Great Country Academician

Chapter 719 Mr. Lu said it well!

At night, in the villa at the foot of Purple Mountain.

After sorting out the data calculations and quantization reports that were perfected at Nanda during the day, the cell phone rang in the study room.

When he answered the phone, it was his assistant Qin Yue calling.

"Professor, the video call platform has been set up and the access link has been sent to you. You can enter at any time. Director Bill Nelson from NASA has entered the video room."

Qin Yue's voice came through the phone clearly and steadily.

The video call between Xu Chuan and the director of NASA is not just a prestige video call or FaceTime video call.

This kind of formal communication requires too many steps to prepare and process.

After all, although the cooperation between NASA and Xinghai Research Institute is only two companies, the scope and impact involved are too great.

Under normal circumstances, there would definitely be a group of people quarreling and fighting in the video room.

However, for Xu Chuan, although Xinghai Research Institute is not his private research institute, it is almost the same. He has the ability and qualification to make full decisions.

As for NASA, since Bill Nelson appears alone, it means that he has convinced the agency and even the congressmen on Laoye Mountain that he has the ability to communicate on his own.

"Okay, I get it."

Nodding, Xu Chuan hung up the phone, clicked on the link sent by Qin Yue, and entered the video call room.

In the video room that had been prepared for a long time, the kings of the two huge countries in the field of aerospace ushered in the first meeting between the two sides.

Yes, this is the first 'video' meeting between Xu Chuan and Bill Nelson.

Although the Xinghai Research Institute and NASA had dealt with the lunar surface rescue operation before, the two had not met like this.

However, for two people who stand at the pinnacle of their respective countries' aerospace fields, no matter how much the mainland wants the other to fall, there is still work on the surface.

Xu Chuan entered the video room, and Director Bill Nelson on the other end said hello with a smile on his face.

"Hello Professor Xu, nice to meet you."

Xu Chuan also smiled and nodded, saying hello: "Hello, Director Nelson."

"Hello, Professor Xu, you and I are very clear about the content of today's video conference, so I won't waste time here. Let's get started directly."

Getting straight to the point, Bill Nelson got right to the point.


Xu Chuan nodded. He didn't waste so much time talking nonsense with Bill Nelson.

"Okay, next, on behalf of NASA, I will apply to the Xinghai Research Institute to use the Xinghai space shuttle to carry a group of space telescope repair engineers and related equipment to the L2 second Lagrange point to perform mirror repair on the damaged Webb space telescope. Restoration work.”

"The engineers related to the repair work and the equipment that needs to be transported are now uploaded to the video call room again, and Professor Xu can upload, download and view them."

The number of engineers needed to repair the Webb Space Telescope and related parts and equipment had been sent before today's meeting, and Xu Chuan had also seen it.

But since Bill Nelson said so, he definitely needs to download and browse it again.

After briefly flipping through the documents that had not changed much, Xu Chuan nodded and said, "No problem, Director Bilson, I can read the relevant cooperation documents."

"I am happy to contribute to the restoration of the Webb Telescope, a 'jewel' in the world of astrophysics, but we need to have in-depth communication about the number of restoration engineers."

After a slight pause, he continued: "The quota for six people is too many. The number of crew cabins and living cabins on the Xinghai space shuttle is limited. We cannot afford so many engineers to go to L2 Lagrange together." point."

"After leaving behind the driver, medical staff and related staff, the Xinghai can provide positions for up to two engineers."

With a wave of his hand, Xu Chuan directly cut off more than half of the number of engineers on the list provided by the other party.

Across the video call room, after hearing this, Director Bill Nelson's face darkened, and he blurted out a retort: ​​"This is impossible, two engineers simply cannot complete the repair work of the Webb Telescope in space, and six engineers are already This is the lowest number of people that TRW Aerospace has accurately calculated."

Xu Chuan shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Director Nelson, the number of six engineers is too many. It has indeed exceeded the capacity limit of the Xinghai space shuttle."

