Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 299: Ghost market chaos, strong law enforcement

The old man was really crazy. Not only did he tore his veil off, he also attacked the people around him. At that moment, the ghost market that had been calm for countless years suddenly went into chaos.


"Fucking, I thought I was too bullied, so I dared to do something to Laozi." A monk was attacked for no reason, and suddenly he got a lot of hair.

I don't care about the rules of the ghost market, if I don't take action again, I will be beaten to death.

The two of them fought against each other, and the energy splashed, and the surrounding people used their magical power to resist. The ghost market had many treasures. Before, because of the rules, they didn't dare to do it, but now they just took the opportunity to get rid of the fire.

In an instant, the war swept across the ghost market.

Everyone has ulterior motives. You grab mine and I grab you. Anyway, you don't want to exchange it at the same price, and you can get the benefits without a dime. Who doesn't want to do it.

As a result, the low-level cultivators are unlucky, and the high-level cultivators are the favorite.

Fortunately, everyone knows that this is a ghost market. No one dares to kill him. Robbing things is one thing, but robbing things and killing people is another thing.

Chen Jiu was not idle either, taking advantage of everyone's hands to steal treasures from time to time, and he took a lot of advantages like Chen Jiu.

"Bold, this is a ghost market, anyone who dares to do it, if you are shocked by the supreme power, you will all be suppressed for thousands of years without getting out, and you will not stop quickly."

At this time, the law enforcement officers of the ghost market reacted and shouted loudly.

The ghost market can exist for countless years in the current world, and it is naturally guarded by the most powerful.

When the supreme power is heard, a group of people stop their hands. Once the supreme power will awaken, the trivial matter will also become a major event. When the time comes, the anger of the supreme power will not be subdued, and no one should think about it. , Maybe even everyone present was erased.

The situation is under control. The law enforcers of the ghost market only breathed a sigh of relief, but it was ugly for many years. Some people have forgotten the majesty of the ghost market and the brutality of the ghost market.

Looking at the ancestor of the earth evil who is still constantly attacking. The four ghost city law enforcers used the tactics, and a bronze mirror appeared above the ghost city. The bronze mirror emitted a blue light, and instantly immobilized the ancestor of the evil spirit.

This is the ancestor of the earth evil, actually being held down by a bronze mirror, it seems that this bronze mirror is an incredible treasure.

"What the **** is going on?" A law enforcement officer with a blue light all over stood up and said.

This is a strong man who has trained in Tiangang.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one knows why the ghost market will riot in an instant.

As for some of Huang An's victims. At this time, it’s even more of an ostrich. This time the trouble is big, and it actually caused a riot in the ghost market. The ghost city is in need of murder and power. This time it is more or less related to a few people. This matter cannot be covered. How can you say it outside.

The Tiangang strong man walked up to the old man, pressed a hand to his forehead, and his expression changed: "This old man's spirit has been destroyed, and he has to wait until he is cured in the coming year to know the reason."

So far, the ghost market has temporarily become an unsolved mystery.

A monk who seemed to have only the realm of will came out. He bowed respectfully to the law enforcement of the ghost city: "My lord, I was in chaos before, and my treasure was stolen by this group of seniors. Please let the adults call the shots."

The tactics in the hands of the strong Tiangang changed, the bronze mirror brilliance in the sky flashed, the old man had been taken away, and the brilliance was still projected on the ground, forming a circle.

Everyone has to walk through that aperture and hand over everything that does not belong to them.

The situation is stronger than that of people, and everyone has no choice but to step forward and hand over the treasure. But he hated the kid who just complained to death.

With a treasure placed in front, many treasures were retrieved. Only the treasures of the four monks still have no shadows.

Monk Tiangang glanced at the crowd coldly: "Do you have a fluke in your heart? Now hand it over. I don't know the past. Once this treasure mirror comes out, I will immediately rectify the Fa."

