Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 895 Lawsuit comes

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "Grandpa, times have changed. There are not so many things that last forever, and there are not so many things that last forever."

Xu Changshan straightened his face: "You kid is talking nonsense. I knew it must be your problem. You are full of nonsense. Did someone find out that you were half-hearted?" In fact, he also knew that this was not the reason. What his precious grandson said was nothing more than that. Wanted to make him feel better.

Sun Tzu has a good character. Even if they break up, he won't say anything bad. He still takes all the responsibility on himself.

Xu Chunliang said: "Grandpa, you can't rely on me for this. You have to trace the root cause of the problem to your genes. I guess the problem comes from my father."

Xu Changshan sighed: "Dad, that's not a good thing. He just passed on the bad genes..." At this point, he realized that he had been tricked by his grandson. His grandson's bad genes came from his son. That son Didn’t you inherit the bad genes from yourself? Tracing back to the source, it doesn’t directly come back to myself.

Xu Changshan smiled and scolded: "You bastard, believe it or not, I will slap you with the sole of my shoe."

Xu Chunliang said: "Then you hurry up and I'll help you soak your feet after you finish."

Xu Changshan just had a taste for food, so he couldn't bear it. He waved his hand and said: "No, you are tired from coming from Dongzhou. By the way, how many days do you plan to stay this time?"

Xu Chunliang estimated that it would be at least a week, allowing his grandfather to stay for a few more days, and then go back with him when he was done.

Xu Changshan said he planned to leave tomorrow.

Xu Chunliang was really dumbfounded when he heard his decision. As soon as he came, his grandfather left. Unknown to others, they thought they were having some conflict.

Xu Changshan also had his own reasons. It was certainly a good thing for his grandson to come to the capital to meet him, but he also knew that Xu Chunliang came here to study. He stayed in the capital, and he had to take care of himself. It was better to return to Dongzhou quickly to save the treasure. The grandson is distracted.

So Xu Chunliang said that his grandfather would always consider him no matter what he did.

Xu Changshan also missed home. No matter how nice it is outside, it is not as good as home. It's not far from Beijing to Dongzhou. You can take the high-speed rail there and ask Zheng Pei'an to pick him up at the high-speed rail station. It will only take one morning at most.

Seeing that his grandfather had decided to leave, Xu Chunliang did not continue to keep him.

Xu Changshan's biggest gain from coming to Beijing this time was getting to know Mr. Ye's family. He said with emotion: "To be honest, at that time Mr. Ye recognized you as his grandson, and I was a little worried. Is it possible that we have surpassed others? But now I I found that Mr. Ye is really a down-to-earth person."

Xu Chunliang said that grandpa must have compared Mr. Ye with Mr. Qiao. He could not say that Mr. Qiao was not good, but that Mr. Qiao was more secretive. Xu Chunliang could understand that a family like theirs must do comprehensive work for their own interests. Thinking about it, it must not be like ordinary people.

Xu Chunliang said: "Grandpa, don't worry, I definitely have some backbone, and I won't be like some people who take the high-level route."

Xu Changshan said sincerely: "At any time, we must be good ourselves, never do anything wrong, be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, and be neither humble nor arrogant in front of anyone. We practitioners must keep our backs straight wherever we go."

Xu Chunliang said respectfully: "Grandpa, I remember."

At this time, his cell phone rang. After Xu Chunliang answered the call, someone said, "Is this Mr. Xu Chunliang?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's me!"

"I am Chen Yuan, the attorney appointed by Renhetang. I am looking for you to discuss the Renhetang trademark with you."

Xu Chunliang seemed to have dealt with this person once. At that time, he was Zhou Yiwen's attorney. He originally wanted to file an inheritance lawsuit with him, but later dropped the case because he had no chance of winning.

Xu Chunliang went to the study and answered the phone: "What do you have to discuss with me? The will is clearly written. The Renhetang trademark belongs to me. What qualifications do you have to represent Renhetang?"

Chen Yuandao: "Mr. Xu, with all due respect, you only hold 30% of the shares of Renhetang. According to the information we have collected so far, Mr. Zhou Renhe violated many provisions of the Trademark Law when he registered the Renhetang trademark. , to put it simply, the Renhetang trademark in his hands is illegal, and we have formally applied to cancel your continued use of the Renhetang trademark as the heir."

Xu Chunliang laughed angrily at this guy: "What's wrong with you? You are a lawyer, but I don't have a lawyer. When Mr. Zhou made his will, lawyer Fang Wenzheng helped to witness it. Everything complied with legal procedures. Are you bluffing?" who?"

Chen Yuandao: "If you are unwilling to negotiate, then we will meet in court."

Xu Chunliang said: "Who is afraid of whom?"

Chen Yuandao: "By the way, you may not know yet, but Mr. Zhou Yiwen and Zhou Yiwu have officially transferred their shares in Renhetang."

Xu Chunconscience secretly cursed, Zhou Yiwu was still squatting in jail, and Zhou Yiwen was planted with the nine-turn thimble by himself. The two brothers probably did not dare to confront him head-on, so they simply transferred all their shares to others, no need to ask. It must be the Mingde Group. Huang Youlong, an old scumbag, is really haunting me. I want to see what tricks you want to do.

