Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 520: Knock off, punish 9 families

The name of the hundreds of mountains was changed by Chen Jiu, and it was considered as completely separated from the 100,000 mountains, the territories of the human race increased by hundreds of millions of miles, the fortune of the human race suddenly increased, and the power of the heavens was visible to the naked eye, and the fortune of the human emperor sky grew rapidly. The Qi Luck Golden Dragon suddenly roared to the sky, loudly. Pinshuwang~top~dot~small!~say~www~3wx~com

A mysterious will descended on Chen Jiu, which belonged to the luck of the Hundred Mountains and the Leyang Realm. Chen Jiu became the master of the vast land in Leyang, and he would naturally have the luck of heaven and earth.

"There are hundreds of hills in the Le Central Realm, and there should be a hundred mountain owners" Chen Jiu whispered.

Chao Xiaoyu's eyes flickered: "I am really interested in being a mountain king."

Chen Jiu rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, everyone has a chance."

After speaking, Chen Jiu looked at the vast land: "The most important thing now is to arrange the formation."

Chen Jiuli went to the Le Central Realm, and the world was shocked, but all this had nothing to do with the Iron Wolf and the King of Thailand.

Snow is sprinkled in the cold winter, Tongguan is the gateway to the Great Zhou, and it cannot be lost to the barbarians outside.

In three days, there was a big secret formation of the dynasty, enough for the Iron Wolf to go from Tongguan to the court, and from the court back to Tongguan.

Will the army that can resist the fierce and unmatched barbarians be weak? .

Tongguan is not far from Liangzhou, the king of Thailand. This is also an important basis for the Emperor to order the Iron Wolf to attack Liangzhou.

At Tongguan, on the school field, Iron Wolf was dressed in a military uniform with a big sword hung around his waist. The smell of blood kept wafting out, and the thin scabbard could hardly conceal the **** spirit.

"The King of Thailand is rebelling, and the Emperor has orders. I will wait for the Tongguan army to send troops to Liangzhou to counter the rebellion and tell this general what should we do?" Looking at the energetic soldiers below, the iron wolf's voice revealed a chill.

"Counter-insurgency" "Counter-insurgency".

All the wills are united, and the clouds in the sky are scattered by the blood of evil spirits.

"Go" Iron Wolf roared, without much encouragement before the formation, the declaration was as simple as that, just because they were the iron-blooded soldiers of Tongguan who had fought endless battles with barbarians all year round.

The army is fast. This is a real elite unit. There is not the slightest sluggishness.

During this period, the army was often harassed by the enemy, but all were easily swept away by the army, in front of the army. All power is small.

"Report to the general. We will reach the border of Liangzhou in a quarter of an hour. Liangzhou soldiers are on guard at the border of Liangzhou and can surprise them." A soldier knelt in front of the iron wolf on one knee.

The Iron Wolf touched his own: "A surprise attack? I am waiting for the gods of the celestial dynasty. It is a kingly path, no matter what obstacles he has, he will smooth all the way, so that the world can look at my Tongguan Defender. The prestige".

"Yes, the subordinates know their mistakes, please also punish the army," the soldier said.

"Hahaha, you are also thinking of my army, but I am not waiting for the expedition this time, but for the rebellious thing. I must be upright and show my power to quiet down some young people or families with ulterior motives."

After a quarter of an hour, the Tongguan army stopped, and the 300,000 army lined up neatly. The evil spirit was tangled in the air, and the murderous aura continued to condense, pouring towards Liangzhou. All the ghosts and gods retreated and the monks retreated.

The army had to stop, because the army leading to Liangzhou was firmly guarded. On the opposite side, a team of hundreds of thousands stood there quietly.

Three hundred thousand to one hundred thousand, not to mention the soldiers of a hundred battles. The two sides are a little bit overwhelmed. Liangzhou will lose, but the soldiers of Liangzhou occupy the place and wait for work. There are also the monks in Liangzhou who secretly help and occupy the place. It is dangerous and difficult to siege. Even if the difference between the two forces is half, it is still difficult.

The Iron Wolf drove immediately and looked at the border card from Liangzhou to other prefectures from a distance. His eyes shot out a divine light, and the sound was like thunder: "I am the guard general of Tongguan Iron Wolf. Today, I will come to defeat the rebels by the will of the Holy Supreme. Please also tell the general on the other side."

