Great Country Academician

Chapter 623 The enthusiasm of the Naval Equipment Department

Across the dining table, hearing the old man's praise, Xu Chuan smiled and said modestly: "I just did what a scholar should do, and the contribution belongs to everyone."

Hearing this, the old man laughed and joked: "If all human scholars were like you, we would probably have left the Milky Way and entered the entire universe."

After chatting for a while, the old man smiled and asked: "By the way, how is your space shuttle-related project going? Is there anything you need help from the country? If so, just ask it and I will find someone to solve it for you. .”

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "It went much smoother than I expected. After participating in the launching ceremony of Haixi this time, the space shuttle is almost ready for trial flights."

Hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said, "So fast?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Most of the work of Xinghai Research Institute has been outsourced, and only a small part of the core is solved by itself, such as small reactors and aerospace engines. In addition, aerospace technology and aerospace science and industry With the support of a lot of technology and talents, the speed will naturally increase."

The old man smiled without any surprise and said, "We are all a family, so it is appropriate to cooperate in developing aerospace."

After smiling and saying something, the old man seemed to have thought of something, and said with some emotion: "If one day human civilization can get out of the earth and out of the solar system, the entire human civilization should also hold hands and move forward together."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan glanced at the old man in surprise, nodded in agreement, and said with a smile:

“When facing the vast universe, civilization exchanges and cooperation are not only the only way for mankind to pursue knowledge and development, but also a model of human community awareness.”

“Only by deepening civilizational exchanges and strengthening international cooperation can mankind’s future space exploration be smoother and more successful.”

Although the official launch and naming ceremony of the Haixi did not officially start until 11 o'clock in the morning, personnel from Jiangnan Shipyard, Naval Equipment Department, Strategic Planning Department and other departments have been busy since early morning.

It was the first time that Xu Chuan separated from the perspective of the organizer and watched from the perspective of others. Only then did Xu Chuan realize that holding such a ceremony required so much preparation work.

Whether it is the arrangement of the entire ceremony, the reception of guests, or dealing with media reporters, external news announcements, etc., it is all a variety of things.

Xu Chuan even saw the reporter and cameraman from CTV media. The other party recognized him, came over to say hello, and then hurried away carrying the camera equipment.

Although the launching and naming ceremony of the Haixi will not be broadcast live to the outside world, as the most mainstream and influential media, CTV is obviously responsible for reporting the entire ceremony to the outside world and taking some less confidential pictures and videos. for dissemination.

And their time was very tight. The launching ceremony started at 11 o'clock, and the news from the TV station and the network had to be released at 12 o'clock, leaving them with less than an hour.

At eleven o'clock sharp, the launching and naming ceremony of the aircraft carrier "Haixi" of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was officially held at the Jiangnan Shipyard of Huaguo Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd.

Standing in the crowd, following the old man, Xu Chuan looked around with some curiosity.

A sea-blue carpet covered the entire pier, and a battalion of marines in white military uniforms stood in front of a huge pier in order.

Behind them, a huge aircraft carrier in navy gray was on standby.

Although he has lived two lives again, this is the first time for him to participate in such a grand ceremony. It is impossible to say that he is not a little curious.

Especially for a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, although they seem to be quite easy-going and polite most of the time, the thousands of years of war history have carved the four words "advocating force" into the bone marrow of the entire nation. The "Martial Arts" complex is also deeply rooted in the blood of the nation and cannot be ignored.

Looking at the entire world, if we want to talk about countries or nations with abundant military virtues, they will not necessarily be ranked first, but they will at least be ranked in the top three.

Not to mention other things, the more than 10 million square kilometers of land could not have been given away with phone bills, it was all conquered bit by bit by them.

With this kind of cultural and historical foundation, even Xu Chuan couldn't help but feel excited and excited when standing under this behemoth that could be said to represent "force".

At eleven o'clock sharp, the launching and naming ceremony of the Haixi aircraft carrier officially began.

The red flag rose slowly on the pier, and the audience sang the national anthem. At such a glorious moment, the fleet was awarded a naming certificate, and the navy and Jiangnan Shipyard jointly launched the country's third aircraft carrier and cut the ribbon.

"With approval, aircraft carrier No. 03 is officially named "Naval Haixi Ship", with hull number '18'!"

The sound rang out on the pier, set against the loud singing, as steady and powerful as the national destiny.

As the words fell, the ship's whistle sounded throughout the audience, and countless colorful ribbons scattered from the sides of the Haixi aircraft carrier under the gaze of everyone.

As the ribbon-cutting ceremony unfolded, champagne bottles shattered on the bow of the ship, and the dock behind the Hercy slowly opened. The behemoth, equipped with the world's first stellarator fusion reactor, slowly sailed out of the dock. Stopped at the pier.

The whole process is not complicated, and it only takes less than half an hour.

