Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 494: Big dream 0 autumn

Chen Jiu is not a fool. Cheng Huang, an old fried dough stick who doesn’t know how many years he has lived, is not even a fool. He naturally knows the twists and turns. Chen Jiu, as the court’s lord, no, it should be said that he is a prince. The danger of clan wars comes to seize the power of incense.

"Master Chenghuang should also know that this king had some change in the ancient heaven 3,000 years ago, and only recently returned to the Central Territory. I didn't expect this strong incense will power to wrap me firmly, this incense will power to others. It is said to be a great tonic, a **** of cultivation, but for me, this power of willingness is poison."

Having said this, Chen Jiu paused: "My lord should know what this king means."

The city **** nodded: "The prince's suffering is naturally known, but the prince has thought about it. Even if the prince was calculated by others, but now the incense power of the gods and gods in Yuzhou City is drastically reduced, the official is helpless and has to give You are the next one to explain."

Chen Jiu touched the tea cup in his hand and looked at the Niu Ding behind him and said, "Master Chenghuang is joking. You don't know the distribution of this king's power. How can I find out the murderer, even if this king wants to find out? There is no way to start, the intention is weak."

Chenghuang had a headache when he heard that it was not a normal headache, it was quite a headache.

Chen Jiu's identity is not simple, it can be said to be one of the best in the human race, plus Chen Jiu's proud young boy, being able to come here to negotiate with him is enough to save face.

But now that the matter has reached this point, Chenghuang is helpless. He also knows that Chen Jiu was wronged. There is obviously a flaw in this matter, and the flaw is not normal, but it is difficult for the Shinto monks to intervene in human affairs. Now it's hard to get involved with such a heavyweight. If you don't catch it, what do you call Chenghuang? There are so many gods in this world, you can't be because of the gods of Yuzhou. Let's go to war with the behemoth of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Looking at the silent city god, Chen Jiu put down the tea cup: "Now I have all my energy on the one hundred thousand mountains, and you will leave the affairs of Yuzhou City to you."

The corner of Chenghuang's mouth was bitter. If he had evidence, he would have hit the door long ago, so he would have to wait for Chen Jiu to come.

Watching Chen Jiu get up and want to leave. Chenghuang hurriedly stretched out his hand: "Lord, walk slowly."

"Oh, I don't know what the lord has to do. Is it dissatisfied with this king's explanation?" Chen Jiu's voice was indifferent, and he couldn't hear the emotions.

The Chenghuang hesitated for a moment, waved to drive all his men out. Then to Chen Jiudao: "Master, you have to understand our difficulty is that the power of this incense is our lifeblood. If someone touches your lifeblood, will you fight hard?".

Chen Jiu nodded, his face a little slow: "Naturally, I am immortal."

Chenghuang said: "That's it, the prince must know that the power of incense is our lifeblood. Although everyone knows that this is not the prince did, the power of the incense is now gathered towards the prince, you say if it is you. You. What will it do?".

Chen Jiu tapped his fingers on the table lightly: "There are two ways, either the other party surrenders the power of incense, the other way is to cut the grass and remove the roots."

After speaking, Chen Jiu looked at Chenghuang, and two cold lights flashed in his eyes: "Could it be that you can't do anything to me?".

"Don't dare, I don't have the guts. But it's hard to say for others. Although I am a city **** in Yuzhou. I have limited restraint on my subordinates. I am afraid that those who do not live or die will cause trouble to adults." Chenghuang said unhurriedly.

Chen Jiu was silent for a long time. After a while, he said, "Make a deal with you."

"Also please the prince to come" Cheng Huang looked at Chen Jiu, his eyes lit up.

"I will solve this troublesome matter for the adults, but the adults will mobilize forces of all sizes in Yuzhou to find the black hands behind this scene" Chen Jiu's voice was cold.

Chenghuang heard the words and gritted his teeth: "Without the prince's order, I have asked someone to investigate. This time the other party violated the agreement between humanity and Shinto. It is really worthy of death. Once I find out, even the emperor can't keep it. he".

Chen Jiu nodded and got up and took a step forward. A golden bridge flashed under his feet and directly led to the outside. All the bans of the Yinsi Palace were instantly suppressed to the extreme: "I hope the adults can abide by the agreement, I am waiting for the good news from the adults."

After speaking, Yu Niuding stepped onto the golden bridge, turned and left.

