Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 383 Dogs and Men

Han Yu is in her forties, thin, with bulging eyes and a big dry beard.

He is one of the two servants of the Ministry of War.

Opposite stood Yu Kun, the official secretary of the Ministry of War, with a smile on his well-maintained face. The planner of the barbarians. It is not appropriate for the British government to ask the Ministry of War to inquire about the surrounding news."

Han Yu pointed at him, "Every time a foreign official comes to Beijing, he is commissioned to ask him about the mountains, rivers, and customs of his own country for a picture. How do you say that?"

Yu Kun smiled and said, "The map of the state capital is commissioned by the state capital every three years. As for Fanguo, what does it have to do with the Ministry of War to entrust Honglu Temple for interrogation?"

This pushes the matter cleanly.

Han Yu was very satisfied, "The Duke of England is in charge of the Ministry of Finance, so please respect him."

Respect... Words of respect are enough.

Yu Kun understood and said: "The British public is a famous general in the world, and the officials admire him very much."

Admiration is admiration, but in practice, we still argue when we should argue.

Yu Kun took a step closer, and the light behind him diffused in. Han Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and stroked his dry beard, "Although Mr. Cui entered the court, he is not in the Ministry of War. But being a man... the important thing is to have a beginning and an end. Who will the Ministry of War listen to in the future?"

Yu Kun stood with his hands tied, "Of course I listened to Han Shilang."

"Wrong!" Han Yu said with a helpless smile in his voice, but also very comfortable, "I listened to Cui Xianggong. He left, but we still have to help Cui Xianggong guard the Ministry of War."

Yu Kun took another step forward, pointing in the direction of Zhengshitang, "But... grandson Xianggong?"

Han Yu said indifferently, "My eldest grandson won't care about such things."

Yu Kun understood, "The eldest grandson is in charge, and he doesn't care about such things. But the British coolie supports him, but he is also tenacious."

"Toughness is tenacity, but it's beyond self-control." Han Yu got up and said, "The secretary will kill this matter."


Han Yu walked out and said as he walked, "This is an order of resistance. As long as there are reasons and evidence, the British Duke can't do anything to us. Once there is a first time, there will be a second time. Gradually...he should know it too." Let's go, so everyone is happy."

Yu Kun nodded, walked out of the guard room, and said with a smile: "This is a gift from Cui Xianggong to the eldest grandson Xianggong and the others."

Han Yu didn't admit it or deny it, but just said casually, "Don't be scared and change your mind."

Yu Kun smiled and said: "Don't worry Han Shilang, I won't change my words even if I add an ax to my body."

Immediately, the news that the British Duke's order was carried back by the Ministry of War spread farther and farther.


"Then Yu Kun is a villain!"

In the restaurant, Li Jingye was drinking heavily, slapping the table and cursing.

"Brother, maybe kill him?"

The guys at the Iron Head Tavern turned a deaf ear.

Jia Pingan sat in the corner, looking at the restaurant from the perspective of Zheng Yuandong that day.

"They were not at fault for this."

Jia Pingan felt that Lao Li was in a daze.

"Then what should we do?" Li Jingye was fidgeting, wishing he could go and kill all the soldiers.

"Calm down!"

Jia Pingan thought about it.

"This matter has to start with Yu Kun."

But this matter is not easy to use Baiqi.

"A lot.


Duoduo came in with a blank expression on his face.

Jia Pingan took a look and found that the snake's neck had hidden deep, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Tell your people to keep an eye on Yu Kun."

Jia Pingan was guessing Yu Kun's intentions.

The Ministry of War is undoubtedly under the jurisdiction of Shangshu Province, but it can work independently.

So the prestige of Li Ji, Zuo Pushe, is actually between two things. If the Ministry of War does not buy it, as long as someone supports him, Li Zhi has nothing to do.

Cui Dunli must have planted thunder before he left, and Yu Kun was one of them.

Jia Pingan is waiting for news.

But Yu Kun still went to and from get off work step by step.

After leaving the Yamen, Yu Kun suddenly turned to Pingkangfang.

There are a lot of people in the yamen, which can be called a sea of ​​people.

The evil young men under Duoduo found Jia Ping'an in the crowd.

With one look, Jia Pingan said to Bao Dong and the others: "I have an appointment with someone today, you go back first."

Bao Dong glanced at Jia Pingan with ambiguous eyes, "Uncle Wuyang is going to..."

Jia Ping'an is now an adult, and adults naturally want that... chicken jelly.

After Jia Ping'an left, Lei Hong pulled his beard away, "Do you think Uncle Wu Yang is going to sleep with a woman?"

