Great Writer

Chapter 219: Author's Romance

For a talented woman like Liang Jing, let her write some works that play with words, or a plot that revolves around the feelings of men and women. That is what she is good at, but let her write something like "The Mob" which is almost for the human group. Sociological works that hit the nail on the head are hard for a strong man!

Of course, for those literati who are truly accomplished in the field of sociology, they probably don’t like "The Crowd" at all. They feel that this is a work shouting slogans, and it is not rigorous at all, nor can it be considered in-depth. But such a work has not only become popular among the literati community, but even after reading it by many ordinary readers, they are deeply convinced!

This is a very remarkable thing, because anyway, "The Crowd" can still be regarded as an academic work, and often such works are not satisfactory in terms of sales.

But the sales of "The Crowd" has surprised many people!

After its reputation was completely fermented and its influence in the literati community broke out, it even attracted many ordinary readers to be interested in this work, and then they generously donated their money and chose to follow the trend to buy this work, and it turned out that there were not many obstacles. After reading this work, of course it was also quite rewarding.

Obviously, this is because "The Crowd" is actually not deliberately cryptic, and it comes up with some confusing theories. It just draws conclusions on various groups and gives examples. This has attracted many ordinary readers. Seeing sadly.

For example, there is an example that is closely related to the lives of ordinary people, that is, it is rumored that a certain nuclear pollution will cause problems in the quality of salt. As a result, everyone is rushing to buy salt, and they don’t believe in experts to refute rumors. The more you have to grab it, because everyone around you is going to buy it. If you don’t go, wouldn’t it be finished?

In the end, the facts proved that this was a farce. The IQ of the masses was undoubtedly reflected in this salt-buying incident, and the salt merchants who used the masses' mental retardation to make a lot of money laughed behind their backs.

Ordinary readers, after reading "The Crowd", are not saying that they can avoid the lower IQ after joining the group. This person is a group animal after all, but at least he can have his own ability to think independently, so that he can do that kind of group sex. Become more rational when acting.

In fact, in this era of increasingly developed media, the popularity of radio and television can make things like brainwashing easier, and when the Internet appears, it will be even more terrifying.

The speed of technological development of the Huaxiaworld in this world is undoubtedly far faster than that of China in another world. After all, on that world line, China is still in dire straits, and Huaxiaworld in this world does not fall in the empire. But it already has technology equivalent to that of the 1950s and 1960s. The Internet has already been used for military purposes a long time ago. Maybe it will be transferred to civilians in a few years.

It must be admitted that the rapid development of science and technology in Huaxia’s Buluo Empire is not only because of the strong national power and the emergence of talents, but also because of the current emperor Zhao Xian, who is a technology control, especially encouraging scientific invention, and more willing to invest. Those scientific and technological talents have produced an effect similar to "The King of Chu is so thin."

In fact, many technologies in this era are in a kind that can be developed vigorously by piercing that layer of membrane. For example, the Internet has been used for military purposes, but no one has ever thought that it can be used for civilians. And it can also make the whole world change upside down!

If Wang Defu knew that the Internet had already appeared in this world and had been used in the military for more than ten years, then he would definitely be the one who pierced this membrane!

As for how to pierce through, it is of course to use his works. Since he can write "The Crowd", a work that allows ordinary people to have stronger independent thinking ability and has a huge influence in the field of humanities, of course he You can also write a work that predicts the future of science and technology. Through the professional books in your mind, you can directly outline the details perfectly, and then naturally promote the development of science and technology.

Changing the world through works is perhaps the greatest romance of being a creator.

It’s a pity that creators who can do this are too rare. If it weren’t for Wang Defu to come from another world with more advanced technology, and he still has a collection of almost one world in his mind, then he would not be able to do this. .

For ordinary creators, it is a matter of self-satisfaction to be able to create a big-selling work.

At this time, Ling Jingsu finally satisfactorily finished reading this issue of "Shen Bao", which blew Wang Defu's "The Mob" into the sky. She couldn't help but happily embrace from behind her new work "Yi Lian Yu Meng". Wang Defu then said softly: "Silent, your new book "The Mob" is really amazing. The entire magic capital literary world, no, it should be said to be the Chinese literary world, has been conquered by your book! Even ordinary readers cannot Resist its charm, and its sales are estimated to be comparable to popular novels!"

Ling Jingsu made no secret of her admiration for Wang Defu. This kind of worship may become stronger every time Wang Defu shocks her to a climax in her soul. It was clear that she used to be so lofty, with spare tires, and countless licking dogs. The famous lady has become such a small woman now, maybe this is the magic of love.

When Wang Defu heard Ling Jingsu say this, he did not show any triumphant expression. He just smiled lightly: "If I can sell "The Mobs", it means that my readers are also a bunch of mobs. You may think that the mob is not a good adjective, but for creators, if the readers are a mob that is easy to fool, that is the most worry-free thing."

Wang Defu’s words are not wrong. Those readers with extremely high professional quality are basically the most difficult to serve, because they will definitely keep prodding, and works like "The Mobs" that are not rigorous will probably be sprayed. Nothing is good, and ordinary readers will think this book is particularly awesome and will never be out of date.

Because no matter what era or world, there will always be a scene where the group IQ has no lower limit...

Ling Jingsu didn't make a fuss when he heard Wang Defu say this. From the beginning, this man was the kind of creator who liked to play with his readers, but it is undeniable that readers read his works. , After all, it won't be useless except for entertainment.


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