Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 836: Focus on one place

Although Wu Fajun has nothing to do with Ding Si, it does not mean that Ding Si's stabbing was just an accident. Dong Xibiao's gang is obviously a gang that specializes in illegal activities. They often engage in illegal activities. To make illegal profits, this time we must follow the clues, dig out all their gangs, and settle the old and new accounts together.

Xu Chunliang went to visit Ding Si who had just woken up. Ding Si's mental state was not bad, but he had just finished the operation and had to lie in bed.

Shu Yuanhang was also in the ward and personally explained some postoperative precautions to accompany people. Originally, he did not need to be involved in these matters, but Xu Chunliang's friends did it himself, which moved Ding Si's family very much.

Xu Chunliang left the ward with him. After going out, Xu Chunliang said: "Brother Yuanhang, thank you."

Shu Yuanhang said: "Why are you so polite to me?"

Xu Chunliang proposed to treat him to dinner in the evening. Shu Yuanhang shook his head and said that Zhao Feiyang had made an appointment with him tonight to have dinner with the head of a medical investment company. The other party wanted to meet him. Originally, he did not want to attend, but Zhao Feiyang Feiyang extended a warm invitation, but it was hard for him to refuse.

Xu Chunliang couldn't help but think of Wu Fajun's previous words. Could it be that the other party was Xiangjiang Jishi Medical Investment Company? Xu Chunliang didn't ask much. Even if he asked, Shu Yuanhang probably didn't know. After all, Shu Yuanhang was a person who concentrated on academics and had little interest in things other than medicine.

He came to the parking lot to pick up the car, but before he could start it, Bai Lan called and said that he wanted to meet him and if possible, they could have dinner together.

Xu Chunliang thought about it for a while and agreed. Bailan came to Dongzhou. No matter what his real purpose was, as a landlord, he should show some expression.

Xu Chunliang said that he would choose a place immediately and would send her the location once he had chosen the place.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Bai Lan sent her the address. It turned out that she had already chosen a place. It was at Nanhu Guanyue near the Government Affairs Center, a private restaurant located on the island in the center of Nanhu Lake in Xincheng. Since everyone had made arrangements, It proved that she was well prepared, so Xu Chunliang was not polite to her. He was always wary of Bai Lan. This woman was by no means an ordinary writer.

Xu Chunliang called Mo Han and asked her to investigate the background of Xiangjiang Jishi Medical Investment Co., Ltd.

Mo Han was in Nanjiang. Hearing Xu Chunliang inquire about this matter, he said softly: "I haven't heard of this company. Either it doesn't have enough influence, or it has just been established."

Xu Chunliang told her that this company might invest in Changxing. Mo Han also felt that this sudden investment company should have a background. She immediately started investigating and notified him immediately if there was any news.

Xu Chunliang explained the hospital's two-step plan to her again. In fact, he had already disclosed this matter to her before.

Mo Han didn't have a strong reaction to this. The key to cooperating with public hospitals such as infectious diseases is not the hospital itself, because the power of the hospital is limited and must start from the top.

Mo Han believes that if this medical investment company takes over Changxing, it may not be a bad thing. It means that Changxing and Huanian Group will be completely cut off from each other, which means that it will no longer be negatively affected by the debt crisis of Huanian Group. Changxing’s Once the problem is solved and there is a clear path ahead, the cooperation between them will become much smoother.

Mo Han also told Xu Chunliang about a new situation. Luan Yuchuan suggested that the comprehensive ward they cooperate with should try to weaken the concept of infectious diseases. Although they are good at treating infectious diseases, it is not ideal to promote special departments in general hospitals. After all, people generally have a fear of infectious diseases. It is recommended to join third-party cooperation, preferably with provincial authoritative hospitals, to enhance the value of the hospital through this method.

The Infectious Disease Hospital is currently only a tertiary B specialty hospital, lacking in influence and attractiveness. Their brand name alone is not bright enough.

Xu Chunliang immediately thought of the relationship between Luan Yuchuan and the Provincial People's Hospital. Could it be that they wanted to use this investment opportunity to let the Provincial People's Hospital intervene in the management of the new hospital? Merchants pursue profit, and they do not rule out the possibility of leaving them aside until the stage is set. Changxing is a ready example.

Xu Chunliang said: "Cooperation is not impossible, but our hospital must be the main one, and the management power must belong to us."

Mo Han said: "I knew you would react this way. Can you have some structure? As long as you make money, you don't care who is in charge?"

Xu Chunliang said: "That's different. The hospital asked me to be responsible for this matter, so I have to be responsible for the hospital. I can't sell the hospital for a few taels of silver like some people do. This is called the bottom line, do you understand? "

Mo Han said: "I really didn't expect that you are a person with a bottom line."

Xu Chunliang said: "This is the biggest difference between you and me."

Mo Han said, "Aren't you afraid that if you offend me, the company will give up its plan to invest in your hospital?"