"Vulgar!" Bao Dong said contemptuously, "That's called Dun Lun! Do you understand?"

"Can Dun Lun sound better?"

"Of course, is it called changing clothes?"

Bao Dong suddenly stretched out his hand, "Make a bet."

Lei Hong asked vigilantly, "What are you betting on?"

Bao Dong said with a smile: "I bet that Uncle Wuyang is going to bid farewell to his boyhood."

Lei Hong said without hesitation: "A certain bet has always been money."

"What bet?"

"Of course I bet that Uncle Wuyang keeps his body like a jade."


Jia Pingan followed Evil Young Master into Pingkangfang.

"Yu Kun is right in front."

Jia Pingan has seen it.

Yu Kun turned around abruptly, and Jia Pingan quickly hid in the nearby shop.

This is a powder shop.

A woman was bumped by him and scolded: "Rough fellow!"

Jia Pingan turned around and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry."

When the woman saw it, hey, it turned out to be a handsome young man.

She rubbed her chest, "What is the young man in a hurry for?"

Jia Pingan turned a blind eye, "Hurry to kill."

The woman covered her mouth and snickered, and she was a bit charming, "Can young people drink alcohol?"

Jia Ping'an swished away.

The maid approached and saw the woman's face was slightly red, so she asked, "My lady, is there any apprentice?"

The woman shook her head, "But I want to be an apprentice."

She left the makeup shop and went all the way to a restaurant.

"My wife has decided on a place."

The maid went up to negotiate, and the woman wore a veil, and then went behind.

Come to the restaurant in the afternoon, these women are either noble or not serious.

The guy is an old fritter, and he can tell that the woman is a noble girl just by looking at it.

When they reached a room inside, the woman went in, but the maid stood outside.

Later, a man came quietly.

Jia Ping'an and Li Jingye stood on the side, their eyes widened.


Isn't this Yu Kun?

He was still wearing official uniforms before, but now he is dressed like ordinary people.

Also sneaky.

Li Jingye was extremely excited.

Jia Pingan opened his mouth and said silently, "Shut up!"

It's not a big deal for Yu Kun to come to Pingkangfang, but why did he change his official uniform in such a short time?

It's nothing more than changing the official uniform, but he actually changed into civilian clothes.

This is not to be conspicuous.

In other words, what he came here to do was shameful.

Who is that woman?

Young Master Evil also saw all this.

Yu Kun whispered a few words with the maid, and then prepared to go in.

his hand……

This guy actually pinched the maid's ass!


What about the maid?

The maid turned sideways to Jia Pingan, twisting her body slightly.

This is acting like a baby!


There is adultery between these two!

Then Yu Kun went in, and the maid turned around.

A look of dissatisfaction!

Jia Pingan backed away.

"This is a dog man and woman!"

Jia Pingan said in a low voice: "This private meeting between a man and a woman is definitely not a serious relationship. The maid and Yu Kun also have an affair. I think... it's all about size."

Young Master Evil was shocked, "Uncle Wu Yang also understands this?"

It is not uncommon for later generations to have chaotic relationships. But at this moment, it is a shocking scandal.

"Brother, just rush in."

Li Jingye's face flushed, Jia Ping'an frowned, "Why are you excited?"

"How long do we have to wait?" Li Jingye was very excited at the thought of catching rape.

Jia Pingan did some calculations, "Go in... Yu Kun is very impatient when he sees it, and I'm afraid he'll get his hands on it as soon as he goes in. After he's done... he'll take off his clothes for a while..."

Li Jingye suddenly asked: "What if he doesn't take it off?"


This is a big problem.

Jia Ping'an couldn't help sighing: "A decent person like me can't think of this."

He said solemnly: "Wait for my signal."

He hurried out.

The maid glanced at him.

What a handsome young man.

The boy got closer and closer.

There was some gasping inside, mixed with some other voices.

The maid was vigilant and just wanted to speak out.

Jia Pingan smiled at her, "Little lady, look under me."

The maid was startled and looked down.

Jia Pingan's hand hangs down, holding a short blade in his hand.

"Speak, die. Don't speak, live."

The maid trembled.

Jia Pingan listened to him, "Baiqi was ordered to take this couple of dogs, don't make trouble for yourself."

The maid was shaking like she was sifting chaff, and a puppy-like whine came from her throat.

Jia Ping turned around and waved.

Li Jingye and Evil Shao came over.

Young Master Evil tried to push the door, shook his head, indicating that the door was locked inside, and then took out something to open.

