Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 1136? Steady

The latest website: Shule City is not considered a strong city, and Anxi also lacks a strong city. After the establishment of the Anxi Protectorate in the Tang Dynasty, Shule City was never expanded or rebuilt because of fear that the traitors would use the strong city to defend it.

Shule City, which is not too tall, was originally gray-yellow, but now the original color can no longer be seen.

The walls of the entire Shule City are covered with people, densely packed like ants.

At the top of the city, Tang Jun's spears stabbed intensively, and every moment someone fell down screaming.

Since the beginning of the war, both sides have never stopped casualties.

"Tang Jun is tenacious."

Lu Dongzan's words made the generals roar wildly.

The pressure on the defenders at the top of the city suddenly increased.

Wang Chunyang slashed from the east to the west of the city with a horizontal knife, cheering up his subordinates all the way.

"Captain, use gunpowder!"

Only half a day later, the top of the wall began to be breached, and Han Zong came to ask for help.

He was stabbed in the face, and the wound was rolled up on both sides, looking bloody and bloody, which was particularly hideous.

Wang Chunyang scolded: "Your mother! There are 300,000 troops outside, your mother will use gunpowder now, and then wait for death? You bastards, those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, get out!"

Han Zong's face turned red all of a sudden, and the blood flow from the wound on his cheek accelerated and dripped down.

"Captain, are you humiliating me?"

Wang Chunyang stared at him, "So what if Yeye humiliated you? Go, do it for Yeye, let Yeye see your martial prowess. Da Tang man, can you still touch the egg under your crotch?"

Han Zong was furious, "Yeah, I'll show you!"


Wang Chunyang was panting, and there was an exclamation from behind, "The enemy army is on the top of the wall."

Han Zong rushed over, and the horse in his hand stabbed continuously.

The Tubo people who rushed to the top of the city fell down one after another.

He just stood guard at the head of the city, and wherever the enemy army rushed up, he would go to whichever side to reinforce.

Wang Chunyang needed to wander around, so he shouted: "Yeah, I'm gone, if you lose this place, I'll kill you!"

Han Zong gritted his teeth and scolded, "Yeah, wait for you!"

The Tibetans are getting more and more crazy.

They jumped up and slashed regardless of life and death, one by one was counted as one, and then they fell down with smiles on their lips.


This is the first time that Han Zong has fought against the Tubo people, and so is his subordinate.

The Western Regions, Turkic people and Tibetans they dealt with in the past cannot be compared.

"This is a strong army!"

Someone shouted.

This is not a fear, but a warning.

The offensive and defensive battle came in the afternoon, and as the sun set, the Tubo people began to evacuate in this wave of attack. Han Zong glanced down the city and saw that the second wave of attacks was already on the way, so he shouted, "Come here."

He organized a squad of fifty men and asked everyone to wear armor.

"Don't be afraid of being tired, it's better to be tired than dead!"

At the top of the city, civilian husbands rushed up, carried the wounded down on stretchers, and carried the dead down in groups of two...

More people threw the corpses of the enemy soldiers over the top of the city.

At the same time, various materials were brought up.

No gunpowder!

"I call your mother!"

Han Zong scolded: "What time is it, you are so fucking reluctant to use it!"

The enemy's attack was too fierce, and the defenders were under great pressure. From the beginning to the present, that is, at this moment, I have a moment of free time, and the rest of the time has been fighting.

He sat down cursing, with fifty people behind him.

"Eat something."

"The enemy army is coming..."

A sergeant who had observed issued a warning.

"Said Nima!"

Han Zongcai ate a corner of the pancake, quickly poured water, and cursed: "Yeah, I've eaten a lot of water, and I won't be starved to death when I look back."


He led fifty people in formation, "Go down and two hundred people, holding crossbows, waiting for my military order."

Two hundred sergeants went down to the top of the city with crossbows, and squatted below waiting for orders.


Arrows flew up from the city.

