Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 704: From the Great War, Chen 9 scheming

On a cliff in the Qilu Mountains, Mu Qingyi's long hair is erratic, and the innate aura surrounds her delicate body. Most of the coquettish aura of the whole person has gone, and her posture is more solemn and charming.


   A silver-white spear lay horizontally in front of Mu Qingyi, and the strange feelings deepened between the two.


Chen Jiu was also sitting not far away from Mu Qingyi and meditating, saying that he was protecting Mu Qingyi's Dharma, but he couldn't be idle. If he could practice several innate bans, he would practice several times. Qiankun opened it to see if this place was really hidden inside.


   It didn't take long for Chen Jiu to open his eyes slightly: "How come such a big fluctuation occurs in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, is it possible that someone is working with the Demon Emperor".


   Having said that, after looking at Mu Qingyi, Chen Jiu hesitated for a while.


   At this time, if you want to go to one hundred thousand mountains to take advantage of the fire, the harvest will definitely be not small. The last time you raided the treasury of the monster clan, Chen Jiu's background strength increased a lot.


   But if it goes like this, what about Mu Qing's novel www.quledyi? .


Treasures are important, but Mu Qingyi needs someone to guard him. Since he promised to do it, Chen Jiu is not a gentleman, but he is a trustworthy person after all: "Forget it, fortune telling you, otherwise you have to be a demon this time. The clan’s bottom is upside down, so you can’t find it clean.


   said, just close your eyes and ignore it, not seeing and not worrying.


   Hundred thousand mountains, Shouyang Mountain God looked at the demon emperor: "I have three chances to shoot, this should be done."


   After the two sides signed the agreement, the Demon Emperor waved his hand, and the great demon behind him fled away, and Zhou Tianxing Dou no longer existed.


   One shot of the flag flashing with stars flew into the Demon Emperor's Aperture Point: "Please."


   "Please" Shouyang Mountain God's mana surges.


   The next moment, I saw the Demon Emperor's big hand smashed towards Shouyang Mountain: "Meteor Fist".


   I only saw where this fist passed, the streamer flickered, countless stars and phantoms were floating around the fist, and a wild aura emerged.


   Shouyang Mountain God does not say much. There was only one movement, his right hand stretched out, and the heaven and earth's vitality condensed, forming a big mountain, intertwined with the laws of God, and blocking the demon emperor's body.


   "Boom" the mountains and rivers shook. The earth shook and the mountains shook, and aura burst out.


   The next moment the "Star Reaching Hand", the demon king's moves changed again.


   The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand.


   This hand is not only to pick the stars, but also to smash the picked stars to the Shouyang Mountain God.


   This strike star picker not only has endless vitality, countless power of stars, but also the will of the stars.


   "This is the will of the Big Dipper Tian Quan Xing, and the projection of this star is Tian Quan Xing." The demon emperor's eyes flashed with cold light, and the demon emperor's strength reached the sky. But he couldn't pick the Tianquan star, it was the will of the Tianquan star.


   The will of the Primordial Stars, even if it's just such a strand, there are still a few people who can stop these heavens and worlds.


   "The mountain is higher than the sky" Shouyang Mountain God said lightly.


   The mountain in front of him was uplifted infinitely, quickly surpassing the extreme of everyone's sight.


   The mountain is higher than the sky, just a statement, the illusion of everyone.


   With this blow, Shouyang Mountain God used the power of Shouyang Mountain. There is a great mystery when Shouyang Mountain was born at the beginning of the Taikoo opening of the sky. Endless mystery can use the will of the earth.


   The two collided, like a stone hitting Mount Tai.


   The will of the heavenly power star is strong, but after all, it is separated from the earth by tens of thousands of miles of time and space, and the demon emperor is only relying on the will of the heavenly power star to cross this endless time and space. Too much has been weakened.


   Shouyang Mountain God has taken a coincidence. Shouyang Mountain is rooted in the earth. For countless years, he has naturally realized the meaning of the earth, using the power of the earth to confront the enemy and resist the power of the heavenly power in the endless starry sky. It's unusual.


   The next moment, the will of Tianquan Xing was dissipated, but the towering mountain rose from the ground. At this moment, time and space seemed to shake, the universe turned upside down, and the mountain locked the universe and moved toward the suppression of the Demon Emperor.


  "The galaxy is dancing" the demon emperor drank softly, and countless stars of the will of the stars formed a colorful ribbon, and you could see endless stars floating in this ribbon.


   "Lock" the Demon King calmly, and the ribbon in his hand grows in the wind, instantly locking the mountain in the void.


