Great Country Academician

Chapter 683 Xu Chuan: I want to go up too!

Beside the conference table, Director Wu Yuankang of the Space Administration coughed slightly and interjected: "Space travel is currently a relatively risky thing. If the prince has concerns about our space capabilities, astronauts can be arranged to come over for inspection."

After a slight pause, he looked at Prince Faisal with a smile: "As for your own space travel activities, from an objective point of view, we do not recommend it. After all, this is an operation with relatively high risks. "

For Wu Yuankang, he represented China. Prince Faisal's request was indeed a bit too risky in his opinion.

Although the space navigation technology of the Xinghai space shuttle is currently quite mature, space travel is ultimately a very risky matter.

As for a prince-level existence, if something unexpected happens during space travel, it will be a major blow to the cooperation and relations between China and Saudi Arabia.

If possible, Wu Yuankang would naturally want to reject the other party's request.

He even used his reputation as an excuse to have concerns about aerospace capabilities.

But obviously, the other party is not so easily persuaded.

Listening to Director Wu Yuankang's words, Prince Faisal shook his head excitedly: "NO! NO! NO!"

"I believe in your country's aerospace technology and Professor Xu's ability. I look forward to this cooperation and to entering outer space."

"Moreover, space travel is the basis for cooperation in the lunar biosphere project. I need to understand your country's true strength in the aerospace field before I can invest in the lunar biosphere project with confidence."

The red-faced Prince Faisal's excited look almost made people think that he was an avid space exploration fan.

But for him, space travel is not so crazy.

He is indeed looking forward to space travel, but more importantly, it is a preparation and investigation for another subsequent cooperation.

The same is true for cooperation with China on the lunar biosphere project.

For some things circulated by the outside world, sometimes it is difficult to believe what others say unless you have experienced it yourself.

If China's Xinghai space shuttle is as legendary and can carry people to space like an ordinary civilian airliner, perhaps they can deepen their cooperation in the future.

As for safety, to be honest, he wasn't really worried.

Not to mention anything else, his identity is here. As long as the other party agrees to this request, they will definitely do their best to protect their lives.

It sounds a bit rogue, but isn't that what cooperation and transactions between countries or people are like?

On the opposite side, Wu Yuankang became a little depressed when he heard that Prince Faisal planned space travel requirements on the basis of cooperation with the lunar biosphere.

What is this bearded prince doing, insisting on going to outer space himself?

Red Bull sponsored him for such a high-risk thing?

Thinking about it, Wu Yuankang's thoughts drifted to the other side.

I heard that Virgin Galactic’s ‘first space tourism’ ticket price is 350,000 gold, and more than 500 people around the world have booked it, including Hollywood stars, business tycoons and other well-known figures.

Sometimes he really couldn't understand the thoughts of these rich people, spending millions just for a space trip?

But speaking of it, space travel does have a huge market in the future, and China is already making plans in this area.

After all, there is prerequisite excellent technology, and there is no reason to use it as the core to radiate to other fields.

As for Prince Faisal's request

After thinking for a while, Wu Yuankang decided to postpone it for a while and report the situation to the senior management for decision-making.

After all, this is no longer a job in the ordinary aerospace field. It involves a prince from Saudi Arabia, the core of the Middle East Commonwealth. If everything goes well in space travel, it will naturally be perfect.

However, if some unexpected situations occur during the process, it will have a significant impact on the cooperation and relationship between both parties.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yuankang raised his head, and just as he was about to speak, Xu Chuan's voice came from beside him.

"We are a guest from afar. Since Prince Faisal requested it, the Xinghai space shuttle will carry out a supply replenishment mission to the Tiangong Space Station in exactly two days. At that time, I will serve as the host and accompany the prince to take a look."

In the reception room, Xu Chuan said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Yuankang and Weng Yunzong from the Aerospace Research Institute retorted in unison.


"This is too risky!"

Xu Chuan glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "We are guests from far away. Since we can fulfill Prince Faisal's request, as long as he supports the construction of the biosphere project, space travel is not too difficult."

After a slight pause, he looked at Prince Faisal opposite, and continued: "However, space travel is risky. This needs to be made clear to the prince in advance. The prince is also asked to cooperate and follow the arrangements for the actions on the Xinghai. "

Xu Chuan knew very well what Wu Yuankang and the people on the diplomatic side were opposed to. What they were opposed to was not Prince Faisal's request for space travel, but him running up as the host.

As he said himself, space travel is risky. Neither Wu Yuankang nor senior officials will agree to his going to space, at least not at this stage.

But for Xu Chuan, it has always been his dream to travel to outer space, the moon, Mars, and even more distant deep space.

He just took this opportunity to go to outer space first and lay a foundation. Otherwise, how would he go to the moon and Mars in the future?

As for the offer to accompany Prince Faisal up there as a host and to fulfill the friendship of the landlord, it was just an excuse.

The more core reason was that he wanted to go up and have a look.

