Great Country Academician

Chapter 709 The End of the Dispute

In the office, Xu Chuan sat in front of the computer and sorted out his information.

In the student area on the other side, Ding Rui also followed his advice and downloaded several textbooks and papers related to quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry from the academic website.

Although being able to work on projects with his mentor is an opportunity that no one else would envy.

But as Xu Chuan said, not everyone can major in one major and have enough energy and talent to minor in another major.

Functional analysis is indeed a basic mathematical tool in computational materials science, but mathematics and quantum chemistry are, after all, two completely different fields.

By being able to study for a Ph.D., you basically have choices and directions for your academic life.

Turning the corner rashly to another road is not a good choice.

In the office, Xu Chuan was reviewing papers and materials related to quantum chemistry, while Ding Rui was also reading the entry-level textbooks.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door twice.

Xu Chuan responded casually, "Please come in," and Gu Bing, who was waiting at the door, gently opened the door and walked in.

"Professor, I'm sorry, I was giving an open class when I received the news, so I kept you waiting."

Gu Bing greeted him respectfully and explained why he was late.

Although he is now a full professor at Nanjing University and has graduated long ago, his respect for Xu Chuan has never weakened.

After all, without Xu Chuan, he would not be what he is today. The grace of preaching and receiving karma is like the vast ocean, the most noble and extensive.

Seeing Gu Bing, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "It's okay. Sit down first. I called you here today because I want to invite you to participate in a scientific research project."


"Yes." Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "I have recently been trying to establish a set of accurate, effective and universally applicable calculation models for chemistry. I may need your help."

Hearing this, Gu Bing immediately sat up straight, looked at Xu Chuan and asked with some suspicion: "Is it one of the four major chemical problems in the 21st century?"

Having participated in scientific research in physics and chemistry laboratories, he still had some understanding of these things, and generally understood what Xu Chuan was talking about.

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying, "Yes, this is one of my next research directions."

Hearing this, Gu Bing said somewhat unconfidently: "Can I do it? Will it delay your research, teacher?"

After confirming that Xu Chuan's research question was exactly what he had guessed, he was a little less confident that he could participate in a research project of this level.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "You can be more confident. Bloch's conjecture is one of the foundations of materials computing. You are fully qualified if you have solved this problem."

Gu Bing was the first student he took. He had a very good character and personality. He worked hard when he studied with him, but unfortunately his talent was lacking.

Of course, the comparison here is with Amelia, a student of the same period.

In addition, he was still the mentor above. From the beginning, Gu Bing was exposed to the top group of geniuses, which also led to some unconfidence in his originally introverted personality.

Even after solving Bloch's conjecture with Amelia, this lack of confidence still existed in front of him.

Gu Bing nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Well, what do you need me to do? Professor."

Xu Chuan smiled, opened his computer mailbox, and sent experimental data related to artificial SEI films and lithium-sulfur batteries to Gu Bing.

"I sent you an email, which contains some preliminary experimental data. You need to help me sort out the data in this list first."

The first step in any research effort is to collect enough data and literature related to the problem.

Faced with the huge and cumbersome project of how to establish a set of accurate, effective and universally applicable computational models for chemistry, he has found the corresponding entry point.

That is the theoretical explanation of the microscopic substantive reaction process of electrochemistry!

Do this first, then push to the whole.

From simple to complex, from easy to difficult, just like climbing Mount Everest, first go to the base camp and build a camp of your own, and then sprint towards the top!

While Xu Chuan was busy preparing to establish a complete set of chemical theoretical explanations for the electrochemical microscopic reaction process.

On the other hand, the battery industry’s experiments and testing work on the lithium-sulfur batteries sent by Chuanhai Materials have also been completed one after another.

The first to publish relevant experimental test data reports were the Planck Institute for Solid State Research and the Planck Fritz Haber Institute.

These two institutes, both belonging to the Max Planck Society, conduct research in the field of batteries and are also well-known.

