Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 532: Nail Head 7 Arrow Book, Negotiation between Demon Emperor and Barbarian Emperor

"Pan Dao suddenly remembered that there was a big thing that hadn't been done, so I won't stay here any longer, and say goodbye." After speaking, I saw the Yin Yang Dao man rushing to the distance quickly like a frightened rabbit.

Chen Jiu sighed softly: "It's a pity that such a lucky star has a misunderstanding of this king, and it is a pity that he is unwilling to put himself under his command."

"The prince, the subordinate knows the yin and yang Dao brother best, this person can't be restrained, but as long as he is tempted to profit and follow the teachings, the yin and yang Dao brother will naturally have a day to take refuge" The Bone Guru looked in the direction where the Yin and Yang Daoist was leaving, and said softly .

Chen Jiu's eyes lit up: "Okay, I will leave this to you."

"The subordinates will definitely satisfy the prince," the leader of the bone patted his chest.

Chen Jiu looked at the Bone Sect area that covered 100,000 miles, and the countless numbers that turned the earth into white bones. The bones are the only keynote of the Bone Sect, and they are also the aid of the Bone Sect. The more bones, the more white bones. The faster the monk practiced.

"How did your White Bone Sect move to my Leyi Palace" Chen Jiudao.

"Lord, don’t worry, the subordinates have their own care about this matter. This White Bone Hall is a magic weapon, containing a small world. If you encounter an unpredictable foreign enemy, you only need to control the White Bone Hall to escape from the void. This white bone, my white bone sect's small world is not small, so I can naturally hold it."

Chen Jiu nodded: "If this is the case, let's do it."

"According to orders", the bone leader, no, it should be said that the mountain master heard the words in his hands: "The elders, help the mountain master."

"Accomplished" everyone responded in unison, since they had already boarded the thief ship, they naturally couldn't let it down.

Chen Jiu waved his hands, and the Tai Chi diagram in the sky converged. It turns into a yin and yang fish, submerged in its body.

The sky was trembling, and the void trembled.

After a hundred thousand miles of land and bones, the bones palace turned into a whirlpool, and a storm was rolled up. Involve all the bones in it.

The "Boom" void was shattered into a big hole, and the entire storm passed through the void turbulence and descended on the Leyang Realm.

Chen Jiu had hundreds of mountains, one of which was called "Wanku Mountain", and the whole mountain was dug through by a fox, in accordance with the mysterious position. Dug into a big maze, if people who are not familiar with the big formation enter it, they will only be trapped to death.

Now the White Bone Temple has joined Chen Jiu's camp, this is Chen Jiu's direct relatives, and he has this causal knot in his hands. The evidence of life and death of the white bone Tianzong monk lies between Chen Jiu's thoughts. Is there anything in this world that can be more reliable than this kind of relationship.

"From then on, this mountain was given the name: White Bone Mountain." Chen Jiu's voice spread throughout the Leyang Realm.

When the disciples of the White Bone Sect came here for the first time, in addition to familiarizing themselves with the environment and setting up a large formation, they also constantly searched for the existence of the great demon hiding here. As for the great demon, that was dismissive. Not in the realm of the Great Demon, in the eyes of everyone, it is no different from ordinary beasts.

Le Yu Palace. Standing at the gate of Leyi Palace, Chen Jiu was silent for a long time looking at the rolling mountains and rivers in the distance.

Moving lightly towards Xiaoyu, he came behind Chen Jiu: "What are you thinking?"

Chen Jiu turned his head and looked at Chao Xiaoyu, his eyes blurred: "I'm thinking. What is heaven and earth luck?"

Chao Xiaoyu was taken aback: "Heaven and earth luck is naturally heaven and earth luck. Is there anything to doubt about this?".

Chen Jiu turned around. Sigh gently: "You didn't understand what I meant, I was thinking. How does this world of luck come from".

Chao Xiaoyu was taken aback for a while, but he hadn’t thought about it. Since ancient times, everyone has known that natural gas luck is gas luck. It has never been investigated how this gas luck comes from, why it is so important, and it can cause the world Family jealous.

"What do you think?" Chao Xiaoyu whispered.

"Heaven and earth air luck, dynasty air luck, ethnic air luck, as well as sect air luck, personal air luck, are all under the heaven and earth air luck, controlled by the heaven and earth air luck, if the air luck is gone, it will be unlucky to drink cold water. , Not far from Ying Jie".

Having said that, Chen Jiu sighed slightly, and said with a slight hesitation: "Everyone only knows how important things are, but don't know why. They only know that establishing a dynasty can accumulate luck, and establishing a sect can accumulate luck. If we can directly control the source of this aura, wouldn’t it be much better than struggling to establish a sect dynasty".