Looking at the Jin Qiao at Chen Jiu's feet, Chenghuang's face showed a thoughtful look: "It's a bit familiar. It seems that I have heard of this thing in ancient times, but I forgot where I heard it. I am old and have no memory." .

Where did Chenghuang mutter to himself, Chen Jiu and Niuding returned to the manor, Niuding looked worried: "My lord, this matter is quite tricky, it's simply incomprehensible, I don't know...".

"Call Jiang Qianqiu to this king" Chen Jiu sat on the chair and stroked the wrinkles between his brows.

"According to orders" Niu Ding retreated. After a cup of tea, Jiang Qianqiu's figure appeared in the hall: "Brother Chen".

Chen Jiu opened his eyes: "Brother Jiang came just right, and Brother Jiang happened to be in trouble."

"Since I have taken refuge in Brother Chen, Brother Chen will just give orders," Jiang Qianqiu said sternly.

"There is a big problem in this king's stall. Brother Jiang should have heard of it." Chen Jiu poured a cup of tea to Jiang Qianqiu.

Jiang Qianqiu nodded: "Naturally, I have heard of it, but that Chenghuang should be a wise man, and he won't be embarrassed with Taibai."

Chen Jiu shook his head: "Don't talk about this, your big dreams may enter other people's dreams."

Jiang Qianqiu was taken aback: "If it depends on who it is, what cultivation level is, if it is the legendary power, or even a master, such as Taibai you, I will not be able to dream."

Chen Jiu smiled: "You don't need to be so troublesome, I just want you to enter the dreams of the people in Yuzhou City."

Jiang Qianqiu shook his head: "Taibai is disappointed. I can't do this."

"Your cultivation level is not enough?" Chen Jiu was puzzled. It stands to reason that Jiang Qianqiu should be able to do it.

"That's not true, it's very easy to do it, but Yuzhou City is guarded by a humane dragon spirit. If I dream, I'm afraid I will be turned into gray by the luck golden dragon in an instant." Jiang Qianqiu looked ugly.

Chen Jiu smiled: "I have solved this problem for Brother Jiang. As long as Brother Jiang holds my Wang Yin, this Dragon Qi will naturally not find Brother Jiang."

With that said, Chen Jiu took out his Wang Yin.

Jiang Qianqiu nodded: "If this is the case, then I will try."

It was night, Jiang Qianqiu sat beside Chen Jiu, closed his eyes, and held Chen Jiu's Wang Yin in his hands.

Silently, Jiang Qianqiu's dream of Qianqiu was launched, an invisible force enveloped the entire Yuzhou, the golden dragon of luck in the sky reacted instantly, with a roar, the dragon's claws passed through the void and grabbed Jiang Qianqiu.

Under this huge golden dragon of air luck, Jiang Qianqiu was like an ant at this time, without the power to resist. Seeing Jiang Qianqiu was about to cope with it, he saw that the Wang Yin in his hand flashed a dragon, surrounding Turning Jiang Qianqiu around, the claws of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon instantly turned into nothingness, a drop of cold sweat fell on Jiang Qianqiu's forehead, and the crisis was instantly resolved.

That night, countless people had a dream at the same time, only to see a golden armor god, holding a king seal in his hand, holding a big sword in his right, made a decrement: "I am the King of Ping and sit down Jiang Qianqiu. Yes, the prince has a purpose, no one is allowed to build shrines and worship day and night...".

Jiang Qianqiu listed many rules and regulations in everyone's dreams. After talking about it all night, the first **** crowing sounded, and Jiang Qianqiu's big dream came to an end.

Why didn't Chen Jiu directly impose the imperial decree, but used the means of great dreams to inform everyone, that is because there may be defects in the transmission of the decree, and these defects are used by others, which is a big trouble.

Looking at Jiang Qianqiu who was pale, Chen Jiu nodded: "Brother Lao Jiang."

"Taibai is polite, if it's okay, I will go back and meditate first."

Chen Jiu nodded, watched Jiang Qianqiu leave, and said to Niu Ding behind him: "Tell me the decree, post the things that everyone has told in the dream tonight as a list, affix a seal, pass Yuzhou, be sure to let Stop these boring worships."

With that said, Chen Jiu looked at the incense power around him, showing helplessness, and could only stare at the sky blankly. (To be continued)


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