Han Zong stared at the top of the city, using his five senses to perceive everything.


This is the sound of someone stepping heavily on the ladder.



Someone is climbing, very fast.




This is the sound of breathing.

This shows that the enemy is also exhausted.

But they still launched an attack in this state.

It really is a strong army!

But yeah yeah stronger!

The wound on his face hurt unbearably, Han Zong tried his best to resist the urge to howl, and said, "Hold on..."

Someone said: "Captain, why are you waiting?"

Han Zong's cheeks twitched in pain, "Didn't you notice? The enemy's attacks come in bursts, and they just want us to fight continuously. They want to exhaust us..."

Someone said: "Yes! When the enemy attacked, they did not swarm up, but wave after wave. We just repelled one wave, and before we rested, the second wave came up again... Yea, our hands are soft now. Soft, mother, that's how it is!"

The swarm-like attack rhythm seems fierce, but once the momentum is suppressed, it will be difficult to continue in the future.

But this wave of attack rhythm is very different.

A wave of attack, a wave of waiting.

One wave retreats, another wave connects.

Don't worry about chaos after being repelled, because the second wave is waiting and can be responded at any time.

There is no need to worry that the enemy army will get a respite.

Tubo is really good!

Everyone's heart trembled.

"Come up!"

A Tubo man rushed up.

Han Zong shouted.


Han Zong shouted.

Seeing that Tang Jun didn't rush forward, the enemy was stunned.

One by one, the Tubo people rushed up.


Someone is trembling!

Said Nima!

what are you doing

Han Zong is going crazy!

The pain in his cheek made him want to go to heaven!

There was a crazy light in his eyes, "Steady!"

Someone on the other side shouted: "Captain, Colonel Han has sent the enemy troops to the top of the wall."

Wang Chunyang glanced back, and vaguely saw Han Zong leading a group of people in formation, motionless like a stone.

"Han Zong, call your mother!"

Wang Chunyang didn't know what Han Zong was doing, and shouted: "Come on, follow me to reinforce!"

More and more enemy troops are coming from the top of the city over there.


There are more than three hundred people!

Yeah yeah you're taking an adventure!

Han Zong's breathing gradually calmed down.

The enemy army was overjoyed, but they didn't know Tang Jun's intentions, so they kept gathering, preparing to accumulate more powerful forces before launching an attack.

"Is Tang Jun stupid?"

After more than a dozen people rushed to kill them and were strangled by Tang Jun, everyone thought that Tang Jun would follow the trend, but they still stood there.

Mostly stupid.

Some people couldn't help raising their hands and cheering.

"The city is broken!"

"The city is broken!"

The cheers spread all the way to the Chinese army where Lu Dongzan was.

He smiled and said: "You guys are good, the defenders are worse than I expected. If so, the army will be able to sweep Anxi in two months, and then attack Shazhou..."

"Then we will be able to attack Tuyuhun again. With the assistance of the land of Anxi, this will be a double attack."

This is an unprecedented strategic situation.

In history, Tuyuhun was lost, Xue Rengui led an army to attack, and was defeated by Qinling. Li Jingxuan attacked later and was defeated by Qinling again.

Tuyuhun couldn't come back at all.

The Tang army was disheartened by the Tubo people.

Then Tubo aggressively attacked Anxi, which was Lu Dongzan's strategic conception.

Take Tuyuhun and threaten Longyoudao. Then take the land of Anxi and complete the task of blocking Datang in the Guanzhong area.

In this way, Datang became a country with no exports.

Then Tubo can attack the Western Regions, continuously migrate the soldiers and civilians, and build another Tubo in the Western Regions.

Since then, Tubo can continue to attack Datang from Tuyuhun and Anxi. Once the opening is opened, the army can go straight to Chang'an in an instant, and destroy this Tang Dynasty that makes Tubo fearful.

But the follow-up strategic concept was broken in Tuyuhun.

