012: Boss, you are not human anyway!

Nami went to find the dragon alone.

It has spread all over the Cocoa West Village.

When many villagers heard the news, they had already picked up their farm tools and rushed to the location of the incident. If something happened to Nami, they would definitely find the dragon desperately.

However, when everyone arrived at the scene.

What I saw was a mess.

There were only countless scorched murloc corpses, and after observing for a long time, a broken fish skin was found in a pothole.

All over the body, only one part is still intact.

It is the nose of the serrated shark, the dragon!

According to this judgment, the village name only knew that the entire Evil Dragon Pirates, including the leader Evil Dragon, had all been killed…

The scene was horrible, but it was heartwarming!

“Is this what Nami did?”

“I can’t believe it, this is what Nami did, it’s so cruel!”

“Cruel, isn’t it cruel when the murlocs killed the name of the village? If it was Nami who did it, I absolutely support it!”

“However, for Nami personally, would it be wrong! Because there are still many navies at the scene!!!!”

Everyone was worried and went in the direction of Nami’s house.

They need to get that truth!

It is a kind of peace of mind!

And this peace of mind, only Nami can give them!


At the same time, Nami has returned to her home.

And her backpack is now full of gold and silver treasures.

These are all collected from the Evil Dragon Paradise.

After an inventory, it was found that the treasure was worth at least 140 million Baileys…

Nami was heartbroken to see so much money.

These are all squeezed from the flesh and blood of village names around the world!

“Ahem, leave half of it for the villagers of Cocosia Village. They have been exploited by the Evil Dragon Pirates for a long time, and now they urgently need a sum of money to stay alive.”

“And this money can completely bring prosperity to Cocoa West Village!”

At this moment, the venom floated on his head, and he resolutely said,

In the final analysis, although Venom is a cosmic symbiosis, and its genes are full of violence, but as a soul, Venom is a person who has crossed over from a blue star, and his heart is actually very soft.

And Nami is her own crew member, so there is no need to dig Soso.

Directly arrange everything for her, which is more conducive to future voyages.

Hearing Venom say that, Nami’s heart was completely released.

If she just defeated the Evil Dragon Pirates, it is true that Nami would still worry about the livelihood of the villagers in Cocoyashi Village.

But now, Boss Venom is willing to give half of Bailey to the villagers of Cocosia. What does this mean?

It shows that the Venom boss actually has a noble heart!

A pure heart!

Nami’s tense nerves were completely released at this moment, she directly pulled the venom over and hugged tightly…

“Thank you, boss!”

“Wait…. There’s a difference between men and women! It’s soft, but I can’t breathe… Oh yes, I don’t need to breathe! I’m a higher creature in the universe! Nami, go ahead!”

Seeing Venom’s disrespectful appearance, Nami stuck out her tongue mischievously.

He let out a heavy sigh that had been stagnant for a long time.

“Boss, you’re not human anyway, I can do whatever I want!”

Saying that, Nami went even further.

“Dare I am a pet with you! I’m your captain!!!!” Venom said angrily while being cool.

Da da da!

At this moment, there was the sound of oranges falling from the floor.

Nuoqigao has hurried back to his home, and accidentally touched the orange on the table, and this scene appeared in front of him.

Seeing Nami actually grabbed a human head and rubbed in front of her!

Suddenly, Nuoqigao felt terrified!

And Venom is not a human at all, even the shape of the head will give people a great impact, Nuoqigao thought that Nami was holding a murloc’s head!

How much hatred of murlocs!

Moreover, are the dragons really killed by Nami? ? ?

A question suddenly appeared in her mind.

“That…Nami, you really wiped out the Dragon Pirates???…”

Hearing Nuoqigao’s voice, Nami immediately let go of Venom, and Venom’s head was suspended in the air again.

Venom showed a row of staggered milky white teeth, twisted his tongue, and said, “Hello, do you want to join my pirate group with Nami?”

Nami said with a smile, “This is Venom and my captain, I decided to be a pirate!”

With Venom and Nami speaking one after another.

Nuoqigao suddenly felt like the sky was falling apart.

After a long time, he recovered from the dazed state.

Next, Nami explained to Noqigao her experience along the way, and at the same time showed her ability to burn fruit, and introduced the venom to Noqigao.

Only then did Nuoqigao know that Nami had encountered an adventure.

And the Evil Dragon Pirates was also led by Venom to kill Nami…

“Thank you Venom, thank you Nami, I’ll stay and guard the orangery left by Aunt Belmer.”

“The villagers outside are waiting for you, let me take you out!”

Although after Nami’s introduction, Nuoqigao has not rejected Venom’s pirate identity.

However, compared to being a pirate.

She is more willing to stay in Cocoyashi Village and guard the orange orchard left by her adoptive mother.

Seeing Nuo Qigao’s statement, Venom was not frustrated. He knew that Nuo Qigao’s choice was only suggested as a courtesy.


Under the leadership of Nuoqi Gao.

Venom is very Nami appearing outside her house.

Seeing the face of Venom, the villagers of Coco Yaxi Village, who have not seen much of the world, suddenly became numb!

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