Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 568: God Xiaoshan Lord, add power

"The remnants of the witch clan dare to come out and make waves. Today, the prince will completely punish you." The demon king prince has a grim face. Facing the disputes that continue from ancient times to today, I don't know how many senior heroes lament and bury in the void. In the depths of time.

"It was him that made our clan plan fail, and it fell short," the demon king prince said at the same time as the monk of the witch clan.

"One year old, one withered," a young Wu tribe said.

One year old and one withered, time alternates, reincarnation revolves, it is the force of time, and it is like the force of reincarnation.

The law of blood of another young Wu Clan is the law of the earth.

The cold light flickered in the eyes of the demon emperor's prince: "Great Zhou Dynasty Reincarnation Star Disk".

The heavens and stars revolved, and a strange plate encircled the demon prince in the center.

Lei Ze fought fiercely outside, alarming the heavens.

Le Yugong, Chen Jiuda waved his sleeves and released Chao Xiaoyu and others.

"How?" Chao Xiaoyu stared at Chen Jiu and couldn't wait to say.

"Great gains" Chen Jiu showed a satisfied smile, saying that it was a lie to be dissatisfied, and Chen Jiuxiao bends his waist with a thunder pond.

With a wave of Chen Jiu's hand, two figures appeared in the main hall of Leyi Palace, it was "Jing" and Yu Shenxiao.

"After the king has dealt with these two people, he will go to retreat and digest the income this time."

Chen Jiuyi waved his hand, the mana flowed, Yu Shenxiao coughed slightly and opened his eyes weakly.

"Master Yushenxiao, let's meet again" Chen Jiu looked at Yushenxiao condescendingly.

"What's your order for fetching me?" Yushenxiao looked at the situation in the hall calmly, showing a look of surprise, obviously shocked by the strange materials in the hall.

This hall is an ancient heavenly palace, and the materials used are of course extraordinary, all rare treasures.

"Clever" Chen Jiu clapped his hands: "Your **** Xiao Tianlei shot against this king for no reason, this king does not dare to forget this cause and effect. Therefore, the son was specially invited to discuss how we settled this cause and effect."

Yushenxiao let out a long sigh of relief, glanced at the "Jing" who was still lying on the ground, and said softly: "Since you have brought me here, just ask for any requirements. If I can agree to it, naturally. Yes, if you can't agree, you just kill me."

Chen Jiu nodded and did not directly ask questions, but walked slowly out of the main hall, towards Xiaoyu, Baigushan Mountain Lord, and Yushenxiao following Chen Jiu.

"How does the son see me in this happy state?" Chen Jiu looked at the infinite mountains and rivers.

The jade **** Xiaoliu frowned: "Here is ample aura and countless treasures. It is a rare treasure among the heavens."

"It is indeed a treasure land. Those beasts only know how to use the power of grabbing teeth and strong muscles and bones. Naturally, they will not destroy the spiritual veins here. Some good treasures have been preserved. You must know that this place was the territory of the monster race before. The clan is naturally raised, and most loves this world," Chen Jiu said proudly.

"What does the prince mean?" Yushen Xiao said.

Chen Jiu turned and looked at Yu Shenxiao. The eyes are shining: "This king is also considered a famous person with great supernatural powers in these heavens. Although these heavens have countless masters. But after all, there is a place where this king can stand. You see, this music center is vast, sparsely populated, and under the command of this king. Experts are even more pitiful."

What a clever person Yushenxiao was. He heard the strings and understood the elegance, and quickly said: "The prince's meaning is understood by the next. After returning, he will send the juniors of the sect to the prince to wait for dispatch."

It is a good place for monks from the sect to join the court. The position of the court and the power of luck are all things that everyone is jealous of.

Karma position can accelerate the speed of cultivation, air luck can make people safe from disasters, and monks can enjoy humane air luck. There are no bottlenecks on the road, and there are plenty of opportunities.

"Among the heavens, the only person who can see my eyes is Shen Xiao Dao brother" Chen Jiu smiled and looked at Yu Shen Xiao.

Yu Shenxiao looked at Chen Jiu with black and white eyes with big eyes. The situation is better than others. If he doesn't agree to it, he is afraid that the smiling guy will turn his face in the next moment. There will be simple people who can stand in the court.

"Okay, I should take it, and I will naturally follow the orders of the prince in the future." Yu Shenxiao gave a fist gently.

