Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 403: The servant of the gift sword hangs at the gate

"Teacher, we will be colleagues in the future. We need to take care of me to promote the prosperity of the Great Zhou Dynasty." Chen Jiu smiled like a little fox. The aggressiveness that was previously in the hall has disappeared, as if it was another person. Like.

"Naturally, Taibai is a young hero with a weak crown. In the future, my Great Zhou Dynasty will rely on you as the pillars for support." Taishi's face was all kind.

Chen Jiu smiled, nodded and looked at those generals: "Let's go, we will have more days with Taishi in the future."

Needless to say, the soldiers were afraid of the Taishi, and they were busy agreeing at this time.

A group of people walked out of the palace, and someone behind them said: "Chen Taibai, let's take a little first."

The voice is deep, but there is a hint of sharpness that is not easy to be noticed.

"Oh, it turns out to be Ma Nei Ma, I don't know what the Ma Nei Ma asked me to do?" Chen Jiuyi turned around and found that it was Ma Rui who stopped him.

Behind Ma Rui were two little eunuchs, the eunuch's palm holding a tray.

"Since Young Master Chen has been sealed, he should naturally receive a seal of honor."

Chen Jiu understood that these people should be proof of his own identity.

The three strangers behind Chen Jiu came over and took over the items for Chen Jiu, "Thank you, Lord Ma."

The **** who can't offend the most in the world is not only vicious, but also must be reported for his teeth, especially the big **** next to the emperor.

Ma Rui didn't dare to entrust him. He was the emperor who knew Chen Jiu's attention best, and he smiled and said, "Congratulations, Master Chen for his step to the sky."

Chen Jiu looked at the palace in the distance, and a faint black mist hovered in it. So he said, "I used to have a magic weapon that I used when I was not enlightened. It has been brought up by my side for so many years, and it has the power of killing demons and eliminating demons."

With that said, Chen Jiu took out a peach wood sword from his sleeve. This peach wood sword was still refined in the small village of Forbidden Sea. After so many years with Chen Jiu, he has been refined by the spirit of good fortune. With the blessings, there is the supreme power of killing demons and eliminating demons.

Ma Rui smiled: "Master Chen has this intention. Thank you very much."

Chen Jiu nodded: "This sword is best hung above the gate. It can suppress the Yin Qi in the palace."

There are no treasures in the palace, and there are countless treasures to suppress demons. Although Chen Jiu said so solemnly, Marui did not take it seriously. But this is an upstart in the eyes of the emperor. Naturally, we must give some face.

Passed the peach wood sword to the little **** behind him: "Remember. Hang this treasure above the gate."

The little **** took the order and left.

Chen Jiu nodded: "This Hou is about to set up a banquet at home, and I would like to invite the maid to enjoy the light at night."

Ma Rui shook his head: "The palace is not outside. Our family still has to wait on your majesty. But you can't get out. Our family takes your kindness."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Jiu looked at the fellow generals present: "Everyone, I can't afford to invite you on the first floor for the time being, but I am preparing a table of family banquets tonight. I hope you all come to join us.

"Easy to say, easy to say".

"Definitely go."

"Although we can't slaughter big households now, it's not bad to have an appetizer first."

The generals laughed, and everyone turned and left.

Back to Chen Mansion and looking at the plaque at the door, Chen Jiu smiled: "It seems that this plaque in this seat should be changed."

As he was talking, Chao Xiaoyu walked out, "I'm going to Pingyang Prince's Mansion to pick up Feiyan and Runxuan, do you want to be together?"

Chen Jiu shook his head: "I'm relieved if you go, but you have to pay attention. I had a nasty relationship with Ruyanghou today, which caused him a big loss. If you run into him, you should pay attention."

Nodding towards Xiao Yu, he was about to turn around and leave, but he backed up and stood in front of Chen Jiu: "Your forehead is rising up with red light. It must be a post-appointment, and it is not too young. Congratulations."

Looking at Chao Xiaoyu, Chen Jiu showed complacency: "Not bad, the emperor is very generous, and he actually gave me a Dangdang."

Chao Xiaoyu was surprised when he heard this: "So generous, let's wait until I come back."

The two girls, Feiyan and Runxuan, were used to being wild. They often went to Pingyang Prince's Mansion, and they were both destroyed by Yu Youyu.

