Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 589: Summon the sky thunder, the awake antique

As the four great abilities were tempered to death by the divine fire of the drought, the void seemed to be calm again.

"Where is the Bone Mountain Lord?" Chen Jiu stood in the void and whispered.

"Subordinates are here."

A white skull emerged from the ground.

With a flick of Chen Jiu's finger, a talisman paper fell: "Build an altar according to this talisman paper."

"Subordinate Order" white bones dangling the drawing, disappeared.

Chen Jiu glanced at Drought, and then at the great abilities in the void, and said hello to the Four Seas Dragon King: "Four Dragon Kings, please come to my Leyi Palace to sit down."

"Thank you, the prince for showing love, I will not bother the prince when the affairs of the four seas are busy," Donghai Dragon King stood up and said.

Chen Jiu nodded: "Alright."

After speaking, he said to the Hanyan behind him: "You go to the Le Central Realm and wait for the dispatch. This king will do one thing, go and go back."

After speaking, a golden bridge flashed between heaven and earth, leading to the endless void, without a trace.

At the Water Palace, Chen Jiu held the water shield and stood at the gate with a little hesitation.

While thinking about how to face Luoshen's gentleness that can sink all the men in the world, he saw the door creaked open, and Luoshen in a white shirt walked out lightly, his big eyes flashing, and a smile revealed: " Since the nobleman has arrived at the door, why he hesitates to enter."

Chen Jiu smiled awkwardly: "You have just arrived here, before you can knock on the door in the future, you are here, thank you for your water shield."

Chen Jiu smiled and handed over the water shield, Luoshen's hand and Chen Jiu's palm touched and separated. The soft touch made Chen Jiuheng's immovable Taoist heart slightly moved, causing ripples.

"Come in and sit down" Luoshen smiled sweetly, showing two big dimples.

Chen Jiu moved his fingers, and then said: "The war is not over yet. I am dusty, but it is not easy to enter the pure place of the Water God Palace."

Having said this, Chen Jiu paused: "After I finish solving the enemy, I will come over again."

After speaking, the golden bridge under his feet flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Luo Shen pursed his lips and chuckled. The voice passed into Chen Jiu's ears through layers of void.

Chen Jiu's complexion turned red, speeding up his escape, and returning to the Le Central Realm.

In Leyang Realm, the lightning waterfall straddles the void constantly, which is very spectacular.

Under Naleidian Waterfall, an altar is slowly being erected. Since it is an altar, it is naturally a sacrifice to the inexplicable mighty existence in the legend. That mighty force destroys all laws, so the altar can only be built with human physical strength, otherwise the altar will collapse instantly when the force comes.

Chen Jiu's altar is not very demanding. There are now many people in Le Central Realm. After being nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, everyone is strong and strong.

Three days later, a ten-zhang high altar was completed.

Chao Xiaoyu and others stood under the altar. Chen Jiu is dressed in plain white clothes and a hair crown. Holding a sword in his hand.

According to Thor's heritage, walking out of the mysterious pace, Chen Jiu moved his finger to outline a talisman in the void, and then he shook his hand and fell on the sword.

Chen Jiu's sword points to the sky. As I breathed, there were dark clouds in Leyang, dense black clouds swept across hundreds of millions of miles of land, sentient beings were panicked, and the little fox of Wanku Mountain lay on the ground, shivering.

Tianwei is so. A flash of excitement flashed in Bai Rui's eyes, and the person in front of him was still as strong as before, and for himself, it was beyond reach.

"Thunder God's pardon, punishment heaven and earth, sky thunder landed."

Chen Jiukou chanted the incantation, and the magic power in the body of the disciples of Jade God Xiao and Shenxiao Tianlei Dao in the distance produced inexplicable induction.

"Bang" a series of dense thunders pierced the void, straddling the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, and shot down towards the endless outside.

Foreign teachers are rampant, masters are sleeping, and countless people are rampant.

The Refining Corpse Sect, these prestigious big religions naturally have their own heaven and blessings, a small world of heaven and earth.

In the small world of the corpse refining sect, smoke and miasma, countless decayed air wandered freely in the air.

The disciples who were thin, as if withered, were standing or meditating in the miasma with intoxicated faces.

The atmosphere of the entire corpse refinement sect was solemn. Not only the head teacher of the corpse refinement sect died, but also the six sleeping seniors.