"General Iron Wolf, it's been a long time," an old man stood up and said.

Seeing the old man on the opposite tower, the Iron Wolf was taken aback: "It's you."

At this moment, Iron Wolf also felt quite tricky. The old man in front of him was not simple, but was a well-known general throughout the Great Zhou, who had made great achievements in the marching formation.

"Old General, you are also a young man. Now it is time to enjoy your old age. Do you think that a small state can withstand the power of the entire dynasty?".

"What did the general mean by telling me to abandon the city and surrender?".

"The old general is really smart. He deserves to be one of the most famous generals in the past. It is just that the general is rebellious. He does not know how to face his ancestors after death, even if he is worthy of his ancestors and ancestors. The general does not think about his children and juniors. When Liangzhou is taken down, what will the general do? Have you ever thought about it?".

Speaking of this, the Iron Wolf shouted violently: "This general's decisiveness and injustice, and the general trend of humanity, how can a mere Liangzhou can contend."

The old general was silent for a long time, then he sighed, and his back bent down: "The prince is kind to me, and I can't betray the prince. Although this Liangzhou can't be saved, I can hold on for a few days if I can hold on for a few days. Repaying the King of Thailand".

"Well, well, the old general is really high-minded. For his loyalty, he uses the blood of my fellow human race as a reward, dare to ask the general, is it worthy of the word human race?".

After finishing speaking, the Iron Wolf suddenly turned around: "You said, why do we guard the border in Tongguan? Isn't it for the safety of my human race? For the sake of the human race, I wait to throw my head and sprinkle my blood, but in the end, it is Some people's lusts died in an unknown battle, and they were ashamed of my human spirits, and they were intrigued by themselves. You say, can we agree?".

"No promise, no promise~~~".

The sound shook the sky, the sound spread for dozens of miles, and tens of thousands of thousands of people hit the ground with their spears.

The Iron Wolf suddenly turned his head and looked at the Liangzhou soldiers on the city wall: "You are soldiers of my human race. You should fight for my human race, instead of dying by the hands of your fellow men because of the desires of some people. Spread the blood on the real battlefield."

The 300,000 sergeants behind the Iron Wolf were terrifying, and they had already taken the lead, and coupled with the iron wolf's verbal disintegration of the opponent's fighting spirit, I was afraid that half of the soldiers would turn against each other.

"Shut up, Xiu is going to talk nonsense. When I was born in Liangzhou, I should naturally listen to the King of Thailand. The King of Thailand, the King of Dragon, dreams, and the saint of heaven, should be in charge of the artifact. It is our honor to fight for the King of Thailand."

The Iron Wolf turned a deaf ear to the words of the old general, just staring at the soldiers on the city wall: "Now surrender, and those who lay down their weapons will bear the blame. If you stubbornly resist to the end, punish the nine clans."

The voice was cold and shivered involuntarily.

Can the King of Thailand fight against the court? .

Regardless of what others think, you soldiers did not see hope. What's more, in this peaceful and prosperous human race, there are a few who are willing to risk their heads to cook food, and they are definitely full.


"Ding Dong".


The sound of weapon falling kept on, and in the blink of an eye, Liangzhou Border Pass had been taken by Iron Wolf.

"Open the gate of the the city" Tie Wolf said loudly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old general yelled up to the sky and killed himself with a knife.

The Iron Wolf felt sorry for a while. This was a real soldier. It was a pity that he did not die on the battlefield, but died under the conspiracy and tricks taught by the Great Master of All Heavens. It was really heartbreaking.

"Thick burial of the old general" Iron Wolf sighed up to the sky.

The soldiers around "Accomplished" saluted the old general.

"Although the old general is good at the human race, he is guilty of making chaos, and he should punish the nine races, the whole family, and none of the nine races." The iron wolf's voice was calm, but it revealed a murderous intent, and the leaves creaked.

After speaking, Iron Wolf sighed helplessly: "The old general is too rigid. This general gave him the opportunity, but he did not cherish it. Although the old general is worthy of admiration, the consequences still have to be borne, otherwise someone will dare to dare in the future. How to punish stubborn resistance."

This seemed to be spoken to myself, and it seemed to be spoken to the surrounding soldiers.

The strong wind blows the banners and hunts, and the border of Liangzhou is deadly silent. This is the cruelty of the civil war. As long as you stand in the wrong team, you will not leave the whole family. general. (To be continued...)

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