Naturally, the door bolts in such places cannot be compared with the ones at home. First, they are small, and second, they do not have vertical safety pins.

Young Master Evil listened while dialing.

The sound inside can be described as singing and weeping.

Jia Pingan felt that this was the year that passed by like water.

The pair of dogs and men were so devoted, they didn't notice that the door bolt was slowly being pushed open.

The maid was on the side, her face turned blue and red for a while, obviously she was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

She suddenly pulled Raja Pingan and pointed to her mouth.

Is this an active gag?

Tut tut!

Girls in their teens!

Nice idea.

Just as Jia Ping'an wanted to feel what was in his arms, Li Jingye began to take off his shoes.

The maid looked pale and shook her head hastily.

At this time, the evil young man suddenly pounced, and the maid groaned and fell limply to the ground.

This acting is definitely the best supporting actress!

The door opened.

The movements of the pair of meat worms who were in full swing froze, and the woman's blouse was half undressed, as Li Jingye said, she didn't take it off.

The same is true for Yu Kun.

The woman was startled for a moment, but when she saw Jia Pingan's familiar face, she was taken aback, and then exclaimed, "Get out!"

Yu Kun stumbled back, his face pale, "Uncle Wuyang!"

Jia Pingan covered his nose, "Close the door."

Young Master Evil dragged the maid in, then resigned very knowingly, and closed the door behind her.

Yu Kun wanted to pick up his obscene pants, but just as he stretched out his hand, a big foot stepped on it.

He raised his head slowly, and suddenly his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground and said, "I'm just teaching her the rhythm."

"Do Lai Mi instigated? It's still a little bee, flying among the flowers!"

Jia Pingan walked over and sat down, "Talk about your respective identities."

Yu Kun forced a smile; "Didn't Uncle Wu Yang know about it?"

Jia Ping'an suddenly changed his face, "What are you, you deserve Jia to know? Say it!"

Yu Kun said: "Ministry of the Ministry of War, Fang Si Langzhong... Yu Kun."

Jia Pingan looked at the woman and said softly, "Where is the lady? Which family is it from? The family sells green hats? Which one is this?"

As soon as the woman's long skirt was put down, it immediately covered everything, her face turned pale, "It's from the Huang family."

"Who is your husband?"

The woman knelt down suddenly, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you, and I will do it for you from now on."

Yu Kun was the first to say: "Her husband is a businessman."

"The eldest is married as a businessman's wife, a businessman..."

Jia Pingan sighed: "But businessmen are human too! Why should they be hated? Jingye went to ask for a pen and paper."

Li Jingye opened the door and went out, Yu Kun also wanted to follow.


Li Jingye punched lightly, and Yu Kun knelt there coughing dryly as if he had been hit by a hammer.

"What the hell is this?"

When the Four Treasures of the Study arrived later, Jia Ping'an said, "Write down what happened."

Yu Kun picked up the pen tremblingly, and Jia Pingan said with a smile: "Don't shake, if you write in a mess, you just need to open the door, and you will be ruined."

Yu Kun raised his head, with tears in his eyes, "What does Uncle Wuyang want?"

Jia Pingan shook his head, "Write!"

When the confession was obtained later, Jia Pingan pointed at the woman, "My lady, go home now, this matter has nothing to do with you."

The woman hurried out as if she had been pardoned.

"Look, this is when disaster strikes and fly separately."

Jia Pingan felt that he had realized the true meaning of life.

Yu Kun knelt in front of him, choked with sobs and said, "Let Uncle Wuyang order."

Stealing people, if things like this break out, Yu Kun will be ruined.

Any benefit, any money, becomes waste in an instant.

Jia Pingan smiled, "I want you to..." Remember for a second.


Later, when Jia Pingan and Li Jingye went back, Jia Pingan confessed on the way: "Don't talk about this matter, and don't talk about it with the British public."


Li Jingye chose to trust without hesitation.

Really good friends.

Li Ji is too gentle.

If you tell him, Jia Ping'an is worried that he will choose to exchange interests secretly instead of confronting Cui Dunli and others.

But in Li Zhi's eyes, this kind of secret teasing was a sign of prudence and self-protection.

Don't forget, in the original history, Li Jingye rebelled, and as a result, the elder sister ordered people to dig up the grave and chop up the coffin, and there was no peace for Lao Li after his death.

Is this all because of Li Jingye's rebellion?

Jia Pingan feels that this has more to do with Lao Li's current prudence and self-protection.

Lao Li was honored and favored in his later years, but he is still like this.

Elder Sister was probably holding back her anger, and it exploded because of Li Jingye's matter.