Xu Chuan still admitted this, but he just took advantage of Prince Faisal's request for space travel and raised it together.

Although the country also considers his safety, he is quite adventurous in his heart.

Sometimes, people should think about themselves and live for themselves once or twice, right?

If he had chosen to seek stability, he would not have chosen to go abroad to study mathematics at Princeton again after being reborn seven or eight years ago.

After all, the scholars in Rebirth's mind were already enough for him to reach the pinnacle of Chinese academic circles.

But he didn't. In order to break through his upper limit, he still took the risk and chose to study at Princeton for two and a half years.

This led to the breakthrough of the NS equation and the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

As for now, space travel does come with certain risks.

However, this risk is not big in Xu Chuan's opinion, and it is not even as high as the probability of a car running out of the road.

After all, the Xinghai space shuttle has carried out double-digit missions from unmanned to manned so far without any problems.

In the reception room, Wu Yuankang and Weng Yunzong failed to persuade Xu Chuan in the end, and could only report the matter to the police after hurriedly ending the discussion meeting.

In their view, the lunar biosphere project cooperation matters discussed with the Middle East are far less important than this matter.

As for Prince Faisal's space travel, they have long forgotten it.

On the other side, Beijing, Fuxing Road.

In an office in the headquarters building of Industrial Information Center, a voice sounded so deafening that the glass almost shattered.

"What did you say?!"


"This is too messy!"

"Don't you want to persuade me?"

"Okay, I get it."

After hurriedly hanging up the phone, the big-headed man pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, gave instructions to his assistant, and quickly walked out of the office without even paying attention to the unread documents on the table.

Soon, on the other side, a small island in the North Sea.

"You mean, Academician Xu, he wants to accompany Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia on a space trip aboard the Xinghai?"

On the small island in the North Sea, the man who was handling his official duties held a pen and looked at the industrial information chief who reported the news to him with a surprised look on his face.

After receiving the news reported by Wu Yuankang, Liang Hongyi, who was well versed in industry and information, hurried over from Fuxing Road to report the situation to the man in front of him.

He nodded with a wry smile and said, "Well, the space agency just reported the news about ten minutes ago. He is planning to board the Xinghai, which will replenish supplies to the Tiangong Space Station in three days."

After confirming the truth of the news, the man held his pen and fell silent.

After a while, he finally asked: "Didn't you give me any advice?"

Liang Hongyi sighed: "Why didn't you persuade me? When the space agency reported to me, they said that they just hugged their thighs and cried for father and mother, but they couldn't be persuaded. He insisted that as the host, he should fulfill his duty as a landlord and accompany him. The prince whose name is that, come up together."

For a while, he was so tormented by Xu Chuan that he forgot the name of Prince Faisal of the Middle East.

The corner of this man's mouth moved, then fell silent again.

What the hell is this friendship between landlords? It’s obvious that he wants to go up there, right?

He has been dealing with Xu Chuan for so long, so he doesn't know his character clearly.

When did such humanistic things as landlord friendship come into his consideration?

Not to mention Prince Faisal who wants to travel into space on the Star Sea, or even if he wants to jump out of outer space, if he is not interested, he probably won't pay attention.

This was clearly caused by Prince Faisal's mention of space travel that aroused his inner thoughts.

Opposite, at the Industrial Information Center, Liang Hongyi's hair was completely white and he felt like his head was getting bigger.

He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, and said with a headache on his face: "You said he was just fooling around. The aerospace technology is not fully mature yet. Alas."

At this moment, Yuan Zhouli, the director of the Science and Technology Department, also rushed over.

Looking at Liang Hongyi in the room, he was stunned for a moment and said hello: "Old Liang, you are here too. Just in time. Please help me find a solution."

Liang Hongyi turned around and looked over. When he saw it was him, he nodded and said hello. Looking at Yuan Zhouli's anxious look, he asked tentatively: "What's the matter with Academician Xu?"

Hearing this, Yuan Zhouli was stunned again, and then asked: "You also know?"

Liang Hongyi nodded and sighed: "I came here to report this matter."

Yuan Zhouli's mouth moved, and he said with a headache on his face: "What do you think we should do about this matter? Do you want to stop him from going up?"

Liang Hongyi: "It's okay to stop him, but I'm afraid that if I stop him this time, he will sneak up next time without saying hello. After all, the Xinghai is in his hands, and no one at the Xinghai Research Institute can control him."

"At that age, he can do anything when he is impulsive. At least he brought it up this time."

Yuan Zhouli: "."

Hearing this, the man behind the desk sighed and got a headache.

There was silence in the room.

This person finally shook his head and said: "Forget it, let him go, but please inform the subordinates that confidentiality and safety preparations must be made, and also inform the national defense department to make corresponding preparations."

As Liang Hongyi said, at Xu Chuan's age, if they were stopped this time, next time they might sneak up without even saying hello, and then they would have no place to talk.

It’s really a headache

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