Great Writer

Chapter 73: Home

   Wang's Mansion.

   Even though the Spring Festival is approaching, the door in the mansion has been replaced with new spring couplets and blessings, but it still seems that the decadent and depressive atmosphere in the mansion has not been reversed.

  The reason is that many members of the Wang family naturally know that they are not the third young master of the long room, and it really makes the old man too angry!

Since the grandfather Wang broke off the money from the three young masters in the long room, many Wang's family felt that the third young master would be convinced to ask for money within two months, obediently obediently obediently obeying the family’s instructions, and hurriedly looking for the right young lady. Next marriage...

   However, to everyone's surprise, Wang Defu, the third young master, is like a kite with a broken line. He has completely lost contact with him. He didn't even have the first time to go home after the winter vacation at school!

   Until not long ago, only one letter from the Third Young Master was sent back. He told the family very formulaically that he would not arrive home on New Year’s Eve.

   This letter is like a single stone igniting a thousand waves, which once again provokes grandpa Wang into a rage!

   "He still knows he's coming back? Just don't come back for the New Year!" Mrs. Wang didn't know how many times he roared.

   Old Madam Wang cares most about his authority in the house. He manages the family like an army. As a result, Wang Defu's contempt for his authority has shaken his authority nakedly, leaving him dull!

However, from the bottom of his heart, Mrs. Wang still appreciates Wang Defu’s bloodliness a little bit. He always feels that although he dislikes this grandson very much, and the three views are totally disagreeable, he is afraid that the burden of the king’s family will fall on this grandson in the future. Body.

After the roar, Mrs. Wang said loudly to all the members of the Wang family: "Wang Defu must owe a lot of foreign debts when he comes back this time. No one is allowed to help him, you know? I want to see, he can be so hard-hearted. when!"

Mrs. Wang Defu said that Wang Defu is in debt, which is in line with the usual thinking of many Wang family members. In their opinion, Wang Defu, a college student who is still studying, will use what to maintain his daily expenses after being cut off from his family’s financial resources. I must have asked my classmates and friends to borrow money.

   So in the gossip of Wang's subordinates, Wang Defu seems to have become an unrepentant grandson——

   "The third young master did not arrive home until New Year's Eve this time. It is too much. The old lady said that he already owes foreign debts and does not know how many foreign debts. Is it possible that he is desperate and borrows usury?"

   "This loan shark is absolutely untouchable. If you want to repay Ligunli, I'm afraid you won't be able to pay it off for the rest of your life!"

   "I want you to worry about this kind of thing. This time, if the old man makes the third young master soft, he will definitely help him wipe his butt. He only needs to choose a right lady to make a marriage."

   "I really don't know what the three young masters' minds think. Isn't it the old lady who decides the marriage? What's the big deal? If it were me, I wouldn't be happy! Marrying a wife is too difficult!"

   "Anyway, I hate the Third Young Master, just because he doesn't come back, I'm a maid, I'm always angry with the old lady..."

The last maid who complained was Feng'er, and she was considered to be the more respected maid in the Wang family. She served the old man's daily life, but the old man seemed to be holding his breath because of Wang Defu's disobedience. If you make a small mistake, you will be offended by Mrs. Wang.

After coming down several times, Feng'er naturally hated the sting of the third young master. She did not dare to have any dissatisfaction with the old man, so she could only vent her grievances on Wang Defu. When other people talked about Wang Defu, she also Say a few words harshly, as if this is the only way to make her feel better.

  Feng'er obviously also sincerely believes that young masters like Wang Defu are typical unscrupulous descendants. They don't know how to be grateful to the family. They actually rebelliously rebelliously disobey the old man, even if they borrow money outside and never come back, what is it like?

   Anyway, Feng'er decided that this time the young master came back, she would show a disgusting look no matter what, and completely cut a line with him, so as to further win the trust of the old man.

  Time finally came to New Year's Eve. Wang Defu and Wang Mo'er finally returned to the Wang Family Mansion, but it was very embarrassing that none of the Wang family members came out to greet them, not even the next.

Wang Defu looked at the Wang Family Mansion, which was extremely disgusting and decayed in his memory. There was no fluctuation in his heart. Originally, he was an extremely selfish and selfish fake. The family blood relationship would not restrict him at all. However, his memory is really good for his relatives, so he still has some concerns.

When he came back this time, he was reunited with his mother, eldest brother, and second elder brother. As for Mrs. Wang, if he could, he would directly treat him as Moer saw that no one came out to welcome him. Wang's Mansion, she couldn't help but said worriedly: "Brother, this time you must have annoyed the old man very angry, and he will definitely not forgive you easily!"

  Wang Defu said indifferently: "What if he doesn't forgive me?"

Wang Mo'er was confused by Wang Defu’s words, but she changed her mind and found out that her third young master did have the capital to say this, because the manuscript fee he earned through writing was enough for him to be independent, and even to raise a sister like her. , Are more than enough.

   This involuntarily made Wang Mo'er feel proud, proud of her very close third master.

The days when she lived with the three young masters were also the days when Wang Mo'er felt the most relaxed and happy, because her three young masters never had the pretense of a master, and she truly regarded her as a younger sister to love her, and she still did not learn from the three young masters. With little cultural knowledge, I broadened my horizons, and gradually discovered that for girls, marrying a loved one is not the only destination.

   Just living with the three young masters in a relaxed and happy life, isn’t it also a perfect home?

If Wang Moer used all kinds of efforts to practice bride practice, to do things calmly, and to win the trust of Wu's family, the purpose was to marry a beloved, then all she is trying to do now is to not be separated from the three young masters. She really likes the life with the three young masters before—easy, happy, and secretly drawing comics.

At this time, although no one came out to greet him, the news of Wang Defu’s return has spread throughout the family in an instant. What all the Wangs did not expect was that Wang Defu, the third young master of the long house, who was considered to have been "indebted", even carried it with him. Come back with a lot of new year's goods!

  The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the latest black and white TV set!

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