Great Country Academician

Chapter 668 Cooperation ‘Good Partner’

PS: New Year's Eve is here, and the year is complete. Eight-tails is here to wish everyone peace and good luck every year.

Xinghai Research Institute, in the office of the central building.

Xu Chuan clicked on the mouse and keyboard, searching for some information and data from journals, papers, academic websites and other places, and then confirmed, filtered and recorded according to needs.

The construction of the lunar biosphere project is a huge super project. If it is really to be carried out, the preliminary preparations must be in place.

From the preliminary budget, to the technology, feasibility, and risks that will be used in this project, to the construction plan, which countries will be invited to participate, etc., everything needs to be considered.

Of course, for him, the main research direction is the feasibility of technology and what kind of benefits and impacts it can bring to China after the completion of the lunar biosphere project.

A large-scale lunar biosphere + scientific research base hybrid project, even if it uses an advanced spacecraft such as the Xinghai space shuttle to transport various materials, the cost will be at least tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of RMB.

If traditional chemical fuel launch vehicles are used to transport and launch materials, the cost of the remaining units will need to be replaced by rice gold, which will increase four to five times.

Although such a super project is not a one-time investment, the pressure on national funds for the construction of this project is also huge.

If the completion of controllable nuclear fusion technology can bring almost infinite capabilities to mankind, then what the lunar biosphere base can bring to mankind is something that Xu Chuan and the country need to carefully consider.

After all, compared to controllable nuclear fusion technology, this is a project that will immediately benefit mankind even if it is not successful.

Just like the United States sent astronauts to the moon more than half a century ago, but then almost stagnated the development of the moon in the next half century.

Before actually stepping out of the earth and achieving real immigration, the investment on the moon will be far from proportional to the return. It is also difficult for any government or company to invest heavily in this.

Behind the desk, Xu Chuan sat in front of the desk and thought about it for a long time, and finally took out a stack of manuscript paper and pen from the drawer.

After the ballpoint pen in his hand stopped on the paper for a moment, he wrote down the words one by one.


[Hello, with the development of the times and the rapid breakthroughs of modern science and technology, space exploration has become one of the major fields of mankind. It is foreseeable that space will undoubtedly be our future and the future of mankind. 】

[After the Xinghai successfully completed the manned moon landing project, we are no longer far away from the moon above our heads. There is no doubt that it will be our first step out of the earth and into the deep space of the universe. 】

[As a springboard to deep space, building a base on the moon will become a training camp for humans to move into deep space. If we want to be familiar with and understand the alien environment, we must first understand the lunar environment;]

[The moon's vacuum and low gravity conditions are a special environment that is difficult to replicate on Earth for scientific research, and have special value for scientific research.]


Behind the desk, as time passed, a letter of several thousand words was completed.

When the last period came to an end, Xu Chuan let out a breath of turbid air in his chest, picked up the manuscript paper and checked it carefully.

After confirming that there were no problems, he simply folded the letter and put it into the envelope he had prepared.

He picked up his cell phone from the table and sent a message to Zheng Hai. After a while, the other party rushed over.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Well, there is a letter here that I need you to deliver for me."

"Where to send it?" Zheng Hai asked.

Xu Chuan said: "As usual, you know who gave it to the island on Chang'an Street."

Zheng Hai nodded, took the envelope and carefully put it into his arms, and asked casually: "Is there anything else? Professor."

"No more for now, let's go."

After Zheng Hai left, Xu Chuan packed up the things on the table, thought for a while, then picked up his phone and sent a message to his assistant.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

After a while, there were two gentle knocks on the door outside the office, and a female assistant with shoulder-length hair, about 23 or 24 years old, walked in.

The assistant who walked in was called Qin Yue. Although she looked young, she was currently the leader of the six assistant teams at Xinghai Research Institute. She was responsible for coordinating the work of the assistants. Many things currently had to go through her hands.

Of course, she was not the only candidate for this position, all six assistants were personally selected and arranged by the superiors. No matter the background, working ability, or appearance, it can be said to be perfect.

After all, if something happens to this assistant, the loss will be too great.

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Well, help me contact Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the Middle East and ask them if they are interested in building resort hotels and scientific research bases on the moon."

The funds required to build the lunar biosphere project + scientific research base are huge.

In order to ensure the leadership position of this project, in his plan, China's investment will reach half or more, but the remaining gap is still huge.

As for how much money the United States, the European Union, Tsarist Russia and other countries were expected to invest in this project, to be honest, Xu Chuan was too lazy to argue with them.

On the one hand, international cooperation projects involving huge investments have always been quite troublesome.

On the other hand, if these countries invest a large proportion of funds, the subsequent competition for the right to speak will be quite troublesome.

Not to mention other things, take the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project ITER, which is now almost paralyzed. In the past few years, when controllable nuclear fusion technology had not been fully realized, ITER was the largest and most far-reaching project in the world. One of the international scientific research cooperation projects.

However, the progress of ITER was not smooth. In 2002, Europe, Japan and Russia began to negotiate the international agreement of the ITER plan based on EDA, and the establishment of corresponding international organizations. It was not until 2006 that the international agreement of ITER was initialed. Officially confirmed.

It took four whole years.

And this is just the signing of various agreements, and no formal work has been carried out.

Of course, from a normal perspective, four years to complete the various agreements for a large-scale international cooperation project is already very good.

But for Xu Chuan, it took so much time to complete the initial signing of the international agreement, which can be said to be extremely inefficient.