So Jia Pingan wanted to take this opportunity to catch Li Ji by surprise.

Lao Li, accept the move!


When Li Jingye came home, Li Ji had already finished his dinner, so when he saw him back, he asked, "Is the meal ready?"


Li Jingye glanced at A Weng, "A Weng, you look haggard a lot."

Li Ji touched his old face and sighed, "I'm old."

Li Jingye felt uncomfortable, "Ah Weng, it's better to go outside more often."

Li Ji smiled and said: "Once the old man leads the army, he will go out for a walk, and it will take a year or so."

On the second day, he went to court.

Li Zhi almost never stopped court, discussing state affairs with the prime ministers every day, and then went to understand the situation in various places. He can be called the number one model of dedication in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Ji walked slowly in the palace, in front of him were Changsun Wuji and others.

Cui Dunli was among the group of people, occasionally turning his head to look at Li Ji, nodding his head slightly, looking very kind.

But Li Ji is still gentle and moist.

Gao Jifu walked beside him, staggering.


Li Ji said with a smile: "Gao Xianggong is less than sixty, why do you say old?"

Gao Jifu said in a low voice: "My lord, when you get old, you will miss the old days, and you will recall the past. Many fact, there is no need to be too cautious."

He witnessed Li Ji being besieged, but he just laughed it off, thinking that the British Duke's mansion was too deep, and he didn't have a good impression in the eyes of the king.

But Li Ji has such a temperament, he can change it at will.

Later, the monarch and his ministers will gather together.

First discuss political affairs.

Li Ji just listened most of the time.

The matter was almost discussed, Cui Dunli glanced at Li Ji, and said: "Some people say that the British minister ordered the Ministry of War to conduct a hundred horses and go to various places to inquire about news. This matter is a bit inappropriate..."

He stood up and cupped his hands, "Your Majesty, although I have left the Ministry of War, I feel that it is inappropriate to hear about this matter. The map is from the prefecture, county and vassal state, and the people who execute it are the officials of the prefecture, county and Honglu Temple. The Ministry of War hastily intervened. It is ultra vires and prone to confusion."

It's not a big deal.

But Cui Dunli said it carefully, in order to suppress Li Ji's prestige.

When Liubu doesn't listen to your order, do you still have the face to continue to stay in Shangshu Province?

Looking at the Prime Minister of the Manchu Dynasty, Gao Jifu is now determined to kill the thief, unable to recover, it looks like he won't live long.

Only Li Ji controls the important place of Shangshu Province, which makes Chu Suiliang and others quite anxious.

Zhongshu and his subordinates are planning agencies and auditing agencies, and these decrees are ultimately implemented by the Ministry of Ministers.

In such a situation, if Li Ji gets stuck in Shangshu Province to make a decree that is beneficial to Changsun Wuji and others, no matter how good the method is, it will come to naught.

This is the beauty of the three provinces.

Li Ji said indifferently: "A hundred cavalry is a hundred cavalry, and the Ministry of War is the Ministry of War. I read the atlas of the Ministry of War, and there are many omissions. If it is used as evidence during wartime, it will mislead people and the country!"

Cui Dunli said with a smile: "If you go to Wenzhou County like this and scold Honglu Temple, why do you ask the Ministry of War to do this? It's a waste of public money."

It's a crime!

It's not a small matter to be accused of wasting public money for one thing.

Li Ji said unhurriedly as before: "In this way, the Secretary of the Party Committee can speak."

The staff department is the department in charge of the atlas.

Li Zhi nodded, and later, Yu Kun, the secretary of the staff, and Chen Fei, the official, both came.

Cui Dunli said: "The British government said that the Ministry of War should personally investigate the terrain, draw up the map, and inquire about the news from all quarters. What do you think?"

Asking professional people about professional matters is a very high attitude.

Chu Suiliang glanced at Cui Dunli.

Cui Dunli nodded slightly, implying that this matter is safe, don't worry.

This is a meeting gift he gave to the small circle, and it is also the opening shot after entering the court.

This cannon must be fired loudly, and the explosion is so fierce that it is shocking.

In this way, Changsun Wuji and others will rely more and more on him, and others will also be intimidated by his methods, and they will have to think twice if they want to be enemies with him.

This is one of the meanings of the new official's three fires.

Yu Kun is one of his people, and there has been private communication on this matter, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Cui Dunli smiled slightly at Li Ji.

British lord, I'm sorry, I'm going to use you to sacrifice the flag!

Yu Kun took a deep breath...

"Your Majesty, I think this matter is very necessary..."

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