Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 126 Expressing serious protest

There is probably no way to change him. Professional matters should be left to professional people. He is also a captain. He should boss people around. If he can't keep his mouth shut, he will not be a good leader.

Wu Shaoqing and Cong Dawei got a chance to make a comeback. As long as they come up with an implementable plan in accordance with Li Zhan's requirements, the strange driving abnormality of the No. 01 J-7II fighter may be easily solved.

The 73rd Division has been playing Liu Ye for half a century. It can be said that the veteran mechanics of the division can disassemble and combine Liu Ye with their eyes closed. The difficulty is not much more difficult than the disassembly and combination of rifles by Lao Bu. Li Zhan still has confidence in the mechanics to slightly strengthen Liu Ye's ground attack capabilities.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after getting permission from the tower, Li Zhan took off in J-6 Plus No. 95533. Liu Ye, who was all gray and white, almost disappeared into the same gray sky. A little snow slowly fell. The master's takeoff adds a bit of martial arts style of flying swallows on the snow.

Perhaps it was due to emotion, but Li Zhan actually felt that Liu Ye's cockpit was more comfortable than Xiao Qi's. The moment he left the ground, he basically understood Liu Ye's temper. Both poles and rudders gave him a very smooth feeling. There was no jerkiness as expected, and it was as smooth as silk.

Involuntarily, he made a steep turn and climbed, feeling the powerful thrust from the old twin engines. Li Zhan exchanged his thoughts with the tower commander Yang Jinshan, "Tower, the J-6 is much easier to drive than the J-6. I really I communicated with him that the same channel, both AM, is over."

Yang Jinshan and Xue Xiangdong on the side looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, smiling, "Dongyao, don't talk nonsense, pay attention to your posture, strong crosswind at low altitude, climb to an altitude of 3,000, circle the field and return, completed."

"Understood! Go around the field three thousand times, it's over." Li Zhan resolutely obeyed the order, and when he pulled the lever, the throttle lever was also pushed to the bottom.

Liu Ye roared and climbed up at a high angle, and in the other direction was the Swallow swooping down. Mr. Liu, who looks silly and naive, will not remind you of birds of prey such as hawks. Only the image of a swallow fits his "little rabbit and good boy" look.

Who would have thought that such a "good little rabbit" farmer (NATO code name) would once lift up an F-4 Phantom fighter jet that was one generation more advanced than him and whip him until he lost his temper. The little rabbit didn't open its mouth because it was trying to grow its teeth. Once it opened its mouth, the fangs could tear off several pieces of the bald eagle's muscles.

The altitude was three thousand. Li Zhan was about to report, but the tower came to give instructions first. Yang Jinshan said, "Dongyao, your altitude is three thousand five. Pay attention to adjustments."

Li Zhan looked at the altimeter again and said doubtfully, "Tower, the altitude of my instrument is three thousand, that's right."

"Dongyao, that should be an error. Pay attention to the error." Yang Jinshan said with no surprise.

"Are you kidding me?" Li Zhan's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he thought to himself, a five-hundred-meter error can cost lives!

The calculation of altitude is generally based on atmospheric pressure, which generally only displays the altitude, at least this is the case for the J-7 J-8 and the current J-6 driven by Li Zhan. Beikuchang Station is at the foot of the mountain and on the edge of the basin. It is lower than the sea level, so there is no problem of difference between altitude and relative height. However, the altimeter of any of your fighter planes cannot have an error of 500 meters! Is Mr. Liu so unreliable?

Yang Jinshan probably guessed that Li Zhan was frightened, so he explained, "Dongyao, look at the altimeter again and pay attention to the reaction time of some equipment of this fighter aircraft."

I looked over subconsciously and thought, hey, the altimeter is normal.

Li Zhan almost collapsed. Master Liu's reflex arc was too long. Could it be that he had Alzheimer's disease?

"Dongyao, the situation will be much better in summer. You must drive carefully and don't do things that make your loved ones cry." Yang Jingshan warned in a deep voice.

Li Zhan was speechless. It must be that his previous glorious deeds had a psychological shadow on the regiment leaders, so they warned him straightforwardly on the radio.

In order to be able to fly smoothly at night, Li Zhan circled the field in a very orderly manner. When preparing to land, he thought twice and asked the tower for instructions, "Tower, please let me make a few maneuvers. I feel that I am not skilled yet. Come on." Night flights can be a bit troublesome.”

Xue Xiangdong subconsciously looked at the timekeeper, who immediately said, "Captain, the flight time has exceeded half an hour."

The time from driving to landing and parking is used to calculate the drawbar fee. Any less than one hour will be counted as one hour.

Immediately, Xue Xiangdong nodded to Yang Jingshan, and Yang Jinshan replied to Li Zhan, "Dong Yao, you are allowed to do a few regular maneuvers, and pay attention to controlling the time."

"Understood!" Li Zhan said excitedly.

The J-6's maneuverability is not bad because it is light enough and relatively flexible. The so-called Plas is just a fashionable name given by soldiers in private, referring to the latest version of the J-6 with day and night combat capabilities. Among the aircraft currently in service in China, there are two models forming a huge family. One is the J-7, and the other is the ancestor J-6. At that time, in order to fight the Yankees, the high-altitude drones even specially modified a model that could reach an altitude of 19,000 meters.

