Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 121 You beautiful captain is very bad

Hey, why are they all women? A whole female crew?

Several crew members came down one after another. You can tell by their clothes, two pilots, one flight engineer, two mechanics, a standard five-person crew configuration. They are all middle-aged women, and it can be seen that they used to be Tall and beautiful, it's a pity that they all became little aunties.

Where is the young lady we promised?

Li Zhan was stunned there and didn't know what to think. This man usually wouldn't give up on seeing the Yellow River. He knew clearly that such a situation was unreasonable, but he still had to hold on to a glimmer of hope and wouldn't do anything without hitting the south wall. give up.

With a long sigh, Li Zhan watched Xue Xiangdong come to his senses and hurriedly asked people to go to the health team and the communications company to find female cadres and soldiers. At the same time, he asked the soldiers to line up on the side of the spiral staircase car to greet the aunt's crew members, and then A red carpet and primary school students presenting flowers are a scene often seen in the news when greeting leaders at the airport.

I'd better leave quietly to avoid the embarrassment of revealing my identity.

With this in mind, Li Zhan quietly backed away, turned around, and walked quickly to the commuter bus.

"Junhang Yaodong Yao, what are you going to do?"

A voice came from far away, wasn't it the voice of "Miss Captain"?

Li Zhan had to stop, raised his head slightly and looked through the fog at the faint blue flag swaying in the wind on the tower in the distance. He lamented, alas, we still have to face the bloody reality. Who can let himself be embarrassed? Woolen cloth?

When he turned around, a young woman wearing a civil aviation white flying suit or a black woolen flying coat with four stripes on her shoulders came in with her hands in her trouser pockets. She also wore oversized sunglasses, she was so cool. But the figure of this female model, who is tall and underwear, cannot be covered by winter clothes. She has long hair tied into a ponytail, and her face is naturally round and fair.

At this moment, Li Zhan's heart trembled violently, and he looked very shocked.

She walked up to Li Zhan, smiled, and took off her sunglasses.

Li Zhan saw her appearance clearly and his eyes almost popped out.

"Teacher, senior sister?"

Zhu Qingying blinked, "Oh, I thought you didn't recognize me. You idiot."

Li Zhan was about to collapse, and then he was in tears!

"Yes, I should have thought of it earlier! How many female pilots are there in the country with an eighteen-year-old voice, a twenty-eight-year-old figure, and an actual age of thirty-eight? You are the only one! I should have thought of it earlier!" Li Zhan said regretfully. Knock on the head.

Zhu Qingying laughed loudly, "Isn't he known as the divine fortune teller? Why didn't he calculate it this time? Last time in Longcheng, if I hadn't rushed to buy goods, I would have settled the score with you! It hasn't been a few years since you even heard my voice I can’t even hear it!”

"Aren't you the same? Do you dare to say that you recognized my voice last time in Dragon City? You must have found out it was me only after investigating afterward." Li Zhan retorted.

Zhu Qingying said, "At least I will take the initiative to investigate, but what about you, wait, what did you just say? Who is actually thirty-eight?"

"You, that's it. Fellow fellow disciples, don't pretend to be young. I don't know if I thought you were twenty-seven or eighty-year-old when I looked at you. Who knew you were already thirty-eight?" Li Zhan.

Zhu Qingying raised her feet to kick and hit her, "Ah! Looking for a beating!"

"No, no, no, no, you will always be eighteen, you will always be eighteen." Li Zhan suddenly became anxious and apologized quickly. Looking around nervously, he found that the soldiers were all looking at them. He quickly stood up and said in a low voice, "No, no, no." , all my soldiers are watching."

Only then did Zhu Qingying stop. She really hit him!

Li Zhan might not be able to beat her with bare hands. Li Zhan knew how ruthless this demon-like senior sister was. She once broke off a man's arms after a few disagreements. If Li Zhan and Liu Guisong hadn't held her back at that time, Zhu Qingying would have killed the man.

"Let you go, be careful what you say to me next time." Zhu Qingying straightened her clothes and then looked at Li Zhan seriously, "Young man Zhan, I can't believe that he is now a major, captain?"

"That's the captain of the battalion, a real-time cadre." Li Zhan felt a sense of superiority in front of Zhu Qingying, but when he saw the giant Boeing-747-400F heavy cargo plane that served as Zhu Qingying's background, that sense of superiority was very clear. He simply ran away without a trace.

Comparing your skills with a monster like Zhu Qingying is just asking for abuse.

Li Zhan said, "Senior sister, I'm going to say hello to the group leader and then show you around."

After saying that, he ran to Xue Xiangdong. He first met and shook hands with other crew members and said hello, and then reported to Xue Xiangdong in a low voice, "Captain, the captain turned out to be an old friend. I took her around to talk. Don't worry. I won’t take her to the confidentiality department.”

"I can see it. Otherwise, you are lucky, and you can meet old... old friends. Drive, drive yourself, and just wander around the camp." Xue Xiangdong gave Li Zhan special permission to drive his own vehicle.

"Thank you, captain!" Li Zhan stood at attention and saluted excitedly.

Xue Xiangdong said, "We will gather in the canteen on time at twelve o'clock to welcome the comrades of the civil aviation industry."

