Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 578: Where to find the most critical tiger symbol

Chen Huan was dead, the human race was shocking the heavens, and the great emperor who suppressed the hundreds of races was dead, and the people of the hundreds of races sighed, that Gedai Tianjiao actually fell. This has to make people have a kind of heavenly night. Tan's feeling.

Falling and falling asleep are two different things. The most important thing is that not only did Chen Huan die, but he didn't even leave the remnant soul.

One hundred thousand mountains, the ancestral court of the demon clan, the demon emperor stared at the moon, silent for a long time.

"Father Emperor" said the demon crown prince.

The demon emperor waved his hand: "After all, the heavens and hundreds of clans are still your stage. For the father, we must work hard to retreat, and strive to get to that step as soon as possible. Go to my demon clan ancestral court to sleep, the world of the demon clan is still yours after all, you work hard Cultivation, don't let down the expectations of your father."

"The boy understands" the demon emperor's prince is rebellious to others, and has a heartfelt worship of the demon emperor, his father.

The Demon Emperor looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh destiny, as powerful as the human emperor, there is also a ray of life in these heavens, in addition to a deep sleep."

After speaking, the demon emperor's figure dissipated in the air, leaving only the crescent moon of the demon emperor prince looking at the sky, silent for a long time.

The demon emperor's words can be imagined for its impact. The father who used to traverse the heavens had such a helpless time, which made the demon emperor's prince have great fear for the fate in the dark for the first time.

The barbarian, the emperor's eyes closed tightly, and he sat motionless in his chair, and the ministers below remained silent for a long time.

"It is unbelievable that the human emperor died and his soul died. You know, he took that step and was reborn from the blood. How could he just die like this."

The Manchu civil and military hearts slandered, if it wasn't for you, the Demon Sovereign, and the sects of the heavens to join forces to plot against the Human Emperor, how could the Human Sovereously leave.

An illusory void. One side of the world is slowly flowing through, constantly absorbing the turbulence of the surrounding space to strengthen his vitality.

This is the place where the Supreme Master and the Supreme Master retreat.

On the top of a towering mountain peak, a thatched hut quietly stands up, and it still survives countless wind and snow.

Li Mingyuan stood respectfully outside the thatched hut and said nothing. With a cautious expression and no change, he was like a statue at this time.

For a long time, someone in the house said: "Mingyuan, what are you doing here?".

"Master, the emperor has fallen" Li Mingyuan said.

The house was silent for a long time, and then there was a sigh: "If the sky is sentimental and the sky is also old, I am a teacher to surpass this world. I did not expect that the emperor of the emperor and the emperor have fallen. You can go back. Here you are."

After speaking, the room returned to silence again.

Li Mingyuan nodded and left, passed through a stone gate, and came to the great world.

Upper capital, in the palace.

Ping Tian Wang Chen Jiu, San Gong Wu Mu, and various ministers gathered in the Prince's Palace. The atmosphere is solemn.

Wu Mu still didn't say a word, the man who held the military power. Too active is easily taboo by the emperor.

The Grand Master glanced at the prince sitting high, then looked at the ministers, and then said: "His Royal Highness's accession to the throne in three days is a major event of my human race. There must be no mistakes. Please do your best."

Chen Jiu was silent. And Wu Mu formed another scenic line on the court.

"My lord, people of a hundred races are staring at me. When your Highness takes the throne, I'm afraid that someone will come and make troubles and harm my human luck. Please take precautions early." A minister stood up and said.

The prince nodded upon hearing this. Look at Xiang Taishi and San Gong Wumu: "There are four great abilities here, even if the Demon Sovereign comes here, they won't get any benefits."

Speaking of this, Chen Gan looked at Chen Jiu: "The nine brothers have cultivated to reach the sky, and the universe will be powerful. When the time comes, I will ask the nine brothers to help."

Chen Jiu shook his head: "Last Lei Ze battle, I accidentally went through a trick with Gu Kui Niu. I was seriously injured and he was not healed. I was not able to do anything in a short time. I would also like to ask the prince to ask someone else, such as Mr. Yang. If Mr. Mingyang is willing to enter Beijing, how dare the ghosts among the heavens come here to make trouble."

The unpleasant color on Chen Qian's face was fleeting, and then he smiled without leaving a trace: "That's it, Taishi, may Mingyang enter Beijing?".

