Great Writer

Chapter 35: Have to serve

   Don’t look at the impression that Huang Kan gives to others. He is particularly sharp and loving. In fact, he is indeed a well-deserved talent in the literature department, and even has a group of young female literary fans in many local girls’ schools.

That’s right, even if he clearly opposed women’s going to college in "Xueyan" and looked down upon women’s IQ, there are still female fans. In their opinion, this is a man of true temperament, not hypocritical, how can you not fan Reflect the love and hate of women in their new era?

Moreover, Huang Kanna always kept the retro dress, and, in conjunction with the banner of Chinese learning, attracted a group of students who worshipped ancient times. They resisted the "New Culture Movement" and believed that the group introduced Western philosophy and ideas. Scholars, as well as the so-called "Enlightenment Movement", are all conspiracies to "change the summer with the barbarian". Since ancient times, China has been a country in the heavenly dynasty. Why should I learn from those imported products?

Fortunately, since China’s territory is getting bigger and bigger and becoming an empire that never sets, the high-level bigwigs always have a clear mind. They are not "meat-eaters who are contemptuous and unable to conspire." Under the will of the high-level, It promoted all of this, but it also led to the chaos of the current imperial culture and ideological circles, and the sharp opposition between the old and the new.

The so-called new ideas and new thoughts do not refer to cultures and thoughts entirely from the West, but scholars from China, such as the aforementioned Zidi and Ren Peiyuan, based on the philosophical thoughts produced during the Renaissance that was suppressed in the West. A new set of ideas was re-developed. The senior officials believed that the new ideas would be more beneficial to imperial rule, capital first, and scientific development. In order to maintain the country’s competitiveness, of course, they must promote such more advanced ideas and concepts.

This can actually be seen from the side. Today, Huaxia does not fall to the top of the empire. It is no longer the ancient monarchs and ministers, but the big capitalists with the highest interests. They are concerned about all the new culture, new ideas, New technologies, etc., are strongly supported and promoted.

  In fact, this is a very revolutionary role played by the bourgeoisie.

   The bourgeoisie will destroy all feudal, patriarchal, and idyllic relationships where it has ruled.

   It will ruthlessly sever the various feudal fetters that bind people to the natural dignity. It makes people have no other connection except for the naked interest, except for the ruthless "cash transaction".

   The bourgeoisie tore off the veil of warmth and affection covering family relations and turned this relationship into a purely monetary relationship.

   The senior leaders of the China Empire obviously felt that the empire they ruled was not enough capitalism, so they must vigorously promote and expand the market, and dismantle all the old things that hinder the development of capitalism.

   The Breton Empire in the West is suppressing capitalism. The other side is not a constitutional monarchy country, but still a feudal monarchy, as well as the religion of light...

   Therefore, regardless of the apparent strength of the two empires, they may not be at the same level in a few decades.

   Judging from the fact that Huang Kan can have so many fans, he knows that this person is really talented, so his appreciation level is naturally good.

   And why did he not look down on the vernacular like that before?

It turns out that this is also because the vernacular writing has only just emerged. Even the advocates of the "New Culture Movement", that is, the literary magnates, did not have any beauty in the vernacular writings. This does not mean that they are not good at writing. It's because they deliberately pursue the straightforwardness and understandability of the article.

If classical Chinese has been used in China for thousands of years, and its various writing techniques, rhetoric, etc., have been fully developed, it will enable the masters of classical Chinese writing to always write ancient writings full of beauty and charm, then Vernacular writing is now like a child who hasn’t grown up yet. It’s really hard to compare it with ancient writing!

   This is the reason why Huang Kan can despise the vernacular and admire it in such a straightforward manner.

   But now, when Huang Kan finished reading this "A Night of Listening to the Snow", he was in an unspeakable shock!

   Huang Kan even feels that his thoughts and concepts have been strongly impacted!

   Can you write this in vernacular?

   The vernacular can be written with such meaning and beauty?

   The most important thing is that he feels that if you write the same content in ancient and vernacular, there is no doubt that the vernacular is more powerful and more impactful!

   Of course, the premise is that this vernacular article was written by a strange man like Wang Defu!

   Although the vernacular is not concise enough, it can make the description more delicate, can make the whole article look more graphic, and make people immersed in it unconsciously...

   And the words of ancient Chinese do need the reader's ability to associate, and also need to repeatedly figure out, just because a word in the classical Chinese contains more content, it will naturally make the readers more difficult to read.

   This vernacular article made the mean Huang Kan regard its author Wang Defu as a strange man!

   He thought that the editor of "Xue Jie" had blown too much, and secretly swore in his heart that he did not intend to approve a vernacular article anyway, but now, he has to accept it!

   There is no way, until now, if he dies with a tough mouth and forcibly beat Wang Defu, then he will only lose his own reputation.

After all, this article "Listening to the Snow at Night" can be seen by all readers of "Xue Yan", and the most foul of the vernacular is that it is really easy to appreciate compared to the ancient Chinese, and everyone can feel it. It's good...

If Huang Kan insists on saying that it is not good, it will definitely make others think that this talented person who admires Chinese studies has a literary literacy and is afraid that even high school students are not as good as high school students. However, high school students like "Ting Xue Night" the naked and showy writing style. Beautiful to the pinnacle of beauty.

   "Wonderful!" Huang Kan almost uttered these two words under the gaze of many students in the Department of Literature, forcibly maintaining a calm and gentle attitude.

These two words seem to have become a switch to end the pause button, suddenly making the atmosphere in the classroom become enthusiastic. The young artists seem to have forgotten how they mocked Wang Defu before, and instead began to discuss Wang Defu’s prose. , The vernacular writing skills demonstrated...

Huang Kan breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. Fortunately, no classmate came forward to ask an embarrassing question, that is, didn’t everyone still mock each other in a fancy way before, why are they all starting to study each other’s articles now? Is the change too fast?

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