GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 291 Broly's great power

"Oops!" Son Goku exclaimed, "Broly, I've reached my limit, the rest is up to you."

"Hmm." Broly nodded slightly.

"Aaaaaa! 99

Broly suddenly let out a shriek, expanding the voice infinitely ~ times.

Lion's Roar!

An attack method similar to the lion's roar.

This is very similar to Rumsshi's kung fu.

Broly's scream shattered everything that was attacked.

Broly's roar, the sound continued to spread around.

Soon, the lion's roar came to a group attack on everyone present.

Son Goku, who was fighting Quitela and Beerus, suddenly greeted them: "You two wait a moment.

Quitela and Beerus were both startled.

Who wait for you?

Do you think this is a game? With a pause?

Without any intention of waiting, the two continued Son Goku's fierce attack.

Son Goku, however, bent back sharply, and immediately covered his ears with his hands.

It was at this time that Broly's roar was delivered.

With this group attack, the Gods of Destruction who were present were caught off guard.

Among them, the most unlucky ones are Quitela and Beerus, the two gods of destruction.

Because the two of them are the closest to Broly.

Son Goku is quite close...

Son Goku has his ears closed, though.

Son Goku sighed.

Let you wait a moment, you don't listen.

I just want you to put your ears in.

Are you getting hit now?

Son Goku grinned.

Broly's roar technique was simply too terrifying. This group attack directly stunned the many gods of destruction present.

Even the weakest God of Destruction, Mosco, was stunned by this lion roar at that time.

The third universe's God of Destruction, Mosco, his powerful abilities are mainly derived from the robots he controls.

In fact, his own ability is also very general.

Therefore, this lion's roar skill came over, directly penetrated the robot, and passed into his body.

Mosco fainted directly.

"Mosco!" Iwne exclaimed.

Although Iwne was exclaiming, he was also shaken by the powerful lion's roar, and many small stars appeared in front of him.

The other Gods of Destruction didn't feel too well either.


After Broly performed the hooking lion roar, he quickly rushed into the team of the God of Destruction, grabbed Champa's head, and slammed it on the ground.


The ground where the platform was inserted shook violently.

The next moment, the arena was torn apart.

The insert was turned into several pieces at that time.

"Ahem, I forgot to say, the platform should be reinforced about 100 times, otherwise it will be easily broken. Luo Tian sighed.

Grand Priest: "..."

Grand Priest said he was speechless, you should have said it earlier!

What's the point of your aftermath now?


The scepter in Luo Tian's hand spurted a ray of light, and Angel's power quickly covered the broadcasting station and strengthened the ring.

"Master Grand Priest, it's not too late to make amends, don't you understand this truth?" Luo Tian said with a smile.

Grand Priest stared.

It turns out that you are now reinforcing the socket.

Let you say anything, and I will say something wool.

Grand Priest simply ignored Luo Tian.

After Luo Tian's Angel power covered the broadcasting station, the cracked ring seemed to be connected by some thread, but it did not separate.


Gives a feeling of being disconnected.

"Well, that's fine. It won't affect the game, and it won't ruin the stage." Luo Tian nodded with satisfaction.


After thinking about Champa's head hitting the radio, Broly continued to think about Champa's head, rubbing hard on the radio.

Champa felt bad for the whole person.

You are so broly!

What are you hitting me for?

At the same time as Broly rubbed Champa, he flew again, and directly lifted Mosco, who was already dizzy, to a height.


Mosco arced in the air and fell outside the ring.

Moss "Yes! No! He is about to be eliminated, save him quickly! Iwne, the God of Destruction, the first universe of 99 shouted loudly.

"He's passed out! Leave him alone!" Vermut reminded.

Iwne was just about to take to the sky to save Mosco.

Only after hearing Vermut's words, he hesitated again.

At this time, it seems inappropriate to save a dizzy God of Destruction.

And the moment you jump into the sky, because the flight is restricted on the platform, you might even be attacked.

Then I would be in danger too.


Mosco's body crossed an arc in the air and fell directly out of the stage, and was eliminated.