Once the 100,000 army was defeated, Lu Dongzan reflected on his own ideas, thinking that because Tuyuhun was close to Datang, it was convenient for Datang to mobilize troops... So he quickly shifted his strategic direction and aimed at Anxi.

After defeating Anxi, they can attack Tuyuhun again. This attack is different from the past, with Anxi's pincer attack, Datang will be in a dilemma.

This is the reverse of his strategic vision back then.

But as long as the goal can be achieved, let alone the other way around, he is fine even if it is the other way around.

At the top of the city, the enemy army is climbing wildly for reinforcements.

"Captain, it's almost four hundred."


Han Zong thought he was crazy!

But he must be crazy!

"Enemy Archers!"

The enemy's archers came up.

Han Zong sighed regretfully.


The Tubo people who were wondering why Tang Jun had become stupid were shocked to find rows of Tang Jun crossbowmen rushing up from below.

"Let the arrow!"

Waves of crossbow arrows shot over, and the enemy troops at the top of the city fell down row by row.

"Kill it!"

The people behind shouted frantically.

If it were the Turkic people, they had already begun to be defeated at this moment, and fled to the top of the city regardless of their care.

This is the Tubo people.

"Let the arrow!"

The crossbowmen who fired in rotation used waves of crossbow arrows to reap the battle exploits wantonly.

Those Tubo people who were desperately attacked fell to the top of the wall, and those behind did not retreat, but rushed towards Han Zong and others.


It's dangerous!

If one of the Tubo people took the lead in charging, Han Zong's plan would be greatly compromised. The killing will be much less, and the casualties of one's own side will be more.

"Array! Kill!"

An array of fifty spearmen stepped forward, harvesting the lives of the enemy in numbers.

"Let the arrow!"

The rested soldiers calmly wiped out the enemy army on the top of the city.

"The dog said!"

Seeing the changes here, Wang Chunyang cursed and went back to direct the defense.

"President, the city has been defeated."

Lu Dongzan's eyesight is not very good, he squinted and asked, "Why?"

"I don't know yet."

Someone came to ask.

"Fifty enemy troops lined up, and our army continued to reinforce immediately, but the enemy army hid their crossbowmen, and suddenly jumped up, our army was caught off guard."


Such a small scene could not move Lu Dongzan, he said calmly: "It's getting dark soon, teach Tang Jun a profound lesson."

Rows of archers rushed up.


But Han Zong is a cunning one, and he made preparations early.


Arrow rain covered the top of the city, and screams came from time to time.

"The enemy is coming up."

The enemy attacked the city.


The enemy army is endless, killing endlessly.


A sergeant was surrounded and killed, crying out in despair.


Han Zong's horse stabbed quickly, and one by one the Tubo people fell on the way of his attack.

The surrounded sergeant felt the pressure loosen, and then a Tubo man fell in front of him, with blood gushing from his chest.


Han Zong turned around, and a spear pierced his thigh like lightning.


Han Zong glared angrily, and swiped the horse in his hand, the face of the sneak attacking Tubo was swept flat, and he was hacked to death by the sergeant immediately.

"Day your mother!"

Han Zong pulled out his spear and rushed forward with a limp. Ma Qian was still as fast as lightning, stabbing to death the Tubo people who rushed to the top of the wall.

"The enemy has retreated."

The enemy army retreated like a tide, and someone from the defenders looked down and shouted: "Don't poke your head, there are archers!"

Rows of archers stretch their bows and set their arrows.


Wang Chunyang scolded: "Lu Dongzan of the dog, this is a cunning fight."

The ferocity and cunning of the enemy army exceeded many people's expectations. This wave of arrow rain brought dozens of losses to the Tang army, which made Wang Chunyang heartbroken.

"Bitch slave!"

He looked up and saw that groups of enemy cavalry had appeared behind the archers, which was the defensive army taking advantage of the situation to attack.