There is no doubt that an all-female crew fell from the sky, which made the cadres and soldiers led by Xue Xiangdong very excited. Although they are all aunts and sisters in their thirties and forties, they are also good-looking aunts and sisters! Except for the three melons of the health team and the communications company, this station in the barren mountains and wild mountains is completely public.

Li Zhan suppressed his laughter and left, drove the driver out, and invited Zhu Qingying to sit in the passenger seat. He jumped on the driver's seat, lightly stepped on the accelerator, and left the rest of the group behind to go on a date.

Slowly driving along the parallel road, the sunshine continued to dispel the fog, and the visibility gradually improved. Li Zhan said, "Senior sister, why did you run away to the civil aviation? You are not..."

Zhu Qingying put down the back of her chair and lay down comfortably, hugging her chest and squinting at the fog in front of her, and said, "I want to change my life. Civil aviation is also quite interesting. How about you change your career too?"

"Me? I don't want to change my job. I just flew the J-7 and I also flew the J-8. Then something happened. I was transferred from the Second Division to this desert. If I don't fly all the current models, this book There is no way to finish the book." Li Zhan shook his head and said.

Zhu Qingying moved her bones lazily and said, "You are not suitable for flying civil aviation. You can fly at supersonic speeds at every turn. How can a passenger plane handle such a flight like yours? How dare passengers fly on your plane."

"Yes, I am suitable for flying a fighter jet. It feels super cool to go down to Guam with just one step of the accelerator." Li Zhan said yearningly.

Zhu Qingying rolled her eyes and said, "Do you press the throttle on your airplane with your foot?"

"This is not a spoken word, don't take it seriously." Li Zhan said with a smile.

After glancing at Zhu Qingying, Li Zhan asked in a low voice, "What was pulled on the plane? It looks very mysterious."

"It's just ordinary goods." Zhu Qingying said.

Li Zhanruo said meaningfully, "You are still hiding it from me. Judging from your flight time, the departure place must be Eastern Europe. I asked about the nature of the cargo in the confidential frequency band, and you actually said that it cannot be disclosed. Could this be ordinary cargo? What are you saying? Sichuan Airlines' special cargo flight will land at Zhongyuan Airport, which is an international air cargo transfer center. I guess it will have to be transferred to central Sichuan by rail, right?"

"It is rumored that a factory in central Sichuan has an in-depth cooperation with an aviation machinery factory in Blackland. The aviation machinery factory's heavy-duty aircraft engines are world-famous..."

"Stop, stop!" Zhu Qingying couldn't listen any more, and made a stop gesture, saying in a dumbfounded voice, "You, you, you are good at everything, but you are full of conspiracy theories. Where does this all fit in? You can really think of all this." I'll link them together for you. It's just an ordinary urgent shipment. I have to make two or three trips a month."

Li Zhan chuckled, "Two or three times a month, it won't take long to evacuate the aviation machinery factory..."

"Okay, okay, you can guess all you want." Zhu Qingying shrugged, "Even if it is an ordinary product, we cannot open the box without the permission of the recipient. The relevant information is a commercial secret, do you understand?"

Li Zhan suddenly asked, "Why did the cargo hold catch fire?"

Zhu Qingying was asked.

Li Zhan added, "Your junior brother, I am not short-sighted. You think I didn't notice that the two younger female comrades on the crew suffered internal injuries. Your left leg is a little unnatural when you walk, is it injured too?" Also, during the entire alternate landing process, neither party mentioned a word about the situation of the crew, and you did not even ask us to prepare for ground rescue. If you guessed it correctly, there must be at least two people in the plane whose movements were restricted. ?”

Spreading her hands, Zhu Qingying said with emotion, "You should write a novel. It's so fucking imaginable. It's such a wonderful drama about hijacking and counter-hijacking. I was fascinated by it."

Li Zhan looked at Zhu Qingying's sexy lips and said, "You know best whether it is imagination or reality. Let me ask you again, are the people from the relevant departments rushing here right now? Also, do you have to divert to a military airport? In fact, You have solved the threat and should have flown directly to your destination, but you were ordered to divert to a higher level just to be on the safe side. Civilian airports are not considered. Once you divert to a civilian airport, there will be no secrets left. Therefore, the only option is to divert to a military airport. Choice. At least I have never heard of civilian flights diverting to military airports.”

"Hey, I said you kid has gone crazy, right? The more you talk, the more enthusiastic you are. Even I almost believe what you said. Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense. Just because you don't know about the disappearance of the shadow doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In an emergency, military aviation We can make an alternate landing at a civilian airport, but why can’t civil aircraft make an alternate landing at a military airport?" Zhu Qingying waved her hands irritably.

Li Zhan regained his smile and said with a playful smile, "Okay, I've finished talking anyway. Let's go. I'll take you to check on your leg injury first. Don't worry, it will be kept strictly confidential."

Zhu Qingying was helpless and speechless.

After holding it in for a long time, Zhu Qingying said, "Our crew is the famous 38 benchmark crew in the entire civil aviation system. Don't make malicious speculations. If there is a problem, you are the only one to ask. Also, my leg was indeed injured, but it was to put out the fire. I accidentally hit it!"

Li Zhan snorted coldly in his heart and thought, you are such a bad beauty, and the first captain went to put out the fire, you are lying.

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