Great Country Academician

Chapter 666 Welcome home!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the earth-moon transfer orbit, a silver-white space shuttle sailed in the dark and deep space with a blue-white tail flame.

With the perfect success of the lunar rescue operation, Xinghai also carried five astronauts and successfully switched from the lunar orbit to the Earth-moon transfer orbit.

As time passed, it had reached the target speed, the aerospace engine was shut down, and the silver-white space shuttle continued to move toward the earth relying on the resistance-free inertia in the vacuum.

At the same time, the extremely spacious interior of Xinghai shocked the two NASA astronauts again and again.

If their Orion multi-purpose manned spacecraft was a car, it could only accommodate four or five passengers in a small space.

Then this space shuttle is a veritable luxury private jet.

Although the astronauts' room is for two people, the area of ​​one room is a full ten square meters!

Although a room of ten square meters does not sound big, and most bedrooms in ordinary families are larger than this, but this is on a space shuttle where every inch of land is precious!

In this kind of place, an area of ​​ten square meters is reserved for astronauts to use as bedrooms. To be honest, Smedley Moore has never seen such luxury.

Even their own space shuttle has never designed such a generous space for astronauts to rest.

After all, wouldn’t it be nice to have a place to sleep and fill the other space with more supplies?

For the first time, Smedley Moore felt that the pride of the aerospace power in his heart was shattered. He had never felt this way before, even when the other party rescued them.

At the same time, the hatch of the room was suddenly opened. Outside the door, his companion McAdam Julia was wiping her hair with a towel in one hand, and adjusting her posture from outside the room with the other hand. Fly'in.

"Moore, I think you should experience those Chinese bathrooms. Their bathrooms are really easy to use. If I weren't wearing a special mask and glasses, I wouldn't even feel any different from the one on Earth. "

In the room, McAdam Julia was wiping her hair carefully with a towel. The water stains on it were absorbed little by little by the special towel with strong adsorption force, and her whole body soon became refreshed.

Compared to their previous journey on the Orion multi-purpose manned spacecraft and the time they were trapped on the Artemis lunar module, she felt like she was in heaven on this space shuttle.

Whether it is accommodation, food, or even space for activities, it is much higher than the Orion multi-purpose manned spacecraft and the Artemis lunar module.

Although after entering, their movements were restricted by the other party. Except for excretion, bathing, washing, etc., they can only stay in their own room every day, and their food and water are brought to them by the other party.

And even those activities that require going out are restricted by someone at all times.

However, through these activities, they can still learn a lot about this space shuttle.

For example, there are no restrictions on the supply of electricity, food, drinking water and other living conditions.

For the two of them, even if they turn on the lights and TV in the room 24 hours a day (yes, there is a TV on the Xinghai, and it is a satellite TV, the Internet speed is faster than most 10G broadband (fast) without any problems.

Even at a certain moment, they saw Chinese astronauts playing with their mobile phones. Through the signal, they could call each other to report that they were safe or something. This made them so envious that tears almost flowed from their mouths.

Although these are just small things in daily life, they are enough to reflect the technological content of this space shuttle from the side.

For example, in terms of energy, unlimited power supply means that the space shuttle's energy supply system is far more advanced than imagined.

The miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion reactor speculated by NASA and the United States may actually be used on the Xinghai.

Opposite, Smedley Moore, who was half lying on his bed, looked up at her, shrugged and said, "This only proves that their power resources and water resources are so abundant that it is simply unimaginable."

Hearing this, McAdam Julia was silent for a while before speaking: "How did they do it?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's the legendary all-powerful Professor Xu?"

On the bed, Smedley Moore said expressionlessly: "I heard that the space shuttle called Xinghai was designed and manufactured by the research institute he leads."

"But as far as I know, isn't he a theoretical mathematician?"

McAdam Julia said: "When will mathematicians also be able to participate in the design and manufacture of space shuttles?"


Smedley Moore smiled, glanced at her, and continued: "Don't forget the controllable nuclear fusion technology. That was achieved by him, a theoretical mathematician? If only it was like what you said."


That was just the most superficial cover-up of that man. In addition to mathematics, his proficiency in fields was even comparable to that of Leonardo da Vinci in the Middle Ages.

How many such ‘geniuses’ are there in the history of human science?

The time it takes to return from the moon to the earth is not long. For Xinghai, the return time is at least half shorter than the time it takes to go from the earth to the moon.

In less than twenty hours, they had reached outer space about 400 kilometers away.

At the same time, in the room where two NASA astronauts lived, Smedley Moore and McAdam Julia also saw the blue planet through the porthole window.

At this moment, even Smedley Moore, who had always maintained a relatively calm mind, was filled with excitement.

He went through a life-and-death situation and almost died on another planet. Being able to return to this future planet made him feel that the world was so beautiful.

On the other side, on the space shuttle, in the cockpit, looking at the blue planet so close at hand, the three members of the moon landing team, Zhai Zhigang, Chen Dong and Liu Yang, were filled with indescribable emotions.

They are back!

After arriving on another planet, he successfully returned to his homeland.

This unprecedented and wonderful feeling aroused excitement, excitement, hope, pride and other complex emotions in the three people's hearts, intertwined together like drinking a bowl of bean soup with mixed flavors.

"This is Xinghai. Call the ground command center. We have reached 400 kilometers of low-Earth orbit and are about to switch flight postures and return to the ground. Please give guidance to the command center!"

After a short interval, a reply from the ground command center sounded in the cockpit.

"Roger, this is the ground command center, the navigation track has been passed, we will guide you home!"


Replied with a slightly excited voice, Zhai Zhigang looked at the recording computer, where the guidance from the ground command center had been transmitted.

They are back home!

With the switch of flight attitude, Xinghai fell towards the blue and white planet.

Time passed quickly and very briefly. Within a few minutes, the silver-white fuselage had submerged into the embrace of the earth again.

When the Xinghai reaches the critical point, the spoilers that reduce the speed are opened, the air compressor starts working, and the dense atmosphere begins to be purified and transported to the aerospace engine to replace the xenon working medium with high propulsion efficiency to regenerate thrust. .

The blue and white tail flames turned into reddish purple, and the Xinghai's sailing attitude gradually stabilized again.

"50 kilometers!"

"30 kilometers!"

"10 kilometers!"

"5 kilometers!"

When the silver-white space shuttle appeared in the high altitude with its red-purple tail flames swaying, and when the huge fuselage slowly descended and glided smoothly on the runway, whether it was the ground crew standing on the runway of the Space Launch Center, The engineers and technicians in the ground command center all cheered excitedly and clapped their hands.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long.

Starting from 1956 when Prime Minister Mr. Zhou presided over the formulation of a 12-year scientific development plan and listed jet propulsion and rocket technology as a key national development project, to the launch of the Dongfanghong-1 satellite, to manned spaceflight, and Chang'e's lunar exploration. They After experiencing and waiting for more than half a century, we finally successfully completed the milestone of manned moon landing and took the first step towards the universe and the sea of ​​stars.

At the same time, on the other side, the live broadcast perspective had switched to the live broadcast room that had been waiting on the CTV camera truck in Xia Shu Aerospace Base, and there was also warm applause.

【came back! came back! 】

【Xinghaihao is awesome! The motherland is awesome! Sichuan God is awesome! Like, like, like! Manned spaceflight was a complete success! 】

[Hahahaha, it seems that we mined 20 kilograms of lunar soil this time, and the earth has gained 20 kilograms since then! 】

[Moon theory: "Today I will cut 20 kilograms, and tomorrow I will cut 30 kilograms. Then I have to sleep well overnight, and look around the surroundings, and the people of the earth have arrived again.\

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