   Once again, all the wills of the stars in the ribbon are constantly fighting against the will of the earth summoned by the Shouyang Mountain God, and they are mutually obliterated.


"Zhou Tian star fights the big formation" The demon emperor’s body orifices are shining with endless starlight, and the hazy sea of ​​stars is projected on the demon emperor’s body, and thousands of stars revolve around the demon emperor. At this time, the demon emperor seems to be the **** emperor of the great world , The heavens worship together.


   Seeing the stars of the heavens and the formation of stars in motion, the expression of Shouyang Mountain changed. If you are trapped by the formation of the stars of the heavens, how can you win? .


   "What about Dai Zongfu, Qilu is not yet in youth" The Shouyang Mountain God has a large mountain on top of him, and every mountain and river collides with the stars.


   At the same time, in the Qilu Mountains, Chen Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt that the mountain under his feet seemed to be "alive", and a ray of will straddling time and space and projecting towards the distance.


"This Yangshan Mountain God is the first of all the peaks in the world. According to legend, all the peaks in this world are derived from the Shouyang Mountain Range. I don't know if it is true or not." Mu Qingyi seemed to be awakened by this abnormality and said something. After that, I continued my practice.


While Chen Jiu made sacrifices to the Universe Bowl, he was half-trusted in his heart: "The legend is not necessarily false. It is unfounded. This Yangshan **** can live from ancient times to this day, without a trace of the great power of the heavens, but he has gained freedom and freedom. If there is nothing tricky in this, ghosts will not believe it."


   Speaking of this, Chen Jiu looked at the distant battlefield of one hundred thousand mountains: "Neither guys are good guys, no matter what, since you are here, this king wishes you a helping hand and hurts both of you."


   The demon emperor is naturally invincible by the star of Zhou Tian, ​​and coupled with the racial luck that has never been used, the chance of Shouyang Mountain God is slim.


   One win and one loss is not what Chen Jiu wants. If both loses are hurt, picking a bargain is the best choice.


   The next moment, a ray of heavenly power flashed in Chen Jiu's palm, and countless wills of the Qilu Mountains were instantly mobilized, and the laws were condensed, wrapped around this ray of will, hidden among the many wills, and straddling time and space to kill the Demon Emperor.


   The demon emperor faced the mountains and rivers mobilized by the Shouyang Mountain God, and drove the heavens and stars unhurriedly, and all the mountains and rivers where he passed were crushed and turned into powder.


   But the next moment the Demon Emperor changed its color, only to see the will of a mountain and river actually chopped a piece of stars, shaking the heavens, and slashing towards the Demon Emperor Prince.


   That wisp of will brought an unstoppable, unstoppable aura, even standing in the center of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, still feeling heart palpitations.


  "Four elephants, earth, water, wind and fire" The demon emperor instantly changed his moves, and the power of earth, water, wind and fire emerged in the void, trapping the will of the mountains and rivers in it, continuously refining.


   Shouyang Mountain looked surprised. I don’t know why that ray of mountains and rivers are so strong, so I didn’t use any secret methods before. .


   Thinking like this, Shouyang Mountain God kept making moves, looking for the previous feelings, hoping to make a strong blow again.


The Demon King was furious and never dared to underestimate this old opponent. He almost overturned the ship in the gutter and was overturned by the other party. If you let the demon emperor prince not be angry, the demon emperor would surely face A big loss, the prestige of the Yaozu has been greatly affected, such as today's major changes are imminent, he can not afford to lose it, once the prestige is damaged, the future conquest will definitely have an impact.


   Race dispute is possible that such subtleties are the key to success or failure.


"Old guy, shame on your face, see how the emperor wants you to look good" the demon emperor cursed in his heart, and continued to urge the heavens and stars in a calm expression on his face. Twenty-eight stars flashed, divided into earth, water, wind and fire. The power of the four spirits.


   Of course, this is not the real power of the four spirits of the sky, the power of the real four spirits of the sky has long disappeared in the Primordial Age, and was refined and killed by the supreme power.


   The power of the four spirits in front of me is just a simulation of the great formation of stars.


   The demon emperor is blessed by the power of the demon clan, and there is a great array of stars fighting against the sky, why do you want to bet against the Shouyang Mountain God? .


Even if the demon crown prince has all the blessings, it takes a lot of effort to win the Shouyang Mountain God, not to mention the Shouyang Mountain God is the head of the gods, and the power of the mountains and rivers between the heavens and the earth, how powerful is it, also It's hard to say that once the fight starts, the Yaozu will definitely lose a lot.


  At this critical moment of the world's great changes, the Demon Emperor does not want a single loss. (To be continued...)


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