Xu Chunliang said: "Who was transferred to? You didn't even notify me, the shareholder."

Chen Yuandao: "It will become clear when you receive the subpoena."

Xu Chunliang hung up the phone and called lawyer Fang Wenzheng. The phone rang for a while before Fang Wenzheng answered and told Xu Chunliang that he had immigrated to Australia and no longer practiced law.

Xu Chunliang told Chen Yuan that he was going to be entrusted with a trademark lawsuit. Fang Wenzheng said that he didn't know that. He didn't plan to return to China now. He said goodbye to his past career as a lawyer. If necessary, he could introduce him. An acquaintance lawyer is Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang began to feel that something was wrong with this matter. Zhou Renhe made the will through Fang Wenzheng, and Fang Wenzheng performed his duties conscientiously throughout the process, fulfilling his duty as a lawyer, upholding justice for Mr. Zhou and ensuring the execution of the will.

Xu Chunliang thought that the story of Renhetang had turned over, but now there were twists and turns. The Zhou brothers transferred their shares, and Fang Wenzheng quietly chose to immigrate.

If the other party is not sure, they will not dare to challenge him. Xu Chunliang thought of a very bad possibility. Is there something wrong with Fang Wenzheng? Could Mr. Zhou be trusting someone else? Although this lawyer did not help the Zhou family Brother, but will he deliberately create suspicion? If so, this game is deep enough.

After Xu Chunliang returned, he did not reveal the matter to his grandfather, also to prevent the old man from being angry.

It was not difficult to find out who the Zhou brothers transferred their shares to. Xu Chunliang did not spend much effort and found out that night that the Zhou brothers had transferred all 70% of their shares to Shennong Traditional Chinese Medicine Group. The chairman of this traditional Chinese medicine group is Cao Bingyi.

Xu Chunliang originally thought that they had transferred the shares to Mingde Group, but it was a bit strange to implement this news. Could there be other forces involved?

The Shennong Traditional Chinese Medicine Group is located in Shennongjia, northern Hubei. It is a private enterprise that integrates the cultivation and processing of herbal medicines, and its strength is also quite strong.

Xu Chunliang is not familiar with the Chinese herbal medicine industry, but he has connections in this area, such as Dongzhou Enheng Group and the more closely related Qiaocheng Mulan Group.

Xu Chunliang called Xiahou Mulan that night.

Xiahou Mulan just answered the phone and acted a little indifferent: "Is something wrong?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I mainly want to say hello to you. So the monk didn't give you any trouble?"

Xiahou Mulan said: "Thank you, I'm fine."

"You're in good health too, right?"

Xiahou Mulan said in her heart that there is no major problem with her health, and it is not convenient to tell you about minor local problems. She is really ashamed to say it. This guy doesn't know how to show mercy at all. He can't even walk now.

Against his will he replied: "Very good!"

"I can rest assured that."

When Xiahou Mulan heard that he took the initiative to call and care about her, she still felt warm in her heart: "Do you have anything else?"

Xu Chunliang said: "There is a small matter."

Xiahou Mulan was immediately alert. This guy's motives were indeed not pure. Could he be trying to trick her again and let her go all the way to practice with him? She couldn't agree to him easily this time. Xu Chunliang was a big liar. He said that using yang to create yin was only half of the process, but his half was simply a small half. What he did was not called cultivation, it was called repeated hard work.

Xiahou Mulan blushed while holding her cell phone: "Speak directly if you have anything to say, I may not be able to help."

Xu Chunliang laughed: "You are still so wary of me, but I am honest with you and have no reservations."

Xiahou Mulan heard that he was teasing her, her pretty face turned hot and she spat: "There is no one more cunning than you."

Xu Chunliang said: "You have personal experience in this aspect, so of course you have the right to speak."

Xiahou Mulan's face was extremely hot. This shameless thing tried his best to lead herself into the ditch: "Don't tell me that I'm dead."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't be busy, have you heard of Shennong Traditional Chinese Medicine Group?"

Xiahou Mulan said: "There are many people named after this name, and I know of three."

Xu Chunliang said: "The one in Shennongjia, the legal person of the group is also named Cao."

Xiahou Mulan said: "Cao Bingyi!"

Xu Chunliang heard her name right away. It seemed that he had found the right person: "Yes, this is it."

Xiahou Mulan said: "He is a veteran of the tired family, and he is of the same generation as Wu Yuanyi. What? You and him also have a relationship?"

Xu Chunliang said: "That's not true." He had no need to hide it from Xiahou Mulan and told Shennong Traditional Chinese Medicine Group about its acquisition of 70% of the shares of Renhetang Group.

After hearing what he said, Xiahou Mulan immediately said: "What do you want me to do?" After saying this, she realized that she was acting too eagerly, and immediately changed her words: "Actually, I am not too close to him. I'm familiar with him, but I should be able to talk to him." As long as Xu Chunliang opens his mouth, she will definitely help him. There is nothing she can do, blood is thicker than water.

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