Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 554: The emperor is out of trouble, failing to succeed

For the demon emperor and the barbaric emperor, the time with a flick of a finger is, for the iron tree hell, a breath of thousands of years.

There are only thirty breaths outside. In this illusory space of iron tree hell, I don’t know how many years have passed, the primordial spirit of the emperor is extremely dim, even if it is not the eighteenth hell, even if it is only an illusory hell, the terrifying **** law It is still trembling.

Thirty breaths have passed, and the 18 layers of **** have passed the thirteen layers. Xu Fu spouted a **** mouth, like a rotten old man, his whole body exuded the breath of death, vitality was not there, and his life was near.

The Demon Emperor and the Barbarian Emperor behind him were not doing well, their faces were pale at this time, and they looked like they were over-consuming.

The projection of **** slowly dissipated, the illusory primordial spirit slowly opened his eyes, and a divine light shot out. The humane air luck golden dragon roared and descended in an instant. Before the demon emperor and the wild emperor took action, the air luck golden dragon had already killed people. Protected by the emperor's soul, a real dragon roared around the human emperor's body.

"It's a pity, the success failed, thirty breaths, just three more breaths, the soul of the emperor will be left here" the demon emperor sighed up to the sky.

"The magical powers can't beat the number of days, the human luck is long, the human emperor is the most noble person of the human family, his luck is so profound that it is unimaginable, three breaths, it is a pity, the gods are so", the emperor sighed.

The primordial spirit of the emperor was ingested, and it was flawed. Naturally, it could not withstand the polishing of the three great powers. It was like a very tall and smooth iron block. Humans could never climb up. If the iron block has uneven holes, people will naturally climb up easily.

If the human emperor's primordial spirit is intact, this eighteen-layer **** projection may not help him, but the primordial spirit with defects must have flaws, and this flaw can wipe him out.

"Well, demon emperor. Barbarian emperor, this seat remembers you." After finishing speaking, he looked at Xu Fu sternly: "You traitor. You hide deeply. I have been deceived by you. You wait. , Even if you travel all over the world and turn the sky over, I will cramp you, and I will surely make you never live beyond life."

After speaking, the true dragon of Qi Luck carried the human emperor and disappeared in place. At this time, the human emperor had no physical body, and the soul was severely injured. Although the barbaric emperor and the demon emperor consume too much, their situation is much better than that of the human emperor. As the emperor, the emperor knows the best time. The emperor does not stand under the dangerous wall. This dangerous situation, the human emperor first thought of It is to return to the dynasty and regain strength, and there will naturally be a chance to concoct these three in the future.

Watching the human emperor and disappearing, Xu Fu and the demon emperor, the wild emperor's eyes widened. Everyone stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

Xu Fu didn't know where he took out the pill and put it in his mouth. After a while, he stood up tremblingly: "Don't worry. The Emperor will not trouble us, he has no chance."

"What do you mean?" The emperor couldn't figure out Xu Fu's words.

Xu Fuyin smiled fiercely: "The human emperor Yuanshen was wounded, and it was when he entered the void. The hidden child we buried back then should also be effective. I don't know if this human race will change the world and the world will be reversed. The chaos of yin and yang is the time when my generation is planning the heavens."

The three of them looked at each other and clearly knew who Xu Fu was referring to. So he nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. If you give the emperor time, maybe the catastrophe between the heavens will come again. A great battle is inevitable, and it will be difficult to explain to the people.

A sly light flashed in Xu Fu's eyes, trembling: "Two people, the bodies underneath have been severely injured and need to retreat and heal their injuries. They have to fight for their lives with the heavens, otherwise their life span will expire. I hope that after the poor road, you can listen. To the good news, I see the rise of the two emperors."

After saying "Farewell", without waiting for the demon emperor and the barbarian emperor to react, Xu Fu steered the distorted light in the void and chose a place to get in.

The Demon Emperor and the Barbarian Emperor looked at each other, opened their mouths at the same time, but closed them at the same time.



"You speak first" Demon Emperor said.

The emperor looked at Xu Fu's retreat with a gloomy expression, covering the secret, and then said: "This Xu Fu is not right".

"I have this feeling too, it's too abnormal," Yao Huangdao.

"Very weird" Manhuang looked serious, his aura gradually recovered.