The corpse refining sect was sad.

In the face of the prince who is in the sky, the seniors in the teaching can fall asleep, but the current masters have no choice but to sigh with excitement and endure this wimp. As the supreme master of the heavens, when the corpse refiner has suffered such grievances.

The whole family of the corpse refining sect is preparing to work together to avenge the revenge. When the world suddenly changes color, there seems to be a lot of sun in the sky, and countless winding thunder dragons cut through the void, broke through the small thousand world barrier, and landed. In the Refining Corpse Sect.

With a scream, Thunder Dragon cleared the smog in the world, and the life of the corpse refining school disciple was also cleaned up.

The heavens can hear the discoloration, such a big movement can not be hidden from the ears of the powerful.

The thunder, which rains intensively, does not give the disciples of the corpse refiner a chance to react. The corpse refiner lives and works in peace and contentment. This is their lair. As the heavens have several great teachers, the one who dares to be arrogant and comfortable here even makes them forget Now, not all practitioners in this world will plan carefully, and not everyone is afraid of being contaminated with cause and effect.

They forget that there is another kind of person in this world, people call him Er Lengzi.

The rain-like thunder crackled down, ploughing the entire corpse refining sect Xiaoqianshijie.

The earth is bumpy, like meat that has been gnawed by a dog.

"Who would dare to come to my corpse refining sect to be presumptuous" a vicissitudes of life, with ancient aura, hoarse voice shouted loudly.

"The old antique of the Corpse Refining Sect has woke up, let's see how this kid responds." Someone gloated.

The eyes of the Demon King flashed with divine light: "Look at where your hole cards are. The price these sleeping old antiques will pay to wake up is unimaginable. Chen Jiu hastily awakened him, fearing that Chen Jiu's surprise will arrive."

The Barbarian Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly: "Old Antique, where are my barbarians now?"

Taiyin Sect, Yan Chixia and a group of elders sat respectfully under the palm of the teacher, looking at the endless void in the distance, where a shocking battle is about to unfold.

Yan Chixia's pupils shrink slightly: "I don't know how Ping Tian Wang will deal with this crisis."

The Taiyin Master couldn't see his face clearly, his whole person seemed to be a sword, his sword spirit was wanton, and it was impossible to look directly at him:

"Among the heavens, the most puzzling, the one who can't see the details is the Ping Tian Wang. Ping Tian Wang is a generation of Tianjiao, born out of thin air, and his peers can't hold their heads up, even if they are the older generation strong It’s also difficult to grab the edge. Watching him fight against the ancestor of Drought, he can overcome the old antique of the ancestor of Drought. Obviously Pingtian is not weak. Although it is not close to that step, it is not far. Let’s see how Ping Tianwang responds. If he can cope with the past, there will be another chess player in the world in the future. If he can’t cope with it, it’s up to Wang Mingyang to give up. Wang Mingyang is the pinnacle of the sub-sage. Since the emperor left, he He is well-deserved as the world's first powerhouse."

Hearing that his tutor straddled Chen Jiu in this way, a group of disciples felt a little dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to confront each other in person.

Going to the capital, Taishi, Sangong, and Wu Mu looked at each other across the void, and the Taishi sighed slightly: "Ping Tianwang is the backbone of my human race, but it is too frustrating. This time it will see how he ends up."

"Should we help?" Wu Mu pondered.

The Taibao rolled his eyes and pointed to the palace: "Is there anyone else?"

"Which new big Dragon Qi is not stable yet, even if it is shot, it is not the opponent of the old guy, not to mention the two are so dirty, I am afraid that the King of Peace is dead." Tai Fu said .

The newly appointed emperor is in retreat, so several ministers dared to make complaints a bit.

The crowd pondered, then their eyes turned, and they all looked at Yuzhou in unison.

In Yuzhou, Wang Mingyang held a chess piece in his hand, hesitated and said nothing.

"Teacher, will you take action?" Li Ru finally lost his breath on the side.

Wang Mingyang looked at the void: "My human race has great enemies, one is the Demon Emperor, the other is the Barbarian Emperor, and the Great Sects of the Heavens. There are countless forces of the hundreds of races, which can affect the whole body. Although I have the strength, but But he didn't dare to shoot at will. Whether King Ping Tian can pass this level depends on his own good fortune."

After Wang Mingyang finished speaking, he slowly dropped the chess pieces (to be continued...)



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