Speaking of Yu Youyu, Chen Jiucai remembered that he hadn't seen him in some days.

"Go and tell the housekeeper that I will be inviting guests tonight, and ask the chef in the house to prepare. Don't be too busy then."

"Yes, the proprietor".

It was a good thing to seal the Houhou. After Chen Jiu received the blessing of this aura, the good fortune in his body changed again.

In the secret room, Chen Jiu quietly closed his eyes and meditated, and the surrounding vitality swarmed, forming a whirlpool funnel.

The mysterious heavenly good fortune qi constantly flickered a little bit of mysterious light, causing the vitality to condense into golden flowers and land in the room.

Golden lotus springs from the earth, auspiciousness descends from the sky.

Chen Jiu can compress his vision in a room, showing that his strength is constantly increasing.

After a long time, Chen Jiucai took a breath and opened his eyes lightly. There was no vision, some were pure, pure without distractions, like crystals.

"If the road of practice does not advance, then it will retreat, as if sailing against the current." Chen Jiu stood up gently, the red and turbid air all over his body getting stronger and stronger.

Walking out of the secret room, it was already afternoon, and two silver bells were heard far away.

"Run Xuan, how come you girl is getting crazy, don't you come down quickly".

As soon as Chen Jiu walked out of the house, he saw Runxuan who was climbing a tree. It was hard to imagine that the weak girl who was like a rabbit before could actually climb a tree under the more instigation.

Chen Jiu had washed Runxuan's marrow and cut her hair long ago, and had created the opportunity of martial arts.

"Brother, you are finally out." Run Xuan simply flicked on the tree and jumped directly towards Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu had no choice but to catch him and hugged him in his arms: "You girl, why are you getting crazy?"

As he was talking, Yu Youyu was about to go away when his eyes flickered.

"Yu Youyu" Chen Jiudao.

"Yes, what did the boss tell me?" Yu Youyu stiffened when he heard the words, paused, and turned to look at Chen Jiu.

Runxuan made a grimace at Yu Youyu in Chen Jiu's arms, and looked at Yu Youyu crying. Chen Jiudao: "I entrust Runxuan to you, right".

"Yes,, right?" Under Chen Jiu's gaze, Yu Youyu's eyes were erratic.

"That's how you took care of Runxuan. You can actually climb trees." Chen Jiu's expression changed.

Yu Youyu grieved and said, "Boss, I am not to blame."

"Still sophistry" Chen Jiu said coldly.

Yu Youyu pointed at Runxuan, and then looked at Chen Jiu: "Boss, I have offered Runxuan as auntie's grandmother, but I really didn't teach her that grandma can climb trees."

Yu Youyu felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

Chen Jiuyi was stunned: "You are reasonable. If you don't ask Runxuan to climb a tree, how could he...".

"Boss, this is talent, don't you understand talent" Yu Youyu said bitterly.

"Fart talent, I'll settle the account with you later."

After that, Chen Jiu put down Run Xuan: "Run Xuan, girls are not allowed to climb trees in the future. My brother will teach you to fly in the future. Isn't it more fun than climbing trees".

"Really, but Runxuan is stupid, knows nothing but climbing trees."

Chen Jiu was speechless, early education is very important, and gave Yu Youyu a fierce look: "Do you like Dao Fa or Martial Dao ~ ~ Dao Fa" Run Xuan gave birth to life.

Chen Jiu looked at Feiyan who was sitting quietly on the side: "Little Yanzi, do you like Taoism or Martial Arts".

"I also like Taoism." Feiyan is more sensible than Runxuan. This child was educated by Uncle Liu since he was a child, and he has seen all kinds of people, and he is very thoughtful.

Looking at Shen Luoying in Yisheng's red skirt, Chen Jiuyi smiled: "The princess loves red the most. It seems that the princess has never changed clothes in other colors."

Shen Luoying raised his chin, like a proud swan: "That is, the chief of this county practices fire Taoism, and I like red the most, but there seems to be no change after this expedition. You are still immature."

Chen Jiu heard a black line, Shen Luoying was really cursing, slapped people and slapped people in the face. The slow body growth has always been Chen Jiu's heart disease. It is not that Chen Jiu doesn't want to grow taller and grow up. Let it grow on its own, or there will be defects in the future.

Small defects in the beginning of the practice are not terrible, but any defects in the final sermon are fatal. (To be continued...) ()

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