"It's not sweet to be forced, you want to invest or not, I can only say that even without your Equator Capital, I can still build a new hospital. This is called freedom of coming and going, voluntarily, it doesn't matter whether you make more or less money, the hospital We need to make money, but the purpose of making money is not to enrich our own pockets, but to better serve the public and improve our country's overall epidemic prevention level."

Mo Han said: "Xu Chunliang, we have known each other for so long, and I have discovered that you are a caring person."

Xu Chunliang said: "If you don't have feelings and only know how to make money, are you still a human being?"

Mo Han was actually not angry and said softly: "Both parties have the same goal and work towards the same goal. That's called cooperation."

Xu Chunliang was silent for a while and said, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Xu Chunliang, go to hell!"

Bai Lan sat under the parasol, looking at the Nanhu Lake shrouded in the sunset, immersed in the beautiful atmosphere of the endless blue lotus leaves in the sky.

Xu Chunliang, dressed casually, appeared behind her: "Miss Bai is so elegant."

Bai Landao said: "This is my first time coming to Dongzhou. I thought it was a small place, but I didn't expect that there is such a beautiful scenery hidden here."

Xu Chunliang said: "The natural scenery of Dongzhou is indeed not ranked high in Pinghai, but it is not a small place. As long as you have a little understanding of the ancient history of China, you will not have such an idea. Dongzhou has a history of It is more than 6,000 years old and the city has a history of more than 2,600 years."

Bai Landao: "That is similar to the history of our country."

Xu Chunliang burst out laughing.

Bai Lan didn't know why he was laughing: "Why are you laughing?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Miss Bai is really humorous. Although I can't write novels and I don't know much about the history of your country, I also know that the year your country was founded was 1948."

Brando: "From the founding of Tangun to the present, the history of our country has been more than 6,000 years."

Xu Chunliang said: "Tangun is just a figure in mythology. According to "Historical Records", Jizi, the uncle of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, led five thousand Shang Dynasty survivors to move eastward to the northern part of the peninsula after King Wu conquered Zhou, and established the country there. At the same time, he was named king by King Wu of Zhou. I think this statement is more credible."

Bai Lan admitted that there was indeed such a statement.

Xu Chunliang said: "But your north and south are two countries, so the history you mentioned is from the north. Your history can only be counted from 1948. This is the current view of most people in the world. Miss Bai will not be angry. Bar?"

Bai Lan took off her sunglasses and looked at Xu Chunliang with a pair of beautiful eyes: "Everyone has their own opinions. The charm of history lies in interpretations from different angles. Let's put aside the dispute and just talk about friendship. Thanks to Mr. Xu for showing me the way today, Otherwise we don’t know how many wrongdoings we will take.”

Xu Chunliang asked: "Miss Bai, how did it feel to go to Qingshan Mine for field inspection?"

Brandao: "The scenic area is being closed for renovation, and we are not allowed to enter."

Only then did Xu Chunliang realize that Bai Lan had missed the point.

At this point a waiter came over to inform them that dinner was ready.

The two entered the private room next to the water and chatted while eating. The environment was good, the food was good in appearance, but the taste was only average. Xu Chunliang commented that the food here was more about form than content.

Xu Chunliang thought that Bai Lan didn't come here specifically for sightseeing, and she didn't come to him to express her gratitude.

Bai Lan picked up the wine glass and said: "I didn't even have time to thank you for the autograph signing in Beijing. You helped me again this time. I owe you more and more favors. I'm really worried that one day I won't be able to pay you back."

If it were anyone else, Xu Chunliang might have taken the opportunity to tease her, but he couldn't bring up this interest in Bai Lan, not because she wasn't pretty enough, but because he sensed that her motives for approaching him were not pure.

Xu Chunliang clinked the wine glasses with her and said, "You don't owe me anything. These two things are easy to do. If it were anyone else, I would help."

Bai Landao: "To be honest, I came here at the invitation of Lexing Group. Mr. Li Bingxing, the president of Lexing Group, spent part of his childhood in Qingshan Mine. Mr. Li's parents and brothers are in Qingshan. Mine was killed by the Neon Man.”

Xu Chunliang said: "He asked you to come over and help his family write a book and biography?"

Brando: "History should not be forgotten."

Xu Chunliang said: "If you write a novel, you must respect history and not tamper with history."

Bai Lan smiled and said: "You seem to have always had a prejudice against me." After a pause, he added: "Probably towards my country."

Xu Chunliang said: "It's not really a prejudice. Most of the workers in Qingshan Mine are from our country, and they were the ones who were brutally exploited by the little devils. In the end, they launched the Qingshan Mine Uprising, and those who fought against the little devils were also our people. I hope you Write realistically and don't ignore the truth just to highlight that certain CEO." It is a habit of Peninsula people to apply other people's achievements to their own, and they are not even ashamed but proud of it.

Bai Landao: "You and I have different perspectives. Since I want to write, I will definitely respect the historical truth, but the theme of the novel will revolve around the ups and downs of Mr. Li's family. By the way, do you have any relevant historical materials that you can provide me with."

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