Looking at the four people in front of him, Chen Jiu's heart moved. It seemed that these four hapless ghosts had been snatched by him, and their things were in his own universe bag.

Thoughts turned, everything was thrown into the small world.

"Well, well, I didn't expect to see the coffin without crying. Since some people don't cooperate, please trouble everyone to go through it," the law enforcement officer said.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they didn't dare to resist. You must know that this is the territory of others, and God knows how many strong people are hidden here.

The law enforcement officer looked at the four people: "You give me the image of the lost treasure."

The four people handed over the images obediently and stood aside. Now this matter is beyond their control.

The law enforcement officer input consciousness into the bronze mirror, and then waved his hand: "Please walk one by one. As long as there are a few missing treasures, the bronze mirror will immediately hold them and there is no escape."

At this point, the law enforcement officer showed a cold smile.

Seeing that blood was really going to be splashed on the spot today, everyone checked and confirmed that there was no extra treasure on their bodies, but they began to gloat again, ready to watch the excitement.

A person walked out, Chen Jiu's turn, Chen Jiu had to bite the bullet and go out.

Not afraid of the treasure being discovered, but afraid that the eight guys will stare at themselves, none of these guys are fuel-efficient lamps.

Sure enough, although this bronze mirror is powerful, it is useless in the face of the small world.

Everyone walked through it again, but still didn't realize that it was the law enforcement's turn to have a headache, and they had to look at the poor four people, and some even wondered if the four of them were lying.

It was impossible to think about it later, one person might lie, but four of them were all little monks, who would dare to lie.

"Well, you are really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, who can actually avoid the search. I admire it. This time our ghost market has approved it, and the ghost market will compensate for their four treasures."

The general said with a green face. This is a face slap, naked slaps. The things of these four guys are not valuable. Even the law enforcement officer has more hair than all of them. This is a face problem.

The general inspected the surroundings for a while, and finally said unwillingly: "Ghost market trading continues."

After speaking, he took the four little guys to the ghost city.

Chen Jiu clearly sensed that a few auras locked himself firmly, this time he was really inevitable, and he secretly hated the four monks for a lot of things.

He also didn't want to think that if he hadn't robbed other people's treasures, there would be so many things.

"Boy, if you can get rid of my ancestor this time, my ancestor will have your last name" a monk said coldly.

Chen Jiu touched his head: "You don’t have to follow my surname. Just don’t follow me. We are willing to fight and endure. We all agreed at the time. If there is a natural spiritual treasure in the stone, I can still ask you. How about it? But now that there is no innate spirit treasure in it, you shouldn't trouble me either."

The ancestor touched his head: "This is reasonable, but it was just like this by your junior. Where can I put my face on, ancestor".

"Halo, it's face problem again" Chen Jiu was helpless, **** face.

These old guys have lived for so many years, how come this face problem is that they can't let go, the older they are, the more they love face.

The higher the cultivation base of the monks, apart from the eternal immortal life and the supreme great path, it is worthy of their attention.

Huang Anyin stared at Chen Jiu fiercely: " I don’t hide from you, I am a disciple of Tianjimen, don’t even think about running away, no matter where you go, I can find it. You, these seniors here are not vegetarians. If you hand over all the treasures of your whole body, we can let you go."

Chen Jiu smiled bitterly and patted her body: "Look at me now, where I am going to hand over the treasure."

Another ancestor looked at Chen Jiu with his eyes shining: "I didn't expect this kid to have a magic weapon of space, and I don't want other magic weapons, I need this magic weapon of space".

"I want to be beautiful, this space magic weapon is mine" another black-clothed humanity said.

Chen Jiu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. Before he caught himself, he had to distribute the treasure.

"I said, seniors, you see that my body is like a space magic weapon. I can't give it to you. Please stop pestering me. Those treasures have been taken by my accomplices."

"Do you still have accomplices?" Huang An exclaimed.

The ancestors patrolled Chen Jiu's body, trying to see what seemed like a magic weapon in space. (To be continued) ()

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