Therefore, during processing, Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute naturally mailed lithium-sulfur battery samples to both companies for testing.

The experimental test data of lithium-sulfur battery samples from the Planck Institute for Solid State Research and the Planck Fritz Haber Institute once again set off a heated discussion in the battery industry.

[The Planck Institute has disclosed the test data of the lithium-sulfur battery experimental samples mailed by the Chuanhai Institute of Materials Research. The energy density is as high as 2000Wh/Kg! 】

【WTF? Two thousand mass energy? 】

[Energy density is not the key. The key to the problem of lithium-sulfur batteries is the diffusion problem of polysulfide compounds and the shuttle effect problem. This is the key point! No matter how high the quality and energy are, it is useless if the core problem is not solved. 】

[Judging from the test reports provided by the two institutes that first published the data, the Planck Institute for Solid State Research conducted a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) sensor, and Fritz Haber Research conducted an in-situ ultraviolet spectroscopy analysis test. , there are no problems with the data, and polysulfide diffusion and shuttle effects are well suppressed. 】

【This is impossible! I have a PhD in Chemical Materials Science and have conducted at least five sets of replica experiments on papers published by the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute. The experimental data all show that the problem of diffusion of polysulfide compounds still exists and has not been completely solved. 】

[The person upstairs didn’t receive the experimental sample mailed by Chuanhai Materials Research Institute? 】

[Definitely not. I still recognize the test data from the Planck Institute. There is no need for them to fabricate fake test data to deceive the public. 】

[The latest news is that the battery experimental department of Enos, a famous American lithium battery manufacturer, has also disclosed the test results. The data is not much different from the two research institutes of the Max Planck Society. 】

[In other words, has the Chuanhai Institute of Materials really solved the problem of polysulfide diffusion and shuttle effects? 】

[From the current point of view, yes! 】

Testing data from major battery experimental manufacturers and research institutions quickly spread from the battery industry to the Internet.

Compared with the lithium-sulfur battery itself, which is the focus of scholars and researchers in the industry, people on the Internet are obviously more interested in the dispute between the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute and Grandfather National Laboratory.

In China, news related to scarves quickly became a hot search topic, once again occupying the attention and attention of the majority of netizens.

[Chuanshen’s lithium-sulfur battery is out! After testing by major battery manufacturers, there are no problems at all! The battery life of future mobile phones will be more than a month! New energy vehicles have a range of more than 4,000 kilometers! 】

[Fuck, that’s awesome! Four thousand kilometers of battery life! horrible! 】

[(dog head) Where is the one from Argonne National Laboratory? Didn’t that Professor Pizza say that Kaishen stole their experimental data? Why haven’t the batteries been made yet? 】

[Does researching the battery first have anything to do with stealing experimental data and ideas? Even the top energy officials in the United States have publicly stood up and said that the data of the Argonne National Laboratory has been leaked. Is it possible that the United States will wrongly accuse you, a private company? 】

[The patent offices of multiple countries have rejected it together, and countless media have made public their positions. Why are there still people who don’t believe it? 】

【ah? No, bro, don’t you see what kind of rotten fish and shrimps the media on the platform are? BBC? The Washington Times? CNN? The dogs don’t even look! 】

On the scarf, the mixed environment once again became a mess.

Related messages quickly spread to other social platforms.

On a certain forum known for its high intellectuals, an article posted by an anonymous netizen quickly attracted the attention of others.