Chao Xiaoyu almost looked at Chen Jiu: "How is it possible? Even if it is a taboo strong person, it is difficult to get a glimpse of the mystery of Qi Luck. Perhaps this Qi Luck is one of the laws of heaven and earth, measuring the merits and demerits of all beings in the world. Cause and effect, above the heavens".

"You can explain the source of air luck by saying that." At this point, Chen Jiuyi smiled: "Qing luck, the law of air luck, to get all the air luck between heaven and earth, you can build the supreme heaven. This law of air luck is indeed unusual. ".

Chen Jiu turned around and walked into the hall: "Is there any movement from the court?"

"No, the court has always been quiet." Chao Xiaoyuwei followed Chen Jiu into the hall.

In a certain hidden space, the Demon Emperor and the Barbarian Emperor were sitting opposite each other. Instead of a chessboard, there was a pot of sake.

"I don't know what the demon emperor wants to do when he asks the emperor to come here?" The Man Emperor took a sip of wine and looked at the demon emperor.

The Demon Emperor looked at the Barbarian Emperor, and then looked into the distance: "What do you think of the Human Emperor?"

The emperor was silent for a while, and then said: "A generation of arrogance, I might as well".

"Yes, the emperor is so powerful, and there are people who are blessed by qi and luck, and everyone can't breathe."

"That's why we walked together and calculated the emperor together" Manhuangdao.

"How long do you plan to wait?"

"I don't know, the emperor's luck is too strong, relying on his own luck to force his fate, the law of heaven and earth, and the years pass by."

The Demon Sovereign remained silent for a long time, but then said: "I have a way, I can count the emperor."

"Oh" A light flashed in the eyes of the Barbarian Emperor, he was waiting for the Demon Emperor to follow, things were not that simple.

"My demon clan has an ancient secret technique called Nail Head and Seven Arrows. I don't know if Brother Dao has ever heard of it." The demon emperor calmly looked at the barbaric emperor.

"Hiss~~~ It's actually a nail-headed seven arrows, isn't this heaven-defying technique in the legend has been lost?" The Man Emperor looked at the Demon Emperor in horror, his face full of fear.

"You said too, that's just a legend, this monster will naturally hide this great weapon against the sky, how can it be lost" The Demon Emperor shook his head.

"With this nail-headed seven arrows book, the emperor will undoubtedly die."

"But" the Demon Emperor looked at the Barbarian Emperor: "This seat is conditional."

"What conditions?" The Barbarian Emperor looked at the Demon Emperor.

"You also know that this nail-headed seven arrows book is powerful against the sky and is taboo by the world. Once used, it will reduce the luck and cut off the path of spiritual practice. It will also bear great cause and effect, and will never turn back. This is the cause and effect. The demon clan is not willing to bear it." The demon emperor stared at the barbaric emperor.

"What do you mean by this?" Manhuang suddenly changed his face.

"My demon clan produces spells, and the person who casts the spells wants your barbarians to be better. You can't get all the benefits from your barbarians, but you can't do anything," said the demon king.

The barbaric emperor gritted his teeth: "You can rest assured to give the nail-headed seven arrows book to my barbarians, are you afraid that the next person nailed by the nail-headed seven arrows book will be replaced by you?".

The demon emperor laughed and said: "This seat is naturally guarded. You have a barbarian. This seat will pass the spell to him, and he swears that he will never pass it on to another monk, otherwise the heaven will be destroyed and the barbarian will die.

"What a vicious oath" Manhuang's face changed three times: "You have passed this matter a bit."

Seeing the emperor reluctantly the demon emperor's eyes rolled: "Well, as long as he doesn't pass it out before the operation, it's okay. It's a big deal for my nail-headed seven arrows book. You barbarians, this kind of heaven-defying spell really hurts the heavens and peace. I was given to you, I'm afraid you will not dare to use it.

The Man Sovereign looked at the Demon Sovereign, without blinking his eyes, wanted to see a flower, and said after a long time: "Okay, the deal, I will go back and look for a candidate."

The Demon Sovereign looked at the Man Sovereign about to leave, and quickly said: "Hold on."

"What else is there?" Manhuang paused.

"Human Sovereign is guarded by Dao Qi and luck. To succeed in the plot, you need a master, and a great master."

"Got it" The Barbarians replied and turned to leave.

The demon emperor looked at the scenery in the distance and sighed for a long time: "Human emperor is not so easy to calculate. It is true that the emperor is dragon, humane luck is a decoration." (To be continued)



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