"I know, to tell you the truth, the nail-headed seven arrows were passed down to the emperor by Xu Fu. These nail-headed seven arrows have long been lost in the blood of my monster race. I didn't expect Xu Fu to be a taboo of my monster race. Skill, he is not weird. There will be no weird people in the heavens." The demon king looked gloomy.

"Then you will leave him in Shiwan Dashan" Manhuang seemed a little puzzled.

"He is so weird. Instead of letting him out, he might as well stay under his nose to save him from making trouble for me in secret." After saying this, the Demon Emperor laughed and said, "You don't have to worry about this Xu Fu matter, this emperor will Staring at him".

"That's good." The emperor nodded, turned and left.

Before the altar, the Demon Emperor was left alone. Looking at the big sun high in the sky, the Demon Emperor’s eyes narrowed slightly: "The Dragon Clan actually dared to betray the Demon Clan. Humph, without the Human Clan’s backing, let’s see how the emperor fixes it. You, after a period of civil strife in the human race, you are too busy to take care of yourself, who will care about you".

After speaking, the demon emperor's body roared through the 100,000 mountains, and his body instantly disappeared in front of the altar.

At the moment when the human race, the emperor returned, Wang Mingyang of Yuzhou suddenly frowned, a calligraphy and painting in his hand was instantly stained with pen and ink stains, awe-inspiring righteousness flowed from the tip of the pen, and a good set of Danqing turned into powder.

"The monsters and barbarians are so courageous that they dare to plot against the emperor. Although the central dragon court is now strong, it has such a trace of exhaustion. The emperor is afraid that he has suffered an unimaginable damage. Further..." At this point, Wang Mingyang looked hesitant, as if it was difficult to stop.

After a while, Wang Mingyang slowly put down the Danqing pen, and let out a long sigh: "The Emperor of Humanity broke through to the realm of rebirth in blood, and borrowed the human aura to suppress the backlash of the heavens and the earth. How can our human aura be able to counter the Tianwei , The sky is boundless, and the human race will decline sooner or later if it goes on like this, so be it, the human emperor should also fall asleep. After the prince becomes the throne, he will settle the account with the monster barbarian and write it down for the time being."

After speaking, Wang Mingyang's eyelids throbbed, and he suppressed the impatience in his heart.

Li Ru was standing beside Wang Mingyang, with a lot of thoughts in his heart. Even the Confucian upright spirit could hardly suppress the messy thoughts in his heart at this time: "Master's mood has been getting more and more chaotic recently, and I don't know what major events have happened, Master. People who want to become Buddhas and ancestors like this will also be confused."

In Le Yang Realm, Le Yu Palace, Chen Jiuyi was wearing a white robe with a golden dragon embroidered on it, a dangling golden belt around his waist, and the dragon head shaking.

In front of Chen Jiu was a desk. At this time, Chen Jiujie's white palm was holding a long pen made of fine suet white jade.

The palm of the hand and the mutton white jade barrel echo each other, and I don't know which one is more delicate, or people with poor eyesight can't tell the difference between the two. At first glance, they think the two are one.

The rich ink slowly dissipated under the pen. Chen Jiu did not have the mighty but he had the power of the heavens. The power of the heavens was much more advanced than the righteousness of Haoran, and it was the supernatural power that could truly mobilize the laws of heaven and earth. .

As the tiny strands of heavenly power fell, this touch of heavenly power quickly concealed within the pen and ink, hiding in nothingness.

The power of the way of heaven is invisible and invisible. Among the heavens, everything in the world, the sun and the moon move, all contain the mighty power of the heavens, make the world, and dominate the operation of the laws of the world.

The eight characters "The mirror hangs high, the sky is shining bright" fall on the paper, without the slightest hustle and bustle of blooming algae, some are just simple and ordinary, like a simple paper and ink, a simple calligraphy and painting, but If someone offends the surrounding energy, it will trigger the power of heaven in the calligraphy and painting, and cause a riot of the law of heaven and earth to counterattack.

Breathing out gently, the space fluctuates slightly: "Remove the bad paw and leave the essence. I didn't expect that practicing calligraphy and painting like this can also remove the impurity of the power of the sky. It is incredible.

Chen Jiu put down the white jade pen and turned to face the Chaoxiao Yudao behind him. (To be continued)



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