Chen Jiu smiled: "That's good, not just the **** Xiao Dao brother, but those who have talents in the God Xiao Tian Lei Dao, even if they come to my Le Central Realm, this king will not hesitate to reward, if there are five hundred gods When the disciples of Tianlei Dao join, I can confer the title of Brother Shenxiao Dao as the mountain master and enjoy one percent of my luck in the Le Central Realm. Even if Brother Shenxiao Dao wants to cultivate with the help of Lei Chi, he will not Will be stingy".

"Lei Chi" is the real thing of the ancient Thunder God. Jade God Xiao heard the word Lei Chi, and his heart suddenly moved. Although the innate **** Lei he cultivated was powerful, the progress was also very slow, and the speed was not as good as expected. If you can use Lei Chi Cultivation, it will naturally go a long way, and the innate thunder method will quickly become successful.

"The prince is serious about this?" Yushen Xiao couldn't be sure.

"A word is hard to chase after a horse, what kind of identity is this king, there is absolutely no reason to bluff you" Chen Jiu carried his hands on his back, and arrogantly came out.

"Okay, Shenxiao is willing to lead the younger brother to sit down at the prince to listen to the order" Yu Shenxiao clasped her fists and bowed.

Chen Jiu didn't expect Yu Shenxiao to promise so readily: "Don't you ask what your elders mean?".

"Lei Chi is important, even if you ask, it is still this choice" Yushen Xiao said.

"Well, well, the king added another general. From now on, I will pardon the jade **** Xiao to sit down on the mountain lord and give the name of the **** Xiaoshan.

Chen Jiu's voice fell, the heaven and the earth surging, and one percent of the energy of the Le Central Realm fell on Yu Shenxiao.

Yu Shenxiao squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the mystery of Qi Luck, and for a while, he understood more about the mystery of the Avenue of Thunder, and the magic was endless, and the problem was solved.

Chen Jiu looked at the Wu Clan "Jing" in the hall.

Chao Xiaoyu frowned: "You don't mean to bring the Witch Clan under his command."

Chen Jiudao: "Why not?"

"The Witch clan is warlike and naturally active, you are afraid that you will not be able to live in Le Central Realm," Chao Xiao Yu frowned.

"The Lich has been a mortal enemy since ancient times. Although the Wu Clan has been in hiding for countless years, it was able to fight against the Monster Clan in those days. Its strength cannot be underestimated. It is naturally unique, not to mention how the king has few soldiers. There is a lack of people who can conquer good fighters to open up and expand territory for the king and resist foreign enemies."

Speaking of this, Chen Jiumu missed the color of confusion: "I feel that the laws of this world are changing all the time. This world is going to change drastically. Before the drastic changes, it is necessary to gather fortune, cultivate hard, and protect yourself. strength".

"What should the Keda bully the Lord?" Chao Xiaoyu said the most worrying issue. The Wu Clan is incomparably powerful, not afraid of the Demon Clan, but afraid that the dove will occupy the magpie's nest.

Chen Jiu shook his head: "I have the confidence to control all dangers."

Chen Jiu's greatest method is to destroy the divine thunder. There is nothing in this world that the divine thunder can not destroy. The Wu Clan's body is strong, but under the divine thunder, it is no different from the paper.

What's more, now that Chen Jiuxiu is constantly improving, even if the Demon Emperor comes, Chen Jiu still thinks that he can deal with it.

Of course, if the Demon King had all his cards out, the result would still be unknown.

As for how far the real situation is from the imagined situation, just compare it with the Demon King to find out.

Chao Xiaoyu didn't say much when he saw this, and Chen Jiuyi waved his hand to wake up "Jing".

Jing's eyes slowly opened, and her big bull-eyed eyes stared at Chen Jiu: "You killed my witches, and my witches will avenge them."

Chen Jiu shook his head: "It wasn't me who killed it was you who killed them. If you didn't make your own clever message, how could they come to Lei Ze Secret Realm and die in Kui Niu's hands".

"How do you know that this is my Witch Clan's secret method, how could you possibly have noticed it?" Jing made an expression of seeing a ghost and couldn't believe it.

Chen Jiu cultivated Heavenly Dao, and he was the most keen on the sense of Qi. If he didn't notice the movement under his nose like this, he would have died for a long time.

"Have I ever killed you?" Chen Jiu asked back.

Jie recalled for a moment, it seemed as if Chen Jiu said that there was no killer.

"They died under Kui Niu's hooves. If you hadn't summoned them, they wouldn't have died." Chen Jiu sighed slightly.

Jing fell silent for a while, then shook his head violently: "No, you killed them. You led Kui Niu over. If you didn't lead Kui Niu over, how could they die under Kui Niu's hoof" . (To be continued...)



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