[Interests related, hidden! 】

[First of all, let me state that I am not a scholar majoring in chemistry, but a new physics intern at the Institute of Physical Sciences and Engineering at Argonne National Laboratory. 】

[I hereby declare: I am only studying as an intern. I plan to return to China to do research in the future. Those who call me a traitor and conduct research for the United States should shut up now. 】

[OK, back to the topic, I have been paying attention to the dispute between the Sichuan Institute of Materials Science and Technology and Argonne National Laboratory from the beginning. It is understood that the Institute of Energy and Global Security has indeed carried out research on lithium-sulfur batteries, and the research direction is ‘monoclinic gamma phase sulfur’ crystalline materials. 】

[After the 'theft' incident was exposed, Professor Theresa Achille immediately contacted the FBI and arranged for personnel to investigate. But unfortunately, according to reliable sources, they found no evidence of a data breach. 】

[The reason why media outlets such as the BBC, Washington Times, and CNN later made their platforms public was because the interests of pure lithium-sulfur batteries were too great, and the United States did not want the Sichuan and Hainan Materials Research Institute to pass the review smoothly. 】

[They hope that while they can master the patent, they can let Professor Theresa Achille lead a team to accelerate the research and development of lithium-sulfur batteries based on the paper of the Sichuan Hai Institute of Materials. This way, they can be the first to obtain the patent and lay out lithium. Sulfur battery. 】

[If you have objections, don’t worry. I have already listed the comparisons and data for you. You can see the pictures below. 】

【picture! picture! picture! 】

[These are the reports and papers I collected. As you can see from the above, although the former is very similar to the data from Kaishen Laboratory, there are still some differences in experimental steps and methods. 】

[But after the theft incident came out, Professor Theresa Achille published a paper in the JACS journal. Except for the last step of using carbon nanotubes instead of graphite, the other steps and data were almost exactly the same! 】

[Guess why this is? 】

[Oh, let me share some tidbits. I won’t keep it true, but it’s very possible! 】

[It is rumored that Professor Theresa Achill has now been expelled from the Institute of Energy and Global Security, and will most likely be prosecuted and sent to prison. 】

[You can pay attention in the future to see if Professor Theresa Achill will still appear at the press conference. I think there is a high probability that she will not. 】

Unlike most of the articles in the past that advocate the advanced science and technology of Western countries, this article is a rare stance that supports China.

As soon as it was released, it attracted the attention of many netizens.

The experimental data and papers he compared in the article were also screenshotted and forwarded to other social platforms by many netizens.

[Damn, you fierce man, this wave of revelations has done a lot! 】

[Let me just say that it is impossible for the Chuanhai Institute of Materials to steal data from Argonne Laboratory! 】

[The FBI has not found any evidence, so there is no doubt that it is true. 】

[Judging from the revelations, not only did Sichuan God not steal the other party's experimental data, but the pizza professor reverse plagiarized us? 】

[It’s just a rumor, but it’s not necessarily true. He said he was an intern at Argonne National Laboratory. Do you really believe it? I also said that I was a professor at Harvard University, which was hilarious. 】

[Le, is the one upstairs still licking? Even if the blogger is not an intern at Argonne National Laboratory, how do you explain the difference in experimental data and processes before and after? This is obviously reverse plagiarism. 】

[No wonder the US Patent Office rejected Sichuan’s patent application. It turned out that they wanted to copy Sichuan’s research and apply for the patent first. How shameless! 】

[This is not the first time that Americans are shameless. It’s normal. The key now is whether Argonne National Laboratory can develop lithium-sulfur batteries based on Sichuan's research. 】

[Kawashen has suffered a loss this time. The patent has not been applied for, and the papers and experimental data have been made public. 】

The Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials did not steal data and research from Argonne National Laboratory. On the contrary, the fact that Argonne National Laboratory and Professor Theresa Achille 'deliberately' adjusted the direction of the experiment made the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials support Xu Chuan and Sichuan-Hai Materials. Netizens of the institute were elated and in high spirits.

The evidence of reverse plagiarism is here, and even if those shepherd dogs try to find a reason, it seems too far-fetched and difficult to explain.

And winning by stepping on the face of the other party in the field of public opinion, which has always been weak, makes the majority of netizens feel as relaxed and happy as if they took a sip of cold soda on a hot summer day.

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