"Spirit Superposition"!

The spirit body of the god of death has limits. Even after mastering the swastika, under the action of high-intensity spiritual power, the spirit particles formed by the spirit body itself will undergo qualitative changes.

However, the limit... still exists!

This limit is the limit of spiritual power, spiritual pressure and muscle strength that the spirit body can hold. It is undoubtedly a barrier that the gods of death cannot break through.

It's different from Aizen Soyousuke's eyes who set the target on the "virtualization" of the god of death, thus breaking through the limit barrier of the god of death.

Affected by the memory of his previous life, Qian Shoucheng's thinking is undoubtedly more inclined to "loss more than make up for what is not enough"...

After being inspired by "Zanpakuto Muramasa", Senju Makoto has continued to carry out research on "spiritual body superposition" in the past fifty years.

In essence, this is the further development of Zanpakuto's power, using Zanpakuto as the anchor point, and then systematically complementing the spirit body of Reaper himself.

Quality, organization, structure...

At the same time, this is also an all-round optimization based on Qian Shoucheng's knowledge and ability related to spirit bodies!

In a sense, in Senju Makoto's view, this not only means that Zanpakuto belongs to itself, but also tends to the path of Kurosaki Ichigo's "Last Crescent Moon Tenchong" in the original trajectory.

However, the form of "Last Crescent Sky Chong" is undoubtedly an extreme one-time consumption, while "spiritual body superposition" is a stabilized spiritual body foundation improvement.

Of course, unlike Hisagi Shuhei whose loyalty is completely trustworthy, Senju Makoto can perform a full version of "spiritual body superposition" on Hisagi Shuhei.

But Feizhen's situation is obviously more complicated...

After all, Feizhen is not a person of Qianshoucheng, but will be the mistress of the Kuchiki family in the future, and any changes and trajectory of her will be explored by countless nobles.

Therefore, Makoto Senshou didn't want to expose his ability to allow the residents of Ruhun Street who have no spiritual power to have spiritual power, otherwise it would inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

In addition, Fei Zhen doesn't even have Zanpakuto, and Qianshoucheng needs to make a small change...

Soon, based on the trust in Makoto Senshou, Feizhen lay on the bed in plain clothes, and Kuchiki Byakuya also watched the whole process from the sidelines.

On the other hand, Makoto Senshou liberated "Zanpakuto Sen Luo Vientiane", making Fei Zhen seem to be lying in a grass field, and the green grass seems to be caressing Fei Zhen.

Afterwards, Makoto put on a pair of medical gloves, swiped his fingertips on Feizhen's forehead, and a "Seed of the Forest" specially modified by Makoto blended into it.

The so-called special transformation means that it will not just absorb the dissipated spiritual power unknowingly like other "seeds of the forest", but will forcibly absorb all the spiritual power that Fei Zhen will produce in the future.

Immediately afterwards, the green grass spread, and seemed to be connected to Fei Zhen's body in the form of spirit particles...

The palm of Qianshoucheng rested on Feizhen's forehead with the green light of Hui Dao, as if through the wound, some kind of construction was being carried out with Hui Dao.

Among them, Kuchiki Byakuya, who is the Kuchiki family, was also at a loss for the special way of returning.

‘A new form of Huidao? Cheng Jun is indeed an undoubted Daoist genius...'

Kuchiki Byakuya subconsciously had this thought in his mind, but his eyes were staring at Feizhen more and more nervously, for fear that Feizhen would have some unusual reaction.

However, to Kuchiki Byakuya's surprise, Fei Zhen, who seemed to have fallen asleep and fainted for a while, seemed to have a contented and comfortable look on her face.

And in the microcosmic world of spirits that Kuchiki Byakuya cannot observe, Feizhen's spiritual body is undergoing tremendous changes...

Before, Fei Zhen was a resident of Ruhun Street without spiritual power, and from the perspective of Senshou Makoto, the spiritual body formed was crude in terms of organization and structure.

The spirit body...is a body naturally formed from the soul...

But now, Qian Shoucheng is in Fei Zhen's body with the special "Seed of the Forest" that has realized the "extreme spiritual body" as the core.

According to the theoretical principle of "spiritual body superposition", a brand new circuit and structure is constructed to combine with Feizhen's spiritual body.

In short, it is like a heart with a congenital heart disease, and now it is stented as much as possible...

The "Seed of the Forest" transformed into an "extreme spiritual body" with the unique nature of immortality will maintain the core and anchor points of a large number of "stents" to maintain these changes.

Of course, this so-called "support" is a support at the spiritual level, and it is also an incredible healing achieved through the "spiritual control" ability disguised as "huidao".

This... is already the limit that Qian Shoucheng can be healed by Fei Zhen!

As for the "spiritual body superposition" in the true sense, it can also be described as creating a "conjoined twin" that completely fits its own spiritual body centered on the Zanpakuto, and then retains a part that can complement its own spiritual body for a perfect combination. .

Among them, except for "spiritual control" as a possible tool to realize this possibility, everything is almost entirely based on the research and knowledge of Senshou Makoto on medical skills and spiritual bodies.

It's just a pity that Fei Zhen is born without spiritual power, so it is impossible to awaken Zanpakuto for real "spiritual body superposition".

Therefore, Makoto Qianshou can only achieve treatment by leaving seeds in Feizhen's body, and it is similar to taking root and sprouting, and then growing luxuriant branches and leaves.

And although Senju Makoto said it was quite easy, the treatment time undoubtedly far exceeded Kuchiki Byakuya's imagination.

One hour, three hours, six hours...

Until the night was completely dark, Makoto Makoto almost kept his original movements.

If Kuchiki Byakuya hadn't been paying attention to Hima's situation all the time, and found that there didn't seem to be any changes in Hijin's situation, he might have become worried.

But even so, Kuchiki Byakuya also felt that he was getting a little irritable, as if he seemed to lose something important at any time.


Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but muttered.

At this moment, the ray of light emerging from the palm of Senshou Makoto dimmed, and the release state of Zanpakuto Senra Vientiane was also cancelled.

"How about it?"

Before Makoto Senju could open his mouth, Byakuya Kuchiki, who could hardly conceal his emotions, asked eagerly.

Makoto Senju stood up, and while walking towards Kuchiki Byakuya, he spoke.

"very smooth."

And just when Senju Makoto thought that Kuchiki Byakuya would thank him well, Kuchiki Byakuya walked past Senju Makoto directly, then sat on the edge of Himako's bed, grabbed Himako Palm, said affectionately.

"Fei Zhen, did you hear that? Finally... finally..."

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