The Taishi nodded: "The new emperor ascended the throne to take charge of the artifacts of the universe, it is a grand event of my human race, and Mr. Mingyang naturally has no reason to refuse."

After some discussion, everyone set the tone, and then went away to work on their own.

In the palace, San Gong Wu Mu and Chen Qian sat opposite each other.

Although Chen Qian is not a monarch yet, he already has power in the universe and is naturally a head higher than everyone else.

After the meeting dispersed, the prince summoned several people to his bedroom.

The prince drank a sip of tea, then paused and said: "Several of the humeral ministers of the father's emperor's death, they made great contributions to my Da Zhou, and they are the backbone of my Da Zhou. After the prince became the throne, I will invite you all. Support and lining".

"His Royal Highness is serious. This is my duty as a courtier. I shouldn't praise your Highness so much" said the old fox, the Tai Fu.

The Taishi nodded: "Yes, I should serve the court for the sake of the Lord of Food and the Lord of Loyalty."

The prince looked at Wu Mu, and the old fellow nodded: "There will be something in the future, but please order from your Highness, the minister has no reason to shirk."

The prince looked distressed: "Several Aiqing, I do have a problem in my throat now, and I do not vomit or feel happy. If this matter is not resolved, I will feel uneasy."

"His Royal Highness, please come" Taibao said.

"You should know the foundation of my Great Zhou, Wen'an World, Wuding Universe, but now the divine artifact of Universe is missing, and the widow's heart is terrified. Several of them were close ministers to the emperor during his lifetime. Do you know where this divine artifact is?"

As soon as this statement came out, San Gong Wu Mu Ju suddenly felt a sudden heart, the prince said that the universe artifact is naturally a tiger charm, but there are also several types of tiger charms, but I don’t know which kind of tiger charm is missing. If that tiger charm is lost, The trouble can be serious. After this big Sunday, there may be constant storms. How can the tiger talisman suppress the Hundreds without conquering the army?

"There are also several types of artifacts in the universe. I have a little understanding of the place where the first emperor placed the artifacts. I don't know what kind of artifacts the Royal Highness can't see?" The tiger symbol is related to the survival of the soldier. Wu Mu, who has been silent, finally Can't calm down, showing a worried look.

The prince took a breath. He was really forced to do nothing. The loss of the Tiger Talisman is related to the stability of the country and the human race. If the Tiger Talisman cannot be found as soon as possible, it will definitely cause disaster in the future.

"Zheng-Suppression-Da-Jun-De-Tiger-Fu" said the prince word by word.

"What" several people exclaimed in exclamation, no longer calm and calm before.

Wu Mu suddenly stood up: "How could it be possible that the conquest and suppression of the army was the foundation of my Great Zhou suppression of the heavens and against the hundreds of clans. These heavy objects must have been collected by the first emperor, so how could they be lost? Your Highness made no mistake. ?".

The prince shook his head with a sullen face, dispelling a few people's chances.

He phrased slightly, and then said: "His Royal Highness, have you ever found all the places the emperor has been to before his death?"

The crown prince looked gloomy: "No."

"If it is an ordinary tiger amulet, there is still a way to replace it. A new tiger amulet is being made. Once the emperor and the courtier, it is not a big deal to make a new tiger amulet. However, there is no way to conquer the army's tiger amulet. There is no tiger amulet. I don't even know where the army of conquest and suppression is stationed, and there is no way to talk about the update of this tiger charm." Wu Mu sighed long.

"The rest of the tiger charms are there?" Taibaodao the prince nodded and looked at the Taibao: "You are the confidant of the father, do you know where the tiger charms are for the army?".

The Taibao shook his head: "His Royal Highness is joking. The conquest of the army is related to the foundation of the Great Zhou. If you were the first emperor, would you ever reveal the tiger symbol of confiscating the army in front of your courtiers?".

Not afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves. Once the tiger talisman of the confiscated army falls into the hands of the courtiers, the whole country will change its dynasty. The powerful army of conquest and suppression has always been the foundation of the dynasty, enough to sweep everything.

The prince mentioned in front of San Gong Wumu that there is really no way. The loss of the tiger charm of the confiscated army is related to the safety of the world. He has not succeeded to the throne, and his strength is limited. He is about to use several ministers to find the tiger charm of the confiscated army.

San Gong Wumu bowed his head and said nothing, constantly thinking about every place that the first emperor might have visited before he was alive, and then asked the prince to record it and send someone to look for it in the future. (To be continued...)



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