And the brigade of infantry has completed the entire team, and is retreating in the direction of the camp in an orderly manner, without any disorder, as if nothing in the world can stop their calmness.

"Damn! Such a strong army!"

Wang Chunyang had heard his comrades talk about the bravery of the Tubo people before, and now he has seen it.

"Where's Han Zong?"

Wang Chunyang scolded: "You bitch slave, you actually took risks today!"

"Go and see!"

The city is full of scars, and the peasants have already come up, leaving the corpses of the enemy, gathering the corpses of their own, and carrying the wounded away...

"Brothers, can you hold on?"

Wang Chunyang asked loudly.

The exhausted soldiers raised their heads one by one.

His eyes are full of heroism.


Even the wounded who were carried by the civilian husbands to treat them raised their heads and shouted.


"Damn it!" Wang Chunyang found that he had no words to describe his mood at the moment except swearing.

"Where's Han Zong?"

He searched all the way.

Han Zong was lying on the top of the wall.

A doctor sat cross-legged beside him, as if praying.

"This is……"

Wang Chunyang was shocked.

"Old Han!"

Although Han Zong is his subordinate, the two have been guarding Shule for many years, and they are more old friends.

"Yeah not dead."

Han Zong reluctantly raised his head. At this moment, his trousers were gone, and he was wearing obscene trousers. The doctor put the boiled cloth ball into the small jar, and when it came out, there was a strong smell of alcohol.

"Captain, bite this!"

The doctor thoughtfully gave me a ball of cloth.

"Need not!"

Han Zong stubbornly refused.

"Captain, hold on!"

The doctor pressed down the cloth soaked in alcohol.


Han Zong raised his head abruptly, his face was frighteningly red, veins were popping out on his neck and face, and his eyeballs seemed to be falling out.

"The captain is amazing!"

The doctor praised, and immediately called for someone to come.

"The tip of the gun is afraid that there will be impurities, and the wound will be pulled open."

It was a sergeant who did it, and as soon as he opened the wound, Han Zong felt that he was dead.

The doctor squeezed the cloth ball, the alcohol was squeezed out and flowed into the wound in threads.


Han Zong suppressed his voice and roared.

"The captain is amazing!"

The doctor admired sincerely, and then treated the wound.

"Captain, you are going to rest now."

"Take a break!"

Han Zong turned pale, and asked someone to help him up. Looking at the retreating Tubo army in the distance, he cursed, "Come tomorrow."

Then there is a rest.

"Get something delicious."

Han Zong was very hungry.

"Captain, just some mutton and dry biscuits."

"Where's the soup?"

"Soup for the wounded."

"That's all."

Han Zong felt extremely thirsty at the moment, and drank a large bowl of water and still couldn't quench his thirst, "Do you remember that there are mushrooms in the corner? There are quite a few. Go get them and cook them with the mutton."

The sergeant serving him was stunned, "Captain, I wonder if I can eat it!"

Han Zong scolded: "Why can't you eat it? Damn, last time someone invited Yeye to eat mushrooms in Chang'an. The fresh Yeye will never be forgotten in my life."

The sergeant didn't understand either, so he went to collect those mushrooms and boiled them with the mutton for a quarter of an hour.



After a meal of stewed mutton with mushrooms, Han Zong was satisfied.

"Captain, the governor is here."

The sergeant called him after a while.

"Say your mother, why are there so many villains?"

Han Zong in the room was yelling and cursing.

Wang Chunyang pushed the door impatiently and came in.

Han Zong sat on the couch, staring straight at the desk in front of him, waving his hands as if there was something on the desk.

"Old Han!"

Han Zong raised his head, "Why is your head so big, Captain? You can see that there are a lot of villains here, dancing on the table."

Wang Chunyang: "..."

Red umbrellas, yellow levers, lying on the board after eating...


On the second day, Han Zong, who was judged insane by Wang Chunyang, felt he had recovered.

"The Tibetans must have poisoned the gun!"

