Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 184 Shameless makes you invincible

Xue Xiangdong searched around and found Li Zhan on the apron.

Li Zhan was sitting on the steps behind the tarmac, with the green lawn behind him. He rested his elbows on his knees, holding the grass roots in his hands and breaking them off bit by bit.

"Did you not have breakfast?" Xue Xiangdong jumped off the commuter car and walked over and asked.

Li Zhan said, "I have no appetite."

"I'm still angry." Xue Xiangdong smiled.

Li Zhan looked across the track ahead to the mountains in the distance and then to the blue sky, sighing, "I'm still too young."

"Being young is a good thing." Xue Xiangdong said, sitting down next to Li Zhan.

It's just breakfast time now, and the drill review meeting has ended. It's another irony for the Second Division - you have to eat breakfast in the prisoner of war camp.

Li Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "Captain, you don't know what I mean. Tell me, we finally fought a good battle. The celebration banquet hasn't even started yet, and I'm going to fight you again right away." The words negate all your advantages, and you still use reasons that you can’t refuse."

He sighed deeply, "The most shameless thing about them is that they clearly know that we are using second-generation aircraft but they can ignore it. Second-generation aircraft versus third-generation aircraft, in a free air battle, what are the chances of winning? They just go up and use them as targets."

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "What we are simulating is the Super Hornet. If you think this aircraft is not good, you can talk to Vice Minister Liang. You can also simulate the Eagle."

"Commander, why don't you understand? Even if you simulate the F-22A, does that make sense? In the final analysis, what we are really flying is the J-7. How to use the parameters of the J-7's third-generation aircraft? How to compare the actual combat situation? To make an accurate judgment? These are all nonsense, the public is justified and the mother-in-law is justified." Li Zhan said, patting his thigh heavily.

Xue Xiangdong was stunned for a moment, then slowly came back to his senses, his eyes widened, "So we didn't suffer a loss?"

"It is certain that we will suffer losses, and it is certain that we have no chance of winning at all." Li Zhan was very calm and said with a wry smile, "So I say that the Second Division is shameless. If they take the initiative to propose the equipment gap and solutions, how much will it cost?" It’s understandable, but Qi Hong didn’t mention a word. He made it clear that he wants us to be targets for them to take revenge!”

Xue Xiangdong was completely stunned. It took him a while to understand, and he slapped his knees angrily, "Shameless! Shameless! So shameless! Fortunately, I thought Qi Hong was more open-minded. It turns out that there is a needle hidden in the cotton!"


Li Zhan sighed, "It's not surprising that you don't understand the situation, Captain. Why did Qi Hong want to transport the simulated air combat confrontation system all the way from Xixian County? If we are simulating a third-generation aircraft, what will happen if we use these?" Does it make any sense? Actually, it doesn’t. When he proposed to use this simulated air combat against the system, I knew they wanted to take it out on us, so they shamelessly used the J-11 to beat our J-7!"

"He, they, Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe would really do this?" Xue Xiangdong still couldn't believe it, his eyes widened.

Li Zhan nodded solemnly, "Absolutely."

Xue Xiangdong fell into silence.

Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "Compared to the face of the entire army, an individual's face is really not worth mentioning. Besides, we said Qi Hongfang Chenghe was shameless, and they also said we were shameless. In short, whoever wins who wins history Whoever writes it will be the one who writes it. We won this battle, so I can educate them in public. If they had won, they might not make it easy for us."

"Damn it, it turns out that a shameless person is invincible!" Xue Xiangdong expressed the same emotion, "It turns out that we are still young."

He finally understood why Li Zhan expressed such emotion.

"The drill has not even started yet, but the dignified Nanbatian Second Division has been annihilated on the ground. If this spreads out, will the Second Division be able to hold its head up? Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe have just taken over the Second Division, and they are holding back their energy to make the Second Division To take it to a higher level, how embarrassing is it to suffer a defeat at this time? Not only was it annihilated before taking off, but it was also lost to the famous Rag King. If it were me, I would shamelessly make various demands. As long as you can win me back for a while, you can make me kneel down!" Li Zhan said bitterly.

Xue Xiangdong sighed and said, "What can we do? Vice Minister Liang has already agreed, and the time is set for the day after tomorrow. The simulated air combat system will arrive early tomorrow morning, the mounting test will be completed tomorrow, and the fight will start during the day after tomorrow. I understand why their efficiency is It’s so high, it seems like it’s going to be a sure thing before we react!”

The bright sunshine was shining warmly, but Li Zhan still felt cold all over. He looked lovingly at the neat rows of gray-painted J-7E fighter jets, worried - how can these old guys fight? What about the J-11B that has a lot of money at a young age?

Qi Hong will definitely dispatch all the J-11Bs!


"Captain, there seems to be a way." Li Zhan thought of something, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he sat upright. He subconsciously took out a cigarette but found that he didn't bring it.

Xue Xiangdong quickly took out his cigarette and handed one over to Li Zhan to light it, and asked expectantly, "What can I do?"