For Xinghai, it is generally best to limit the number of people on long-term space missions to less than twelve people.

Because long-term space missions put huge pressure on the space shuttle's life support system, circulation system, material supply and other aspects.

Of course, this number can be increased in an emergency, but it is not an emergency now and there is no need to take this risk.

Therefore, if we cooperate this time, it is most appropriate for the Xinghai, fully loaded with twelve people, to go to the L2 Lagrange point to complete the repair work of the Webb telescope.

But this number must be controlled. Taking into account some things that I have communicated with Academician Chang Huaxiang before, if the number of NASA engineers reaches six, it will cause a certain degree of risk to the safety of the Xinghai space shuttle.

After all, there are too many people, and even if the other party has no intention of hijacking, it will be difficult to control small actions in outer space.

So in terms of the number of people, there is definitely a dispute. If he wants to reduce the number, Bill Nelson will naturally strive for the maximum number.

In the video conference room, the two of them had a quarrel, and both parties were a little angry.

Xu Chuan patted the desk in front of him vigorously: "Director Nelson, you have to make it clear that you are the one asking me for help now, not that I must cooperate with you! If you don't agree, you can build a space shuttle yourself. Bar!"

In one sentence, Bill Nelson, who was opposite the video, was so angry that he almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

After taking several deep breaths, he recovered and said: "It is impossible for two engineers to complete the repair of the Webb telescope. At least four people need to cooperate with each other to complete the adjustment."

Looking at Director Bill Nelson who took a step back, Xu Chuan thought for a while and thought of another way.

"NASA can provide auxiliary training for our astronauts, and our astronauts will provide auxiliary cooperation. How about this?"

Honestly, with four engineers on board, this was already in their bottom line.

Xinghai can carry twelve astronauts, eight to four, and can do inspections in advance, and its own astronauts and security personnel will carry weapons. This also allows accidents like hijacking to happen. Xu Chuan feels that it is also Deserve it.

However, you still have to continue to compress what should be compressed. After all, three people are in a crowd. If there are too many people, there may always be accidents.

Hearing this, the black line on the other side of Bill Nelson's video directly refused: "This is impossible, stop dreaming, training engineers is not that easy."

Train their astronauts? What the hell kind of advice is this? It would be better to refuse cooperation directly.

Xu Chuan licked his lips, feeling a little regretful.

If NASA can agree to this... forget it, NASA can't be this kind of retarded.

This is equivalent to cultivating talents for opponents. No one can do such a thing. Bill Nelson is not a comrade, so how could he agree to such an outrageous thing.

If he really agreed, the FBI would probably rush into his home the next moment.

On the opposite side, Director Nielsen took a deep breath and said, "Professor Xu, there is an old saying in China that is to speak loudly with an open skylight. Regarding the repair work of the Webb Telescope, at least four engineers are required to work simultaneously. This cannot be reduced. "

"As for training your astronauts, do you think it's necessary to say this? Neither you nor I are fools. Four engineers, supporting maintenance equipment and devices, this is the bottom line. If you don't agree, then the cooperation will be cancelled. That’s it.”

Bill Nelson couldn't bear it anymore, and threw out his final bottom line, and then looked at Xu Chuan through the video call with gritted teeth.

This is truly the most difficult scholar and researcher he has ever seen.

No matter how he talks about it from the perspective of repairing the Webb telescope, no matter how he understands it rationally or emotionally, or even "The Webb telescope is the wealth of all mankind, can you bear to see it damaged in space?" ’ Even after saying this, the other party refused to agree to it.

In the study, Xu Chuan tapped his fingers on the wooden desk and thought for a while.

Four people, this is probably NASA’s bottom line. No matter how low it is, Bilson probably won't agree to it, no matter what the angle.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan put a smile on his face and said: "Okay, I agree to the transportation conditions of the four engineers, then let's talk about the remuneration."

On the other side of the video, Bill Nelson also had a smile on his face when he heard Xu Chuan agree.