Han Zong went to the top of the wall cursing.

He immediately gasped.

Boundless people.

"Break the city today!"

The general swore an oath.

Lu Dongzan nodded slightly.

"The rangers have to keep searching. If there is no enemy army a hundred miles away, the army will attack immediately."

In his plan, the city should be destroyed today. So he ordered, "Tell the whole army that you will be rewarded after breaking the city." Immediately, the morale of the whole army was greatly boosted.

"It's very important to win the first battle." Lu Dongzan looked at Dongfang.

The siege began.


Han Zong limped and cursed, "Shouting soul!"

He led people around to mend the leak, and the shouts echoed across the city.


Hearing this sound, everyone felt at ease, even if the enemy broke through and came up.

The enemy did not expect Han Zong to abandon his own tactics, and was caught off guard by being killed for a while.


Then Han Zong did the opposite, giving the follow-up enemy a counterattack.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Han Zong became a thorn in the side of the Tubo people.

The city where he was located was continuously covered by dense arrows.

Han Zong was hit by more than ten arrows, but he was not seriously injured because of Jiayi.

He hangs arrows and fights everywhere.

Wherever he went, the enemy was terrified.

"Old King!"

The enemy army is getting more and more crazy.

The most frightening thing is that they are constantly attacking, making the defenders feel deep despair.

On the second day, Shule City still stood in front of the army.

The voice at the top of the wall was cursing.

"Bitch slave, come drink Yeye's piss!"

A waterline shot down like this.

The city laughed wildly.

Lu Dongzan looked as usual, "After the city is broken, this man's head will be used as a sacrifice to the flag."

Immediately, this city became the main attack direction of the Tubo people.


Here comes the gunpowder pack.


Boom boom boom boom!

Amidst the dense explosions, the city suffered heavy casualties.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lu Dongzan narrowed his eyes, "This is the gunpowder of the Tang army. Tell the soldiers, whoever climbs first... will be rewarded!"

The enemy army is not afraid of death and is attacking.

They were impacting amidst constant explosions.


Han Zong's roar remained steady.



On the fifth day, Han Zong's voice became hoarse.

"not here."

someone said.

"Tell the governor, hurry up!"

Han Zong is waiting.

He led people to fight continuously, and his legs became more and more lame.


His roar is the biggest stabilizer in Shule City.


sixth day.

"Wang Chunyang, my mother, where is the gunpowder?"

Han Zong was sitting in a pool of blood at the top of the city, one eye had been poked blind.

"The enemy army is coming."

Han Zong stood up on the horse's support, turned around, and staggered forward.


His shouts still echoed in the city.


The right side was broken through, this is a group of brave Tubo people, rushed over with an impact, and then the follow-up enemy troops continued to rush to the top of the city.


Han Zong used the horse lance as a crutch and dragged one leg over.

Wang Chunyang saw this scene and shouted: "Old Han, hold on..."


Han Zong's horse lance is like a dragon, stabbing out constantly.

The enemy troops fell one after another.

Ahead was the crenel on the top of the city, and the only two remaining enemy troops looked panic-stricken.


Han Zong relaxed.

The two enemy soldiers squatted down suddenly.

A wave of arrow rain flew up.

Han Zong instantly turned into a hedgehog.

Two enemy soldiers rushed towards him shouting wildly, piercing Han Zong's body with two spears, and pulling hard...

Han Zong was picked up in the air.

"Old Han!"

Wang Chunyang's eyes were about to burst, and he brought people here frantically.

Putting down the spear, Han Zong's closed eyes suddenly opened.

With just such a sweep by Ma Qian, the two enemy soldiers fell down with a muffled grunt.

He staggered forward, and just about to fall, two spears pressed against the battlements, supporting him.

He turned around and glanced at Wang Chunyang, who was rushing towards him, and felt that something was passing rapidly in his body.

He opened his mouth.

Shout out.



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