He advocates efficiency and cannot bear to see the lunar biosphere project he leads getting stuck in various wrangling situations in the future.

So instead of looking for countries like the United States, the European Union, and Tsarist Russia, it is better to look for other countries.

For example, some countries in the Middle East are some of the ‘good partners’ they have always cooperated with.

Compared with countries such as the United States and the European Union, the wealthy people in the Middle East are easier to talk to. As long as their wishes can be realized, they are actually willing to trade you a large amount of money.

Of course, some people may ask, if controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized and oil is no longer valuable, how can those ‘big dogs’ still have money?

Those who think this way can only say that they may not be so sensitive to the changes of the times and the properties of oil.

Indeed, after the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology, the value of oil will be greatly discounted.

But even if the properties of fuel are extracted from oil, it does not mean that oil has little value or is completely worthless.

Although the main source of oil consumption is fuel, in addition to fuel, a large amount of fuel is also consumed in all aspects of daily life such as basic chemicals, agriculture, industry, and transportation.

For example, in plastics/rubber, clothing polyester/acrylic/nylon and other fabrics, pharmaceuticals and other industries, 90%, or even more than 95%, of their raw materials are petroleum.

Therefore, even if the fuel attribute is removed, the value of oil still exists.

On the other hand, times are not changing so fast. It has only been less than two years since the dawn demonstration reactor was successfully ignited.

In such a short period of time, although the influence of controllable nuclear fusion technology has been expanding, it is obvious that it is not yet available everywhere and can completely replace oil.

Of course, with the expansion of controllable nuclear fusion technology and the development of the times, it is inevitable that its value will continue to decline.

But at least now, those ‘good partners’ in the Middle East are still rich.

On the other side, the capital.

A small island in Beihai on the north side of Chang'an Street.

In an antique building, a simple letter was delivered to the hands of an old man.

After hearing who sent the letter, the old man's calm eyes moved, he opened the envelope and took out the letter.

The letter of several thousand words was not very thick, and he read through it quickly.

After understanding the purpose of the young man's letter, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and shook his head slightly.

It's really his style. The entire letter can be condensed into one sentence.

"I, Xu Chuan, want to build a lunar biosphere project and get money!"

Biosphere engineering. Of course he understands it.

The main purpose of this kind of project is basically in the direction of scientific research. Just like landing on the moon, it will not bring much actual benefits to mankind at present, and it will focus more on the direction of science.

It can be seen as a scientific research project with a large investment, but not too much technical difficulty, and not much direct benefit.

The United States did it once that year, but it ended in failure.

If he were on Earth, he would directly agree to this request without hesitation.

With the experience of the United States' Biosphere 2 before them, it would not be a big deal for them to find a desert in China and build a Biosphere 3.

Even if calculated based on a very large biosphere, the construction cost would be over a billion.

And they can also develop the desert by the way.

But building the biosphere on the moon really surprised him.

After all, the difficulty index and the amount of money consumed are completely the same.

The letter also stated that the preliminary budget for the lunar biosphere project is about 50-100 billion RMB.

For China, this money is not nothing. But to be honest, it is still very distressing to invest in a biosphere project.

After pondering for a moment, the old man called over a guard. After saying a few words, he closed his eyes again and began to ponder.

After waiting for some time, under the guidance of the guard, Yuan Zhouli, a senior leader in science and technology, walked into the small two-story building in front of him.

He knocked on the door of the study room, and after a voice of 'come in' came from inside, he carefully opened the door and walked in.

"You're looking for me?"

In the study, the old man smiled and nodded, gently pushed the letters on the table over and said:

"I have a letter here, please read it first."

Yuan Zhouli nodded, walked forward without hesitation, and picked up the letter from the table.

Seeing the paper used for the letter, he almost guessed who wrote the letter in his hand.

Although there are some people who can send letters here, the only one who can write to the person in front of me with this ordinary manuscript paper in his hand is the person from Jinling.

After all, when other people write letters, especially letters sent here, they usually have dedicated stationery.

He's the only one who doesn't care about these things.

He could even imagine that person sitting at his desk writing a letter and casually pulling out a stack of papers for daily calculations from the drawer.

After guessing who sent the letter, Yuan Zhouli quickly unfolded the letter and read it carefully.

"Exploration of space will become a driving force and catalyst for the development of new technologies and basic scientific research." This view has been repeatedly confirmed in history. 】

[Generally speaking, there are two types of models for the development of new technologies. One is "natural growth". For example, as new materials and new processes mature, the indicators of a certain technical direction will also improve;]

[The other type is to first have a target indicator, and then sort out the key issues that need to be overcome in order to achieve the indicator from top to bottom, and attack them one by one. Such as controllable nuclear fusion engineering. 】

[Generally speaking, the second type of technological progress also often has a chain effect. A technological breakthrough will be accompanied by the progress of a series of related technologies. But at the same time, the second category is much more difficult, because it often means cross-disciplinary and cross-field collaboration, as well as a lot of financial investment. 】

[Just like controllable nuclear fusion technology, its success has also led to the development of many other disciplines, which can be seen. 】

[Today, the process of "exploring space" plays the role of a catalyst: there are clear technical goals, massive financial support, and a large number of talents. 】

[It can enable us to discover new materials and new methods, invent better technical systems and better manufacturing procedures, extend the working life of instruments, and even discover new laws of nature. All this newly acquired technical knowledge can also be applied to ground technology.]

PS: Congratulations to all the readers! Get rich in the new year! Get rich! Get rich!

Say important things three times! (ω)

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