The 101st Regiment is still equipped with models from 20 years ago, but they have been improving while in service. Some people even proposed to add avionics systems to the J-6, showing that they will not stop until the remaining value of the J-6 is squeezed out.

Compared with the J-6, the J-6 has a larger thrust-to-weight ratio and is more flexible. One cockpit is missing, and the aerodynamic layout has not been destroyed, maintaining the original intention of the designer in designing this fighter.

After a continuous roll, when Li Zhan was climbing at a high elevation angle, he clearly felt a relatively large vibration in the body of aircraft No. 95533 under his butt. Obviously, even if it is not retired, this J-6 Plus will not be used for long.

After several routine maneuvers, Li Zhan finally made a dive, simulating a ground attack, and continued to "fight" to 500 meters, and then pulled up. The old Liu Ye completed the task well, fully demonstrating his tenacity. Fighting style. Li Zhan felt that he could continue to fight, but he was worried that the regiment leader would cancel his night flight in anger, so he only reached 500 meters.

It took exactly one hour to land and taxi out of the runway to the tarmac.

Li Zhan took off his flight helmet and tucked it under his ribs. He looked at J-6 Plus No. 95533 and sighed with many emotions. I never imagined that one day he would fly the J-6. Others were flying forward and upward toward advanced fighter jets, but he was turning back further and further.

Encouraging himself, Li Zhan cleared away all distracting thoughts and focused on the night flight training at night.

Because Beiku is actually located in East Sixth District, it gets dark two hours later than national standard time. After entering winter, the dark time in the central and eastern parts is around 18:00, while in Beiku you have to wait until around 20:00 before it gets dark, and complete darkness is almost after 21:00.

The daily life system of the troops stationed in the Beiku area is not much different from that of other troops. The only difference is that they wake up half an hour later and turn off the lights half an hour later. The whole army is basically the same. So it would still be bright when dinner was served, if the sky wasn't filled with clouds.

After dinner, Li Zhan summoned all the pilots of the brigade for a meeting. Before discussing the night flight arrangements, Li Zhan seriously mentioned a very important matter, "Comrades, there have been some rumors recently that our Kuangmo brigade's material rewards are The vulgar performance is an act that undermines the integrity of the military. I strongly condemn this view and express serious protest to the comrades who hold this view."

The competition system formulated by Li Zhan is directly related to the vital interests of pilots. Whoever does well will be rewarded with aviation fuel, that is, rewarded with flight sorties, which means more flight time than others, and more drawbar fees. Some people will think that this is too vulgar in the eyes of dead money.

In fact, this view is very superficial.

Li Zhan glanced at his seventeen subordinates and said seriously, "When the new company ran five kilometers, the company commander said that the top three runners would be rewarded with a box of instant noodles in the evening. The soldiers worked hard to fight. Could it be said that just for one person? A box of instant noodles? Not at all, for the honor that that box of instant noodles represents!"

"Soldiers regard honor as their life. Do the pilots of the Crazy Demon Brigade really only pay for the lever fee? Not at all. Instead, they strive for the military honor they represent by fighting for superficial lever fees!"

"The army has never objected to material rewards. In fact, such rewards are often used. Could it be said that the entire army is vulgar and superficial? That is not the case at all. Instead, honor is represented through some generally accepted medium, and abstract Honor becomes something visible and tangible.”

The words made everyone feel happy and excited.

Recently, there have indeed been some offensive words in the regiment. It is believed that the Kuangmo Brigade has taken a bad lead and brought bad social atmosphere into the army. No one can refute it. After all, the lever fee is actually 75 yuan higher than that of the other two brigades, and the aviation fuel reward system also exists. .

Li Zhan's words undoubtedly relieved everyone's worries.

He raised a finger and said seriously, "Again, to be honest, military camp life is boring, especially for our troops stationed in remote areas, located deep in the desert. The only way to adjust work and life is to Very few, how to keep the troops with strong fighting spirit? This poses a difficult problem to the army managers. If conditions permit, slightly increase the drawbar fee and establish a reward system. Whoever does well will get more drawbar fees. It is reasonable and reasonable. , it can add some color to the boring training, and at the same time it can also be a help to some comrades whose families have financial difficulties, so why not do it?"

"Comrades, it is a reward system now, and it may be a reward and punishment system in the future. If you fail in training, the rod fee will not increase, and there will be deductions. This is also a means to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for training. I will just say one thing , focus on training, and let strength speak for itself."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. They had never heard that the rod fee would be deducted, but they had to believe it. Since the captain has the ability to get the regiment and division to agree to increase the rod fee for the Mad Demon Brigade, he must have a way to get his superiors to agree to his reward and punishment system!

This forces everyone to push forward desperately, waiting for their basic salary if they take a short break.

This is too cruel.

On the 11th, an accident occurred when Gong Dachuan, a crew member of the Army Airlines, was performing a flight training mission. The aircraft malfunctioned. During the landing, he did not choose to descend to the mountain for the safety of the villagers. Unfortunately, he collided with a cliff and the aircraft crashed. All three crew members died, namely Gong Dachuan, Wen Weibin, and Luo Wei. Salute to the hero!

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