Great Writer

Chapter 49: Resolutely complete

   When Wang Defu saw a modern and beautiful girl wearing a top hat, a pure white plaid coat, silk gloves, and high-heeled boots getting off the rickshaw, he almost didn't dare to step forward to confirm whether the other party was Chen Qingyan.

Just because this beautiful girl with long curly hair and obvious aristocratic eldest lady temperament is so different from his short hair, neutral, and heroic "revolutionary hero" image, which is completely beyond his expectations. !

  Wang Defu looked at the time on his watch, looked at the other party's clothes again, and finally walked up. He smiled kindly and asked as relaxed as possible: "Is it Ms. Chen Qingyan?"

Chen Qingyan heard this familiar voice and kind tone. She looked at Wang Defu, who was wearing a black coat, tall and thin, and wearing tortoiseshell round glasses. She hurriedly responded: "This is Chen Qingyan, hello Mr. Wang, I have kept you waiting!"

   When Chen Qingyan said this, he kept looking at Wang Defu's eyes. The two looked at each other, and the one who avoided him first turned out to be Wang Defu.

This makes Wang Defu feel very subtle. He is not a narcissistic man, but every time he looks in the mirror, he feels that from the most objective point of view, he is a handsome guy with top appearance and 360 degrees without dead ends. , Many girls can hardly look at him, often after looking at him, they will lower their heads shyly, and then continue to look at him secretly.

   However, when Chen Qingyan saw him for the first time, he didn't show any special reaction to his appearance. This made Wang Defu, who is used to women often becoming a little cautious and shy when facing him, was slightly surprised.

  Wang Defu is accustomed to the restraint and shyness shown by women. Think about it from another perspective. Generally, men are bound to be a little restrained when facing a super beauty. He always hopes that he will leave a good impression in front of the beauty.

   Maybe this Miss Chen is not too cold for a man of his type...Wang Defu thought so self-deprecatingly in his heart, but on the surface he still politely introduced Chen Qingyan into the cafe.

   At this time, Chen Qingle, who was following her sister, came here and saw her sister and a strange man from the back.

   Chen Qingle only feels that her heartbeat has accelerated, as if secretly dating a strange man, not her sister, but her.

   At this time, her admiration for her sister came to life spontaneously!

   It's no wonder that my sister has no feeling for the person introduced at home. It turns out that my sister has already engaged in free love with her home behind her back. This is really avant-garde!

   There is no doubt that Chen Qingle is a girl who likes to be at the forefront of fashion very much. The clothes and lipsticks she wears are always the latest.

But even so, the education of the family and school from small to large made her dare not touch the red line like "free love", saying that it would affect her life's happiness. "Free love" definitely does not have a home introduction. He’s right and reliable, and if the "free love" fails and is abandoned by the scumbag, then it's over, and you will definitely not be able to marry!

  Chen Qingle has always felt that her sister is the kind of girl who is even more traditional than her, and she has become stunned by learning. As a result, she never thought that her sister was more fashionable and avant-garde than her!

   Chen Qingle's curiosity reached its peak at this time. Even if she was found and followed by her sister this time, she wanted to figure out what a man who had a free relationship with her sister looked like.

   Chen Qingle is very worried every time he thinks of her sister's cuteness and blindness. In the future, the brother-in-law that my sister will look for is an ugly husband. That will affect her mood too much!

  Chen Qingle is a member of the Association of Outstanding Beauty and Extreme Appearance. He is happy when he sees beautiful people. Regardless of men and women, when he sees ugly people, he feels sick and affects his mood.

   This is also the reason why she only thinks that the photo is close to her eyes. Even if some other men have better family background and greater reputation, they can't make Chen Qingle feel "close to her eyes."

   This is actually quite in line with Chen Qingle's age. This fifteen-year-old young girl, in the future, if she likes to chase stars, she will definitely be chasing that kind of super high-value idol, a fan. Some people criticize these little meat idols for nothing but being handsome, and they also ask for fanfare? But for a girl with a stubborn brain, isn't it the end of being handsome?

   Chen Qingle walked into the coffee shop in such a generous manner, as if she had come here to drink coffee.

   On the other side, Wang Defu was already sitting opposite Chen Qingyan. He did not give Chen Qingyan a drink without authorization, but asked her for her opinion.

Chen Qingyan didn’t like coffee and chose to drink tea. When she ordered tea, she felt that this man really respected women and was as good as his own. Otherwise, if the other party ordered her coffee, even if she didn’t like it, it was to be polite. , Will drink it.

   The daughter of a big family, as long as it is not that kind of particularly savage personality, almost has a kind of elegance in the bones, and being polite, you can think of it as a kind of noble temperament.

Obviously, Wang Defu did not think that such behavior could add points to himself. Later men, making appointments with girls for dinner and tea or something, and asking girls to order their favorite food and drink is not a basic operation. NS?

After Wang Defu found that Chen Qingyan had little reaction to his appearance, he only felt that he was relieved, and he simply ignored Chen Qingyan’s unparalleled beauty, and even no longer regarded her as a woman, just as if she was someone who needed him to guide her life. Progressive students on the road.

   When a man does not treat a girl as a girl, he will become more sway and free, and develop his own soul attraction.

Wang Defu didn’t talk nonsense with Chen Qingyan. He took out the notebook he took with him. This is the material record book for his writing. This time he asked Chen Qingyan to come out with a very clear purpose, which is to finally perfect what he will publish in "Xueyan "The second work on "-"The Submissive Status of Women".

   "Miss Chen, please tell me about the girls' high school you are currently attending, and your desire to go to Soochow University, etc. You can speak freely." Wang Defu smiled.

   Chen Qingyan's words are the same as her writing, not verbose at all, accurate and refined, and Wang Defu is secretly shocked by the current education status of the first girls' high school. Is this the new style girls' high school of this era? Obviously, we are cultivating the perfect wife template for the young masters of the big family!

At this time, Wang Defu seems to have forgotten that he is also a young master. Such an education is very beneficial to him, but he seems to be an individual who has betrayed the class, and he resolutely completed this work and put it first. Time to vote out.

   The next issue of "Xue Jie" will definitely not reject Wang Defu's new work, which is famous for "Listening to Snow Night", but he is likely to be hostile by many male literati.

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