Don't look at the way he was staring at Xu Chuan with gritted teeth just a second ago, wanting to eat him. But the next second I heard that my request was met, I turned upside down faster than turning the page in the book.

Smiling and nodding, Bill Nelson said: "Of course, since there is cooperation, there will be remuneration. How about two million gold? I think this is a very reasonable remuneration."

Hearing this, it was Xu Chuan's turn to have a dark look on his face. He couldn't help but said: "Reasonable? If you think two million meters of gold is a reasonable price, I think the cooperation can be cancelled."

Two million meters of gold, how about sending a beggar away?

When the Xinghai takes those rich people on a space trip, one person costs 20 million yuan, and a small number of people can carry five people at a time, which is 100 million.

And this is an ordinary low-Earth orbit space travel, and he can earn 100 million in one trip.

Bill Nelson didn't care at all and continued shamelessly: "NASA's funds are limited. Two million meters is already a lot. It is enough for ordinary people to have food and clothing for a lifetime. If Professor Xu thinks it is too little, I can make the decision to add more. To two and a half million.”

Xu Chuan retorted: "A space trip in low-Earth orbit costs 20 million meters of gold per trip, and the voyage of the Xinghai has been scheduled until next year. Do you think I am short of these 2.5 million meters of gold?"

Nelson's mouth twitched, and he had nothing to say for a moment.

Shet, he almost forgot that this guy is not short of money at all. A space trip on the Xinghai can earn 20 million, which is ten times the reward he gave.

In the study, Xu Chuan knocked on the table and said, "Director Nielsen, don't even mention the reward of two million meters. I will only find it ridiculous if I say it."

"As for the remuneration for repairing the Webb telescope, I think I should be the one to mention it. After all, this is an exclusive deal. Except for Xinghai, there is currently no other spacecraft that can do this."

Hearing this, Bill Nelson suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

Sure enough, Xu Chuan immediately spoke: "Money has no value to me. I think exclusive trading is naturally worth other technologies."

After a pause, he continued: "How is the mirror manufacturing technology for outer space telescopes?"

As soon as the words fell, Bill Nelson refused directly: "This is impossible!"

"Professor Xu, your request is too outrageous. If this is the case, I think our cooperation will not be possible at all."

One of the core technologies of the Webb telescope is the manufacturing of mirrors.

It involves too many fields, such as ultra-smooth surface processing technology, mirror temperature-resistant technology, surface coating technology, etc.

Not to mention anything else, the ultra-smooth surface processing technology alone is worth a fortune.

Take the Webb Telescope as an example. Its main mirror has a diameter of 6.5 meters and a light-gathering area of ​​25.4 square meters. It is composed of 18 identical hexagonal lenses.

These lenses are very flat. If each lens were expanded to 10 million square kilometers, or as large as the entire area of ​​Europe, the undulations on its surface would not exceed 10 centimeters.

Such a smooth surface is designed not only with ultra-high-precision polishing technology, but also with high-quality optical materials, high-performance polishing equipment, and so on.

Any of these items would cost more than two million meters of gold. Let alone two million, even 200 million meters of gold or even 20 billion meters of gold would not be able to buy ultra-smooth surface processing technology.

After all, in addition to telescopes, there are too many areas where ultra-smooth surface processing technology can be used.

Not to mention anything else, the core one is the photolithography machine.

Why are top lithography machines so difficult to manufacture?

Optical technology is one of the core.

If the deal conditions were this, he would rather the Webb telescope rot in space than cooperate.

Seeing Nielsen's firm refusal, Xu Chuan also smacked his lips.

He also knew that the 'remuneration' he proposed was too outrageous, and it was impossible for the other party to agree to it, but it was always right to try. What if there was hope?

And what Mr. Lu said well is that human nature always likes to compromise. For example, if you say that this room is too dark and a window must be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will mediate and be willing to open the windows.

Therefore, before making an 'outrageous' request, first make an 'outrageous' request. Maybe the former can facilitate it?

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