But it was an inspiring ceremony for everyone present and for the entire country.

It means that the empire, which has been dormant for decades in modern history, has once again climbed a big step towards its peak on the way to awakening!

The launching and naming ceremony of the USS Haixi aircraft carrier was over. Before Xu Chuan even had time to ask the other party to come on board for a look, he was actively invited by someone from the Naval Equipment Department.

Accompanying him on board the ship were the old man, Academician Zheng Yuanhang, the chief designer of Jiangnan Shipyard, and others.

After all, it is China's first aircraft carrier to use a controllable nuclear fusion reactor as a functional system. Regardless of its combat effectiveness, its commemorative significance is far-reaching enough.

If it weren't for this special significance, the old man probably wouldn't have attended the launching ceremony. After all, this was not the first aircraft carrier. In comparison, there were many more important things that he needed to solve.

On the Haixi aircraft carrier, Xu Chuan boarded the deck of this giant ship through the elevator.

"It's really spectacular."

Looking at the scene before his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh.

Standing on the deck, he felt as if he was on a wide highway, with colorful sign lines crisscrossing each other. The ski jump deck was raised upwards, and his sight was extremely wide, including the endless blue sea.

It's like a moving castle. Thanks to the various tour directions on the boat, otherwise you will definitely get lost.

Let alone him, any other person would probably have a similar feeling standing on the open surface of this behemoth.

Perhaps some ships may be larger than aircraft carriers, but their decks cannot be as smooth and open as aircraft carriers.

Ouyang Zhen, the leader of the Naval Equipment Department who accompanied him, smiled kindly and said: "The deck of Haixi has a total length of 316 meters and a total width of 76 meters, which is almost equivalent to three and a half football fields connected front to back."

"In order to ensure the efficiency of aviation operations, the entire deck is divided into four parts: the take-off area, the landing area, the parking area and the island area."

While introducing, Ouyang Zhen turned around and walked towards the front of the deck with Xu Chuan. Soon, two long and narrow tents came into view.

It was a confidentiality tent covering the electromagnetic ejection track in the take-off area.

In the original historical process, these two tents were built for the construction, testing and information confidentiality of the electromagnetic ejection track.

At that time, the electromagnetic ejection track was still in an incomplete state and needed to be adjusted.

Now, after delaying the launch for more than half a year, the two electromagnetic ejection tracks have been completed long ago, but the reason why the tent is still here is mainly to keep information confidential.

The performance of the current electromagnetic catapult orbit technology is completely different from the previous one. Its performance is no exaggeration to say that it is an order of magnitude more advanced than the most advanced Nimitz aircraft carrier.

Taking Xu Chuan into the confidentiality tent, Ouyang Zhen said: "Speaking of this, in the original plan, the length of the take-off area was originally planned to be one hundred meters, but the improved superconductor provided by the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute subsequently changed the magnetic field. The excellent performance has greatly shortened this distance, and the free space can even ensure simultaneous takeoff and landing in an emergency.”

"Compared to our researchers here, you are the developer of improved superconducting materials. I believe no one is more familiar with the application of improved superconductors than you. I hope Academician Xu can give you some guidance."

For people in the Naval Equipment Department or the Military Equipment Department, Academician Xu is now a big treasure.

From the initial lithium batteries to the subsequent carbon fiber materials, to superconductors, small controllable nuclear fusion reactors, aerospace engines, etc., these research applications can significantly improve the combat effectiveness of the army's equipment, and even develop by leaps and bounds.

Just like the Haixi, in the original design, although the take-off area and the landing area were separated, due to the limitation of the deck size, it is impossible to take off and land at the same time under normal circumstances.

Even the Nimitz aircraft carrier in the United States can't do it. The most Nimitz can do is that when the aircraft carrier recovers the aircraft, there is a take-off position that can be prepared simultaneously, so it can take off and land intermittently. Achieve the effect of taking off and landing close to the same time.

But to truly carry out takeoff and landing at the same time, no aircraft carrier has been able to do it before.

On the Haixi, this impossible goal was achieved.

It can theoretically take off and land carrier-based aircraft at the same time.

Although there is no actual test yet, it is just a simulation test through supercomputer; although this function is definitely not used in normal times, in emergency times, it can undoubtedly greatly increase the efficiency of carrier-based aircraft taking off and landing, and burst out a more powerful combat effectiveness.

And this, without changing the deck area, can be said to be all the result of the improved superconductor material + small fusion reactor.

Only the ultra-strong critical magnetic field provided by the combination of these two can accelerate a carrier-based aircraft to take-off speed in a shorter distance.

That's why Ouyang Zhen, the leader of the Naval Equipment Department, took Xu Chuan around enthusiastically on the Haixi, constantly introducing the parameter information of various equipment, just to see if he could get another piece of information from the pocket of this national treasure scholar. What kind of black technology came out of it.

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