Great Writer

Chapter 90: Mo Hui

Wang Defu’s "Dragon Head" was originally planned to be serialized in Mordu's local best-selling magazines, such as "Happy" and "Xinsheng", but he learned about the strict requirements of Mordu's best-selling magazines for serialized works. , He dispelled the idea.

Obviously, Modu’s best-selling magazines, the works on which readers are extremely eager to read, are often the editor in charge and the author discussing the content to be serialized next to ensure that the content will continue to be liked by readers. To a large extent prevent the author from letting himself go.

Such "strict requirements" are too harsh for Wang Defu, who is always on the verge of being a self-healing author. Of course, there are many plots that make readers enjoyable in his "Dragon Head". There will also be parts that make readers want to scold his mother after reading them, but he believes that these parts must not be modified, otherwise his work will lose its soul and become a work with only entertainment value.

However, not all editors are Ling Jingsu. They can be so tolerant of Wang Defu. Instead, they will be the editors of the best-selling magazines. They will never agree with Wang Defu to write stories that kneel down on the real story. Even if they do, they will never make them. Published, and Wang Defu, who is still the newcomer author, must not be able to defy the will of these editors.

At the same time, after reading the works in "Happy" and "Xinsheng" magazines, Wang Defu felt that the realist underworld novels he wanted to write were incompatible with the novels of the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School that he loved to love. The former was quite a man. The latter all kinds of powdered gas.

   He is confident that his new novel can become a best-seller, but if it is put in a magazine, it may be broken because of the discrepancy among the readers.

   This is probably like an old white article posted by later generations on, but posted to the Chuangshi Novel Network, isn't it looking for a flutter?

   This time he still doesn't plan to use his real name. His real name can only write that kind of particularly tall works, various essays, essays, essays, academic works, etc.

Of course, I won’t use "Ms. Yiren" again. No way. This "Leading Head" is really a man. It can be said to be a "men’s bible." "Just go to write Wenqing to death works, this is also very female.

He is going to take a new pen name to write popular novels that can sell well. Anyway, the pursuit of best-selling is the first one. No matter what deep meaning it implies, "Dragon Head" is a very readable and wonderful novel. It has a fluent writing and a sense of picture like a movie, but it will not be completely nutritious like a normal mandarin duck and butterfly school novel.

If you compare online texts, "Leading" is the so-called "Wen Qing Shuang Wen", a very fan-absorbing kind, and the reader's cohesion is very strong. With this cohesion, even if it is updated every three days, it can hit the monthly ticket list. , A typical example is "Zuo Son-in-law" by the angry banana of the great god.

Wang Defu directly named his new pen name "Mo 忖", which is a homonym of his word "silent", but also has a small connotation, which means "the pen and ink are thinking", probably to warn him, even if he wants to write popular popular Make money in a novel, and don't write it without thinking, and insult the reader's IQ, so he must think more before he writes.

  Since he decided not to serialize in the magazine, of course he considered going directly to the publishing house, and he wrote and revised the entire work in one go, and then published it directly.

   Such a decision is actually very risky, and even publishes at his own expense, if he does not have any contacts in the publishing industry.

Fortunately, he is not a completely unconnected newcomer writer. His talent has long been recognized by publishing figures such as Du Shuhuan and Ling Jingsu. He even got on line with the publishing house of the Imperial Capital through Zhu Moche. That publishing house may only be interested in publishing Wang Defu's essays.

   For many publishers, after serializing and responding to popular works in magazines, they are willing to publish a single book for them, so as to minimize the risk, unless you are a great writer with a huge reputation and countless fans.

Anyway, Wang Defu is preparing to make his new pen name "Mo Hu" into a golden As long as he releases his words, the new novel has been completed and needs to be published, there will be countless publishers coming... …

   But to reach this point, at least you have to write four or five best-selling books, otherwise why do people think that this is a golden sign?

   Time has come to mid-March unknowingly, the cold winter has left quietly, and it's time for spring to bloom again.

   Even though the university started much later than high school and junior high school, it was the time when Wang Defu's Soochow University started. He was also preparing to leave the magic city and return to Suzhou.

"The third brother, the movie I directed has finally been finalized, and even the release date has been arranged. Would you like to see the finished film first?" Wang Demin said to his third brother like this, knowing that his third brother will be returning to Suzhou soon. Quite reluctant.

Wang Demin found that he still underestimated his third brother, because under Wang Defu’s suggestion, the structure of his gang organization had changed, and even had a very clear theme. The "dog gold group" was directly renamed "Ancient People's Association" puts the people first and puts the people first.

Of course, Wang Demin didn’t just listen to Wang Defu’s suggestions, but found that his younger brother really knew how to win people’s hearts. The reward and punishment mechanism he developed even made the entire ancestors' association more energetic and motivated. The set of theories that came out pointed out the direction of the development of the ancestors.

   "Okay, let me take a look at the works directed by your second brother." Wang Defu responded like this.

   "Without your guidance, some shots wouldn't be so wonderful at all!" Wang Demin said in admiration.

  The name of the movie is "****". It is a colorful sound film, but the richness of colors is of course not as good as that of later generations.

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