Broly threw another punch after knocking Mosco out of the hook, hitting Champa in the chest.


Champa cried out in pain, a conditioned reflex on his limbs.

"Crack! 19

Broly grabbed Champa's ankle and beat him back and forth, left and right.

Champa let out a shriek, feeling like he was about to fall apart.

This bastard! It's so hateful!


Broly beat Champa for a while, then threw Champa hard on Yalack.

Yara is the God of Destruction of the Fifth Universe.

It's that Indian image.

Looking at the flying Champa, Alak was startled and hurriedly avoided.

"Bang! 99

Champa slammed heavily on the ground, smashed into pieces, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Broly took a qigong bomb and threw it directly to Sidara next to him.


Sidara immediately avoided the attack of the Qigong projectile.

However, Jin, the God of Destruction behind Sidara, was not very lucky and was directly hit by a Qigong bullet.

Kim was blown to pieces at the time.

"Don't panic, let's attack together!" Liquir greeted.

The next moment, these Gods of Destruction who were present organized a match up and started a confrontation with Broly.

the other side.

Son Goku's partnership with Beerus and Quitela continues.

It was difficult for both sides to decide the winner for a while.

The place was also in chaos.

The energy released on the broadcast station is getting stronger and stronger.

The endless breath centered on the broadcasting station and spread around.

Soon, the game passed a minute.

That's right, it's only been a minute since it took so long.

This shows how fast the speed and rhythm of this game is.

0... ask for flowers ·

At the beginning, many Gods of Destruction were caught off guard by Broly, and even knocked out Mosco.

However, after a minute, these Gods of Destruction gradually revealed their hooks.

For a time, Broly didn't even know who to arrest.

As long as Broly rushes up, the opposite God of Destruction will immediately retreat, and two other Gods of Destruction will come forward and harass Broly.

Broly's head froze.

"Whoa whoa!

Broly was on fire, a powerful breath erupted from his body again, and his energy surged frantically.

"What? Why is his energy still rising?" Vermut exclaimed.

"What a joke, is he really just Supreme Kai?" Jerez said solemnly.

"How can there be such a powerful Supreme Kai." Cold sweat broke out on Champa's face.

"Roar! 97

Just as he was saying this, Broly roared again.

The roar of the lion is presented again.

The numerous Gods of Destruction present were accidentally attacked again and again, one by one staggered.

This time, not even Son Goku was spared.

But Son Goku soon shook his head and returned to normal.


Beerus and Quitela are indeed the strongest gods of destruction.

After taking the lion's roar, the two quickly adjusted their bodies.

Broly, however, took advantage of this opportunity and rushed towards Jerez.

"Jerez, watch out! He's heading towards you." Rumsshi exclaimed.

Jerez is still counting the seconds.

Has not fully recovered from syncope.

When Jerez reacted, he found that a big hand had gradually enlarged in front of him.


Broly grabbed Jerez's head.

Jerez: "..."

People are like girls, are you holding people by the head like this?


Broly didn't care whether it was okay or not, so he pressed Jerez's head and slammed it on the ground at the broadcast location.

Jerez feels like his head is not a head.


Broly threw another punch, hitting Jerez in the chest.


Jerez spews blood from his mouth.

Broly squeezed Jerez's arm and beat him back and forth.

Champa was on the sidelines, a little bit of schadenfreude at this moment.

Do you know how powerful this trick is now?


After Broly beat Jerez, he threw Jerez away and smashed it towards Arrak.

"Catch her!" Rumsshi shouted.

Alack gritted his teeth and immediately reached out to pick up Jerez who flew over.


However, the moment Alack's hands were in contact with Jerez, he felt an endless energy rushing towards him.

Alack regretted it at the time.

You are such a Rumsshi.

You asked me to catch Jerez, how do I feel like I've been tricked.


The moment Yara came into contact with Jerez, she flew upside down.


Yarack flew out of the station at that time and was eliminated.

Jerez stayed in the plug because of Alack's such a block.

However, Jerez is also on the edge of Yun's current ring, and almost fell.

In less than two minutes of the opening, two Gods of Destruction have already been eliminated 100 million,

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