"Didn't the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division still have more than a dozen surviving fighter planes? I remember that most of them were Su Liangqi, both single-seater and two-seater, and there were fewer J-11Bs." Li Zhan took a puff of cigarette and said, " See if this works. You can have a free air combat competition with them, but to continue the results of today's drill, fighters that are judged to have been damaged in battle are not allowed to participate."

Xue Xiangdong immediately understood, "Do you want to exclude those advanced J-11Bs?"

"That's right! The J-11B is much more advanced than those old Su Liangqi. It looks almost the same in appearance, but it is actually a new bottle of old wine, especially the avionics system, which is almost the latest. If we are dealing with the Su Liangqi, Twenty-seven, I’m 20% sure of winning, and 80% sure that the loss won’t be too ugly.”

Xue Xiangdong stared, "What? Are you only 20% sure of winning? 80% sure that losing won't be too ugly? Isn't that too pessimistic?"

After taking a heavy drag on the cigarette and feeling slightly dizzy, Li Zhan said solemnly, "I am a very optimistic person."

If you are optimistic, you can only be 20% sure of winning, but if you are pessimistic, wouldn't it mean that you will definitely lose?

"Yes." Li Zhan seemed to have read through Xue Xiangdong's thoughts and said in a deep voice, "We are basically doomed. No matter how bad the Su Erqi is, it is still a third-generation aircraft and is a world-recognized air superiority fighter. The Sixth Division of the Second Division The regiment has been using this type of fighter for fourteen years and has very rich experience. Although the J-7 has the advantage of maneuverability and flexibility in combat, the advantage is not obvious. Su Liangqi can calmly kill the J-7 one by one. .”

Xue Xiangdong finally believed that Li Zhan was never a pessimistic person. On the contrary, Li Zhan always gave people the impression of being overly optimistic and would often say things that people misunderstood as arrogant. But every time the facts proved that Li Zhan's speculation was very wrong. precise.

In other words, if the fighters dispatched by the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division are mainly SU-27s, then the Mad Demon Brigade still has a 20% chance of winning. On the contrary, the Mad Demon Brigade will definitely lose.

This is why Li Zhan said that Qi Hong wanted the Mad Demon Brigade to be a living target in the sky.

The gap in equipment and technology levels that pilots can make up for in an air battle is very limited. Unlike ground combat, the warring parties in an air battle have very little room for maneuver, and there are basically no opportunities to use complex tactics. Most of them are "discovery and shooting down" or It's "discovered - shot down", which is relatively simple and straightforward.

Xue Xiangdong should have understood long ago that anything that can make Li Zhan lose his appetite is no small matter.

"I'm going to find the division commander and Deputy Minister Liang. We must expose their schemes!" Xue Xiangdong patted the steps hard and stood up to leave.

Li Zhan said, "Commander, please don't go."

"What?" Xue Xiangdong asked with a frown.

Li Zhan said, "Vice Minister Liang and the division commander have understood this a long time ago, otherwise they would not agree."

Xue Xiangdong sat down again, "Are you saying that the leaders already know what medicine is sold in Qi Hong's gourd?"

"Definitely." Li Zhan nodded slightly, "The leaders' intention is very obvious, and they also intend to let the Second Division regain the game and look better on their faces."


Xue Xiangdong was also confused. How could he not understand a very simple truth? He sighed and said, "Yes, after all, they are troops from other military regions. After all, they are Nan Batian. Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face." , besides, we still have to worry about the relationship between brother troops."

He looked at Li Zhan and suddenly noticed that Li Zhan's eyes were rolling. His expression was very familiar. Li Zhan had this expression when he was calculating the rod fee and aviation fuel. What is this guy going to do?

Before he could ask, Li Zhan stood up suddenly and said, "Commander, I remembered a big thing, which is related to the future development of my 101st regiment! It's too late, I must report to the division commander immediately! I'll report to you later! That's right , I’ll take your car and leave, you’ll let someone else pick me up later!”

When he said the last sentence, Li Zhan had already jumped on the commuter car that Xue Xiangdong had just taken, and asked the driver to leave quickly.

Xue Xiangdong sat there in a daze and didn't come back to his senses for a long time, but he knew that the little prince of the lever must be planning something, and he didn't know who was unlucky this time.

The commuter bus carried Li Zhan to the infield. After asking the people in the agency building, they found out that Commander Chen Hualin, Vice Minister Liang, and Yang Heng were in the courtyard where the director's department was located. Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe were also there, having a discussion. He immediately rushed to the "door"-shaped courtyard where the director's department was located, but there was a discussion going on inside, so he could only walk around in the courtyard like an ant on a hot pot.

The discussion was definitely not about the free air combat competition, otherwise it would be impossible not to allow him and Xue Xiangdong to participate. Therefore, it was definitely about the daily life between the two forces. Vice Minister Liang might also welcome the Second Division on behalf of the military region.

Isn't this the best opportunity?

Can't wait for them to finish their meeting.

Li Zhan immediately asked his staff to go in and send a message to Chen Hualin that there was an urgent matter.

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