliminary plan and site selection now? Let me take a look first?"

Tai Xuewen nodded, rummaged through his desk, found a report and handed it over, saying: "Yes, preliminary selection of the headquarters. We have considered some addresses these days, take a look."

Xu Chuan took the report and flipped through it. It listed some site selection and coordinates, as well as some corresponding advantages and comprehensive considerations.

From the perspective of site selection, the location of the collider, including its headquarters and laboratories, basically falls on the edge of several large detectors. This is also the standard for building laboratories at CERN.

The difference is that some are located in relatively remote wilderness areas, while others are located close to the city.

After flipping through the report in his hand, Xu Chuan looked at the map on the table for a while and suddenly said: "Director Tai, Mr. Xie, since the location of the headquarters is controversial, how about we compromise?"

"Compromise?" Tai Xuewen was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Referring to the controllable nuclear fusion project I led before, I think this place should meet the requirements."

As he spoke, he pointed to a certain punctuation mark on the planning report.

The two of them looked along his direction, and a green mountain forest area came into view.

"Peach Blossom Ridge?"

Looking at the pointed position, Xie Tianhua muttered something and started thinking.

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "That's right. Compared to considering building the headquarters in a remote wilderness area or city, I actually prefer Mr. Xie's opinion."

"This place is considered a suburb of the city. There are not many people nearby, and there is very little compensation for demolition."

"And I just noticed that there are roads under construction near Taohualing. In addition, the subway is not far away, and it can even be reached with a simple extension and expansion in the future. It is very convenient from a transportation perspective."

"As for promoting traditional culture and red spirit, it has enough advantages because it is close to the urban area."

Tai Xuewen frowned and said, "But it's not in the detector area."

The choice of the headquarters of the Large Strong Particle Collider is still very important. Various working, living and service facilities, such as office meeting spaces, medical emergency, fire rescue facilities, distribution substations, cooling materials, storage systems, etc., need to be considered.

Many of these facilities are related to detectors, and most of them are prepared for detectors and the data they receive.

If conditions permit, it will usually be built on top of the detector. This is what CERN does, and its headquarters is built on

Part of the reason for his dispute with Academician Xie is also here. In terms of planar structure, the collider is a circle, and its detectors are deployed on this circle line.

Although overall it is buried hundreds of meters deep underground, there is no doubt that the collider is an extremely sensitive device to external interference, especially the area where the detector is deployed.

The scientific research equipment of two universities in northern Qing Dynasty was disturbed by the construction of the subway, which caused various accuracy problems. The same was true for the collider.

Especially when detecting high-energy physical particles, external interference can easily cause detector distortion.

Therefore, detectors are generally built in uninhabited areas.

He previously advocated placing the headquarters in the countryside, and he also had such considerations. There are no bustling cities and buildings outside the countryside, which can minimize external interference to the detector and scientific research work.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Actually, we don't need to blindly refer to CERN standards, and the headquarters does not necessarily need to be built on the detector. When CERN was first established and the LHC was first built, data transmission was very difficult. That’s why the headquarters attaches detectors to facilitate scientific research.”

"But things are different now. The rapidly developing Internet era allows us to control the data received from any corner of the earth in real time."

"Furthermore, Taohualing is large enough, and to the west is Elephant Biwo Forest Park. There is enough space for expansion. Considering all aspects, placing the headquarters in the Taohualing area is a good choice."

In the office, academicians Tai Xuewen and Xie Tianhua looked at the planning map and report, thought about it together, and nodded in agreement.

Judging from the analysis at this meeting, Taohualing is indeed a very good site. It is close to the urban area and has convenient transportation. The location is large enough to meet the overall experimental needs. Moreover, it is located in the suburbs and is in a state of development, without excessive demolition and investment.

Although it will undermine the Star City government's plan for this area to a certain extent, the location of the collider headquarters is better than the original plan anyway.

The most important thing is that the general person in charge has spoken, and under the reasonable location selection, they have to give this face.

Nodding, Director Tai Xuewen said: "In this case, I will first arrange for someone to conduct a general inspection of Taohua Ridge and the surrounding environment, and then communicate with the Star City Government to confirm the situation."

After a pause, he then looked at Xu Chuan and said: "The location of the headquarters has been decided first. Regarding the launch meeting of the collider project, what do you think?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Of course it will be held in a big way!"

"Regarding the construction of the Large Strong Particle Collider, not to mention that the whole world is paying attention, at least the entire field of physics is watching us. At this time, if we close the door and do it ourselves, we will undoubtedly be weaker than CERN, which unites scholars from all over the world. .”

Taking a deep breath, he continued: "Compared with CERN, our foundation is weaker and our talents are fewer. Only with the help of powerful collider can we attract a large number of physics talents in this competition. It is possible to transfer the physical sanctuary to our side."

Before coming to Shonan, Xu Chuan carefully considered the deployment and arrangements of the collider.

Regardless of the current competition between CERN and them due to the intervention of the United States, it is impossible for China alone to dominate the research and development in the field of high-energy physics.

High-energy physics is a subject open to the whole world, and it is also a science facing the future of mankind; research in the cutting-edge field of theoretical physics requires not the power of a country, but the power of a civilization to make great strides forward.

And in the development of basic physics and high-energy physics, they are indeed lagging far behind.

This is why he has always wanted to transfer the world's holy land of physics to China. Using a powerful collider to attract talents from all over the world and then cultivate his own scholars is the real way.

What's more important is that Xu Chuan has a more distant dream and plan in his heart, and the collider project needs to pave the way for it first.

That is an area that needs to be explored by uniting the power of the entire human civilization. If it can be successfully accomplished, it will bring a second home to human civilization!

Of course, whether it is in the strong particle collider project or in that distant dream, China needs to occupy a dominant position!

PS: I wrote some sensitive stuff in yesterday’s chapter, but it couldn’t pass the review. The editor also advised me to delete it, which affected the subsequent plot arrangement. I can only rewrite a few other things today, sorry (;′⌒`).

Also: I stopped updating yesterday, I will make up for it tomorrow, at least two updates, and as many as three updates, please vote for me.

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